Scott Walker On Evolution: 'I Am Going To Punt On That One'

Both looney sides need to go away.

Well, I'd certainly be all for that.

That said, the GOP keeps this issue (and similar peripheral issues) alive and has to answer to it.

My guess is that Walker is pragmatic and sees it's a no-win answer for him.


Mac, the looney left and the looney right will only be satisfied with one or the other answer. It also is not the time or the place to ask the question or it to be answered. The article points out that they tried to get him to criticize Obama and he wisely answered that question, yet the looney nuts only see the one question he side stepped.

Had he criticized Obama, I would have changed my opinion of him to a negative one. You don't criticize a sitting President on foreign soil. It was an inappropriate question, just as the evolution question was. I think Walker handled them both well.

He will have to answer the question on evolution soon, and I am sure once he gets back to the states he will, however it will not satirist the looney left, even if he totally agrees with them.

Just point out. This question was most likely to be asked by a British Journalist who was asking it to see was Scott Walker a reasonable sane guy or going to pander to the extreme in his own party.
It was a solid question which every first world leader or prospective one would have answered that evolution is the right path.
Scott Walker punted, we know why? He was in London and he would have been considered an idiot. The UK doesn't have a large portion of population that believe in Religion over Fact. And remember this is Religion not Faith, someone can be a very good Christian and also understand evolution to be right.

Everyone would answer? How do you know that? If they idea of evolution is considered fact, why would a British reporter even bring it up at a trade conference. Interesting theory. What do you want to bet is was a looney liberal American reporter that is over there to stir up crap. Again, the question needs to be answered, I don't see how a trade conference is the forum of evolution.

Again the far left and the far right seem to think they have a right to dictate the discourse in this country. And next year this won't be an issue because he will answer it in his due time, not yours.
Well he dropped out of college and slashes education funding every chance he gets. No one should be the least bit surprised that someone so anti-learning doesn't believe in evolution.

Do you really believe any of that tripe?
Everything I posted is fact except for him being anti-learning. The facts simply point to that.

How is taking $150 million from a university budget of over $2 billion equate to "slashes education funding every chance he gets"? This is why you're not being taken seriously on this.
Largest education cuts in Wisconsin state history:
Recall candidate Kathleen Falk says Governor Scott Walker enacted the biggest cuts to education in our state s history PolitiFact Wisconsin
You mean cutting waste fraud and abuse is anti-learning?
Ahhaaa SW has got the libturds shitting their pants, he beat them three times in three years as Gov. after they threw everything they could at him, and now he is going to take Hildabeas's shot at POTUS away....ahhaaaaaaaaa
Both looney sides need to go away.

Well, I'd certainly be all for that.

That said, the GOP keeps this issue (and similar peripheral issues) alive and has to answer to it.

My guess is that Walker is pragmatic and sees it's a no-win answer for him.


Mac, the looney left and the looney right will only be satisfied with one or the other answer. It also is not the time or the place to ask the question or it to be answered. The article points out that they tried to get him to criticize Obama and he wisely answered that question, yet the looney nuts only see the one question he side stepped.

Had he criticized Obama, I would have changed my opinion of him to a negative one. You don't criticize a sitting President on foreign soil. It was an inappropriate question, just as the evolution question was. I think Walker handled them both well.

He will have to answer the question on evolution soon, and I am sure once he gets back to the states he will, however it will not satirist the looney left, even if he totally agrees with them.

Just point out. This question was most likely to be asked by a British Journalist who was asking it to see was Scott Walker a reasonable sane guy or going to pander to the extreme in his own party.
It was a solid question which every first world leader or prospective one would have answered that evolution is the right path.
Scott Walker punted, we know why? He was in London and he would have been considered an idiot. The UK doesn't have a large portion of population that believe in Religion over Fact. And remember this is Religion not Faith, someone can be a very good Christian and also understand evolution to be right.

Everyone would answer? How do you know that? If they idea of evolution is considered fact, why would a British reporter even bring it up at a trade conference. Interesting theory. What do you want to bet is was a looney liberal American reporter that is over there to stir up crap. Again, the question needs to be answered, I don't see how a trade conference is the forum of evolution.

Again the far left and the far right seem to think they have a right to dictate the discourse in this country. And next year this won't be an issue because he will answer it in his due time, not yours.

I don't see why the question needs to be answered. What policies does a yay or nay affect?
More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?

To be President, one does not need to reveal their grades, they don't need to provide their birth certificate to prove where they were born when they were the one who originally said they were born in Kenya, they can take campaign money from the Chinese government, they can get blown in the Oval office by an intern, they can sexually harass an activist in the oval office, they can expose themselves to their secretary, they can cheat and commit plagiarism in college, they can get purple hearts for wounds treated by band aids and turn a two year duty into months, they testify to congress they are a war criminal, they say they came under sniper fire when they didn't ...

...but damn it, they do have to tell us where they stand on creationism. Liberals, what idiots...
More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?

To be President, one does not need to reveal their grades, they don't need to provide their birth certificate to prove where they were born when they were the one who originally said they were born in Kenya, they can take campaign money from the Chinese government, they can get blown in the Oval office by an intern, they can sexually harass an activist in the oval office, they can expose themselves to their secretary, they can cheat and commit plagiarism in college, they can get purple hearts for wounds treated by band aids and turn a two year duty into months, they testify to congress they are a war criminal, they say they came under sniper fire when they didn't ...

