Scientist: Do We Really Know?

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Crap, jc, how about an article from a credible source.

Did JC think that stupid link refuted your "CO2 emits" source?
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled? Curious.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs? Isn't that your rule absorb = emit right? hmmmmmm Isn't that cooling?

Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
Crap, jc, how about an article from a credible source.

Did JC think that stupid link refuted your "CO2 emits" source?
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled? Curious.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs? Isn't that your rule absorb = emit right? hmmmmmm Isn't that cooling?

Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
i thought is was absorb = emit right? so the earth heats and then it cools. Agree?

Are all CO2 molecules the same?
Crap, jc, how about an article from a credible source.

Did JC think that stupid link refuted your "CO2 emits" source?
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled? Curious.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs? Isn't that your rule absorb = emit right? hmmmmmm Isn't that cooling?

Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
When? Be specific.

Well according to what I've read when something emits, it must first get warm then emit to cool, but it also must vibrate to produce energy to make it get warm,. So if that is the case, then why isn't there a hot spot in the atmosphere where CO2 is supposed to be getting warm and supposedly emitting? Can't emit without energy and warming up, vibrating and all. Why don't you post up one of those CO2 molecules from an experiment that shows how that happens. Got one?
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Molecular vibrations and some energetic rotations have energy level spacings that correspond to energies in the IR region of the electromagnetic spectrum (most rotations are in the microwave range which runs between thermal IR and radio wavelengths). Thus IR radiation absorbed by molecules causes increased vibration. Collisions between these energized molecules and others in the sample transfer energy among all the molecules, which increases the average thermal energy and, hence, raises the temperature. Conversely, molecules that emit IR radiation lose their vibrational energy and their collisions with other molecules decrease the average thermal energy and lower the temperature.

The wavelength unit used here and in most discussions of greenhouse gases is the micrometer, μm, which is usually called a “micron”. Frequencies of radiation in the IR are often given in units of reciprocal centimeters, cm–1, called “wavenumbers” (number of waves per centimeter). To convert microns to wavenumbers, divide the numerical value in microns into 10,000 μm·cm–1.

In order for molecular vibrations to absorb IR energy, the vibrational motions must change the dipole moment of the molecule. All molecules with three or more atoms meet this criterion and are IR absorbers. While the Earth’s (dry) atmosphere is predominantly composed of non-IR absorbers, N2 (78%), O2(21%), and Ar (~0.9%), the 0.1% of remaining trace gases contains many species that absorb IR. The absorptions by CO2, CH4, N2O, and O3 are shown in the schematic diagram in the sidebar below.


Source: The Engines of Our Ingenuity, Episode 1776, John H. Lienhard, University of Houston; figure was modified by adding the partial charges.
The atmosphere is, of course, actually “wet” and may contain several percent water vapor, as well as liquid and solid water in clouds, from the natural water cycle (evaporation-condensation-precipitation). Water vapor also has strong absorptions in the IR, as shown in the schematic diagram. The majority of atmospheric warming is due to these absorptions by water vapor that occur at both ends of the thermal IR region.

A rather long article with much good information, written so that the layman of reasonable intellect can understand it. Not that jc will ever read it. Nor any of the other blind denialists here.
"(NaturalNews) Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence."

Learn more: Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere
Crap, jc, how about an article from a credible source.

Did JC think that stupid link refuted your "CO2 emits" source?
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled? Curious.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs? Isn't that your rule absorb = emit right? hmmmmmm Isn't that cooling?

Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
i thought is was absorb = emit right? so the earth heats and then it cools. Agree?

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

i thought is was absorb = emit right?

Over what time frame?

so the earth heats and then it cools.



I can't agree with your imprecise statements.

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

LOL Principia Scientific International (PSI), has exactly as much scientific credibility as the National Enquirer. Anyone using an article from them has the same credibility.
Crap, jc, how about an article from a credible source.

Did JC think that stupid link refuted your "CO2 emits" source?
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled? Curious.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs? Isn't that your rule absorb = emit right? hmmmmmm Isn't that cooling?

Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
i thought is was absorb = emit right? so the earth heats and then it cools. Agree?

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

i thought is was absorb = emit right?

Over what time frame?

so the earth heats and then it cools.



I can't agree with your imprecise statements.

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

Over what time frame?

Why does that matter? yes or no, the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit. It has to be according to the laws.
Crap, jc, how about an article from a credible source.

Did JC think that stupid link refuted your "CO2 emits" source?
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled? Curious.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs? Isn't that your rule absorb = emit right? hmmmmmm Isn't that cooling?

Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
When? Be specific.

Well according to what I've read when something emits, it must first get warm then emit to cool, but it also must vibrate to produce energy to make it get warm,. So if that is the case, then why isn't there a hot spot in the atmosphere where CO2 is supposed to be getting warm and supposedly emitting? Can't emit without energy and warming up, vibrating and all. Why don't you post up one of those CO2 molecules from an experiment that shows how that happens. Got one?

Well according to what I've read when something emits, it must first get warm then emit to cool,


but it also must vibrate to produce energy to make it get warm,.

Sounds like kinetic energy.
There is also radiation that when absorbed causes an electron to move to a higher orbit.
When the electron moves back down to a lower orbit, it emits a photon.

then why isn't there a hot spot in the atmosphere where CO2 is supposed to be getting warm and supposedly emitting?

CO2 is absorbing and emitting energy, no matter where in the atmosphere the CO2 is located.

Why don't you post up one of those CO2 molecules from an experiment that shows how that happens.

Someone already posted a diagram showing what happens when an electron changes orbits, in response to a comment you made about Bohr.
"(NaturalNews) Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence."

