Schwartzgerfrogen: German Gov Announces Heating Cuts To Face Dwindling Gas Supplies

I didn’t say Germans are responsible for 2 World Wars.

What's wrong and wrong now.

I merely pointed out the fact that you’re so stupid you shutdown the only clean reliable energy source you had.

(1) We never had any intention to make nukes. (2) Nuclear power will produce in the end additional heat which not comes from the sun (3) Natural catastrophes, technical and human failures are an immense risk (4) Terror and war are an immense riks (5) radioactive waste for decades of thousands of years is not "clean".

And last not least: Reasons for decisions are not in any unknown future. Causes are in the past. No one is allknowing - otherwise we had perhaps aborted Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and had taken care that Heinrich Müller and Anastasia Bauer still live.
8,138 Germans died because you’re so technologically backward they couldn’t find an air conditioned room this summer.

What a nonsense. In Germany exist nearly no air conditions, because they are superflous here - but all clinics are always well temperatured. A paradox is in this context that the "green" politics will take care that in the future much more air conditions will exist here and will waste energy in summer.
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What a nonsense. In Germany exist nearly no air conditions, because they are superflous here - but all clinics are always well temperatured. A paradox is in this context that the "green" politics will take care that in the future much more air conditions will exist here and will waste energy in summer.
8,138 dead Germans would disagree.
What's wrong and wrong now.

(1) We never had any intention to make nukes. (2) Nuclear power will produce in the end additional heat which not comes from the sun (3) Natural catastrophes, technical and human failures are an immense risk (4) Terror and war are an immense riks (5) radioactive waste for decades of thousands of years is not "clean".

And last not least: Reasons for decisions are not in any unknown future. Causes are in the past. No one is allknowing - otherwise we had perhaps aborted Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and had taken care that Heinrich Müller and Anastasia Bauer still live.
You’re dumber than a rock. Nuclear power creates heat? Hilarious!
Enjoy huddling in the freezing cold with your last piece of wood to burn.
You’re dumber than a rock. Nuclear power creates heat? Hilarious!

Do you like to tell me you never had physics in school? Every form of energy is able to be transfromed into another form of energy. In the end keeps warmth while the entropy grows.

Enjoy huddling in the freezing cold with your last piece of wood to burn.

Tank you, Christian. And also tank you, theHawk.
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Do you like to tell me you never had physics in school? Every form of energy is able to be transfromed into another form of energy. In the end keeps warmth while the entropy grows.

Tank you, Christian. And also tank you, theHawk.
Actually I’m an engineer with a US Patent for a medical device.

But anyway, tell us how wind and water turbines don’t produce heat. Oh wait.

In a turbine, kinetic energy is converted to electrical energy and the losses are transferred into heat.
Actually I’m an engineer with a US Patent for a medical device.

But anyway, tell us how wind and water turbines don’t produce heat. Oh wait.

In a turbine, kinetic energy is converted to electrical energy and the losses are transferred into heat.

You missed the point with your fast arrogance. A nuclear power plant produces additional energy which comes not from the sun but from the inside of atoms. This heat has also to leave the Earth.

Man muss das Unmögliche versuchen, um das Mögliche zu erreichen.
Hermann Hesse
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You missed the point with your fast arrogance. A nuclear power palent produces additional energy which comes not from the sun but from the inside of atoms. This heat has also to leave the Earth.
Ah yes. More input from the energy can be created cult.
Ah yes. More input from the energy can be created cult.

For someone who calls himselve "engineer" - what normally needs an excellent knowledge in natural science - you are unbelievable stupid. The reality is not in your brain! It's outside! So do not ignore facts any longer!

Here the same glacier in the Alps 1900 AD and 2005 AD. Only one of many symptoms. The situation in the Alps is meanwhile more worse than in 2005. Reason: the current man made climate change.



