Scientific Method, 2016

SSDD'S version of physics says internal molecular creation of photons is controlled by macroscopic outside conditions. Classical and quantum physics say that is ridiculous because there is no mechanism for gathering and transmitting the information.

What makes more sense and is more manageable? Objects radiating at all times in proportion to their temperature, or a Maxwell's Demon with perfect knowledge of all conditions in the universe making decisions about which actions will be allowed?
so what are the distances between the objects, why do the objects not hit other objects in the atmosphere while they are moving? Is there really distance or is the atmosphere actually touching the surface and all done by convection, pressure and conduction. You still haven't exactly stated how the atmosphere can make the surface three times hotter than the sun. And I know you'll say the colder photons keep the warmer ones warmer longer, but the surface doesn't know the cold ones are there so how does that happen? Oh and how many cold photons are coming down compared to warm ones? Isn't there many many more warm ones? Why if CO2 is absorbing and turning the energy to heat, doesn't the atmosphere look warmer? You know, like the sun? See the fact is the CO2 and other greenhouse gases keep us cool.

The Shattered Greenhouse - How Physics Demolishes the 'Greenhouse Effect'".

"In the frame of physics, a "greenhouse effect" as such, can only be used to describe a mechanism by which heat accumulates in an isolated pocket of gas that is unable to mix with the main body of gas. The elimination of convection within the troposphere by stratification, and the consequent temperature rise at the surface, presents us with a natural, if not hypothetical, example of a "greenhouse mechanism" in the frame of physics. Pseudoscience, popular misconception and political misuse of the term "greenhouse effect" have given it quite a different and unrelated meaning."

See the fact is the CO2 and other greenhouse gases keep us cool.

asked and answered.

Run away! LOL!
doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon.


doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun makes the surface? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon
See the fact is the CO2 and other greenhouse gases keep us cool.

asked and answered.

Run away! LOL!
doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere can make the surface three times warmer than the sun? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon.

and how does the .04 of the atmosphere can make the surface three times warmer than the sun?

The surface of the sun is 6000 C, ya halfwit.
and the corona is how hot? Greater than 6000 right? hmmmmmmmmmmm on earth the surface is 278K and the atmosphere is less than that right? hmmmmmmmmmm

Why isn't the surface three times hotter than the corona like our magic .04 CO2 makes earth's surface.

and the corona is how hot? Greater than 6000 right?

The corona is a lot hotter than 6000 C.

Why isn't the surface three times hotter than the corona like our magic .04 CO2 makes earth's surface.

When you put the crack pipe down, could you translate this into English?
so what are the distances between the objects, why do the objects not hit other objects in the atmosphere while they are moving? Is there really distance or is the atmosphere actually touching the surface and all done by convection, pressure and conduction. You still haven't exactly stated how the atmosphere can make the surface three times hotter than the sun. And I know you'll say the colder photons keep the warmer ones warmer longer, but the surface doesn't know the cold ones are there so how does that happen? Oh and how many cold photons are coming down compared to warm ones? Isn't there many many more warm ones? Why if CO2 is absorbing and turning the energy to heat, doesn't the atmosphere look warmer? You know, like the sun? See the fact is the CO2 and other greenhouse gases keep us cool.

The Shattered Greenhouse - How Physics Demolishes the 'Greenhouse Effect'".

"In the frame of physics, a "greenhouse effect" as such, can only be used to describe a mechanism by which heat accumulates in an isolated pocket of gas that is unable to mix with the main body of gas. The elimination of convection within the troposphere by stratification, and the consequent temperature rise at the surface, presents us with a natural, if not hypothetical, example of a "greenhouse mechanism" in the frame of physics. Pseudoscience, popular misconception and political misuse of the term "greenhouse effect" have given it quite a different and unrelated meaning."

See the fact is the CO2 and other greenhouse gases keep us cool.

asked and answered.

Run away! LOL!
doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon.


doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun makes the surface? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon

doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer,

And thank goodness! You can't get better than your claim, "CO2 absorbs heat, never emits, and cools the Earth by escaping the atmosphere, forever"

That's some good stuff right there.

and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the
sun makes the surface?

