Scotland Tells Liar Trump to Fuck Off and Shove His Threat Up His Butt

Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.
Well if true. Trump can always build that course somewhere else and the Scots can kiss those jobs goodbye.

The Scots will welcome all the jobs those windmills create for generations to come. A few jobs at a golf course for filthy rich jerks doesn't matter in the long run.

If those cry babies don't like the windmills, let them play golf somewhere else.

Energy for a nation is much more important that a bunch of filthy rich jerks.
oh big deal !! As said , cutting off nose to spite face . Course I understand that attitude but hope that the TRUMP prevails in the end .

You obviously don't understand what a supreme court is.

They are the final say.

trump lost in the end.
Well if true. Trump can always build that course somewhere else and the Scots can kiss those jobs goodbye.
Trump was holding back jobs. That wind farm will bring far more jobs than his golf course. You kind of miss the point that Trump was willing to obstruct jobs because he didn't like the view they would create. Now that they have booted his ass they can get on with the massive construction project of building the wind farm that will supply 68,000 homes with clean energy. Trump will either operate the golf course anyway or someone else will.

Once those windmills are built where are all the jobs?
A golf course requires constant maintenance.
oh big deal !! As said , cutting off nose to spite face . Course I understand that attitude but hope that the TRUMP prevails in the end .

You obviously don't understand what a supreme court is.

They are the final say.

trump lost in the end.
sure I know what it is , its the Scottish supremes , don't care what they rule , Donald probably doesn't either . I think that TRUMP will do just fine !!
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.

I enjoyed reading that.

The man actually believes he can dictate what people can do with land that he doesn't own. The man has a lot of nerve.

Those wind turbines will generate a lot of clean energy while providing jobs.

Which is much more important that a stupid golf course for a bunch of filthy rich jerks. If they don't like the windmills, let them go play golf somewhere else.
The Kennedy clan went to court to stop a windfarm a few years back for the same reasons.
Well if true. Trump can always build that course somewhere else and the Scots can kiss those jobs goodbye.

The Scots will welcome all the jobs those windmills create for generations to come. A few jobs at a golf course for filthy rich jerks doesn't matter in the long run.

If those cry babies don't like the windmills, let them play golf somewhere else.

Energy for a nation is much more important that a bunch of filthy rich jerks.
All of those jobs?

Do you think windfarms run off of people-power?
saw that , old , well 'DEAD' kennedy hated the wind farm idea because it spoiled his view .
might be jobs building the windmills . Maybe some maintenance but I don't think there are many jobs after they are built . I've driven by windfarms in Cali and generally see no work being done on existing windmills .
Come on lefties, why insult Scotland by inferring that they decided a case based on Trump's politics when you know it was about windmill technology? Did you think the use of the "F" word would enhance a poor argument? Hatred and wild emotion charged bi-polar craziness seems to be the order of the day in left wing blogs. Trump's case was about a windmill farm vs a golf course and the court ruled for the windmill farm.
saw that , old , well 'DEAD' kennedy hated the wind farm idea because it spoiled his view .
The point of golf is to enjoy the scenery......and nobody is going to drop big money on a place with eye-sores dotting the landscape. I figure these Scots are just cutting their own throats by acting like assholes. Bring in all of the money and it helps the local economy.
Well if true. Trump can always build that course somewhere else and the Scots can kiss those jobs goodbye.

The Scots will welcome all the jobs those windmills create for generations to come. A few jobs at a golf course for filthy rich jerks doesn't matter in the long run.

If those cry babies don't like the windmills, let them play golf somewhere else.

Energy for a nation is much more important that a bunch of filthy rich jerks.

Doesn't sound to viable to me. In fact its all subsidized.

A new analysis of government and industry figures shows that wind turbine owners received £1.2billion in the form of a consumer subsidy, paid by a supplement on electricity bills last year. They employed 12,000 people, to produce an effective £100,000 subsidy on each job.

The disclosure is potentially embarrassing for the wind industry, which claims it is an economically dynamic sector that creates jobs. It was described by critics as proof the sector was not economically viable, with one calling it evidence of “soft jobs” that depended on the taxpayer.

The subsidy was disclosed in a new analysis of official figures, which showed that:

• The level of support from subsidies in some cases is so high that jobs are effectively supported to the extent of £1.3million each;

• In Scotland, which has 203 onshore wind farms — more than anywhere else in the UK — just 2,235 people are directly employed to work on them despite an annual subsidy of £344million. That works out at £154,000 per job;
True cost of Britain's wind farm industry revealed
Scotland's high court ruled against Trump despite his threat to halt development and operation of his golf course that would have supposedly brought economic benefits. The Scot's don't seem to have been very impressed with his negotiating skills and fancy lawyers. Of course, it could be that they just don't want the fascist liar that has become America's embarrassment spending time in their neighborhood or associating his name with Scotland.
Good. I hope it makes the Scots feel proud.

