Science can not even get when life started right

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You'd get your tongue cut out if you said that in 1960 USSR
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you weren't recognizing events during Stalin's rule. Are you arguing this slaughter in the 1960s, perpetrated by Russia, was in the name of atheism? Wha?
As soon as Stalin was dead he was forgotten. They did not worship him they feared him.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?

They should have had a trailcam set up to catch the moment billions of years ago, then we wouldn't be having this discussion now.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life
Hollie ... why do you know so many quotes from Adolf Hitler? ...
It is a way to educate the ‘’Hitler was not a Christian”, Christians.

You clearly have zero understanding on what it means to be a Christian. You seem to not understand politicians either. You probably think Bill and Hillary Clinton are Christians too.
Actually, I am the true authority on what it means to be a Christian.
I'm a he's an 8 handicap Christian who thinks he can get down to a 6 kinda Christian.
But I wasn't eavesdropping. I wouldn't want my eaves (aka hardy board soffit in my case) to drop on my head.

I've provided safe affordable housing for the widows and orphans of my community ... so I can honestly say God's a cheapskate ... but at least I don't pay taxes to the filthy heathens ...
Hardy board is for pussies ... a full one inch by a full twelve inch quartersawn Douglas Fir ... a real man's soffit board ... American Queen Anne ... kids today wouldn't know a cornice if it bit them in the ass ...
All due respect to the Douglas Fir nothing beats Hardy for low maintenance, long life and holding paint. I think I had a cornice game hen once. :)

Nail guns are for pussies!
The truth might have been nice. Why did the gods not care about the errors and omissions? Why did the gods allow largely unknown writers to set down accounts tens of years after the actual events?

45,000 years of oral tradition ... and you want scientific truth? ... maybe only important stuff made it through ... like not making babies with your siblings ... or given wimin a week's paid vacation every month ... or pooping 38 cubits from your home ... not murdering each other ...
Thank you for not kissing me ... seems everybody is watching us ...
Well that's strange. Who did Noah and his immediate family procreate with after the Ark docked?
All due respect to the Douglas Fir nothing beats Hardy for low maintenance, long life and holding paint. I think I had a cornice game hen once. :)
Nail guns are for pussies!

Show me 125 year old Hardy board ...
Humans have no clue how life started.

If all it took was a little water, a few organic compounds and some energy every Jr High Science class would be creating life as a classroom lab.

If the universe is finite then there will unique things in it. It could very well be that advanced life or even microbial life is unique to earth.

We won't know until we get another data point by finding life outside earth.

Even creating life in a lab won't do it because we will not know if the conditions exist elsewhere.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?

Actually geologists have known for a long time that the atmosphere contained no free oxygen in the atmosphere for billions of years. Complex life forms begin about 2.5 billion years ago, but we don't have free oxygen till 1.7 billion years ago.

This article is typical brain dead click bait by a "reporter " who never took a science class.
It's not an accident that a universe capable of creating intelligence popped into existence. :lol:
Predestined by the laws of nature.... organic molecular machines.

If all it took was a little water, a few organic compounds and some energy every Jr High Science class would be creating life as a classroom lab.

It also takes time ... not many Jr High School classes last a million years ...

Just a nitpick ... ammonia, water and carbon dioxide are not organic compounds ... so just methane is ... and all these compounds are common in the universe ... so really, it's just water in it's liquid state that's needed, everything else is available in abundance ... especially time ...
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