Scientists Prove Warmer Eras Prior to Industrial Age, Disproves AGW


Here the thing....your response displays that you view deniers as some slim minority. But the opposite is true. It is the AGW crowd that cant make the case to the public which is exceedingly clear. Everybody walking knows about "the science" but they also know that you cant predict the future climate with computer they're not going to get all angst like those who tend to the hysterical.

Voters dont care about climate change s0n. You can philosophize about ideology until the cows come home but that dynamic has held steady for over 20 years. My side only cares about who is winning!!!!!!:2up::cul2:
You can't evaluate science like it is American Idol. Everyone, except scientists, knew the Earth was the center of the solar system/universe. According to a 2009 Harris poll, 26 percent of Americans believe in astrology; that's more people than believe in witches (23 percent), but less than believe in UFOs (32 percent), Creationism (40 percent) and ghosts (42 percent).

If you think numbers matter consider this, there are about 1 billion Christians and the same number of Muslims. Whatever the truth, at least 1 billion people have it wrong.

Its only about the numbers.

Climate change is nothing more than a hobby for internet message boards. Unfortunately for climate crusaders, the science has never transcended anywhere beyond its own field. Every single bomb lobbed by alarmists over the last 20 years has ended up being a dud where the public is concerned. Not sure why these people don't consider going to a Plan B?

All I care about is that climate treaties all over the world are a laughingstock. Renewable energy continues to be an incredibly fringe source of electricity. Congress doesn't give a shit about climate change ( see earlier reference to the public not caring :2up: ).

So I can indeed evaluate science like The American Idol because well...…..I can!:bye1::bye1:

One thing progressives never get...….whether it is gun control, climate change or whatever. Taking bows in front of billboards isn't winning. Its bowing.:abgg2q.jpg:

Here the thing....your response displays that you view deniers as some slim minority. But the opposite is true. It is the AGW crowd that cant make the case to the public which is exceedingly clear. Everybody walking knows about "the science" but they also know that you cant predict the future climate with computer they're not going to get all angst like those who tend to the hysterical.

Voters dont care about climate change s0n. You can philosophize about ideology until the cows come home but that dynamic has held steady for over 20 years. My side only cares about who is winning!!!!!!:2up::cul2:
You can't evaluate science like it is American Idol. Everyone, except scientists, knew the Earth was the center of the solar system/universe. According to a 2009 Harris poll, 26 percent of Americans believe in astrology; that's more people than believe in witches (23 percent), but less than believe in UFOs (32 percent), Creationism (40 percent) and ghosts (42 percent).

If you think numbers matter consider this, there are about 1 billion Christians and the same number of Muslims. Whatever the truth, at least 1 billion people have it wrong.

Its only about the numbers.

Climate change is nothing more than a hobby for internet message boards. Unfortunately for climate crusaders, the science has never transcended anywhere beyond its own field. Every single bomb lobbed by alarmists over the last 20 years has ended up being a dud where the public is concerned. Not sure why these people don't consider going to a Plan B?

All I care about is that climate treaties all over the world are a laughingstock. Renewable energy continues to be an incredibly fringe source of electricity. Congress doesn't give a shit about climate change ( see earlier reference to the public not caring :2up: ).

So I can indeed evaluate science like The American Idol because well...…..I can!:bye1::bye1:

One thing progressives never get...….whether it is gun control, climate change or whatever. Taking bows in front of billboards isn't winning. Its bowing.:abgg2q.jpg:
You may well be correct about Americans but that doesn't make them right about GW:

In an annual report, the Social Security Board of Trustees said the trust funds that help support the system will run out of money in 2034, in keeping with previous projections. If nothing changes, only 79 percent of an individual's benefit will be payable at that point. Do Americans or their representatives care enough to do something? Not so far, what do you bet that we just keep kicking the can down the road? Will SS go bust before or after Brexit?
Stupidity always gets precisely the reality it deserves.

14 Ap 2019 New York Times frontpage: Migrants Flee New Threat: Climate Change
'Corquin, Honduras -- ....Gradually rising temperatures, more extreme weather events and increasingly unpredictable patterns -- like rain not falling when it should, or pouring when it shouldn't -- have disrupted growing cycles and promoted the relentless spread of pests....Central America is among the regions most vulnerable to climate change, scientists say.....Last year the World Bank reported that climate change could lead at least 1.4 million people to flee their homes in Mexico and Central America and migrate during the next three decades. The United States has allocated tens of millions of dollars in aid in recent years for farmers across Central America, including efforts to help them adapt to the changing climate. (photo): Signs of coffee rust, a disease that has recently flared up.'

The coffee rust is very likely Hemileia vastatrix.

