Scott Walker On Evolution: 'I Am Going To Punt On That One'

Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

No, it's not the MOST important qualification, but it is ONE of the MOST important qualifications - BECAUSE presidents appoint and nominate JUDGES which affect ALL our lives. I don't want some religious nutjob who believes in Creationism living in the White House.

Please do explain how a judge who believes or not believes in evolution is going to impact your life.

Simply consider the Supreme Court. Remember that religious beliefs influence evolution beliefs - and vice versa.

Do the Religious Beliefs of Supreme Court Justices Influence Their Decisions?

FindLaw: Legal Subjects Constitutional Law Supreme Court Religion Cases

Religion: Selected Supreme Court Cases on Religion - Miller Center

IOW, nothing concrete, just a vague fear that somehow, in some way, you might be influenced by someone. I have a much greater concern that we will be negatively impacted by judges who buy into discredited ideas about the environment and freedom. Bottom line, belief in evolution matters not at all.
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

If it interests you that much then feel free to Google away.

He's certainly had loads of success at surviving all the lefts efforts to unseat him.

Ed Shultz still hasn't recovered from the union's efforts to get him fired. You remember. That backfired on em and Walker is still Gov.

If the people of Wisc don't like him I'm sure he will be gone next election cycle. Or not.

The ability to win an election is not the ability to govern. Noted that you could not name a single WI improvement he can claim credit for.
Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

It was important enough to Walker to launch him into a spastic verbal dance number.
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

He has helped lower insurance costs on public employees, he broke the union forced insurance company on its union members. Very expensive and did not allow for competition. Union workers are taking home more money as a result.

Erm, if he broke the union, as you claim, how is it that they are taking home more money? Are they or are they not broke? Make up your mind.
Evolution? The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in history Meanwhile democrats are concerned about a governor who isn't even a candidate yet and his views about evolution? Here's the deal. The radical left is out of ideas and is so dazed and confused that they rely on junk excerpts from media matters and pretend that it's a serious issue.

You can always tell when a RWnut sees an issue as a RW problem when they start trying to trivialize it.

Because believing in evolution is the MOST important qualification a candidate can have.

It was important enough to Walker to launch him into a spastic verbal dance number.

It is important merely because it is the "gotcha" idea of the moment. The fact that it is so much more important than actual issues speaks volumes to the paucity of valid criticism.
My question from post 158:

If you owned a business and someone applied for a job and during the application process, they said evolution is a lie, climate change a conspiracy, science is a faith and education is for snobs and they dropped out of school, would you hire them? For what?

From these posts, it seems if you are right leaning, the answer would be either CEO or political leadership position. But if you are left leaning, the answer would be "start by emptying that".

If the job entailed scientific work or making policy decisions regarding science, you bet your sweet ass I would not hire him
But doesn't every job require some kind of decision making? Being able to reason a decision based on facts?
People who believe science is a faith have no reason. There is no reason in magical creation. It's based on a "feeling" with zero credible information or fact.
And anyone who believes education is for snobs, like Rick Santorum, is a fool.
I would have no problem with insisting all my employees have their children vaccinated. It is certainly a reasonable question when hiring. If your children aren't vaccinated, you won't want to work here.

With all the scientific evidence available for evolution and someone comes to the conclusion that we were shimmered into being from a pile of dirt by a man looking spirit in wizard robes and sandals is someone I would never trust with anything. Certainly no decisions more important than picking out the pattern for my toilet paper. And even then............
My question from post 158:

If you owned a business and someone applied for a job and during the application process, they said evolution is a lie, climate change a conspiracy, science is a faith and education is for snobs and they dropped out of school, would you hire them? For what?

From these posts, it seems if you are right leaning, the answer would be either CEO or political leadership position. But if you are left leaning, the answer would be "start by emptying that".

