Scientific American backs Biden in first-ever endorsement (175 yrs)

So basically, 'Scientific American' is now officially another leftwing political organization. What next, BLM on their front cover?
I would say they are definitely left-leaning and PC.
but WHAT Scientific magazine/organization wouldn't be against the idiotic, anti-Science, no-mask, YO-SEMITE Trumpov?

Just last night he held another tightly-packed, no mask, Homicidal COVID Fest. His 5th since the Herman-Cain-Killing Tulsa

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but WHAT Scientific magazine/organization wouldn't be against the idiotic, anti-Science, no-mask, YO-SEMITE Trumpov?
Any true science organization wishing to preserve its integrity by staying out of politics.

Trump doesn't eschew science, he merely challenges conventional leftwing doctrine.
If they were truly scientific---they would not be able to back SENILE BIDEN and would admit that Trump did all he could to stop the spread of the wuhan virus. Tired of the mentally ill on the left trying to affect the election------
Please have some respect for yourself. Trump downplayed the virus and made the situation worse. Even he refused to wear a mask and gathered crowds. He 3ncouranged the spread of the virus.
please have respect for yourself and realize the dems are the ones that played it down and invited every1 to their party in chinatown---remember? when TRUMP closed borders and you idiots claimed it was xenophobic, come on lets party in china town was their answer--remember? when douchebag pill-osi closed the country AFTER TRUMP took all precautions for every AMERICAN--remember? im here to remind you
And what makes you agree I agree with the dems or Pelosi ? As as far as I'm concerned teump failed miserably.

Well, Democrats have certainly tried to trip Trump every step of the way. Yet he's still been a far better President than Obama or Slick or Hillary would have been
Better? Please wake up.

Just turn on the news and see the endless violence in inner cities and Democrat extremism on spending on growing government and it's pretty clear that Trump is better than the Democrat alternative by far.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I will in November. And it's mostly because of you. You finally convinced me the parties are no longer the same and yours has gone insane and we have to stop you
Go on put Trump in for another 4 years so he can burn it down to the ground. All he does is add fuel to the fires. I'll sit here and watch.

Um .. yeah ... it's "Trump" starting the fires. You're just a whiff of smoke at this point you're so totally consumed with DNC talking points and hate
Trust me all I have to do is listen to one is capable to convince me he is the biggest idiot on earth right now, NO ONE. He does a good job at portraying himself.
wrong---if you think your vote is going for BEIJING joe, you are the biggest idiot on the planet
What's more idiotic is to vote for the biggest clown on earth.
BEIJING JOE (whore) kum-illa. im sure thats what you refer to
Just like your cult leader women to you are just whores.
It is the rare man indeed who doesn't look and act upon his lusts. Which President had sex in his OVAL OFFICE? Was it a DEMOCRAT or a REPUBLICAN? Who's sorry now?
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Maybe that magazine felt "compelled" to endorse Mr. Biden after its woke advertisers "suggested" that it do so.
BEIJING JOE (whore) kum-illa. im sure thats what you refer to
Just like your cult leader women to you are just whores.
It is the rare man indeed who doesn't look and act upon his lusts. Which President had sex in his OVAL OFFICE? Was it a DEMOCRAT or a REPUBLICAN? Who's sorry now?

I know, right? Issa voted twice for a sexual predator and then for his enabler. Now he's voting for a guy who repeatedly unwantedly touches women on camera and says he thought it was OK while they say it wasn't.

Then SHE lectures US about women are whores? Issa's a joke of a human being
So basically, 'Scientific American' is now officially another leftwing political organization. What next, BLM on their front cover?
I would say they are definitely left-leaning and PC.
but WHAT Scientific magazine/organization wouldn't be against the idiotic, anti-Science, no-mask, YO-SEMITE Trumpov?

Just last night he held another tightly-packed, no mask, Homicidal COVID Fest. His 5th since the Herman-Cain-Killing Tulsa

did you wear your mask while you were looting, rioting, and murdering? but that was ok, right?
Science has no bias.

So the actual practice of science wouldn't endorse anyone. It is what it is. Science is an indiscriminate practice. It does not favor one person over the other.
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did you wear your mask while you were looting, rioting, and murdering? but that was ok, right?
I'm Sheltering like most sane science-minded secular progressives.
(not like you mask-denying Church and Trump-Rally Goers)
I haven't even been inside a supermarket for 6 Months. Just curbside pick-ups and deliveries.

BEIJING JOE (whore) kum-illa. im sure thats what you refer to
Just like your cult leader women to you are just whores.
It is the rare man indeed who doesn't look and act upon his lusts. Which President had sex in his OVAL OFFICE? Was it a DEMOCRAT or a REPUBLICAN? Who's sorry now?

I know, right? Issa voted twice for a sexual predator and then for his enabler. Now he's voting for a guy who repeatedly unwantedly touches women on camera and says he thought it was OK while they say it wasn't.

Then SHE lectures US about women are whores? Issa's a joke of a human being
Everything you said is wrong, stop lying. And Issa is jesus in Arabic :).
The "science" they were covering was getting more and more political, anyway.

"Climate change" as if the earth has not endured ice ages and warming spells since time immemorial.