20 Sept 2015 Central America's Slow Recovery from Coffee-Ravaging Epidemic
Central America’s Slow Recovery From Coffee-Ravaging Epidemic
'....Hemileia vastatrix....'

Here the thing....your response displays that you view deniers as some slim minority. But the opposite is true. It is the AGW crowd that cant make the case to the public which is exceedingly clear. Everybody walking knows about "the science" but they also know that you cant predict the future climate with computer they're not going to get all angst like those who tend to the hysterical.

Voters dont care about climate change s0n. You can philosophize about ideology until the cows come home but that dynamic has held steady for over 20 years. My side only cares about who is winning!!!!!!:2up::cul2:
You can't evaluate science like it is American Idol. Everyone, except scientists, knew the Earth was the center of the solar system/universe. According to a 2009 Harris poll, 26 percent of Americans believe in astrology; that's more people than believe in witches (23 percent), but less than believe in UFOs (32 percent), Creationism (40 percent) and ghosts (42 percent).

If you think numbers matter consider this, there are about 1 billion Christians and the same number of Muslims. Whatever the truth, at least 1 billion people have it wrong.

Its only about the numbers.

Climate change is nothing more than a hobby for internet message boards. Unfortunately for climate crusaders, the science has never transcended anywhere beyond its own field. Every single bomb lobbed by alarmists over the last 20 years has ended up being a dud where the public is concerned. Not sure why these people don't consider going to a Plan B?

All I care about is that climate treaties all over the world are a laughingstock. Renewable energy continues to be an incredibly fringe source of electricity. Congress doesn't give a shit about climate change ( see earlier reference to the public not caring :2up: ).

So I can indeed evaluate science like The American Idol because well...…..I can!:bye1::bye1:

One thing progressives never get...….whether it is gun control, climate change or whatever. Taking bows in front of billboards isn't winning. Its bowing.:abgg2q.jpg:
You may well be correct about Americans but that doesn't make them right about GW:

In an annual report, the Social Security Board of Trustees said the trust funds that help support the system will run out of money in 2034, in keeping with previous projections. If nothing changes, only 79 percent of an individual's benefit will be payable at that point. Do Americans or their representatives care enough to do something? Not so far, what do you bet that we just keep kicking the can down the road? Will SS go bust before or after Brexit?
if we let social security bust then we truly are a nation of morons.
Well heres the thing.....

These bozos say "the science is decided". But then, why do they routinely go rigging the data?:2up:

The other thing is, climate change is an exceedingly fringe issue for voters. Always has been and the reason is, people really dont care. Very few people are moved to climate change action so it's a hugely peripheral issue.....look at the response to the concept of something like the Green New Deal. An immense collective yawn by the public.:113:
Any scientist who says "The science is settled!" is not a real scientist.
Well heres the thing.....

These bozos say "the science is decided". But then, why do they routinely go rigging the data?:2up:

The other thing is, climate change is an exceedingly fringe issue for voters. Always has been and the reason is, people really dont care. Very few people are moved to climate change action so it's a hugely peripheral issue.....look at the response to the concept of something like the Green New Deal. An immense collective yawn by the public.:113:
Any scientist who says "The science is settled!" is not a real scientist.
Okay, but scientists are content to refer to some theories as facts. For instance, evolution.
When the planet warms up life flourishes.
And who taught you that?

Uhm in the second grade that you obviously failed.............

View attachment 255351
Sorry, the second grade doesnt talk or write. Was it a book? A professor? A teacher?

Ok guys, i will answer for you: it was scientists. The same biologists that endorse the scientific consensus on climate change. The same climate scientists that endorse the consensus on climate change.

So, essentially, you uneducated slobs are implying that the very scientists who taught us everything we know about that are now lavboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries and their own fields of science.

How do you do this and not feel embarrassed of yourselves?
How do you not feel embarrassed by repeating the "consensus" bullshit?

Debunking the 97% 'consensus' on global warming

The main pillar of the warmist argument is the contention that a "consensus" exists among scientists that global warming is caused by man and threatens catastrophe. But a Canada-based group calling itself Friends of Science has just completed a review of the four main studies used to document the alleged consensus and found that only 1 - 3% of respondents "explicitly stated agreement with the IPCC declarations on global warming," and that there was "no agreement with a catastrophic view."​
Lol.....scientists may be worried but the public isnt!!

Why Weather Affects Climate Change Belief

Who cares what the scientists are saying!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Are you praising an article (and a concept) that basically is saying people ignore realities that are outside their personal bubble?

Actually, their reality is the only reality that matters. As they say, "Reality is 95% perception". :2up:Everybody knows that except for the climate obsessed.

When will the public care about climate change?

