Scotland Was Allowed To Vote On Secession. Why Can't The American States?

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Does it mention the fact the Sherman's troops burned Atlanta to the ground? Does it mention the thousands of civilians they slaughtered, the farms and plantations they looted and burned and the women they raped? Does it mention the crops they burned and the livestock they stole?
Why don't you watch and find out? Afraid of learning something?

Sorry, numskull. I don't waste my time watching left wing propaganda. I already know the facts about Sherman's march to the sea. The man was a mass murderer. He presided over mass slaughter, rape and pillage. He deliberately burned Atlanta to the ground.

I'd love to hear more. Please tell me the name of the author of the book you read that describes the mass murder.

Here ya go, you pompous ignorant asshole:

“Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War” by John Bennett Walters, or “The Hard Hand of War” by Mark Grimsley.

Books you never read.

Does it mention the fact the Sherman's troops burned Atlanta to the ground? Does it mention the thousands of civilians they slaughtered, the farms and plantations they looted and burned and the women they raped? Does it mention the crops they burned and the livestock they stole?
Why don't you watch and find out? Afraid of learning something?

Sorry, numskull. I don't waste my time watching left wing propaganda. I already know the facts about Sherman's march to the sea. The man was a mass murderer. He presided over mass slaughter, rape and pillage. He deliberately burned Atlanta to the ground.

I'd love to hear more. Please tell me the name of the author of the book you read that describes the mass murder.

Here's some choice information about your hero, General Sherman:

Mass Murder of Civilians as Deliberate US Policy - War Is Crime

William Tecumseh Sherman was indeed the founding father of terrorism perpetrated by the U.S. government and disquised by the language of “collective security.” Sherman biographer William Fellman (author of Citizen Sherman) quotes Sherman as saying this about his fellow American citizens from the Southern states: “To the petulant and persistent secessionists, why death is mercy, and the quicker he or she is disposed of the better… Until we can repopulate Georgia, it is useless to occupy it, but the utter destruction of its roads, houses, and people will cripple their military resources” (emphasis added). Sherman was referring here to his plans for the civilian population of Georgia after the Confederate Army had left the state.

Referring to his plans for the civilian population of Northern Alabama, Fellman quotes Sherman as saying that the “Government of the United States” had the “right” to “take their lives, their homes, their lands, their everything… We will take every life, every acre of land, every particle of property… “ And he was not referring to slaves when he used the word “property.”

In a July 31, 1862 letter to his wife Sherman wrote that “the war will soon assume a turn to extermination not of soldiers alone, that is the least part of the trouble, but the people . … There is a class of people, men, women, and children, who must be killed…” (emphasis added).

In the autumn of 1862 Confederate snipers were firing at U.S. Navy gunboats on the Mississippi River. Unable to apprehend the combatants, Sherman took revenge on the civilian population by burning the entire town of Randolph, Tennessee to the ground. In the spring of 1863, after the Confederate Army had evacuated, Sherman ordered the destruction of Jackson, Mississippi. Afterwards, in a letter to Grant Sherman boasted that “The inhabitants are subjugated. They cry aloud for mercy. The land is devastated for 30 miles around.”

Sherman’s troops also destroyed Meridian, Mississippi after Confederate troops were driven out, after which Sherman wrote to Grant: “For five days, ten thousand of our men worked hard and with a will, in that work of destruction, with axes, sledges, crowbars, clawbars, and with fire, and I have no hesitation in pronouncing the work well done. Meridian … no longer exists.”

When Sherman’s chief military engineer, Captain O.M. Poe, advised that the bombing of Atlanta after the Confederates had fled was of no military significance, Sherman ignored him and declared that the corpses of women and children in the streets was “a beautiful sight,” as Fellman writes in Citizen Sherman.
In October of 1864 Sherman ordered the murder of randomly-chosen citizens in retaliation for Confederate Army attacks on his army. He wrote to General Louis Watkins: “Cannot you send over about Fairmount and Adairsville, burn ten or twelve houses … kill a few at random, and let them know that it will be repeated every time a [military] train is fired upon… “ (See John B. Walters, Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War, p. 137).

Some interesting quotes on war from Sherman, but absolutely no evidence of any kind to support your hair brained theories of mass murder. None. Again.....books you never read and wouldn't understand if you did. The proof of that is your continued refusal to debate the material in the videos.
Does it mention the fact the Sherman's troops burned Atlanta to the ground? Does it mention the thousands of civilians they slaughtered, the farms and plantations they looted and burned and the women they raped? Does it mention the crops they burned and the livestock they stole?
Why don't you watch and find out? Afraid of learning something?

Sorry, numskull. I don't waste my time watching left wing propaganda. I already know the facts about Sherman's march to the sea. The man was a mass murderer. He presided over mass slaughter, rape and pillage. He deliberately burned Atlanta to the ground.

