Scotland loses indyref2

Tommy Tainant

Why did austerity happen?

PFI debt for the British taxpayer is more than £300bn for infrastructure projects, with a value of £54.7bn. To put it into perspective, the PFI debt is four times the size of the budget deficit used to justify austerity

Some idiots believe it's the Tories fault.

Welsh NHS has been ran by Labour for over 23 years, it has the longest waiting lists and worst A&E stats. Some idiots believe it's the Tories fault.

The problem appears to be a decline in investment in the last 12 years....and the Party doing that was, yes, the Tories. NI, Wales and Scotland only get proportionally the same money for health as is given to England and we all know how bad the NHS has been going there. Sorry, it is the Tories.
The problem appears to be a decline in investment in the last 12 years....and the Party doing that was, yes, the Tories. NI, Wales and Scotland only get proportionally the same money for health as is given to England and we all know how bad the NHS has been going there. Sorry, it is the Tories.
Thatcher realised that public sector services are woefully inefficient, they constantly need tax payers money for the investment, to improve the infrastructure. So, most of those were privatised off, as you know. But don't worry, go and buy shares in those utilities to reap the dividends.

Don't tell me, privatisation is dreadful. If so, why didn't Labour nationalise again? And obviously you feel Labour piled in loads of public funding for the "alleged" under investment!! Quite the opposite, so it's blatant that you ignored the link, or, read it like a true Lefty, then ignored the content and then repeat the same rhetoric, "It was the Tories".

Are there any Lefties out there willing to admit that their own party mortgaged the NHS? I doubt it, you can't get reality through the minds of Lemmings.
Nichola Sturgeon lost her case in the Supreme Court to a unanimous judgment to hold an independence referendum without Parliaments consent.

Independence referendum: Scottish government loses indyref2 court case

I hope she does a Catalonia and holds a referendum regardless, so she gets arrested and locked up, the stupid bint.

So she thinks democracy is under threat, that a referendum was granted 8 years ago, the Scottish voted to stay and she's not happy with the result, so democracy is under threat.

I can see no difference between the Left of America and the Left in the UK, abide by the law, Lefties feel democracy is under threat.

When the last referendum was made the British government argued Scotland will not be able to become a member of the EU if she will leave the UK. This was a lie and anyway this situation has totally changed. Now exists a new conflict because the UK and their laws have not to decide whether Scotland will leave the UK or not. This is only a decision of Scotland and not a decision of the rest of the UK.

For a solution of this conflict theoretically Scotland has now to leave the UK - has to make the referendium - and afterwards Scotland has to come back to the UK if the Scots will decide they like to stay in the UK. I guess no one will do so. Result: Frustration and anger because of all this political tricks and manipulations from the UK.
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Isn’t that like saying that the American colonies (claiming to be United States) had to get permission from the British Parliament to declare independence?

They sent a letter - but the letter still did not arrive in the British colonies of America. So you are perhaps not independent - without to know this. A tragedy. All this 4th of July parades ... for nothing ... except for fun.

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Don't know about Ukraine, never been interested in them. The Scottish referendum was a legal binding result ...

And when a new referendum will be made it will be a legal binding result too. So what's the problem? The worldwide situations changed meanwhile drastically.

The much more worse problem of such referendums is something else:

The Brexit referendum was for example extremely manipulated from the USA under Donald Trump. But even with this manipulations (and specially when I also count the Brits who had no right to vote because they lived since 15 years or longer not on the territory of GB) the result shows ~5o:~5o. But what means this? This means just simple the UK did not know what's the best to do. But who for heaven sake makes a decision which has a lot of time and heavy consequences when he not knows what's the best to do?
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When the last referendum was made the British government argued Scotland will not be able to become a member of the EU if she will leave the UK. This was a lie and anyway this situation has totally changed. Now exists a new conflict because the UK and their laws have not to decide whether Scotland will leave the UK or not. This is only a decision of Scotland and not a decision of the rest of the UK.

For a solution of this conflict theoretically Scotland has now to leave the UK - has to make the referendium - and afterwards Scotland has to come back to the UK if the Scots will decide they like to stay in the UK. I guess no one will do so. Result: Frustration and anger because of all this political tricks and manipulations from the UK.
Two things. At that time, Scotland wouldn't be in a position to pass the EU membership test. A glaring obvious one was, you needed your own currency. Why? Because the EU wants to control your currency, it wouldn't be able to control sterling. That was just one of criteria to join, at that time. So no lie there.

Secondly, if anyone needs to listen to a politician, news outlet, neighbour, friend or family member on how to vote......then they're a low IQ retard.

You will find that in 1695, Scotland mulled the idea of joining England, but England were disinterested. But because of the poor Scottish economy (research the Darien Scheme), Scotland pressed Westminster to join because it hoped for a union of trade with vital access to English colonial markets. So the Act of Union 1707 came into effect, and if you research it, the union agreement is all laid out in there.

