Scotland loses indyref2

12 years of conservatism and nothing fucking works while we pay higher taxes for it.
Labours fault though.
Over 12 years of labour and which dynamic duo racked up the initial debt, fucking bozo.

Brown disliked Blair, he let Blair go ape with the country's credit card.
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MRSA is a thing that exists. However due to the lack of funding for the NHS it picked up in the early 2000s. This isn't a "reading too much of the papers" (your way of trying to dismiss what someone says). The facts prove this.
Labour did do something about it. That's why MRSA dropped by five times in the space of five years. But it takes TIME. You can't just walk into a healthcare system which hasn't had enough funding for two decades, you can't throw loads of money at it because you don't have that money.

51 deaths in 1993 from MRSA, building up to 1,652 in 2007 and then dropping down to 292 in 2012.
Yeah, "the media".... not.

Spending on the NHS. From 1990 to 1997 it went up from 4% to 4.6% of GDP (this isn't really an increase) from 1997 to 2010 it went up from 4.6% to 7.59% of GDP (this is an increase).
But you have to increase taxes, and people don't like it being done in one big go, it has to be done over time.
Yep, Blair messed up with privatising parts of the NHS. Blair was hated by most of Labour and any good he seemed to do was always offset by the Tory in him.

Yes, I think it's down to the Tories. Sure, Labour and the Unions are linked, but why then didn't they strike when Corbyn was in charge? He was the closest to the Unions, or Milliband? It's happening now with a LAWYER in charge of Labour.

No, not a Labourite, you don't know what I think about thing when it comes to Labour, you simply have no had enough of a conversation with me about it to even get close to forming an opinion. I don't support any political party, I support getting Proportional Representation in place to changing politics in the US, in the UK, in other places that don't have PR.
I'm not going to defend Blair, like I said, he did some good things, and he did some awful things, privatising parts of the NHS, the Iraq War, mass immigration to name a few. However the Tories want to destroy the NHS, they want to reduce funding for education, every time they get in power things go wrong.
And one of the reasons I want PR is because I see that people have only two viable choices in the UK (ridiculous) and they're both tainted. With PR you'd get much better parties that stand for something and live and die by what they stand for. Labour and the Tories, like Reps and Dems in the US, are fighting a negative battle "look, they're worse than our shit".
I built an extension for a guy that works in the main hospital, as does one of my cousins. They will be the first to tell you your rhetoric is a pile of Labourite shite. If you think the NHS is underfunded, they will piss their pants at you. If only you knew the amount of waste that goes on. Vast numbers of operations are cancelled because the staff steal the prepped surgical instruments. Probably most NHS have bed sheets at home with the NHS logo on them.

This is the problem, fucking idiots spouting off the same old rhetoric shit that has no substance. That retard Keir came out with the usual pile of shite that you've just repeated on TV tonight, and it was summed up as the usually Labour spiel by the media.

You fucking gullible fool.
I built an extension for a guy that works in the main hospital, as does one of my cousins. They will be the first to tell you your rhetoric is a pile of Labourite shite. If you think the NHS is underfunded, they will piss their pants at you. If only you knew the amount of waste that goes on. Vast numbers of operations are cancelled because the staff steal the prepped surgical instruments. Probably most NHS have bed sheets at home with the NHS logo on them.

This is the problem, fucking idiots spouting off the same old rhetoric shit that has no substance. That retard Keir came out with the usual pile of shite that you've just repeated on TV tonight, and it was summed up as the usually Labour spiel by the media.

You fucking gullible fool.
Oh dear

"I know a bloke"

Same old brexit shite.
I built an extension for a guy that works in the main hospital, as does one of my cousins. They will be the first to tell you your rhetoric is a pile of Labourite shite. If you think the NHS is underfunded, they will piss their pants at you. If only you knew the amount of waste that goes on. Vast numbers of operations are cancelled because the staff steal the prepped surgical instruments. Probably most NHS have bed sheets at home with the NHS logo on them.

This is the problem, fucking idiots spouting off the same old rhetoric shit that has no substance. That retard Keir came out with the usual pile of shite that you've just repeated on TV tonight, and it was summed up as the usually Labour spiel by the media.

You fucking gullible fool.

Ah, insults. Bye bye.
The financial crisis brought down labour.
The tories have brought down the tories. Brexit shites.
Omg, you are so ignorant. Did you never read the news, it was in the news that the major factor of Blair's/Brown's downfall was the debt they racked up. They inherited near balanced books and then wrecked the bank balance. At least keep an eye on the news.

It was Blair that mortgaged the NHS with PFI and introduced ISTCs. It's obvious you haven't a clue that Labour fucked the NHS finances. Just like the hospital near me, suddenly paying millions in rent and you call that investment? And you haven't a fucking clue about ISTC's.

Blair welcomes private firms into NHS

At least read the link, learn something, then ignore it because Labour is your God and it's the Tories fault. But that's the joy of retards in a Democracy, if enough retards vote, Labour gets in because you're a shining example of thick as fuck.
Oh dear

"I know a bloke"

Same old brexit shite.
Yesterday, was pricing a job with a sub contractor. His brother works for Network rail, in an office on £75k. He's gone on strike for more money. His brother asked him why, and he said, "Well, everyone is doing it, so we're on strike for more money". And you've got the fucking brains to say that's the Tories fault. You thick ****.

There's a track machine that only works a Sunday, it sets the track and adjusts the ballast. The union made sure that the staff on it get more money. So guess what, all the other lads book themselves down to that machine for the other six days. The wage fraud is epic. Who told me that, my brother that works on the rail. And you think it's the Tories fault. You thick ****.