They will care if they flip on the boob and see bikini babes sunning themselves on a dock in a lake in central Canada in mid-January.....for three weeks straight. But not a moment the meantime, they'll be staying in their own personal bubble!:bye1::bye1:
How do you not feel embarrassed by repeating the "consensus" bullshit?
Sorry, but you don't know what you are talking about. The most comprehensive studies considered all the published climate science. And yes, the consensus is overwheloming. In fact, it's so overwhelming that the percetage of studies concluding anything contradicting accepted climate theories is 0%.

Translation: the denier retards have no evidence on their side and are not producing any.
Any scientist who says "The science is settled!" is not a real scientist.

The science is settled. It is settled because the scientists who know whereof they speak say so.

How do you not feel embarrassed by repeating the "consensus" bullshit?

[...]Debunking the 97% 'consensus' on global warming

Ah, noted authority on climate science, American Thunker. Who guessed?

Well there are many who would argue evolution is not the origin of species
So what? They are wrong, and all the evidence stands against them. Who gives a shit what arguments they can contrive? The truth of evolution is an empirical matter, not a philosophical matter.

This newly discovered extinct species upsets the previous models of human evolution, does it not?
No. Nothing about any known lineage precludes the existence of as yet unknown branches from that lineage.

And you are comparing apples to oranges anyway. Nothing is going to upend the known facts of solar input and the greenhouse effect. Just as finding a new humanlike species that existed 50,000 years ago isnt going to suddenly mean modern humans may have existed 60 million years ago. There is no magical mechanism that is going to make heat disappear. And while there may be a currently unknown mechanism that tosses more heat into space at some point in the future, acknowledging this is not good reason not to act on what we know.

We all acknowledge that climate is in a state of perpetual change, but the causes and amounts of change is the unsettled part.
That is just not correct. The cause of our current climate change is very well known. That's the scientific consensus: it's (almost certainly, as that is how scientists speak) caused by our emissions. All the evidence agrees.

By the way,who taught you the climate always changes? Simple question.

Hey Boseaphus………...did you go to any higher learning establishments?

Well then, if you did, you would know that CONSENSUS is NOT how science works!

Does 2 + 2 = 4? Does 3 + 3 = 6? That is FACT! It is PROVEN SCIENCE! Now, if it was CONSENSUS, we would have a chunk of people who would say it is NOT true! And that is EXACTLY what we have in the scientific community today, people who say that your scientists have NOT proved it out, as none of their models work.

Now you can try and change how the scientific community proves/disproves things all you want to bolster your argument. But the fact is-------------> under THEIR OWN RULES, your side isn't even close to proving your theory. If you think you are, then you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about proving/disproving scientific assumptions, and if that is the case, NONE of us would be surprised-)
How do you not feel embarrassed by repeating the "consensus" bullshit?
Sorry, but you don't know what you are talking about. The most comprehensive studies considered all the published climate science. And yes, the consensus is overwheloming. In fact, it's so overwhelming that the percetage of studies concluding anything contradicting accepted climate theories is 0%.

Translation: the denier retards have no evidence on their side and are not producing any.

BET ME Fort Screw up, lol!
Lol, so now we know for a FACT that while humans were still evolving into higher life forms, the Earth was warmer and had more CO2, along with the note that Mars and Earth seem to h ave the same warming/cooling cycles.

If AGW can be falsifiable, meaning it is real science and not psuedo science, then this should do it.

But we all know it is a secular religion and has nothing to do with science and never did.

Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax

Current CO2 levels of 410 parts per million (ppm) were last seen on Earth three million years ago, according to the most detailed reconstruction of the Earth’s climate by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and published in Science Advances.

Yes, you read that correctly, three million — million — years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today…

Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren’t barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols.​

But then again, maybe Mamoth farts were worse than cars?


This idea you fuckwads have that only man can cause increased CO2 levels just proves ho fucking stupid you really are.
The population of the earth is the highest in history. We live near everywhere and live in more potentially dangerous zones in big numbers. We even live in areas purposely/artificially that may not be good. So if Florida had a million people several decades ago and say twenty million people now will there be a difference in cause and affect? So there is a difference between climate change and weather. And then there is not. Progs make things up as they go along. Florida is supposedly be a third the size now.
The past few decades, a lot of environmentalists have said we should execute millions of humans to "save the planet".
Well heres the thing.....

These bozos say "the science is decided". But then, why do they routinely go rigging the data?:2up:

The other thing is, climate change is an exceedingly fringe issue for voters. Always has been and the reason is, people really dont care. Very few people are moved to climate change action so it's a hugely peripheral issue.....look at the response to the concept of something like the Green New Deal. An immense collective yawn by the public.:113:
Any scientist who says "The science is settled!" is not a real scientist.
Okay, but scientists are content to refer to some theories as facts. For instance, evolution.
Yes, but no one wants to bankrupt the economies of the Western world for evolution.

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