I'd love to hear more. Please tell me the name of the author of the book you read that describes the mass murder.

Here's some choice information about your hero, General Sherman:

Mass Murder of Civilians as Deliberate US Policy - War Is Crime

William Tecumseh Sherman was indeed the founding father of terrorism perpetrated by the U.S. government and disquised by the language of “collective security.” Sherman biographer William Fellman (author of Citizen Sherman) quotes Sherman as saying this about his fellow American citizens from the Southern states: “To the petulant and persistent secessionists, why death is mercy, and the quicker he or she is disposed of the better… Until we can repopulate Georgia, it is useless to occupy it, but the utter destruction of its roads, houses, and people will cripple their military resources” (emphasis added). Sherman was referring here to his plans for the civilian population of Georgia after the Confederate Army had left the state.

Referring to his plans for the civilian population of Northern Alabama, Fellman quotes Sherman as saying that the “Government of the United States” had the “right” to “take their lives, their homes, their lands, their everything… We will take every life, every acre of land, every particle of property… “ And he was not referring to slaves when he used the word “property.”

In a July 31, 1862 letter to his wife Sherman wrote that “the war will soon assume a turn to extermination not of soldiers alone, that is the least part of the trouble, but the people . … There is a class of people, men, women, and children, who must be killed…” (emphasis added).

In the autumn of 1862 Confederate snipers were firing at U.S. Navy gunboats on the Mississippi River. Unable to apprehend the combatants, Sherman took revenge on the civilian population by burning the entire town of Randolph, Tennessee to the ground. In the spring of 1863, after the Confederate Army had evacuated, Sherman ordered the destruction of Jackson, Mississippi. Afterwards, in a letter to Grant Sherman boasted that “The inhabitants are subjugated. They cry aloud for mercy. The land is devastated for 30 miles around.”

Sherman’s troops also destroyed Meridian, Mississippi after Confederate troops were driven out, after which Sherman wrote to Grant: “For five days, ten thousand of our men worked hard and with a will, in that work of destruction, with axes, sledges, crowbars, clawbars, and with fire, and I have no hesitation in pronouncing the work well done. Meridian … no longer exists.”

When Sherman’s chief military engineer, Captain O.M. Poe, advised that the bombing of Atlanta after the Confederates had fled was of no military significance, Sherman ignored him and declared that the corpses of women and children in the streets was “a beautiful sight,” as Fellman writes in Citizen Sherman.
In October of 1864 Sherman ordered the murder of randomly-chosen citizens in retaliation for Confederate Army attacks on his army. He wrote to General Louis Watkins: “Cannot you send over about Fairmount and Adairsville, burn ten or twelve houses … kill a few at random, and let them know that it will be repeated every time a [military] train is fired upon… “ (See John B. Walters, Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War, p. 137).

Some interesting quotes on war from Sherman, but absolutely no evidence of any kind to support your hair brained theories of mass murder. None. Again.....books you never read and wouldn't understand if you did. The proof of that is your continued refusal to debate the material in the videos.

So Sherman admitting that he killed civilians isn't evidence that he killed civilians? Sherman admitting that he wiped Meridian off the face of the earth isn't evidence that he destroyed a town? What would you consider valid evidence?

if you want to debate the videos, then debate them. Start your bloviating.
Does it mention the fact the Sherman's troops burned Atlanta to the ground? Does it mention the thousands of civilians they slaughtered, the farms and plantations they looted and burned and the women they raped? Does it mention the crops they burned and the livestock they stole?
Why don't you watch and find out? Afraid of learning something?

Sorry, numskull. I don't waste my time watching left wing propaganda. I already know the facts about Sherman's march to the sea. The man was a mass murderer. He presided over mass slaughter, rape and pillage. He deliberately burned Atlanta to the ground.

I'd love to hear more. Please tell me the name of the author of the book you read that describes the mass murder.

Here ya go, you pompous ignorant asshole:

“Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War” by John Bennett Walters, or “The Hard Hand of War” by Mark Grimsley.

Books you never read.

Prove it, asshole.
Why don't you watch and find out? Afraid of learning something?

Sorry, numskull. I don't waste my time watching left wing propaganda. I already know the facts about Sherman's march to the sea. The man was a mass murderer. He presided over mass slaughter, rape and pillage. He deliberately burned Atlanta to the ground.

I'd love to hear more. Please tell me the name of the author of the book you read that describes the mass murder.

Here ya go, you pompous ignorant asshole:

“Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War” by John Bennett Walters, or “The Hard Hand of War” by Mark Grimsley.

Books you never read.

Prove it, asshole.

You just did that for me.
Why don't you watch and find out? Afraid of learning something?

Sorry, numskull. I don't waste my time watching left wing propaganda. I already know the facts about Sherman's march to the sea. The man was a mass murderer. He presided over mass slaughter, rape and pillage. He deliberately burned Atlanta to the ground.