Even Robert Burns said the Scottish were bought and sold for English gold. Whether people want to agree or disagree with that, the Scottish people needed to be brought out of poverty, and so the Scottish MP's signed the union.

In the Act, Scotland must ask the PM to undertake an independence referendum, a once in a lifetime referendum was granted, the slight majority voted to stay. The UK has Brexit Remoaners, Scotland also has Independence Remoaners. The term Remoaner describes those that are undemocratic and whinge because they didn't get their way.
Thatcher realised that public sector services are woefully inefficient, they constantly need tax payers money for the investment, to improve the infrastructure. So, most of those were privatised off, as you know. But don't worry, go and buy shares in those utilities to reap the dividends.

Don't tell me, privatisation is dreadful. If so, why didn't Labour nationalise again? And obviously you feel Labour piled in loads of public funding for the "alleged" under investment!! Quite the opposite, so it's blatant that you ignored the link, or, read it like a true Lefty, then ignored the content and then repeat the same rhetoric, "It was the Tories".

Are there any Lefties out there willing to admit that their own party mortgaged the NHS? I doubt it, you can't get reality through the minds of Lemmings.
I am looking at the disaster of our privatised railways and water companies and struggling to understand the benefits of privatisation.

Because there arent any. Its just tory dogma dragging us down. Like brexit.
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And when a new referendum will be made it will be a legal binding result too. So what's the problem? The worldwide situations changed meanwhile drastically.

The much more worse problem of such referendums is something else:

The Brexit referendum was for example extremely manipulated from the USA under Donald Trump. But even with this manipulations (and specially when I also count the Brits who had no right to vote because they lived since 15 years or longer not on the territory of GB) the result shows ~5o:~5o. But what means this? This means just simple the UK did not know what's the best to do. But who for heaven sake makes a decision which has a lot of time and heavy consequences when he not knows what's the best to do?
In 2014, Salmond, Sturgeon, and the SNP claimed it was a, "Once in a lifetime opportunity". So I agree, there's no problem. But then when they lost, they claimed how that was taken out of context bla bla bla. So now there's a problem, created by the losers.

So a once in a lifetime is about 40 years or so, so what will happen if Scotland choose to stay in the Union in 2054? Will you campaign again.

Only 4 areas of Scotland "marginally" wanted to leave

In 2014, Salmond, Sturgeon, and the SNP claimed it was a, "Once in a lifetime opportunity". So I agree, there's no problem. But then when they lost, they claimed how that was taken out of context bla bla bla. So now there's a problem, created by the losers.

So a once in a lifetime is about 40 years or so, so what will happen if Scotland choose to stay in the Union in 2054? Will you campaign again.

Only 4 areas of Scotland "marginally" wanted to leave

They were promised the EU. They were lied to. They should have known thats what tories do.
Now they dont want to be strapped to a sinking ship.
I am looking at the diaster of our privatised railways and water companies and struggling to understand the benefits of privatisation.

Because there arent any. Its just tory dogma dragging us down. Like brexit.
Lefties struggle with this, it's called investment. Nationalised utilities and services are woefully inefficient and plagued by strikes. So the investment comes from the tax payer through the government. As it's subsidized by the tax payer, the output is often cheaper than privatised.

With privatisation, the investment is released by more efficient use of resources, no reliance on the tax payer, and generally the output costs more. But, everyone is welcome to be part of that and purchase shares to receive part of the profits.

But like I said, privatisation of the utilities is so bad, Labour didn't renationalise them.

Royal Mail is a monopoly, yet it reported many losses under nationalisation, so investment came from the public As you can see, when privatised the price of stamps went up to reflect the true cost of postage, it's investment comes from this and your investment comes in the form of dividends from the shares you bought. It's still plagued by unions, unions need banned under law. If Royal Mail privatisation of the Mail is wrong, if Labour get in at some point, it won't be renationalised.
They were promised the EU. They were lied to. They should have known thats what tories do.
Now they dont want to be strapped to a sinking ship.
Sturgeon lied to the people, she told the public that they need independence to govern themselves. But hang on, Scotland can't govern sterling, and many of it's laws will be from the directives being part of the EU. They don't want to strapped to that sinking ship. The lying cow.
Lefties struggle with this, it's called investment. Nationalised utilities and services are woefully inefficient and plagued by strikes. So the investment comes from the tax payer through the government. As it's subsidized by the tax payer, the output is often cheaper than privatised.

With privatisation, the investment is released by more efficient use of resources, no reliance on the tax payer, and generally the output costs more. But, everyone is welcome to be part of that and purchase shares to receive part of the profits.

But like I said, privatisation of the utilities is so bad, Labour didn't renationalise them.