You need to specify which surfaces you're talking about.

I've never seen anyone claim that CO2 makes the Earth's surface 3 times warmer than it would be with no CO2.
3 times warmer would be too warm for life.

Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

Cold matter emits, warm matter emits, even when they're near each other.
There are no smart photons measuring temperatures across the Universe.
See the fact is the CO2 and other greenhouse gases keep us cool.

asked and answered.

Run away! LOL!
doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon.


doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun makes the surface? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon

doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer,

And thank goodness! You can't get better than your claim, "CO2 absorbs heat, never emits, and cools the Earth by escaping the atmosphere, forever"

That's some good stuff right there.

and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the
sun makes the surface?

You need to specify which surfaces you're talking about.

I've never seen anyone claim that CO2 makes the Earth's surface 3 times warmer than it would be with no CO2.
3 times warmer would be too warm for life.

Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

Cold matter emits, warm matter emits, even when they're near each other.
There are no smart photons measuring temperatures across the Universe.
todd it's a real simple project for you, shut me up by posting the experiment that proves back radiation. You seem to be making it difficult on yourself. It's simple, post up the experiment and I'll shut the f up. ready, go!!!

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.
asked and answered.

Run away! LOL!
doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon.


doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun makes the surface? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon

doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer,

And thank goodness! You can't get better than your claim, "CO2 absorbs heat, never emits, and cools the Earth by escaping the atmosphere, forever"

That's some good stuff right there.

and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the
sun makes the surface?

You need to specify which surfaces you're talking about.

I've never seen anyone claim that CO2 makes the Earth's surface 3 times warmer than it would be with no CO2.
3 times warmer would be too warm for life.

Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

Cold matter emits, warm matter emits, even when they're near each other.
There are no smart photons measuring temperatures across the Universe.
todd it's a real simple project for you, shut me up by posting the experiment that proves back radiation. You seem to be making it difficult on yourself. It's simple, post up the experiment and I'll shut the f up. ready, go!!!

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

posting the experiment that proves back radiation.

Back radiation, front's all radiation.
All matter above 0K emits it.

Even CO2, before it blasts into outer space (DERP!) will absorb and radiate.

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

Sleeping the sleep of the ignorant.
With images of magic CO2 dancing in your tiny brain.
Poor jc. He keeps begging for an explanation that is simple enough for him to understand but there isn't one that can cut through his ignorance of basic principles. Or, frankly, his lack of brainpower which would be necessary to understand those basic principles and build up a rudimentary model in his head.

It is like trying to teach calculus to a mentally challenged student. They may occasionally recognize or even memorize an equation here or there but they will never 'get it'. Poor jc doesn't get it, and never will.
Poor jc. He keeps begging for an explanation that is simple enough for him to understand but there isn't one that can cut through his ignorance of basic principles. Or, frankly, his lack of brainpower which would be necessary to understand those basic principles and build up a rudimentary model in his head.

It is like trying to teach calculus to a mentally challenged student. They may occasionally recognize or even memorize an equation here or there but they will never 'get it'. Poor jc doesn't get it, and never will.

My take on JC is that he is not just suffering just from ignorance or intelligence, but he is a bad case of the Dunning-Kruger effect. He is locked on to a false idea and insults everyone that disagrees with him. He should be able to recognize that he is arguing with people that have more education than he has, but he fails at that.
Poor jc. He keeps begging for an explanation that is simple enough for him to understand but there isn't one that can cut through his ignorance of basic principles. Or, frankly, his lack of brainpower which would be necessary to understand those basic principles and build up a rudimentary model in his head.

It is like trying to teach calculus to a mentally challenged student. They may occasionally recognize or even memorize an equation here or there but they will never 'get it'. Poor jc doesn't get it, and never will.

My take on JC is that he is not just suffering just from ignorance or intelligence, but he is a bad case of the Dunning-Kruger effect. He is locked on to a false idea and insults everyone that disagrees with him. He should be able to recognize that he is arguing with people that have more education than he has, but he fails at that.

