Scotland welcomes immigrants

Well thats not quite accurate. All EU countries have different gun laws. But in principle yes.

Its not difficult is it ?

Taking the UK for example. The crime rate with guns rose after the 1997 seizure of guns until they hired 16% more police. It's still higher than it was before the 1997 law.

the problem in the USA is too many sub groups who haven't assimilated with one another. The CRA that LBJ signed just pushed integration over assimilation and set blacks on a path of violence.... Which is why black gangs are largely responsible for gun deaths. This was exactly what Barry Goldwater was afraid of... And why he didn't support the CRA.
Thats a truly heroic attempt to deflect from the essential truth.
Anyway, it isnt a competition and all societies could do better. I just get irritated when reading forums like this one. Ignorant people havent got a clue what is going on in Europe , which is a lot safer than anywhere they live, apart from New Hampshire of course.

And you have deflected away from the topic because you were getting destroyed, here is something else for you to ponder. Scotland is the most racist member of the Union, and here they are welcoming even more immigrants for them to be racist towards.

"Scotland is the most racist member of the Union, blahbiddy blah blah."

Fuck your pronouncements, explain and/or show something, anything, to back up wildass wild ranging statements like that when you spew them.

You can start your new life on here with that one there.
Good luck with that. He is the thickest fucker on this board.

You wear that crown tainted as you have yet to be right about anything. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day, you cant even be correct once
Taking the UK for example. The crime rate with guns rose after the 1997 seizure of guns until they hired 16% more police. It's still higher than it was before the 1997 law.

the problem in the USA is too many sub groups who haven't assimilated with one another. The CRA that LBJ signed just pushed integration over assimilation and set blacks on a path of violence.... Which is why black gangs are largely responsible for gun deaths. This was exactly what Barry Goldwater was afraid of... And why he didn't support the CRA.
Thats a truly heroic attempt to deflect from the essential truth.
Anyway, it isnt a competition and all societies could do better. I just get irritated when reading forums like this one. Ignorant people havent got a clue what is going on in Europe , which is a lot safer than anywhere they live, apart from New Hampshire of course.

And you have deflected away from the topic because you were getting destroyed, here is something else for you to ponder. Scotland is the most racist member of the Union, and here they are welcoming even more immigrants for them to be racist towards.

"Scotland is the most racist member of the Union, blahbiddy blah blah."

Fuck your pronouncements, explain and/or show something, anything, to back up wildass wild ranging statements like that when you spew them.

You can start your new life on here with that one there.
Good luck with that. He is the thickest fucker on this board.

To be fair, he does have some competition spurring him on to new lows.

Right up until I provide the evidence and then you run away dont you, just like tainted does
Thats a truly heroic attempt to deflect from the essential truth.
Anyway, it isnt a competition and all societies could do better. I just get irritated when reading forums like this one. Ignorant people havent got a clue what is going on in Europe , which is a lot safer than anywhere they live, apart from New Hampshire of course.

And you have deflected away from the topic because you were getting destroyed, here is something else for you to ponder. Scotland is the most racist member of the Union, and here they are welcoming even more immigrants for them to be racist towards.

"Scotland is the most racist member of the Union, blahbiddy blah blah."

Fuck your pronouncements, explain and/or show something, anything, to back up wildass wild ranging statements like that when you spew them.

You can start your new life on here with that one there.
Good luck with that. He is the thickest fucker on this board.

To be fair, he does have some competition spurring him on to new lows.

Right up until I provide the evidence and then you run away dont you, just like tainted does
Look you idiot. You havent provided anything apart from an article that states there is racism in Scotland. No shocks there.

Now back up your claim.
better to have Freedom rather than this constant search for safety . Same goes for Freedom rather than this constant longing for Healthcare and long life as a useless skeleton . -------------------------- Theres only [roughly] about 10,000 criminal caused gun deaths in the USA as the other 20,000 are suicides where a gun was used or the deaths of people that needed to be shot dead by coppers or homeowners defending their lives and property . Thats roughly 30,000 gun deaths a year out of a USA population of over 320 million so the Gun deaths are a trivial number . Just a comment .

Plus the eugenics crowd should like the suicides. It's broken people eliminating themselves.
----------------------------- don't know about the Eugenics but eliminating Freedom of efficient self defense with firearms just limits Freedom from criminals for the weak , small , handicapped , old and infirm . I mean , most weak , small , men and women would be prey for criminals while 'hilary' and Englands 'queen' [and the retired tony blair] and the elite travel through life with Armed Bodyguards paid for by taxpayers ------------------ see Europe as it cowers from muslim refugee invaders for an example of Euros not being able to defend themselves because they are mostly disarmed by the governments that are also bringing in the criminal muslim savages St. Lucie .
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and , people that commit suicide , well they are faulty in makeup and will kill themselves in any number of other ways St Lucie . .
funny story about 'tony blair' and his body guard as the bodyguard spends a penny in a Starbuck bathroom --- Tony Blair bodyguard left loaded gun in Starbucks when she went to the toilet --- point is that even the retired 'tony blair' has armed bodyguards carrying guns to protect 'tony blair' and probably at taxpayers expense , Course since the general gun confiscation in 97 - 98 [about] the regular English person is at the mercy of the criminal , but not 'tony blair' , the queen and other elites.
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American ignorance on display, we're so into freedumb we can't allow other nations their own decisions.