As it is, in my opinion, Scotland has far bigger issues to worry about than Donald Trump. For one, they have almost abandoned their Christian heritage. Only about 10% attended Christian services regularly and 40% have now declared themselves having no ties to religion whatsoever. How can this possibly end well for them?
The golf course is already built. The wind farm is not. The UK has made wind farms on its windy coast a major source of employment.

No, they haven't. Wind farms have been a remarkably bad investment. The UK taxpayers are only now beginning to understand just how badly they've been screwed. As more info comes out expect to see the farms close. There's a huge difference between the propaganda you spew, and reality....

Wind power has failed to deliver what it promised
The wind-power industry is expensive, passes costs on to the consumer and does not create many jobs in return

Wind power has failed to deliver what it promised

Below is another source, one more balanced than your cherry picked source:

Wind Energy Pros and Cons - Energy Informative

Only a silly person like you could think that an opinion page is more balanced than FACTUAL DATA. My gosh where do you clowns come from....

The linked The Telegraph piece came from the section, called Telegraph View.
Telegraph View
represents the editorial opinion of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph.
So, you are also using an opinion page also. Whoops!

I suggest you dig a little deeper. They reference the actual report but don't link to it though you can easily find the link with the info provided and then there is information like this

"And what is the benefit of all this expense? In terms of jobs, disappointingly little. Greater Gabbard, an offshore wind farm, employs 100 people at its headquarters in Lowestoft, Suffolk. Divide Greater Gabbard’s subsidy of £129  million by 100, and each job is worth an incredible £1.29 million. The spend might be more justifiable if wind were an efficient and abundant energy source – but it simply is not. Its output fluctuates wildly depending on the amount of wind available. This week, our thousands of wind turbines managed to generate an impressive 12 per cent of our total energy production. But during our last cold, windless winter – when electricity demand was at its greatest – that fell to lows of 0.1 per cent."

Which is a matter of Public Record so once again you are simply parroting the propagandists. Like I said, this was a factual report and we got an opinion piece in return and you can't understand the difference.

In the UK, the Telegraph is known as the Torygraph because it's so conservative. That's like getting "facts" from MSNBC or Fox, they use facts that work for their agenda, but have tendencies to miss the ones that's don't.
No, they haven't. Wind farms have been a remarkably bad investment. The UK taxpayers are only now beginning to understand just how badly they've been screwed. As more info comes out expect to see the farms close. There's a huge difference between the propaganda you spew, and reality....

Wind power has failed to deliver what it promised
The wind-power industry is expensive, passes costs on to the consumer and does not create many jobs in return

Wind power has failed to deliver what it promised

Below is another source, one more balanced than your cherry picked source:

Wind Energy Pros and Cons - Energy Informative

Only a silly person like you could think that an opinion page is more balanced than FACTUAL DATA. My gosh where do you clowns come from....

The linked The Telegraph piece came from the section, called Telegraph View.
Telegraph View
represents the editorial opinion of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph.
So, you are also using an opinion page also. Whoops!

I suggest you dig a little deeper. They reference the actual report but don't link to it though you can easily find the link with the info provided and then there is information like this

"And what is the benefit of all this expense? In terms of jobs, disappointingly little. Greater Gabbard, an offshore wind farm, employs 100 people at its headquarters in Lowestoft, Suffolk. Divide Greater Gabbard’s subsidy of £129  million by 100, and each job is worth an incredible £1.29 million. The spend might be more justifiable if wind were an efficient and abundant energy source – but it simply is not. Its output fluctuates wildly depending on the amount of wind available. This week, our thousands of wind turbines managed to generate an impressive 12 per cent of our total energy production. But during our last cold, windless winter – when electricity demand was at its greatest – that fell to lows of 0.1 per cent."

Which is a matter of Public Record so once again you are simply parroting the propagandists. Like I said, this was a factual report and we got an opinion piece in return and you can't understand the difference.

In the UK, the Telegraph is known as the Torygraph because it's so conservative. That's like getting "facts" from MSNBC or Fox, they use facts that work for their agenda, but have tendencies to miss the ones that's don't.

So what. Facts are facts. The public record is clear as to how much each of those jobs cost. Why do you attempt to defend the BS?
oh big deal !! As said , cutting off nose to spite face . Course I understand that attitude but hope that the TRUMP prevails in the end .

You obviously don't understand what a supreme court is.

They are the final say.

trump lost in the end.
sure I know what it is , its the Scottish supremes , don't care what they rule , Donald probably doesn't either . I think that TRUMP will do just fine !!

If you know what it is then you know it's the final say.

This is the end and trump lost.

He will be just fine. It's a golf course. Nothing important.

Obviously you think it's important since you're still having a hard time accepting that tump lost.

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