Scientists say America is too dumb for democracy to thrive

Scientists say America is too dumb for democracy to thrive

If this place is a reflection of the average Anmerican?

They're absolutely right.

I don't know about all that, but Americans are pretty fucking dumb. I'm sure I'd see a lot of it in other countries too... but I'm privy to a lot of really ridiculous bullshit right here in the states.
And of course these are the same kinds of scientists trying the foist off BS theories like AGW and a whole host of other pseudo scientific "studies".
Scientists say America is too dumb for democracy to thrive

If this place is a reflection of the average Anmerican?

They're absolutely right.

The average American is even less informed.

Before the 08' election there was a lot of anti-Bush sentiment.

Now, nobody likes Obama.....cept the blacks.

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What the fuk is a "scientist"? Wiki says a scientist is "someone who engages in a scientific activity". Wow. I'll tell you what a freaking "scientist is". It's the opinion of a selected unverified segment of society that the liberal media uses to promote an agenda.
Dumb them down then dominate them and they will thank you for their surrender.
And of course these are the same kinds of scientists trying the foist off BS theories like AGW and a whole host of other pseudo scientific "studies".

What’s worse is that with incompetence comes the illusion of superiority.
This article explains perfectly exactly why I most often focus my arguments on people's logical failings, instead of supporting positions. Because supporting a good idea with bad arguments is more dangerous than supporting a bad idea with good arguments.
"In other words, stupid people are too stupid to know how stupid they are." :confused:

Scientists say America is too dumb for democracy to thrive | Politics Blog | an blog


Have you ever witnessed a post by Mr. Shaman?

Case closed.

This is great coming from Miss Delusions of Personal Grandeur.

I have to tell you that I find it strange that you would be so concerned about my ex husband loving me so much he wrote a song about me. And I loved him so as well. Just didn't work out after 14 years.

I am China Doll. I am Dana in Dana's Song. Just because no one ever wrote a song for you, don't take it out on me.

That said, song and that album goes down in folk history.

Not because of me. But how we recorded the damn thing. You have no idea what we did.

It was awesome.
This author seems to be saying that "if you don't agree with me you're stupid and shouldn't vote," and since it appears that a possible majority don't agree, democracy is a doomed process as self governance.

I'm not at all persuaded. I find in dealing with very ordinary people (farmers, mechanics, salespeople, etc.) out in the hinterlands, that their grasp of the system is better than the average self styled intellectual, and that they are actually better informed and less prone to group think.

It's obvioius that it's group think that makes this individual author so convinced of his having the right take on things, and that others, the peasants, don't.

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