Royal Mail is a monopoly, yet it reported many losses under nationalisation, so investment came from the public As you can see, when privatised the price of stamps went up to reflect the true cost of postage, it's investment comes from this and your investment comes in the form of dividends from the shares you bought. It's still plagued by unions, unions need banned under law. If Royal Mail privatisation of the Mail is wrong, if Labour get in at some point, it won't be renationalised.
the evidence is that no investment has been made in privatised industries. That iss why our water will have shit in it till 2067.
Meanwhile foreign corporations award themselves huge dividends at our expense.
Sturgeon lied to the people, she told the public that they need independence to govern themselves. But hang on, Scotland can't govern sterling, and many of it's laws will be from the directives being part of the EU. They don't want to strapped to that sinking ship. The lying cow.
Like the rest of us they are desperate to be in the EU and enjoy the benefits.
They will get it as well.
Pnly a dwindling number of gammons want otherwise.
Like the rest of us they are desperate to be in the EU and enjoy the benefits.
They will get it as well.
Pnly a dwindling number of gammons want otherwise.
You missed the part about Sturgeon's lies, can you please cover them.

You claim Tories lied, but Sturgeon lied also. Do they trump each other out, or does your brain ignore Sturgeon's.
You missed the part about Sturgeon's lies, can you please cover them.

You claim Tories lied, but Sturgeon lied also. Do they trump each other out, or does your brain ignore Sturgeon's.
I cant see where Sturgeon lied. Brexit changed the dynamic. The scots were told that the union was the only way they could stay in the EU.
That made the referendum null and void.
Tha fucking tories lied about that. If it was a marriage it would be annulled.
I cant see where Sturgeon lied. Brexit changed the dynamic. The scots were told that the union was the only way they could stay in the EU.
That made the referendum null and void.
Tha fucking tories lied about that. If it was a marriage it would be annulled.
As I pointed out, Sturgeon, Salmond et. al. Said an Independent Scotland governs itself, it makes it's own laws. But that is a lie because Scotland would have to have it's own currency to govern it's own currency. Part of Sturgeon's strategy to indyref2 is to yet again keep sterling. So please explain that lie.

Then they want to be part of the EU. EU directives determines many of your laws, yet Sturgeon promised the preople they can govern themselves. So there's a lie.

Please explain her lies.
Tommy Tainant You claim you're Welsh, I doubt it, but we'll go with that premise.

Wales want to independent and the leave campaign stand up and claim that want Wales to leave the union so they can govern themselves. But, they want to keep to keep sterling and be an EU member. So Westminster governs their currency and the EU governs Upton 75% of their laws.

Do you feel the people were told the truth about self governance, or told a lie?

You do realise that Scotland and Wales have control of their own budget, and particularly in Scotland, it's over £1,500 per head more than in England.
Two things. At that time, Scotland wouldn't be in a position to pass the EU membership test.

Scotland was a member of the EU - so what should she not be able to pass - if such a "test" - whatever "test" this could be - should be necessary to be made.

A glaring obvious one was, you needed your own currency. Why? Because the EU wants to control your currency, it wouldn't be able to control sterling. That was just one of criteria to join, at that time. So no lie there.

Are you a member of the divided states of Trumperica?

Secondly, if anyone needs to listen to a politician, news outlet, neighbour, friend or family member on how to vote......then they're a low IQ retard.

And what IQ has someone to have who listens to a super-IQ politician like you?

You will find that in 1695, Scotland mulled the idea of joining England, but England were disinterested.

I have not the feeling that the Germans who governed England around this time of history had been desinterested in a unity (in diversity) between England and Scotland. We love such things.

But because of the poor Scottish economy (research the Darien Scheme), Scotland pressed Westminster to join because it hoped for a union of trade with vital access to English colonial markets. So the Act of Union 1707 came into effect, and if you research it, the union agreement is all laid out in there.

Even Robert Burns said the Scottish were bought and sold for English gold.

A good argument. It's not easy to live without money. Did you ever try to do so?

Whether people want to agree or disagree with that, the Scottish people needed to be brought out of poverty, and so the Scottish MP's signed the union.

In the Act, Scotland must ask the PM

Scotland has to ask no one except the Scots. Boris Johnson for example had not been able to install an acceptable voice recognition technology in Scoitsh lifts only because no one asked him to do so. But that's another not existing problem.

to undertake an independence referendum,

Joker, when the Scots make a referendum than they make a referendum. If not then not. How wise or how funny this is and whether they speak whith a British PM or not and under what circumstances are totally other decisions.

a once in a lifetime referendum was granted, the slight majority voted to stay.

Under conditions which do not exist any longer. GB left the EU and is practicallly only a lonesome little cowboy with a little pony and a big hat and a much too big saddle.

The UK has Brexit Remoaners,

Brexit what?

Scotland also has Independence Remoaners.

Are you a Scot and/or a Brit, Irish or Welsh?

The term Remoaner describes those that are undemocratic and whinge because they didn't get their way.

You call people who like to do a referendum "undemocratic" when this referendum is able to decide something what you do not like on whatever absurde reason which has nothing to do with Scotpland and England but with ??? ...

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