I suggest you get yourself off your rhetoric Labour cock sucking arse and go and find people who work in the NHS and on the rail. Then you might start to stop being such a thick ****.
Tommy Tainant if you partake in a debate on a subject, make sure you know your stuff from the horse's mouth as opposed to the usual Labour rhetoric that's constantly spewed out year in year out, because your lack of knowledge is fucking embarrassing.
Yesterday, was pricing a job with a sub contractor. His brother works for Network rail, in an office on £75k. He's gone on strike for more money. His brother asked him why, and he said, "Well, everyone is doing it, so we're on strike for more money". And you've got the fucking brains to say that's the Tories fault. You thick ****.

There's a track machine that only works a Sunday, it sets the track and adjusts the ballast. The union made sure that the staff on it get more money. So guess what, all the other lads book themselves down to that machine for the other six days. The wage fraud is epic. Who told me that, my brother that works on the rail. And you think it's the Tories fault. You thick ****.

I suggest you get yourself off your rhetoric Labour cock sucking arse and go and find people who work in the NHS and on the rail. Then you might start to stop being such a thick ****.
This bloke told me..........
Tommy Tainant if you partake in a debate on a subject, make sure you know your stuff from the horse's mouth as opposed to the usual Labour rhetoric that's constantly spewed out year in year out, because your lack of knowledge is fucking embarrassing.
As a kippe I think you should stay quiet when trying to disuss facts. You couldnt lie straight in bed.
Omg, you are so ignorant. Did you never read the news, it was in the news that the major factor of Blair's/Brown's downfall was the debt they racked up. They inherited near balanced books and then wrecked the bank balance. At least keep an eye on the news.

It was Blair that mortgaged the NHS with PFI and introduced ISTCs. It's obvious you haven't a clue that Labour fucked the NHS finances. Just like the hospital near me, suddenly paying millions in rent and you call that investment? And you haven't a fucking clue about ISTC's.

Blair welcomes private firms into NHS

At least read the link, learn something, then ignore it because Labour is your God and it's the Tories fault. But that's the joy of retards in a Democracy, if enough retards vote, Labour gets in because you're a shining example of thick as fuck.
And yet there were no waiting lists and sick people were treated. Tories have run down the service for ideological reasons..

And the brexit disaster means we have less money for anything apart from faulty tory PPE.

You really are a remedial kipper twat.
And yet there were no waiting lists and sick people were treated. Tories have run down the service for ideological reasons..

And the brexit disaster means we have less money for anything apart from faulty tory PPE.

You really are a remedial kipper twat.
You are such a blind retard, typical staunch Labourite. Don't say you're not, because you reek of they've retardness. Just the same old rhetoric. But but but....Labour invested more. Yes, but the gullible twats didn't see how much that figure was PFI me ney, nor they mention renting the new hospitals to the tune of millions each year. That about would be funding the NHS if you fucking Labourite bellends didn't mortgage the health service, and you've still got the stupidity to be in lock step with the idiots ranting, "It's da Tories fauwt"
As a kippe I think you should stay quiet when trying to disuss facts. You couldnt lie straight in bed.
The facts are out there, they've always have been. Just use Google.

You're stupid, so you obviously lick the arseholes of the NHS strikers. So tell me, the pay rise they want, how much will it cost the tax payer and how this will be funded? Same question about the rail. Waiting for your facts, dipshit.

The private sector, no such pay rises but only public sector workers struggle with living on a wage, so they blackmail the tax payer, and you're fucking chuffed. You sick bastard.
Tommy Tainant

Looks like Labour are U Turning over Blair's PFI in the NHS

The Labour boss insisted that "we could do more" to use parts of the private sector capacity to treat NHS patients.

The NHS was designed to treat illnesses, not to house old folk. Then on top of that, a pandemic. And what do the idiots spout, "Tories fault".

The rhetoric from Labourites is on the same level as Sturgeon's independence farce.

You are such a blind retard, typical staunch Labourite. Don't say you're not, because you reek of they've retardness. Just the same old rhetoric. But but but....Labour invested more. Yes, but the gullible twats didn't see how much that figure was PFI me ney, nor they mention renting the new hospitals to the tune of millions each year. That about would be funding the NHS if you fucking Labourite bellends didn't mortgage the health service, and you've still got the stupidity to be in lock step with the idiots ranting, "It's da Tories fauwt"
I am not a labour voter.
Tommy Tainant

Looks like Labour are U Turning over Blair's PFI in the NHS

The Labour boss insisted that "we could do more" to use parts of the private sector capacity to treat NHS patients.

The NHS was designed to treat illnesses, not to house old folk. Then on top of that, a pandemic. And what do the idiots spout, "Tories fault".

The rhetoric from Labourites is on the same level as Sturgeon's independence farce.

The tories have gutted all of our public services in order to give tax cuts to their donors. Nothing works anymore.

Start by spending the same amount as France and Germany on health.

And not on portakabins in the car park.
The tories have gutted all of our public services in order to give tax cuts to their donors. Nothing works anymore.

Start by spending the same amount as France and Germany on health.

And not on portakabins in the car park.
No, Labour privatised part of the NHS under Blair, that is FACT. That privatisation continues as of 2023, that is FACT. The high spend on the NHS by Labour under Blair et. al. is because of PRIVATE MONEY, that is FACT.

The porta cabins also in schools is due to Labour's PFI in academies, that is FACT. Thick ****s like you say it's the Tories fault, because you are a Labourite deluded thicko.
Tommy Tainant

Why did austerity happen?

PFI debt for the British taxpayer is more than £300bn for infrastructure projects, with a value of £54.7bn. To put it into perspective, the PFI debt is four times the size of the budget deficit used to justify austerity

Some idiots believe it's the Tories fault.

Welsh NHS has been ran by Labour for over 23 years, it has the longest waiting lists and worst A&E stats. Some idiots believe it's the Tories fault.

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