Scotland Tells Liar Trump to Fuck Off and Shove His Threat Up His Butt

Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.
Ironic, a post accusing Trump of being a liar when the title itself is a lie.

Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.
Ironic, a post accusing Trump of being a liar when the title itself is a lie.

The thread title is 100% true.
The thread title is 100% true.

You are saying it is true that, "Scotland Tells Liar Trump to Fuck Off and Shove His Threat Up His Butt"

Do you even understand what a lie is any more?
Last edited:
The thread title is 100% true.

You are saying that, "Scotland Tells Liar Trump to Fuck Off and Shove His Threat Up His Butt"

Do you even understand what a lie is any more?
Which part is untrue. The fuck off and shove up the butt part is an obvious figure of speech. What portion of the title do you opinionate is untrue?
All one need do to understand what lies are is listen to Trump.
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.

I am an Electrical Engineer, far from being a 'filthy rich jerk,' and I played golf twice a week for many years. Many times we only got in 9 holes after work, but none of the foursome was by any stretch of the imagiation 'rich' or 'filthy.' The jury is still out on whether any of us were 'jerks.'

Did you play that golf at trump's course?

I'm talking about the people who are in or go to Scotland and play on trump's golf course.

When you do that you can complain about me calling those who golf there a bunch of filthy rich jerks.

Try another deflection. That one fell flat.
Those who play Trumps courses are not a bunch of guys getting off of work early
You have to pay a hefty membership fee or have connections

Don "Quixote" Trump is chasing windmills thinking he can control them
Well if true. Trump can always build that course somewhere else and the Scots can kiss those jobs goodbye.
Trump was holding back jobs. That wind farm will bring far more jobs than his golf course. You kind of miss the point that Trump was willing to obstruct jobs because he didn't like the view they would create. Now that they have booted his ass they can get on with the massive construction project of building the wind farm that will supply 68,000 homes with clean energy. Trump will either operate the golf course anyway or someone else will.

The Kennedy clan sued to get a wind farm off of Martha's vineyard cancelled because it obscured the view and would be too noisy.
The thread title is 100% true.

You are saying that, "Scotland Tells Liar Trump to Fuck Off and Shove His Threat Up His Butt"

Do you even understand what a lie is any more?
Which part is untrue. The fuck off and shove up the butt part is an obvious figure of speech. What portion of the title do you opinionate is untrue?
All one need do to understand what lies are is listen to Trump.
No one speaks for all of Scotland, dude. And no one told Trump to shove anything up his butt. That is not a metaphor or figure of speech that describes anything other than a violent threat and outlandish insult to Trump.

And that never happened.

So it appears you dont know what lie is any more.
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

Have you ever met a Scot?

They can give a rat ass about someone money or threats, and would rather eat dirt than be bully by some dumb ass Yank like Trump!
The thread title is 100% true.

You are saying that, "Scotland Tells Liar Trump to Fuck Off and Shove His Threat Up His Butt"

Do you even understand what a lie is any more?
Which part is untrue. The fuck off and shove up the butt part is an obvious figure of speech. What portion of the title do you opinionate is untrue?
All one need do to understand what lies are is listen to Trump.
No one speaks for all of Scotland, dude. And no one told Trump to shove anything up his butt. That is not a metaphor or figure of speech that describes anything other than a violent threat and outlandish insult to Trump.

And that never happened.

So it appears you dont know what lie is any more.
You are just a whiner like Trump. When it comes to legal matters and the law, the Supreme Court does indeed speak for Scotland.
Here, get some education about what the Scot's have to say and what they think of the lying fascist Trump.
Your article 2012. This is from 9-2014, regarding Brookings Institution research-

A recent Brookings Institution study compared the costs and benefits for wind, solar, nuclear and gas electricity generation. Surprisingly, wind and especially solar have costs that exceed their benefits, when all of the costs and benefits are taken into consideration. Nuclear and gas electricity generation have substantial net benefits. Because of their high rates of availability, they offset much more carbon emissions than wind and solar power, while adding no new carbon emissions in the case of nuclear power or low carbon emissions in the case of gas.
Renewable energy not cost effective

Wind farms have a long way to go.

The development of local economies, though, because of the farms has been a god send in the panhandle of Texas.

THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF WIND ENERGY BioFuels and Energy August 30, 2012
There are 47,000 megawatts of wind energy capacity installed in the U.S. The authors of a new study say that for each megawatt of wind capacity, a county gains half a job and just over $11,000 in total personal income.

There has been a surge in wind power development in recent years, and wind energy has been promoted both as a clean supply of energy and as a way to build local economies, especially in rural areas. The Economic Impact of Wind Energy | Daily Yonder

How is wind energy good for the economy?

