Scotland Tells Liar Trump to Fuck Off and Shove His Threat Up His Butt

Well if true. Trump can always build that course somewhere else and the Scots can kiss those jobs goodbye.

The Scots will welcome all the jobs those windmills create for generations to come. A few jobs at a golf course for filthy rich jerks doesn't matter in the long run.

If those cry babies don't like the windmills, let them play golf somewhere else.

Energy for a nation is much more important that a bunch of filthy rich jerks.
All of those jobs?

Do you think windfarms run off of people-power?

Those windmills need to be maintained and monitored. They need people to work with those windmills for as long as they are there. Which means it creates permanent jobs.
So often, the GOP is on one side and the rest of the world on the other.
might be jobs building the windmills . Maybe some maintenance but I don't think there are many jobs after they are built . I've driven by windfarms in Cali and generally see no work being done on existing windmills .

Just because you did't see it that means it never happens. LOL.

We have a huge wind farm here in my state. I see them working on those windmills all year long.

I don't see them working with them when they're being monitored. Do you actually believe that once they're built there's nothing more to do?
not really important to me Dana , I'm just saying that Trump will do fine !!
Below is another source, one more balanced than your cherry picked source:

Wind Energy Pros and Cons - Energy Informative

Only a silly person like you could think that an opinion page is more balanced than FACTUAL DATA. My gosh where do you clowns come from....

The linked The Telegraph piece came from the section, called Telegraph View.
Telegraph View
represents the editorial opinion of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph.
So, you are also using an opinion page also. Whoops!

I suggest you dig a little deeper. They reference the actual report but don't link to it though you can easily find the link with the info provided and then there is information like this

"And what is the benefit of all this expense? In terms of jobs, disappointingly little. Greater Gabbard, an offshore wind farm, employs 100 people at its headquarters in Lowestoft, Suffolk. Divide Greater Gabbard’s subsidy of £129  million by 100, and each job is worth an incredible £1.29 million. The spend might be more justifiable if wind were an efficient and abundant energy source – but it simply is not. Its output fluctuates wildly depending on the amount of wind available. This week, our thousands of wind turbines managed to generate an impressive 12 per cent of our total energy production. But during our last cold, windless winter – when electricity demand was at its greatest – that fell to lows of 0.1 per cent."

Which is a matter of Public Record so once again you are simply parroting the propagandists. Like I said, this was a factual report and we got an opinion piece in return and you can't understand the difference.

In the UK, the Telegraph is known as the Torygraph because it's so conservative. That's like getting "facts" from MSNBC or Fox, they use facts that work for their agenda, but have tendencies to miss the ones that's don't.

So what. Facts are facts. The public record is clear as to how much each of those jobs cost. Why do you attempt to defend the BS?

Well Westwall, it's like this, I have learned after almost 20 years of posting on political forums, never use "facts" from resources that have a definite agenda. It seems just about every-time I have seen people use partisan types as their foundation for an argument, they end up being proved to be wrong or misused.
So, instead of using the Torygraph (Telegraph), why not use the actual report (linked) within context? That's what I would have done. It certainly would add serious credibility to your post. To me, being a credible poster is highly important, specifically in a highly charged partisan environment.
Only a silly person like you could think that an opinion page is more balanced than FACTUAL DATA. My gosh where do you clowns come from....

The linked The Telegraph piece came from the section, called Telegraph View.
Telegraph View
represents the editorial opinion of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph.
So, you are also using an opinion page also. Whoops!

I suggest you dig a little deeper. They reference the actual report but don't link to it though you can easily find the link with the info provided and then there is information like this

"And what is the benefit of all this expense? In terms of jobs, disappointingly little. Greater Gabbard, an offshore wind farm, employs 100 people at its headquarters in Lowestoft, Suffolk. Divide Greater Gabbard’s subsidy of £129  million by 100, and each job is worth an incredible £1.29 million. The spend might be more justifiable if wind were an efficient and abundant energy source – but it simply is not. Its output fluctuates wildly depending on the amount of wind available. This week, our thousands of wind turbines managed to generate an impressive 12 per cent of our total energy production. But during our last cold, windless winter – when electricity demand was at its greatest – that fell to lows of 0.1 per cent."

Which is a matter of Public Record so once again you are simply parroting the propagandists. Like I said, this was a factual report and we got an opinion piece in return and you can't understand the difference.

In the UK, the Telegraph is known as the Torygraph because it's so conservative. That's like getting "facts" from MSNBC or Fox, they use facts that work for their agenda, but have tendencies to miss the ones that's don't.

So what. Facts are facts. The public record is clear as to how much each of those jobs cost. Why do you attempt to defend the BS?