Perhaps. But I have sent him sorta catch on to an idea, only to lose it again by the next day. A sure sign that he did not comprehend, and that he was unwilling to incorporate the idea into his worldview. Disability or sloth, I don't know which but neither is good.
or, you can't prove back radiation and so now you resort to this. what a pity for you fools. I feel for you all really. Cause see if there was such a thingy, then there'd have to be run away temps. and that ain't happening. BTW, it isn't just me in the event you think so. so perhaps you should all educate yourselves a bit as well. good science would look that up.
Run away! LOL!
doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon.


doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun makes the surface? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon

doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer,

And thank goodness! You can't get better than your claim, "CO2 absorbs heat, never emits, and cools the Earth by escaping the atmosphere, forever"

That's some good stuff right there.

and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the
sun makes the surface?

You need to specify which surfaces you're talking about.

I've never seen anyone claim that CO2 makes the Earth's surface 3 times warmer than it would be with no CO2.
3 times warmer would be too warm for life.

Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

Cold matter emits, warm matter emits, even when they're near each other.
There are no smart photons measuring temperatures across the Universe.
todd it's a real simple project for you, shut me up by posting the experiment that proves back radiation. You seem to be making it difficult on yourself. It's simple, post up the experiment and I'll shut the f up. ready, go!!!

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

posting the experiment that proves back radiation.

Back radiation, front's all radiation.
All matter above 0K emits it.

Even CO2, before it blasts into outer space (DERP!) will absorb and radiate.

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

Sleeping the sleep of the ignorant.
With images of magic CO2 dancing in your tiny brain.
and still no experiment of back radiation. never happened and doesn't.
Poor jc. He keeps begging for an explanation that is simple enough for him to understand but there isn't one that can cut through his ignorance of basic principles. Or, frankly, his lack of brainpower which would be necessary to understand those basic principles and build up a rudimentary model in his head.

It is like trying to teach calculus to a mentally challenged student. They may occasionally recognize or even memorize an equation here or there but they will never 'get it'. Poor jc doesn't get it, and never will.

My take on JC is that he is not just suffering just from ignorance or intelligence, but he is a bad case of the Dunning-Kruger effect. He is locked on to a false idea and insults everyone that disagrees with him. He should be able to recognize that he is arguing with people that have more education than he has, but he fails at that.

Perhaps. But I have sent him sorta catch on to an idea, only to lose it again by the next day. A sure sign that he did not comprehend, and that he was unwilling to incorporate the idea into his worldview. Disability or sloth, I don't know which but neither is good.
seems it is you that can't catch on. This is what one does when one can't justify a position. Just post up the experiment that proves back radiation and I'll be glad to concede my position to you s0n!

I stated it earlier, and yet here you are with nothing. I posted one for my position.
or, you can't prove back radiation and so now you resort to this. what a pity for you fools. I feel for you all really. Cause see if there was such a thingy, then there'd have to be run away temps. and that ain't happening. BTW, it isn't just me in the event you think so. so perhaps you should all educate yourselves a bit as well. good science would look that up.

Sorry, but you're a f'ing retard and we have explained it dozens of times.

Object A is the Earth, object B is the atmosphere. Both have a temperature higher than zero Kelvin hence they are both radiating at each other. QED, back radiation from the atmosphere.

The average surface temp is 15C therefore it is emitting 400w. The top of the atmosphere is not emitting 400w. The difference is what has been trapped by the atmosphere, hence warming it up and allowing it to back radiate.

The amount of energy being received from the Sun is always very close to what the outgoing radiation from the top of the atmosphere is. Slight variations will increase or decrease the total energy of the earth causing warming or cooling.