Wind energy benefits the economy in three ways:

  • Windparks bring economic development to the rural communities that host them.
  • Developing our nation's wind energy resources creates demands for turbines and turbine components, which stimulates the manufacturing sector.
  • Wind energy helps to stabilize wholesale electricity costs, which is good for both consumers and for businesses (for more info, go to "Wind Energy and our Nation's Energy Mix").
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I have a lot of Scottish blood and this makes me very proud of the old homeland. :clap2::bowdown: Scots!
Professor Levin is a well known academic in the pocket of the nuclear power plant industry for nearly forty years. The article is an opinion piece, without attributable sources to check.
The Scots, as well the Welsh and the Irish, know their place in the world

To serve the English,
Well if true. Trump can always build that course somewhere else and the Scots can kiss those jobs goodbye.
Trump was holding back jobs. That wind farm will bring far more jobs than his golf course. You kind of miss the point that Trump was willing to obstruct jobs because he didn't like the view they would create. Now that they have booted his ass they can get on with the massive construction project of building the wind farm that will supply 68,000 homes with clean energy. Trump will either operate the golf course anyway or someone else will.

Are you on drugs? Wind farms typically employ 11 or 12 people. Golf courses dozens.
The golf course is already built. The wind farm is not. The UK has made wind farms on its windy coast a major source of employment.

No, they haven't. Wind farms have been a remarkably bad investment. The UK taxpayers are only now beginning to understand just how badly they've been screwed. As more info comes out expect to see the farms close. There's a huge difference between the propaganda you spew, and reality....

Wind power has failed to deliver what it promised
The wind-power industry is expensive, passes costs on to the consumer and does not create many jobs in return

Wind power has failed to deliver what it promised
LOL. Well, Mr. Westwall, once again you are peddling bullshit. For a remarkable bad investment, there are a lot of people, worldwide, making that investment.


Global statistics
GWEC produces graphs showing the exciting growth of the wind power industry around the world.

Media, companies, research institutes and students are free to use GWEC graphs in their work in order to illustrate this growth. Please ensure that GWEC is properly cited as the source of the data.

Annual market grows by 44%, passes 50 GW for the first time in 2014

After a slowdown in 2013, the wind industry set a new record for annual installations in 2014. Globally, 51,473 MW of new wind generating capacity was added in 2014 according to the global wind market statistics by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). The record-setting figure represents a 44% increase in the annual market, and is a solid sign of the recovery of the industry after a rough patch in the past few years. Total cumulative installations stand at 369,597 MW at the end of 2014.
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.

I am an Electrical Engineer, far from being a 'filthy rich jerk,' and I played golf twice a week for many years. Many times we only got in 9 holes after work, but none of the foursome was by any stretch of the imagiation 'rich' or 'filthy.' The jury is still out on whether any of us were 'jerks.'

Did you play that golf at trump's course?

I'm talking about the people who are in or go to Scotland and play on trump's golf course.

When you do that you can complain about me calling those who golf there a bunch of filthy rich jerks.

Try another deflection. That one fell flat.

I played on Public as well as Country Club courses and also played on 2 of the courses on Andrews AFB. Are those that play on Trump's courses given a wealth check before playing? Are you so envious of those that have more money than you that you have to resort to calling all of them 'filthy rich jerks'? That is rather pathetic.

You don't know me or my financial situation so why not stick to the facts?

I said the people who golf at that course that's owned by trump are filthy rich jerks.

And they are. They're the people who buy politicians to write laws here in their favor. They're the ones that trump followers are sick and tired of.

Yet you defend them.

If those rich jerks want to play golf I have no problem with it. If they want to play golf where there isn't a windmill to look at, let them play their golf somewhere else.

Now if you have a problem with that, deal with it.
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.

I am an Electrical Engineer, far from being a 'filthy rich jerk,' and I played golf twice a week for many years. Many times we only got in 9 holes after work, but none of the foursome was by any stretch of the imagiation 'rich' or 'filthy.' The jury is still out on whether any of us were 'jerks.'

Did you play that golf at trump's course?

I'm talking about the people who are in or go to Scotland and play on trump's golf course.

When you do that you can complain about me calling those who golf there a bunch of filthy rich jerks.

Try another deflection. That one fell flat.
Those who play Trumps courses are not a bunch of guys getting off of work early
You have to pay a hefty membership fee or have connections

Don "Quixote" Trump is chasing windmills thinking he can control them

Exactly. trump doesn't build golf courses for middle income or poor people.

If those rich jerks want to play golf and not look at a windmill, let them play golf somewhere else.

There are windmills on the mountains above Lahaina in Maui. They can be seen from almost all areas on the west side of the island. Which has many golf courses. Courses for the filthy rich and for those who aren't filthy rich. None of them have a problem with the view that includes windmills. I see people on the side of the road parked to photograph those windmills all the time. I have done that exact same thing. Pull my car to the side of the highway to take photos of those windmills.

Meanwhile those windmills will help the people of Scotland. It's cheap, renewable energy that doesn't pollute the environment or cause global warming. It creates good paying jobs so people can support their family. The work can't be outsourced so the jobs stay there.

There is no down side to those windmills.
We have hundreds of the mills East of the Columbia Gorge. They supply a great deal of power to California, as does some of our dams. I have stood under them on a windy day, and I could hear nothing but a gentle swoosh. The wheat farmers whose have the fields that many of the mills are located in, love them. A source of income that evens out the ups and downs of farming.
On a recent visit to "Olde Stinky" (Scots for "Edinburgh") I was pleased to see a once abandoned church being restored. First church I had ever seen to be devoted to windmill worship and I must say they are doing a tasteful job of it. Great use they've made of the former steeple....

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