There's a NIV Bible and a deck of standard playing cards in the back room of all this science.

They did a whole issue on "gender".

Coulda narrowed it down on X and y chromosomes.

That's scientific..... anything else is junk science and men pretending to be women needing monthly pads, hysterectomies, etc adds to the junk

Effin loons
did you wear your mask while you were looting, rioting, and murdering? but that was ok, right?
I'm Sheltering like most sane science-minded secular progressives.
(not like you mask-denying Church and Trump-Rally Goers)
I haven't even been inside a supermarket for 6 Months. Just curbside pick-ups and deliveries.

that, is called CHOICE. you made the choice---understand yet
BEIJING JOE (whore) kum-illa. im sure thats what you refer to
Just like your cult leader women to you are just whores.
It is the rare man indeed who doesn't look and act upon his lusts. Which President had sex in his OVAL OFFICE? Was it a DEMOCRAT or a REPUBLICAN? Who's sorry now?

I know, right? Issa voted twice for a sexual predator and then for his enabler. Now he's voting for a guy who repeatedly unwantedly touches women on camera and says he thought it was OK while they say it wasn't.

Then SHE lectures US about women are whores? Issa's a joke of a human being
Everything you said is wrong, stop lying. And Issa is jesus in Arabic :).
who gives a shit what it means? it sure as hell does not describe you!!!
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So basically, 'Scientific American' is now officially another leftwing political organization. What next, BLM on their front cover?
I would say they are definitely left-leaning and PC.
but WHAT Scientific magazine/organization wouldn't be against the idiotic, anti-Science, no-mask, YO-SEMITE Trumpov?

Just last night he held another tightly-packed, no mask, Homicidal COVID Fest. His 5th since the Herman-Cain-Killing Tulsa

and douchebag pill-osi infected how many by not wearing a mask, and has the audacity to spew some stupid shit about being set actually believe this sinner? if so, you are just as sick
We've all heard of the warnings from President Eisenhower about the dangers of the 'military-industrial complex'. In that same farewell address he also warned of the dangers of a 'scientific-technological elite' shaping 'public policy'.

'The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present -- and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.'

Scientific American backs Biden in first-ever endorsement
The 175-year-old magazine said it was 'compelled' by Trump's skepticism of scientific experts, handling of pandemic.
09/15/2020 11:53 AM EDT

Scientific American backed Democrat Joe Biden for president on Tuesday, the magazine's first-ever White House endorsement in its 175-year history.​
The magazine's editors wrote that they felt "compelled" to back Biden in his effort to unseat President Donald Trump. Scientific American cited Trump’s handling of Covid-19 and his skepticism of expert opinion and mainstream science on issues like climate change as the impetus for its decision.​
“The evidence and the science show that Donald Trump has badly damaged the U.S. and its people—because he rejects evidence and science,” editors wrote for its October issue.
“Joe Biden, in contrast, comes prepared with plans to control COVID-19, improve health care, reduce carbon emissions and restore the role of legitimate science in policy making. He solicits expertise and has turned that knowledge into solid policy proposals.”​
The editorial focuses much of its attention on the pandemic response and Trump’s repeated attempts to minimize the severity of the situation, which has killed nearly 200,000 Americans to date.​
“At every stage, Trump has rejected the unmistakable lesson that controlling the disease, not downplaying it, is the path to economic reopening and recovery,” editors wrote."..."​


Scientific American backs the party that ignores science in gender and abortion? How ironic.
that, is called CHOICE. you made the choice---understand yet
So you were wrong about who's at most risk and why
Probably the more fervently you support Trumpov, (such as attending his Homcidal Rallies/COVID Fests), the more likely you are to die.
You lost.

As to "choice," there is no such thing in a crisis.
Seat Belts are Not a choice and save many fewer than Masks would.
Vaccination for children is NOT a choice in most school districts.
Masks are only a "choice," because AGAIN, Our President does NOT care about Lives and you condone that/agree.

Are we clear now Low IQ boy?

that, is called CHOICE. you made the choice---understand yet
So you were wrong about who's at most risk and why
Probably the more fervently you support Trumpov, (such as attending his Homcidal Rallies/COVID Fests), the more likely you are to die.
You lost.

As to "choice," there is no such thing in a crisis.
Seat Belts are Not a choice and save many fewer than Masks would.
Vaccination for children is NOT a choice in most school districts.
Masks are only a "choice," because AGAIN, Our President does NOT care about Lives and you condone that/agree.

Are we clear now Low IQ boy?

as ive said retard, then you agree w/ the douchebag that claimed IT was set up when in FACT, dog breathe created the situation itself. so, once again brainless, you in FACT agree w/ this treasonist bitch. so masks are only for you, according to this asswipe pill-osi and your point was?
Science has no bias.

So the actual practice of science wouldn't endorse anyone. It is what it is. Science is an indiscriminate practice. It does not favor one person over the other.
only when the medical expert billy gates is involved!!!
I see the endorsement as understandable. Trump has struck me as anti-science ever since his pro-coal and anti-vaccine leaning comments during his 2016 campaign. By the time COVID-19 came around I was already convinced of his disrespect for science.

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