Scientific American; Trumps Border Wall Causing Climate Change..

Ah yes, who to trust on scientific matters, Silly Billy, the burger flipper, or the Scientific American. And I do note the labeling of all Scientific magazines and peer reviewed journals as leftist by the 'Conservatives'. Looks like the orange clown's intentions of moving the US into the third world are moving right along. His master, Putin, is pleased with him.
Yet Scientific America advocates cutting roads across the ridge-lines of mountains and then running semi-trucks across them for years, disrupting the migration of wildlife, killing wildlife, while installing thousands upon thousands of Wind Turbines?

Yet Scientific America completely supports hundreds, thousands of square miles of solar panels installed over the habitat of countless species that depend on the desert?

and now, Scientific America is concerned about a wall?

Liberals, the real danger to our earth.
Yet Scientific America advocates cutting roads across the ridge-lines of mountains and then running semi-trucks across them for years, disrupting the migration of wildlife, killing wildlife, while installing thousands upon thousands of Wind Turbines?

Yet Scientific America completely supports hundreds, thousands of square miles of solar panels installed over the habitat of countless species that depend on the desert?

and now, Scientific America is concerned about a wall?

Liberals, the real danger to our earth.
Excellent synopsis...


Isn't hypocrisy grand!
Thousands of square miles of solar panels? On what planet do you reside? And maintenance roads for wind farms disrupt migrations? How stupid do you actually have to be to make statements like those? Billy Bob Stupid or Elektra Dumb, whose the new standard?

Do you have a link showing the IPCC believes CO2 sensitivity to be 0.0 - 1.2C that actually leads to an IPCC page and not a shithole full of malware?

And are you still claiming to have a physics degree?
Thousands of square miles of solar panels? On what planet do you reside? And maintenance roads for wind farms disrupt migrations? How stupid do you actually have to be to make statements like those? Billy Bob Stupid or Elektra Dumb, whose the new standard?

Do you have a link showing the IPCC believes CO2 sensitivity to be 0.0 - 1.2C that actually leads to an IPCC page and not a shithole full of malware?

And are you still claiming to have a physics degree?

So tell much sensitive desert environment would you see covered with solar panels...and how many dead bats, migratory birds, and raptors will you see before you give up on your pie in the sky pipe dream....or are animals like victims of socialist number is to many?
Thousands of square miles of solar panels? On what planet do you reside? And maintenance roads for wind farms disrupt migrations? How stupid do you actually have to be to make statements like those? Billy Bob Stupid or Elektra Dumb, whose the new standard?

Do you have a link showing the IPCC believes CO2 sensitivity to be 0.0 - 1.2C that actually leads to an IPCC page and not a shithole full of malware?

And are you still claiming to have a physics degree?
cricket, you are a simple insect that is being crushed, certainly your intelligence is that of a cricket.
Yes, thousands of square miles of Solar panels, how many square miles are already installed, that have given us less than 1% of the electricity you claim we can achieve from Solar? So, yes, Crick has proposed that thousands of square miles of Solar Panels are needed, yet in crick's stupidity, he ain't done the math.

Sure, roads across pristine forests, roads that will have semi-trucks hauling tons and tons of wind turbines, disrupt the wild life. Roads need to be built so that those cranes that weigh 50 tons can travel across them. That disrupts wildlife.

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