If the job entailed scientific work or making policy decisions regarding science, you bet your sweet ass I would not hire him
But doesn't every job require some kind of decision making? Being able to reason a decision based on facts?
People who believe science is a faith have no reason. There is no reason in magical creation. It's based on a "feeling" with zero credible information or fact.
And anyone who believes education is for snobs, like Rick Santorum, is a fool.
I would have no problem with insisting all my employees have their children vaccinated. It is certainly a reasonable question when hiring. If your children aren't vaccinated, you won't want to work here.

With all the scientific evidence available for evolution and someone comes to the conclusion that we were shimmered into being from a pile of dirt by a man looking spirit in wizard robes and sandals is someone I would never trust with anything. Certainly no decisions more important than picking out the pattern for my toilet paper. And even then............

The president of the U.S. makes significant policy decisions regarding science in this country, and regarding science education, both of which are significant issues impacting our future. The country can ill afford a president who is clueless about what is essentially basic science.
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

If it interests you that much then feel free to Google away.

He's certainly had loads of success at surviving all the lefts efforts to unseat him.

Ed Shultz still hasn't recovered from the union's efforts to get him fired. You remember. That backfired on em and Walker is still Gov.

If the people of Wisc don't like him I'm sure he will be gone next election cycle. Or not.

The ability to win an election is not the ability to govern. Noted that you could not name a single WI improvement he can claim credit for.

After six years of Obama, I am glad you realized this.

I posted one of Walker's accomplishments, the fact you can't read is not my issue.
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

He has helped lower insurance costs on public employees, he broke the union forced insurance company on its union members. Very expensive and did not allow for competition. Union workers are taking home more money as a result.

Erm, if he broke the union, as you claim, how is it that they are taking home more money? Are they or are they not broke? Make up your mind.

Read the insurance history with the SEIU in Wisconsin. The union ran insurance company was put in as the only insurance provider that could serve public union employees. Their rate were a lot higher than other companies but the union locked the out. When Walker ended collective bargaining the union was unable to control the public employees insurance carriers. The rate went down drastically, including the union insurance company. Competition lowered the pricing, allowed the public employees choice and better rates.

Educate yourself before puking stupidity.
Go ahead and tell me what evolution has any bearing upon? You just want an excuse to hate him on a trivial subject.
Politicians on the Right must play dumb to attract their base. In Walker's case, he might be that dumb.

Is this supposed to cut me? I could give a fuck about Walker. I just think lefties are lame for making issues out of nothing. Whether a politician believes in evolution doesn't even crack the top 1,000 for me because I'm not a tool like you or lakunta.

Anyone who lacks even a very basic understanding of science has no business deciding national science policy. Period.

Oh, can it. It's called the theory of evolution. Don't try to justify your bigotry. Period.

Erm, how does your response relate to my post?

You say that anyone that is a creationist is not qualified for the presidency. That's just hardcore bigotry. Nothing less. Most of our presidents if not all of them have been creationists by the way.
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

He has helped lower insurance costs on public employees, he broke the union forced insurance company on its union members. Very expensive and did not allow for competition. Union workers are taking home more money as a result.

Erm, if he broke the union, as you claim, how is it that they are taking home more money? Are they or are they not broke? Make up your mind.

Read the insurance history with the SEIU in Wisconsin. The union ran insurance company was put in as the only insurance provider that could serve public union employees. Their rate were a lot higher than other companies but the union locked the out. When Walker ended collective bargaining the union was unable to control the public employees insurance carriers. The rate went down drastically, including the union insurance company. Competition lowered the pricing, allowed the public employees choice and better rates.

Educate yourself before puking stupidity.

You said the union was broken, but since it is still in business, obviously it is not.
Walker is a puke!

Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

He has helped lower insurance costs on public employees, he broke the union forced insurance company on its union members. Very expensive and did not allow for competition. Union workers are taking home more money as a result.

Erm, if he broke the union, as you claim, how is it that they are taking home more money? Are they or are they not broke? Make up your mind.