I'd love to hear more. Please tell me the name of the author of the book you read that describes the mass murder.

Here's some choice information about your hero, General Sherman:

Mass Murder of Civilians as Deliberate US Policy - War Is Crime

William Tecumseh Sherman was indeed the founding father of terrorism perpetrated by the U.S. government and disquised by the language of “collective security.” Sherman biographer William Fellman (author of Citizen Sherman) quotes Sherman as saying this about his fellow American citizens from the Southern states: “To the petulant and persistent secessionists, why death is mercy, and the quicker he or she is disposed of the better… Until we can repopulate Georgia, it is useless to occupy it, but the utter destruction of its roads, houses, and people will cripple their military resources” (emphasis added). Sherman was referring here to his plans for the civilian population of Georgia after the Confederate Army had left the state.

Referring to his plans for the civilian population of Northern Alabama, Fellman quotes Sherman as saying that the “Government of the United States” had the “right” to “take their lives, their homes, their lands, their everything… We will take every life, every acre of land, every particle of property… “ And he was not referring to slaves when he used the word “property.”

In a July 31, 1862 letter to his wife Sherman wrote that “the war will soon assume a turn to extermination not of soldiers alone, that is the least part of the trouble, but the people . … There is a class of people, men, women, and children, who must be killed…” (emphasis added).

In the autumn of 1862 Confederate snipers were firing at U.S. Navy gunboats on the Mississippi River. Unable to apprehend the combatants, Sherman took revenge on the civilian population by burning the entire town of Randolph, Tennessee to the ground. In the spring of 1863, after the Confederate Army had evacuated, Sherman ordered the destruction of Jackson, Mississippi. Afterwards, in a letter to Grant Sherman boasted that “The inhabitants are subjugated. They cry aloud for mercy. The land is devastated for 30 miles around.”

Sherman’s troops also destroyed Meridian, Mississippi after Confederate troops were driven out, after which Sherman wrote to Grant: “For five days, ten thousand of our men worked hard and with a will, in that work of destruction, with axes, sledges, crowbars, clawbars, and with fire, and I have no hesitation in pronouncing the work well done. Meridian … no longer exists.”

When Sherman’s chief military engineer, Captain O.M. Poe, advised that the bombing of Atlanta after the Confederates had fled was of no military significance, Sherman ignored him and declared that the corpses of women and children in the streets was “a beautiful sight,” as Fellman writes in Citizen Sherman.
In October of 1864 Sherman ordered the murder of randomly-chosen citizens in retaliation for Confederate Army attacks on his army. He wrote to General Louis Watkins: “Cannot you send over about Fairmount and Adairsville, burn ten or twelve houses … kill a few at random, and let them know that it will be repeated every time a [military] train is fired upon… “ (See John B. Walters, Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War, p. 137).

Some interesting quotes on war from Sherman, but absolutely no evidence of any kind to support your hair brained theories of mass murder. None. Again.....books you never read and wouldn't understand if you did. The proof of that is your continued refusal to debate the material in the videos.

So Sherman admitting that he killed civilians isn't evidence that he killed civilians? Sherman admitting that he wiped Meridian off the face of the earth isn't evidence that he destroyed a town? What would you consider valid evidence?

if you want to debate the videos, then debate them. Start your bloviating.

Further evidence that you haven't read any books on the subject.
Begs the question: Why are all secession minded people so ignorant of their own history?

Once again, you obviously don't know what it means to "beg the question."

You should quit before the forum becomes aware of the full extent of your stupidity
Cump admitted he was a war criminal. THINK

You just lied again. THINK about that.

Nope. He admitted it. THINK
You're asking him to exercise an ability he doesn't possess.

You can't learn so there's no hope for you.
I definitely can't learn anything from you, other than how truly stupid and pig headed some people can be.
Sorry, numskull. I don't waste my time watching left wing propaganda. I already know the facts about Sherman's march to the sea. The man was a mass murderer. He presided over mass slaughter, rape and pillage. He deliberately burned Atlanta to the ground.

I'd love to hear more. Please tell me the name of the author of the book you read that describes the mass murder.

Here ya go, you pompous ignorant asshole:

“Merchant of Terror: General Sherman and Total War” by John Bennett Walters, or “The Hard Hand of War” by Mark Grimsley.

Books you never read.

Prove it, asshole.

You just did that for me.

Nuh uhn!
Begs the question: Why are all secession minded people so ignorant of their own history?

Once again, you obviously don't know what it means to "beg the question."

You should quit before the forum becomes aware of the full extent of your stupidity

Quit the forum? How about this instead.....I'm going to start a ignore list and you will be the first and only one on that list. Doesn't that make you feel special. It's not as though you ever had anything interesting or intelligent to say and you're too chickenshit to participate in an actual debate.
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