...but damn it, they do have to tell us where they stand on creationism. Liberals, what idiots...

To be president you have to get votes. The voters decide what THEY think is important. Anyone can stonewall the media all the want. If the voters are OK with it, he/she has no problems.
Wow Walker shut down a libturd trying to pull a sneak attack like they did to Romeny. Good For Him, I like SW.
Only a Gooper in distress would call a question about evolution a "sneak attack"...good thing they did not ask if the Earth was round or flat because he would have punted that one sense taking chances with GOP voters ...
More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?

To be President, one does not need to reveal their grades, they don't need to provide their birth certificate to prove where they were born when they were the one who originally said they were born in Kenya, they can take campaign money from the Chinese government, they can get blown in the Oval office by an intern, they can sexually harass an activist in the oval office, they can expose themselves to their secretary, they can cheat and commit plagiarism in college, they can get purple hearts for wounds treated by band aids and turn a two year duty into months, they testify to congress they are a war criminal, they say they came under sniper fire when they didn't ...

...but damn it, they do have to tell us where they stand on creationism. Liberals, what idiots...

To be president you have to get votes. The voters decide what THEY think is important. Anyone can stonewall the media all the want. If the voters are OK with it, he/she has no problems.

The far left drones are proof of that!
Wow Walker shut down a libturd trying to pull a sneak attack like they did to Romeny. Good For Him, I like SW.
Only a Gooper in distress would call a question about evolution a "sneak attack"...good thing they did not ask if the Earth was round or flat because he would have punted that one sense taking chances with GOP voters ...

See how the far left supports other far left drones..

Then again they are also irony impaired..
Wow Walker shut down a libturd trying to pull a sneak attack like they did to Romeny. Good For Him, I like SW.
Only a Gooper in distress would call a question about evolution a "sneak attack"...good thing they did not ask if the Earth was round or flat because he would have punted that one sense taking chances with GOP voters ...

See how the far left supports other far left drones..

Then again they are also irony impaired..
No whining now ...stay calm and watch your Fox news LOl
The issue is are you going to stand by Science which has raised our standard of living or are we going to pander to "lost in the desert primitive tribes in the Middle East dogma"....
Wow Walker shut down a libturd trying to pull a sneak attack like they did to Romeny. Good For Him, I like SW.
Only a Gooper in distress would call a question about evolution a "sneak attack"...good thing they did not ask if the Earth was round or flat because he would have punted that one sense taking chances with GOP voters ...

See how the far left supports other far left drones..

Then again they are also irony impaired..
No whining now ...stay calm and watch your Fox news LOl

The irony impaired far left drones and their quest to be top drone of the month..
More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?

To be President, one does not need to reveal their grades, they don't need to provide their birth certificate to prove where they were born when they were the one who originally said they were born in Kenya, they can take campaign money from the Chinese government, they can get blown in the Oval office by an intern, they can sexually harass an activist in the oval office, they can expose themselves to their secretary, they can cheat and commit plagiarism in college, they can get purple hearts for wounds treated by band aids and turn a two year duty into months, they testify to congress they are a war criminal, they say they came under sniper fire when they didn't ...

...but damn it, they do have to tell us where they stand on creationism. Liberals, what idiots...

To be president you have to get votes. The voters decide what THEY think is important. Anyone can stonewall the media all the want. If the voters are OK with it, he/she has no problems.

Yes, Obama was re-elected. No one cares what Walker thinks about creationism except people who aren't going to vote for him no matter what his answer is.
AGW is science .....
Search Results
  1. Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming
We analyze the evolution of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming (AGW) in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, examining 11 944 climate abstracts from 1991–2011 matching the topics 'global climate change' or 'global warming'. We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming. In a second phase of this study, we invited authors to rate their own papers. Compared to abstract ratings, a smaller percentage of self-rated papers expressed no position on AGW (35.5%). Among self-rated papers expressing a position on AGW, 97.2% endorsed the consensus. For both abstract ratings and authors' self-ratings, the percentage of endorsements among papers expressing a position on AGW marginally increased over time. Our analysis indicates that the number of papers rejecting the consensus on AGW is a vanishingly small proportion of the published research.
More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?

To be President, one does not need to reveal their grades, they don't need to provide their birth certificate to prove where they were born when they were the one who originally said they were born in Kenya, they can take campaign money from the Chinese government, they can get blown in the Oval office by an intern, they can sexually harass an activist in the oval office, they can expose themselves to their secretary, they can cheat and commit plagiarism in college, they can get purple hearts for wounds treated by band aids and turn a two year duty into months, they testify to congress they are a war criminal, they say they came under sniper fire when they didn't ...

...but damn it, they do have to tell us where they stand on creationism. Liberals, what idiots...

To be president you have to get votes. The voters decide what THEY think is important. Anyone can stonewall the media all the want. If the voters are OK with it, he/she has no problems.

Yes, Obama was re-elected. No one cares what Walker thinks about creationism except people who aren't going to vote for him no matter what his answer is.

Probably right.
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