Read the insurance history with the SEIU in Wisconsin. The union ran insurance company was put in as the only insurance provider that could serve public union employees. Their rate were a lot higher than other companies but the union locked the out. When Walker ended collective bargaining the union was unable to control the public employees insurance carriers. The rate went down drastically, including the union insurance company. Competition lowered the pricing, allowed the public employees choice and better rates.

Educate yourself before puking stupidity.

I'm not a Walker fan. I think he's corrupt. But I agree that he took on the unions and won to the benefit of the people.
No one who believes in Creationism is qualified to be president - because that proves they are not rational.

So, your THEORY is that a Christian nation should not be ran by a Christian?


You should've had the balls to put that in your title, since that's what this is really about.
Evolution from Bacteria to Humans:


How can any sane person deny evolution?
Politicians on the Right must play dumb to attract their base. In Walker's case, he might be that dumb.

Is this supposed to cut me? I could give a fuck about Walker. I just think lefties are lame for making issues out of nothing. Whether a politician believes in evolution doesn't even crack the top 1,000 for me because I'm not a tool like you or lakunta.

Anyone who lacks even a very basic understanding of science has no business deciding national science policy. Period.

Oh, can it. It's called the theory of evolution. Don't try to justify your bigotry. Period.

Erm, how does your response relate to my post?

You say that anyone that is a creationist is not qualified for the presidency. That's just hardcore bigotry. Nothing less. Most of our presidents if not all of them have been creationists by the way.

First of all, it is not bigotry to acknowledge the ignorance of another any more than it is bigotry to acknowledge that a dead man is dead. Secondly, you have no idea whether or not all of our presidents have been creationists. Obama certainly is not. Many politicians claim religious belief whether or not they actually believe, because despite the fact that it is unconstitutional to prevent people from holding office because of their religious beliefs, or lack thereof (good luck trying to get elected if you don't express a belief in the almighty). Be that as it may, I have no issues with what people believe. Believe what your conscience allows. But if "god did it" is the only explanation a candidate can come up with for all the natural phenomenon we see in the universe, we don't need or want him in the white house because he is useless in advancing science in this country, and hence the economy, when some of the highest paying jobs are in science and advanced technology, and that require people with advanced science education.
Sure you think Walker is a puke. You also think Obama is a great POTUS. LAMO.

Walker is a pretty successfull Governor who's beaten the lefty loons at every turn so of course he's a puke in your eyes.

But then your a lefty loon who wouldn't know a successfull Governor if one bit you in your fake native american ass.

He's been successful as Wisconsin's governor? How? List the meaningful improvements in Wisconsin's economy that he can claim responsibility for.

He has helped lower insurance costs on public employees, he broke the union forced insurance company on its union members. Very expensive and did not allow for competition. Union workers are taking home more money as a result.

Erm, if he broke the union, as you claim, how is it that they are taking home more money? Are they or are they not broke? Make up your mind.

Read the insurance history with the SEIU in Wisconsin. The union ran insurance company was put in as the only insurance provider that could serve public union employees. Their rate were a lot higher than other companies but the union locked the out. When Walker ended collective bargaining the union was unable to control the public employees insurance carriers. The rate went down drastically, including the union insurance company. Competition lowered the pricing, allowed the public employees choice and better rates.

Educate yourself before puking stupidity.

You said the union was broken, but since it is still in business, obviously it is not.

lol! Too funny!
Politicians on the Right must play dumb to attract their base. In Walker's case, he might be that dumb.

Is this supposed to cut me? I could give a fuck about Walker. I just think lefties are lame for making issues out of nothing. Whether a politician believes in evolution doesn't even crack the top 1,000 for me because I'm not a tool like you or lakunta.

Anyone who lacks even a very basic understanding of science has no business deciding national science policy. Period.

Oh, can it. It's called the theory of evolution. Don't try to justify your bigotry. Period.

Erm, how does your response relate to my post?

You say that anyone that is a creationist is not qualified for the presidency. That's just hardcore bigotry. Nothing less. Most of our presidents if not all of them have been creationists by the way.
OMG, it's worse than I thought.

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