We cannot at this time measured the outgoing or incoming radiation accurately enough to know the precise balance but it is assumed that increased GHGs will absorb surface radiation in a smaller volume of air, and release radiation at a higher, cooler altitude, and that this will cause a 'back up' of heat. I personally believe that other pathways and feedbacks are reducing the effectiveness of this one particular pathway but that does not mean that the perturbation of increased CO2 doesn't exist.
doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon.


doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun makes the surface? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon

doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer,

And thank goodness! You can't get better than your claim, "CO2 absorbs heat, never emits, and cools the Earth by escaping the atmosphere, forever"

That's some good stuff right there.

and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the
sun makes the surface?

You need to specify which surfaces you're talking about.

I've never seen anyone claim that CO2 makes the Earth's surface 3 times warmer than it would be with no CO2.
3 times warmer would be too warm for life.

Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

Cold matter emits, warm matter emits, even when they're near each other.
There are no smart photons measuring temperatures across the Universe.
todd it's a real simple project for you, shut me up by posting the experiment that proves back radiation. You seem to be making it difficult on yourself. It's simple, post up the experiment and I'll shut the f up. ready, go!!!

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

posting the experiment that proves back radiation.

Back radiation, front's all radiation.
All matter above 0K emits it.

Even CO2, before it blasts into outer space (DERP!) will absorb and radiate.

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

Sleeping the sleep of the ignorant.
With images of magic CO2 dancing in your tiny brain.
and still no experiment of back radiation. never happened and doesn't.

and still no experiment of back radiation.

If only we had a statement from NASA........

Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95%

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

There it is. LOL!
or, you can't prove back radiation and so now you resort to this. what a pity for you fools. I feel for you all really. Cause see if there was such a thingy, then there'd have to be run away temps. and that ain't happening. BTW, it isn't just me in the event you think so. so perhaps you should all educate yourselves a bit as well. good science would look that up.

Sorry, but you're a f'ing retard and we have explained it dozens of times.

Object A is the Earth, object B is the atmosphere. Both have a temperature higher than zero Kelvin hence they are both radiating at each other. QED, back radiation from the atmosphere.

The average surface temp is 15C therefore it is emitting 400w. The top of the atmosphere is not emitting 400w. The difference is what has been trapped by the atmosphere, hence warming it up and allowing it to back radiate.

The amount of energy being received from the Sun is always very close to what the outgoing radiation from the top of the atmosphere is. Slight variations will increase or decrease the total energy of the earth causing warming or cooling.

We cannot at this time measured the outgoing or incoming radiation accurately enough to know the precise balance but it is assumed that increased GHGs will absorb surface radiation in a smaller volume of air, and release radiation at a higher, cooler altitude, and that this will cause a 'back up' of heat. I personally believe that other pathways and feedbacks are reducing the effectiveness of this one particular pathway but that does not mean that the perturbation of increased CO2 doesn't exist.
Dude blah, blah, blah. I laugh at you. I give two shts your blah, blah, blah, I told you, put up and you failed. Too bad for a you.

doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer, so what is it you think is going to happen? you still have never provided evidence, just someone's math. and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the sun makes the surface? Dude, I also provided a link that had an experiment on cooling, but hey, you stick to your CO2 can triple temperatures on the surface. yep, that's it. Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

BTW, talk about run away, you've been on a marathon

doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer,

And thank goodness! You can't get better than your claim, "CO2 absorbs heat, never emits, and cools the Earth by escaping the atmosphere, forever"

That's some good stuff right there.

and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the
sun makes the surface?

You need to specify which surfaces you're talking about.

I've never seen anyone claim that CO2 makes the Earth's surface 3 times warmer than it would be with no CO2.
3 times warmer would be too warm for life.

Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

Cold matter emits, warm matter emits, even when they're near each other.
There are no smart photons measuring temperatures across the Universe.
todd it's a real simple project for you, shut me up by posting the experiment that proves back radiation. You seem to be making it difficult on yourself. It's simple, post up the experiment and I'll shut the f up. ready, go!!!

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

posting the experiment that proves back radiation.

Back radiation, front's all radiation.
All matter above 0K emits it.

Even CO2, before it blasts into outer space (DERP!) will absorb and radiate.