Learn more: Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere

According to the data, up to 95 percent of solar radiation is literally bounced back into space by both CO2 and NO in the upper atmosphere.

Literally bounced back? How does it do that?
Did JC think that stupid link refuted your "CO2 emits" source?
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled? Curious.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs? Isn't that your rule absorb = emit right? hmmmmmm Isn't that cooling?

Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
i thought is was absorb = emit right? so the earth heats and then it cools. Agree?

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

i thought is was absorb = emit right?

Over what time frame?

so the earth heats and then it cools.



I can't agree with your imprecise statements.

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

Over what time frame?

Why does that matter? yes or no, the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit. It has to be according to the laws.

Why does that matter?

Because we want to be accurate about the science. If the Earth absorbs more today than yesterday, why would it have to emit Isn't it possible it could, instead, warm up, first, and them emit more, because SB says warmer matter emits more?

the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit.

How do ice ages start? Why do they continue?
Is it possible, at some point, that the Earth can emit more than it absorbs?

It has to be according to the laws.

You have a list of "the laws"?
LOL Principia Scientific International (PSI), has exactly as much scientific credibility as the National Enquirer. Anyone using an article from them has the same credibility.
So post your evidence that CO2 causes back radiation. Let's see your site. BTW, I give a fk who you think is credible. In case you'd like to know.
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled? Curious.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs? Isn't that your rule absorb = emit right? hmmmmmm Isn't that cooling?

Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
i thought is was absorb = emit right? so the earth heats and then it cools. Agree?

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

i thought is was absorb = emit right?

Over what time frame?

so the earth heats and then it cools.



I can't agree with your imprecise statements.

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

Over what time frame?

Why does that matter? yes or no, the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit. It has to be according to the laws.

Why does that matter?

Because we want to be accurate about the science. If the Earth absorbs more today than yesterday, why would it have to emit Isn't it possible it could, instead, warm up, first, and them emit more, because SB says warmer matter emits more?

the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit.

How do ice ages start? Why do they continue?
Is it possible, at some point, that the Earth can emit more than it absorbs?

It has to be according to the laws.

You have a list of "the laws"?
It emits what its sorbs just like your magic CO2. Or did you change your view on that ? Still waiting on your back radiation experiments? Oops you ain't got any!!! Derp
Does CO2 get warm or get cooled?

When? Be specific.

Does the earth emit all that it absorbs?

If it emits less, it warms, more and it cools.
i thought is was absorb = emit right? so the earth heats and then it cools. Agree?

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

i thought is was absorb = emit right?

Over what time frame?

so the earth heats and then it cools.



I can't agree with your imprecise statements.

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

Over what time frame?

Why does that matter? yes or no, the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit. It has to be according to the laws.

Why does that matter?

Because we want to be accurate about the science. If the Earth absorbs more today than yesterday, why would it have to emit Isn't it possible it could, instead, warm up, first, and them emit more, because SB says warmer matter emits more?

the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit.

How do ice ages start? Why do they continue?
Is it possible, at some point, that the Earth can emit more than it absorbs?

It has to be according to the laws.

You have a list of "the laws"?
It emits what its sorbs just like your magic CO2. Or did you change your view on that ? Still waiting on your back radiation experiments? Oops you ain't got any!!! Derp

It emits what its sorbs just like your magic CO2

To be magic, something needs to absorb and never emit.

Or did you change your view on that ?

Nope, I still believe all matter above 0K emits, even toward the ground, even toward warmer matter.
No smart photons.
There's a key phrase there jc. "all matter above 0K emits". And, of course, ALL matter is above 0K. ALL matter emits, all the time in all directions. It's really quite simple. There's no magic required.
What it emits: it's spectrum and it's magnitude (power) depend on the absolute temperature of the matter and it's emissivity (ie, white surfaces have smaller emissivity than black surfaces)

It depends ONLY on those things. It has NO dependence on ANY external issues.
i thought is was absorb = emit right? so the earth heats and then it cools. Agree?

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

i thought is was absorb = emit right?

Over what time frame?

so the earth heats and then it cools.



I can't agree with your imprecise statements.

Are all CO2 molecules the same?

Over what time frame?

Why does that matter? yes or no, the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit. It has to be according to the laws.

Why does that matter?

Because we want to be accurate about the science. If the Earth absorbs more today than yesterday, why would it have to emit Isn't it possible it could, instead, warm up, first, and them emit more, because SB says warmer matter emits more?

the earth surface will emit all it absorbs? absorb = emit.

How do ice ages start? Why do they continue?
Is it possible, at some point, that the Earth can emit more than it absorbs?

It has to be according to the laws.

You have a list of "the laws"?
It emits what its sorbs just like your magic CO2. Or did you change your view on that ? Still waiting on your back radiation experiments? Oops you ain't got any!!! Derp

It emits what its sorbs just like your magic CO2

To be magic, something needs to absorb and never emit.

Or did you change your view on that ?

Nope, I still believe all matter above 0K emits, even toward the ground, even toward warmer matter.
No smart photons.
I disagree. And since you can't show that other than a cartoon or math equation, it means nothing to me. The missing hot spot is also a clue to the nonexistence of such a thing in the atmosphere.
There's a key phrase there jc. "all matter above 0K emits". And, of course, ALL matter is above 0K. ALL matter emits, all the time in all directions. It's really quite simple. There's no magic required.
no there are conditions that must be met, or do you deny that?
What it emits: it's spectrum and it's magnitude (power) depend on the absolute temperature of the matter and it's emissivity (ie, white surfaces have smaller emissivity than black surfaces)

It depends ONLY on those things. It has NO dependence on ANY external issues.
are you saying that CO2 is a black surface?
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