Poor commies. You wouldn't know freedom if it sat on your stupid face and wiggled.

It's their decision, nobody said any different. And we're *allowing* it.

We just know it's fucking stupid.
Europe does serve as an example of reality though . Watch muslims in Europe and see whats headed to the USA , maybe . England may have smartened up due to 'brexit' but I think that England has a lot to do to cleanup current muslim problems in England .
You really have bought the right-wing scare tactics. "The sky is falling" mentality has no place in America....the greatest nation on earth except for in the pigmy minds of Trumpscamians.

You seem to be so blinded by politics that you fail to recognize reality. Here is reality:


More guns, less crime.
More Democrats, more crime. Feel free to visit Chicago statistics on the subject...
Europe does serve as an example of reality though . Watch muslims in Europe and see whats headed to the USA , maybe . England may have smartened up due to 'brexit' but I think that England has a lot to do to cleanup current muslim problems in England .
Europe is a lot safer than the US. Your freedom to shoot each other over a parking space comes at a cost.
And you have deflected away from the topic because you were getting destroyed, here is something else for you to ponder. Scotland is the most racist member of the Union, and here they are welcoming even more immigrants for them to be racist towards.

"Scotland is the most racist member of the Union, blahbiddy blah blah."

Fuck your pronouncements, explain and/or show something, anything, to back up wildass wild ranging statements like that when you spew them.

You can start your new life on here with that one there.
Good luck with that. He is the thickest fucker on this board.

To be fair, he does have some competition spurring him on to new lows.

Right up until I provide the evidence and then you run away dont you, just like tainted does
Look you idiot. You havent provided anything apart from an article that states there is racism in Scotland. No shocks there.

Now back up your claim.

Like this from one of your "darkies" no less

10 True Things we Need to Say About Racism in Scotland

Between 2000 and 2013, the per capita rate of murders with a known or suspected racist element in Scotland was higher than in the rest of the UK - 1.8 murders per million people in the population compared to 1.3[1].

  1. There were more than 4,600 racist incidents recorded by the police in Scotland during 2012/13 – around 90 per week[2], and almost certainly just the tip of the iceberg.
  2. 28% of Scotland’s people think there is sometimes good reason for prejudice against certain groups.[3]
  3. 10% would be unhappy if a black or Asian person joined their family circle, rising to 37% if a Gypsy/Traveller joined .
  4. Black and ethnic minority communities in Scotland are significantly more likely to live in relative poverty – at 25% for 2012/13, compared to 14% for the white-British group[5] and at greater risk of severe and extreme poverty[6].
  5. Just 0.85% of Modern Apprentices in training as of March 2014 were estimated to be from BME communities – despite 6% of our young people being BME .
  6. 2011/12 figures showed that, for local authority jobs, even after the interview stage, white candidates were almost twice as likely to be appointed as BME candidates[8].
  7. Just 1.3% of police staff, 1.1% of local authority staff, and 0.85% of fire service staff are BME[9] - despite BME people making up more than 4% of Scotland’s population. Even in Glasgow, the City Council’s BME workforce is 1.9% of the total, despite the BME population of the city amounting to 11.6%[10].
  8. DWP research (which included employers in Scotland) showed a person with a ‘BME name’ had to send an application away 16 times to achieve a successful response compared to the 9 times for someone with a ‘white name’ - even though they were submitting the same application[11].
  9. In 25 of our 32 local authorities there are no BME Councillors at all, and there are only 4 Black minority ethnic women councillors in the whole country.[12]
Europe does serve as an example of reality though . Watch muslims in Europe and see whats headed to the USA , maybe . England may have smartened up due to 'brexit' but I think that England has a lot to do to cleanup current muslim problems in England .
Europe is a lot safer than the US. Your freedom to shoot each other over a parking space comes at a cost.
---------------------------------- you are silly Tomi.
Europe does serve as an example of reality though . Watch muslims in Europe and see whats headed to the USA , maybe . England may have smartened up due to 'brexit' but I think that England has a lot to do to cleanup current muslim problems in England .
Europe is a lot safer than the US. Your freedom to shoot each other over a parking space comes at a cost.

Is it any better in Europe when muslim terrorists can mow down innocent people. Complain and you face prison for being non conformist. Only a matter of time before the French and Germans get rid of their neo marxists and put in a strong government to rid them of the terrorists.
you think so Phoenal , I sure hope so . Not because of safety , I oppose the muslim importation simply because of what they will do concerning Western rule of law , RIGHTS and Freedoms .------------------ when they get the numbers and votes and ally with europeon lefties the results will not be good for euro natives . See londonistans new muslim mayor Phoenal .
Europe is a lot safer than the US. Your freedom to shoot each other over a parking space comes at a cost.

Better be sure to stay far, far away.
America is falling apart.

Stay the fuck out and you should be fine (aside from living with your fellow subjects who have traumatized you with their views on the EU ~ :lol:)
Get your hair cut you scruffy twat.
you think so Phoenal , I sure hope so . Not because of safety , I oppose the muslim importation simply because of what they will do concerning Western rule of law , RIGHTS and Freedoms .------------------ when they get the numbers and votes and ally with europeon lefties the results will not be good for euro natives . See londonistans new muslim mayor Phoenal .
Bedwetter. Europe is safer than the US.

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