And by the way: The energy which is bound in atoms is an energy which came from of 2 or 3 supernovae in the near before our sun was born. If we like to keep the energetic balance now it is for sure not wrong not to use this energy now. Oh sorry - a double negation - continously I use in my own language double negations - but I heard your culture has problems with it. So again: If we like to keep the energetic balance now it is for sure good not to use this energy now.
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German newspaper Bild: “The electricity already costs more than four times as much as it did a year ago, and gas seven times as much.”
Welcome to the 21st century!

Boy, it’s a good thing Germany shutdown their nuclear power plants. Who woulda thunk the most clean and reliable energy source in the world would be needed?

View attachment 682194
The euro’s are idiots

Green energy has failed to live up to the hype

As has the pipe dream of doing business with russia

I bet they have more than enough abandoned coal-powered generators to meet demand but they refuse to use them

What a bunch of fools they are
The euro’s are idiots

Green energy has failed to live up to the hype

As has the pipe dream of doing business with russia

I bet they have more than enough abandoned coal-powered generators to meet demand but they refuse to use them

What a bunch of fools they are

Idiot: We do business with the region where Russia is now since decades of thousands of years when in America not even Indians where yodelling. And business with Russia was even possible during the cold war. The attack of Putins Russia against the Ukraine was totally surprising - not only surprising for us Germans also surprising for the very most Ukrainians. You can see by the way in this whole situation how totally stupid are fake-doctrines like "make the USA great again" and/or "make Russia great again".

And green energy has not failed. Without green energy now we had bigger problems. And indeed we use and will have to use now more coal power plants and the German CO2-emissions will grow now first before we will be able to reduce them again. Responsible for this is Russia and not Germany.

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No one needs dangerous radioactive waste for decades of thousands of years. No one needs natural catastrophes and/or technical and human failures. No one needs terrorists and wars. ... And specially no one needs such things in a country with a 700% higher population density than the USA.

And the nuclear power plants in Germany are closed. They burn out. For none of them exist new fuel elements any longer. The last 10 years security check in 2019 was not made. Only if they would produce less energy now they could work a little longer. But in total they would not produce more energy.
Then just be happy about your skyrocketing energy costs
Possible yes

But wise?

Not hardly, any more than selling your soul to the iranians just for money

I have absolutelly not any problem with Persians. Very nice people. And let it be to attack me continously with your absolute perverted stupidity to make others and your person to a cliche of a stupid politics on whatever brainwashing reason. Do you know Persians personally? From a Persian I know for example that nukes are an unislamic weapon. Reason for: It's impossible to use nukes without to kill also innocent people. And it was by the way Donald Trump who made the problems between Persia and the western world much more bigger than they had to be.

But if you are an expert in all questions around Persia and/or Iran. Are you able to explain to me what's the problem between Iran and Israel? How came it that the Iran likes to eliminate Israel? This makes absolutelly not any sense in my view to the world. Both nations should not have any problem with each other. Or has this something to do with the unbelievable amount very heavy and very stupid crimes the USA had done by causing and supporting since long decades very heavy attacks against the people of Persia and/or the Iran?

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Then just be happy about your skyrocketing energy costs

Let me say it this way: I would be astonished about every man with a noble mind who would say so - but I am unfortunatelly not astonished if an US-American says so. Enemy and ally is for you the same word.
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Let me say it this way - I would be astonished about every man with a noble mind who says so - but I am unfortunatelly not astonished if an US-American says so. Enemy and ally is for you the same word.
You are neither enemy nor ally to me.

For some reason you have a problem with completely factual statements.

Energy prices in Germany have skyrocketed you cannot deny that.

Yet you completely dismiss nuclear power even though there are reactors that exist that are capable of using the waste from obsolete light water reactors as fuel, have no risk of meltdown as they are 100% self limiting, have no risk of explosion because they do not run at high pressure and only need to be fueled once a decade.

100% emission free power 24 hours a day 365 days a year regardless of whether the wind is blowing or the sun is shining
Merkel did a lot of damage in Germany for years. I hope they can get turned around.

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