Scott Walker On Evolution: 'I Am Going To Punt On That One'

Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.
So Walker, goes to a trade and economic think tank, and wants to talk economics and trade. Then they want him to criticize a sitting President on foreign soil and Walker deflects.

It sounds as if Walker stayed on task answered the questions correctly.

The looney left get their panties in a bunch for no real reason. This is the crap the left has been crying about for years that the looney right does with Obama.

Both looney sides need to go away.
why can't Scotty answer a simple question on Evolution which is a Right wing nut keep the no information one tooth slack jawed fundamentalist nut bags happy...end of story...
In an economic/trade summit?

If he answers in a different setting fine, but I see no benefit going off topic and I see him controlling and staying on point, not getting side tracked. I wish you slack jawed nuts would focus on the topics instead of being easily deflected.
That you and others on the right are embarrassed by Republican office holders is on you, not the press.
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

He has helped lower insurance costs on public employees, he broke the union forced insurance company on its union members. Very expensive and did not allow for competition. Union workers are taking home more money as a result.
So Walker, goes to a trade and economic think tank, and wants to talk economics and trade. Then they want him to criticize a sitting President on foreign soil and Walker deflects.

It sounds as if Walker stayed on task answered the questions correctly.

The looney left get their panties in a bunch for no real reason. This is the crap the left has been crying about for years that the looney right does with Obama.

Both looney sides need to go away.
why can't Scotty answer a simple question on Evolution which is a Right wing nut keep the no information one tooth slack jawed fundamentalist nut bags happy...end of story...
In an economic/trade summit?

If he answers in a different setting fine, but I see no benefit going off topic and I see him controlling and staying on point, not getting side tracked. I wish you slack jawed nuts would focus on the topics instead of being easily deflected.
That you and others on the right are embarrassed by Republican office holders is on you, not the press.

I'm not embarrassed, what is embarrassing is nutty lefty loons and nutty righty loons try to control the dialogue in this country.
Walker is a puke!

It must really chap your drawers that he, a conservative governor, is so popular with liberals and democrats (but I repeat myself) in such a blue state. No wonder you hate him.
Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.
Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

It has traction in the 'Lets not vote for a nutjob' sector
Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

It has traction in the 'Lets not vote for a nutjob' sector

Hasn't bothered the liberals in Wisconsin. Oh wait, you are a looney left liberal. Reasoning and compromise aren't in your agenda.
Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history

Yes, it must be hugely comforting to you the Old Guard Republican Establishment was finally able to reassert itself and put down the internal tea party revolution that had knocked it off balance.

Now they can get back to the same old business of borrowing and spending.

Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

It has traction in the 'Lets not vote for a nutjob' sector

Yet many in that sector will vote for a candidate who promises to lower ocean levels, lower the cost of healthcare while simultaneously adding millions of people to the system and letting everyone keep their existing plans and doctors, and pay down the national debt while simultaneously increasing spending by just taxing the wealthy a little bit more. Those are the kind of nutjob ideas that cause real headaches to real people. Believing or not believing in evoltion doesn't.
Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

No, it's not the MOST important qualification, but it is ONE of the MOST important qualifications - BECAUSE presidents appoint and nominate JUDGES which affect ALL our lives. I don't want some religious nutjob who believes in Creationism living in the White House.
Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

No, it's not the MOST important qualification, but it is ONE of the MOST important qualifications - BECAUSE presidents appoint and nominate JUDGES which affect ALL our lives. I don't want some religious nutjob who believes in Creationism living in the White House.

Please do explain how a judge who believes or not believes in evolution is going to impact your life.
Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question.

No he doesn't. He's absolutely correct, it's not a question that should be seeping into politics.
Why not? Don't you want to know if your President rejects science and reason?

Of course... look at President Barry Kardashian... he defies logic and reason on a minute by minute basis. Next to Carter, he's probably the biggest idiots to ever inhabit the White House.

Yet the left holds him out as the smartest guy like EVER!

Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

No, it's not the MOST important qualification, but it is ONE of the MOST important qualifications - BECAUSE presidents appoint and nominate JUDGES which affect ALL our lives. I don't want some religious nutjob who believes in Creationism living in the White House.

Why? We have a nutjob AGW cultist there now....

Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

No, it's not the MOST important qualification, but it is ONE of the MOST important qualifications - BECAUSE presidents appoint and nominate JUDGES which affect ALL our lives. I don't want some religious nutjob who believes in Creationism living in the White House.

Please do explain how a judge who believes or not believes in evolution is going to impact your life.

Simply consider the Supreme Court. Remember that religious beliefs influence evolution beliefs - and vice versa.

Do the Religious Beliefs of Supreme Court Justices Influence Their Decisions?

FindLaw: Legal Subjects Constitutional Law Supreme Court Religion Cases

Religion: Selected Supreme Court Cases on Religion - Miller Center
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

If it interests you that much then feel free to Google away.

He's certainly had loads of success at surviving all the lefts efforts to unseat him.

Ed Shultz still hasn't recovered from the union's efforts to get him fired. You remember. That backfired on em and Walker is still Gov.

If the people of Wisc don't like him I'm sure he will be gone next election cycle. Or not.
And the far left continues to prove that they do not believe in evolution.

So, I guess you are saying I'm a righty? I hate to disappoint you but I am a moderate, slightly left of center, degreed in geology, almost degreed in anthropology, and have no doubt whatsoever that evolution is real. Next.

Wrong! You are far left drone that hates science. many far left domes believe as you do, but they are all far left and part of the most dangerous religion on the planet.

I'd recommend that you take your meds before post, but it is clear that you are beyond the point where medication can help. So you should consider getting a room in a nursing home, because, damn, son, you are drooling all over the place.

Unfortunately that's the kind of response he's trying to provoke.

And another far left drone checks in to back up the religious dogma of the other far left drone.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed
5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.

Evolution Frequently Asked Questions

See the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

Bonehead, no one here suggested that humans evolved from monkeys.
Well, that means a lot coming from a retard like you. Thanks for playing...

Go ahead and tell me what evolution has any bearing upon? You just want an excuse to hate him on a trivial subject.
Politicians on the Right must play dumb to attract their base. In Walker's case, he might be that dumb.

Is this supposed to cut me? I could give a fuck about Walker. I just think lefties are lame for making issues out of nothing. Whether a politician believes in evolution doesn't even crack the top 1,000 for me because I'm not a tool like you or lakunta.

Anyone who lacks even a very basic understanding of science has no business deciding national science policy. Period.

Oh, can it. It's called the theory of evolution. Don't try to justify your bigotry. Period.

Erm, how does your response relate to my post?
Ahhaaa SW has got the libturds shitting their pants, he beat them three times in three years as Gov. after they threw everything they could at him, and now he is going to take Hildabeas's shot at POTUS away....ahhaaaaaaaaa

If this guy is the GOP's answer to Hillary Clinton, the GOP is fucked.

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