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

Sleeping the sleep of the ignorant.
With images of magic CO2 dancing in your tiny brain.
and still no experiment of back radiation. never happened and doesn't.

and still no experiment of back radiation.

If only we had a statement from NASA........

Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95%

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

There it is. LOL!
Yep and still you got shit
doesn't matter how many times I make the comment, doesn't change the answer,

And thank goodness! You can't get better than your claim, "CO2 absorbs heat, never emits, and cools the Earth by escaping the atmosphere, forever"

That's some good stuff right there.

and how does the .04 of the atmosphere make the surface three times warmer than the
sun makes the surface?

You need to specify which surfaces you're talking about.

I've never seen anyone claim that CO2 makes the Earth's surface 3 times warmer than it would be with no CO2.
3 times warmer would be too warm for life.

Cold cannot make warm warmer as it emits.

Cold matter emits, warm matter emits, even when they're near each other.
There are no smart photons measuring temperatures across the Universe.
todd it's a real simple project for you, shut me up by posting the experiment that proves back radiation. You seem to be making it difficult on yourself. It's simple, post up the experiment and I'll shut the f up. ready, go!!!

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

posting the experiment that proves back radiation.

Back radiation, front's all radiation.
All matter above 0K emits it.

Even CO2, before it blasts into outer space (DERP!) will absorb and radiate.

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

Sleeping the sleep of the ignorant.
With images of magic CO2 dancing in your tiny brain.
and still no experiment of back radiation. never happened and doesn't.

and still no experiment of back radiation.

If only we had a statement from NASA........

Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95%

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

There it is. LOL!
Yep and still you got shit

Yup, all I have is science. I love it when your own links disprove your claims.

You have CO2 escaping the atmosphere and SSDD and his smart photons. Derps!
todd it's a real simple project for you, shut me up by posting the experiment that proves back radiation. You seem to be making it difficult on yourself. It's simple, post up the experiment and I'll shut the f up. ready, go!!!

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

posting the experiment that proves back radiation.

Back radiation, front's all radiation.
All matter above 0K emits it.

Even CO2, before it blasts into outer space (DERP!) will absorb and radiate.

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

Sleeping the sleep of the ignorant.
With images of magic CO2 dancing in your tiny brain.
and still no experiment of back radiation. never happened and doesn't.

and still no experiment of back radiation.

If only we had a statement from NASA........

Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95%

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

There it is. LOL!
Yep and still you got shit

Yup, all I have is science. I love it when your own links disprove your claims.

You have CO2 escaping the atmosphere and SSDD and his smart photons. Derps!
And you have no experiment!
posting the experiment that proves back radiation.

Back radiation, front's all radiation.
All matter above 0K emits it.

Even CO2, before it blasts into outer space (DERP!) will absorb and radiate.

BTW, I won't lose any sleep waiting.

Sleeping the sleep of the ignorant.
With images of magic CO2 dancing in your tiny brain.
and still no experiment of back radiation. never happened and doesn't.

and still no experiment of back radiation.

If only we had a statement from NASA........

Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95%

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

There it is. LOL!
Yep and still you got shit

Yup, all I have is science. I love it when your own links disprove your claims.

You have CO2 escaping the atmosphere and SSDD and his smart photons. Derps!
And you have no experiment!

I know, just everyone but you and SSDD.

Einstein and your NASA source agree with me.

You have smart photons and magic CO2.

You have any experiments that show CO2 escaping the atmosphere?

You have any experiments that show CO2 absorbs but never emits?
and still no experiment of back radiation. never happened and doesn't.

and still no experiment of back radiation.

If only we had a statement from NASA........

Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95%

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

There it is. LOL!
Yep and still you got shit

Yup, all I have is science. I love it when your own links disprove your claims.

You have CO2 escaping the atmosphere and SSDD and his smart photons. Derps!
And you have no experiment!

I know, just everyone but you and SSDD.

Einstein and your NASA source agree with me.

You have smart photons and magic CO2.

You have any experiments that show CO2 escaping the atmosphere?

You have any experiments that show CO2 absorbs but never emits?
And still crickets

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