Schumer vows to block SCOTUS pick

I know a little bit about it, without googling, (though I will google later to refresh my memory, thx for the advice! :D)

And the Dems only have 48 senators, they would need 60 in order to filibuster if memory serves...? And that would mean, not only would schumer need the 48 in the Dem coalition, but they would need another 12 republicans to get to the 60 needed to hold the filibuster, wouldn't they?

Just FYI...That's backwards.

To end a filibuster a cloture vote is taken. It takes 60 votes to end the filibuster, 40 votes keeps or more and the filibuster remains in place (for SCOTUS).


And the Dems only have 48 senators, they would need 60 in order to filibuster if memory serves...? And that would mean, not only would schumer need the 48 in the Dem coalition, but they would need another 12 republicans to get to the 60 needed to hold the filibuster, wouldn't they?
Umm.. NO, 60 votes are needed to end a filibuster (it's called cloture), so in order to sustain a filibuster only 41 votes are needed.

Of course Harry Reid screwed that by invoking a variation of the so-called "Nuclear Option" (to override a filibuster with a simple majority) to get President Obama Appointees past Republican filibusters when the Democrats controlled the Senate so all bets are off with respect to future Democrat filibusters and Trump appointees.
Seems to me the court is working just fine with eight justices

Republicans proved we do not need a full court
Where are Trumps taxes, waiting.......

What possible use would you have for Trump's tax-return other than window-peeking?

Well an income tax return would show conflicts of interest. Like you know those hotels he owns in China, and the banking ties he has with Russia.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

And that would be more important to you than Obama sitting in Wright's "church" for 20 years and supposedly not hearing what the lunatic was preaching? Or Barry's refusal to release his grades from Harvard or the foreign-exchange student loan he got at Occidental? Or how about a valid birth-certificate? Or the fact he's a queer married to another man? And you're worried about vacancies at Trump hotels around the world?
Where are Trumps taxes, waiting.......

What possible use would you have for Trump's tax-return other than window-peeking?

Well an income tax return would show conflicts of interest. Like you know those hotels he owns in China, and the banking ties he has with Russia.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

And that would be more important to you than Obama sitting in Wright's "church" for 20 years and supposedly not hearing what the lunatic was preaching? Or Barry's refusal to release his grades from Harvard or the foreign-exchange student loan he got at Occidental? Or how about a valid birth-certificate? Or the fact he's a queer married to another man? And you're worried about vacancies at Trump hotels around the world?

Chucky has begged Trump for campaign money in the past so Trump owns the clown....he actually called him a "clown" in a tweet earlier today. Chucky is just vying for leverage for something else....he can't do shit about the pick and everybody knows it.

Schumer stand for something, Trump flies with the wind.

Where are Trumps taxes, waiting.......
Enjoy your LONG wait. If Americans thought his taxes were pertinent he wouldn't be President Elect. It seems the only ones who care are leftist hacks & morons and to be quite frank I do give a rats ass what they want or say.
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.
Poor Chucky...Harry Reid gave Mitch the Bomb


So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.
Wonder how many of those senators up for reelection in states Trump won will go along with this plan? I am guessing less than half.
Chucky has begged Trump for campaign money in the past so Trump owns the clown....he actually called him a "clown" in a tweet earlier today. Chucky is just vying for leverage for something else....he can't do shit about the pick and everybody knows it.

Schumer stand for something, Trump flies with the wind.

Where are Trumps taxes, waiting.......
Enjoy your LONG wait. If Americans thought his taxes were pertinent he wouldn't be President Elect. It seems the only ones who care are leftist hacks & morons and to be quite frank I do give a rats ass what they want or say.

I don't care what he paid in taxes--but it was kind of stupid to not require them from Trump to look for conflicts of interest, which is the main reason that Presidential nominees turn them over.

As we know Trump has conflicts all over the world including China & Russia. And you're not going to tell me just because he turns them over to his kids, he is no longer going to protect those investments.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

You could very well have elected a President that is held hostage by several different countries.
An alternate title for this thread could be... "Schumer vows to ignore the voters' 2016 mandate on the USSC; setting the stage for another DNC woodshed whoopin' in 2018". The voters will be told in the months leading up to November 2018 that a larger majority for the republicans in Congress will mean they finally get their conservative USSC picks; (to keep sexually deranged males from getting in their daughters' showers & restrooms).

Just sayin' careful what you wish for...You can either pay attention to what the middle is telling you; or you can ignore them at your own future peril.
Chucky has begged Trump for campaign money in the past so Trump owns the clown....he actually called him a "clown" in a tweet earlier today. Chucky is just vying for leverage for something else....he can't do shit about the pick and everybody knows it.

Schumer stand for something, Trump flies with the wind.

Where are Trumps taxes, waiting.......
Trump isn't going to send yew his tax returns until Hillary produces 33,000 emails. That was the deal.

Hillary is history, Trump is not? No he said he'd show them, waiting. He is such a liar.
He can try and bluster all he wants. The reality is that Trump is going to seat a SCOTUS member and there is noting that the dems can do to stop that from happening.

If they do not want to play ball they are going to get no say in the seat at all. That is unlikely.

They'd might as well. It would be no different than the reps refusing to vet appointments.
Yes, it will be very different.

The key difference here is that the dems do not actually have the power to stonewall seating a justice for the next 2 years. The republicans did have the power to stonewall Obama until the election. The key difference here is that Trump is going to get his pick either way. The dems can either fight this appointment to get the best judge they can or stonewall the appointment and end up without any input whatsoever. That is their choice and I highly doubt they are idiotic enough to lose all input on something as vital as a SCOTUS seat.

Maybe Trump should get one who says its against the law to grab pussy.
Elections have consequences. Pay attention to 2016's mandate and you won't be crying in 2018 dems...
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.

This tactic will fail, because the republicans will use Harry Reid's nuclear option, which only requires a majority vote. Good old Harry forgot about the saying that "what goes around, comes around!"
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.
Wonder how many of those senators up for reelection in states Trump won will go along with this plan? I am guessing less than half.
I'm thinking even Schumer's wife will be checking to see if he still has nuts in about 6 months.
He can try and bluster all he wants. The reality is that Trump is going to seat a SCOTUS member and there is noting that the dems can do to stop that from happening.

If they do not want to play ball they are going to get no say in the seat at all. That is unlikely.

They'd might as well. It would be no different than the reps refusing to vet appointments.
Yes, it will be very different.

The key difference here is that the dems do not actually have the power to stonewall seating a justice for the next 2 years. The republicans did have the power to stonewall Obama until the election. The key difference here is that Trump is going to get his pick either way. The dems can either fight this appointment to get the best judge they can or stonewall the appointment and end up without any input whatsoever. That is their choice and I highly doubt they are idiotic enough to lose all input on something as vital as a SCOTUS seat.

Maybe Trump should get one who says its against the law to grab pussy.
What law did Trump violate by talking about grabbing him some?
The only actual accusation of any kind of sexual assault against Mr Trump was blown out of the water by a witness to the supposed event. You will notice that only you and rachel maddow are still dragging this up these days.
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.
Give the pos republicans a dose of their own medicine I say 8 more years without a 9th in the SC GD repubs know how to dish it out but like the pussy's they are ,can't take it

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