Well Westwall, it's like this, I have learned after almost 20 years of posting on political forums, never use "facts" from resources that have a definite agenda. It seems just about every-time I have seen people use partisan types as their foundation for an argument, they end up being proved to be wrong or misused.
So, instead of using the Torygraph (Telegraph), why not use the actual report (linked) within context? That's what I would have done. It certainly would add serious credibility to your post. To me, being a credible poster is highly important, specifically in a highly charged partisan environment.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: That is all the AGW clowns do is post stuff from websites who are nothing but agenda driven! Where do you people come from!
The linked The Telegraph piece came from the section, called Telegraph View.
Telegraph View
represents the editorial opinion of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph.
So, you are also using an opinion page also. Whoops!

I suggest you dig a little deeper. They reference the actual report but don't link to it though you can easily find the link with the info provided and then there is information like this

"And what is the benefit of all this expense? In terms of jobs, disappointingly little. Greater Gabbard, an offshore wind farm, employs 100 people at its headquarters in Lowestoft, Suffolk. Divide Greater Gabbard’s subsidy of £129  million by 100, and each job is worth an incredible £1.29 million. The spend might be more justifiable if wind were an efficient and abundant energy source – but it simply is not. Its output fluctuates wildly depending on the amount of wind available. This week, our thousands of wind turbines managed to generate an impressive 12 per cent of our total energy production. But during our last cold, windless winter – when electricity demand was at its greatest – that fell to lows of 0.1 per cent."

Which is a matter of Public Record so once again you are simply parroting the propagandists. Like I said, this was a factual report and we got an opinion piece in return and you can't understand the difference.

In the UK, the Telegraph is known as the Torygraph because it's so conservative. That's like getting "facts" from MSNBC or Fox, they use facts that work for their agenda, but have tendencies to miss the ones that's don't.

So what. Facts are facts. The public record is clear as to how much each of those jobs cost. Why do you attempt to defend the BS?

Well Westwall, it's like this, I have learned after almost 20 years of posting on political forums, never use "facts" from resources that have a definite agenda. It seems just about every-time I have seen people use partisan types as their foundation for an argument, they end up being proved to be wrong or misused.
So, instead of using the Torygraph (Telegraph), why not use the actual report (linked) within context? That's what I would have done. It certainly would add serious credibility to your post. To me, being a credible poster is highly important, specifically in a highly charged partisan environment.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: That is all the AGW clowns do is post stuff from websites who are nothing but agenda driven! Where do you people come from!

",,,you people"?
Well Westwall, this person, doesn't participate in the AGW debate. Why?
Because of all the money pouring in to the debate from special interests. Why would I trust "experts" who are receiving rewards for their stance from those who would benefit financially, such as Big Oil or the alternative energy industries. There is so much conflicting data shewed by special interests, I don't know how anyone can believe either side. Both sides are feeding their audience a ton of misinformation. It's not just one side of the issue.
I have no idea why you included me with "you people" regarding AGW as I have basically left that issue untouched upon.
Those windmills need to be maintained and monitored. They need people to work with those windmills for as long as they are there. Which means it creates permanent jobs.

Fortunately the EU open door policy will allow German and Dutch technicians to do just that. As to Scots? If it ain't wooly and docile they don't fuck with it.
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.

I am an Electrical Engineer, far from being a 'filthy rich jerk,' and I played golf twice a week for many years. Many times we only got in 9 holes after work, but none of the foursome was by any stretch of the imagination 'rich' or 'filthy.' The jury is still out on whether any of us were 'jerks.'
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.

I am an Electrical Engineer, far from being a 'filthy rich jerk,' and I played golf twice a week for many years. Many times we only got in 9 holes after work, but none of the foursome was by any stretch of the imagiation 'rich' or 'filthy.' The jury is still out on whether any of us were 'jerks.'

Did you play that golf at trump's course?

I'm talking about the people who are in or go to Scotland and play on trump's golf course.

When you do that you can complain about me calling those who golf there a bunch of filthy rich jerks.

Try another deflection. That one fell flat.
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.

I am an Electrical Engineer, far from being a 'filthy rich jerk,' and I played golf twice a week for many years. Many times we only got in 9 holes after work, but none of the foursome was by any stretch of the imagiation 'rich' or 'filthy.' The jury is still out on whether any of us were 'jerks.'

Did you play that golf at trump's course?

I'm talking about the people who are in or go to Scotland and play on trump's golf course.

When you do that you can complain about me calling those who golf there a bunch of filthy rich jerks.

Try another deflection. That one fell flat.

I played on Public as well as Country Club courses and also played on 2 of the courses on Andrews AFB. Are those that play on Trump's courses given a wealth check before playing? Are you so envious of those that have more money than you that you have to resort to calling all of them 'filthy rich jerks'? That is rather pathetic.
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.

I am an Electrical Engineer, far from being a 'filthy rich jerk,' and I played golf twice a week for many years. Many times we only got in 9 holes after work, but none of the foursome was by any stretch of the imagiation 'rich' or 'filthy.' The jury is still out on whether any of us were 'jerks.'

Did you play that golf at trump's course?

I'm talking about the people who are in or go to Scotland and play on trump's golf course.

When you do that you can complain about me calling those who golf there a bunch of filthy rich jerks.

Try another deflection. That one fell flat.

I played on Public as well as Country Club courses and also played on 2 of the courses on Andrews AFB. Are those that play on Trump's courses given a wealth check before playing? Are you so envious of those that have more money than you that you have to resort to calling all of them 'filthy rich jerks'? That is rather pathetic.
Some people are so envious.
So was Trump building just another Obama magnet or was there something special about the course?
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.
Good. I hope it makes the Scots feel proud.

As it is, in my opinion, Scotland has far bigger issues to worry about than Donald Trump. For one, they have almost abandoned their Christian heritage. Only about 10% attended Christian services regularly and 40% have now declared themselves having no ties to religion whatsoever. How can this possibly end well for them?
Lol you don't need religion to be a good person. I lived in the uk for 4 years, I loved it. How will it possibly end well for them? Well they won't have a religious crackpot shooting up a clinic for one. Scotland was awesome. It is funny people commenting on Scotland yet have never lived there or visited it. Nicest people in the world similar to Iceland. Although they can be a bit stubborn. I doubt half of the commenters on here even have passports. My dogs have been to more countries then 90% of Americans. Anyway someone else will build something, or they won't, a beautiful image.jpeg country with history all throughout it. Go visit it before you start to diss the country or people. Picture is in Edinburgh near the air Walter Scott monument pretty close to the royal mile. Ah the whisky is awesome
The linked The Telegraph piece came from the section, called Telegraph View.
Telegraph View
represents the editorial opinion of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph.
So, you are also using an opinion page also. Whoops!

I suggest you dig a little deeper. They reference the actual report but don't link to it though you can easily find the link with the info provided and then there is information like this

"And what is the benefit of all this expense? In terms of jobs, disappointingly little. Greater Gabbard, an offshore wind farm, employs 100 people at its headquarters in Lowestoft, Suffolk. Divide Greater Gabbard’s subsidy of £129  million by 100, and each job is worth an incredible £1.29 million. The spend might be more justifiable if wind were an efficient and abundant energy source – but it simply is not. Its output fluctuates wildly depending on the amount of wind available. This week, our thousands of wind turbines managed to generate an impressive 12 per cent of our total energy production. But during our last cold, windless winter – when electricity demand was at its greatest – that fell to lows of 0.1 per cent."

Which is a matter of Public Record so once again you are simply parroting the propagandists. Like I said, this was a factual report and we got an opinion piece in return and you can't understand the difference.

In the UK, the Telegraph is known as the Torygraph because it's so conservative. That's like getting "facts" from MSNBC or Fox, they use facts that work for their agenda, but have tendencies to miss the ones that's don't.

So what. Facts are facts. The public record is clear as to how much each of those jobs cost. Why do you attempt to defend the BS?

Well Westwall, it's like this, I have learned after almost 20 years of posting on political forums, never use "facts" from resources that have a definite agenda. It seems just about every-time I have seen people use partisan types as their foundation for an argument, they end up being proved to be wrong or misused.
So, instead of using the Torygraph (Telegraph), why not use the actual report (linked) within context? That's what I would have done. It certainly would add serious credibility to your post. To me, being a credible poster is highly important, specifically in a highly charged partisan environment.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: That is all the AGW clowns do is post stuff from websites who are nothing but agenda driven! Where do you people come from!

Where do I come from? A middle class neighborhood where most of the dads were members of unions, worked for The City (San Francisco), the State, sold insurance, were milk men or retail clerks, etc. In other words main street Americans. Most had served our country in WW II as did my dad and my two uncles. Their dad served in WW I and I served during the Vietnam War ('67 - '69).

Who or what made you into the what you are today? Somene made you into an arrogant asshole, who hates the people where I came from and everyone who isn't a fucked up right wing neo fascist like you?
oh big deal !! As said , cutting off nose to spite face . Course I understand that attitude but hope that the TRUMP prevails in the end .

You obviously don't understand what a supreme court is.

They are the final say.

trump lost in the end.
sure I know what it is , its the Scottish supremes , don't care what they rule , Donald probably doesn't either . I think that TRUMP will do just fine !!

If you know what it is then you know it's the final say.

This is the end and trump lost.

He will be just fine. It's a golf course. Nothing important.

Obviously you think it's important since you're still having a hard time accepting that tump lost.
What's a tump?
Well if true. Trump can always build that course somewhere else and the Scots can kiss those jobs goodbye.

The Scots will welcome all the jobs those windmills create for generations to come. A few jobs at a golf course for filthy rich jerks doesn't matter in the long run.

If those cry babies don't like the windmills, let them play golf somewhere else.

Energy for a nation is much more important that a bunch of filthy rich jerks.
All of those jobs?

Do you think windfarms run off of people-power?

Those windmills need to be maintained and monitored. They need people to work with those windmills for as long as they are there. Which means it creates permanent jobs.
A couple of jobs.

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