Scott Walker On Evolution: 'I Am Going To Punt On That One'

Then again, he didn't say that either.
Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

And the far left continues to prove that they do not believe in evolution.

So, I guess you are saying I'm a righty? I hate to disappoint you but I am a moderate, slightly left of center, degreed in geology, almost degreed in anthropology, and have no doubt whatsoever that evolution is real. Next.

Wrong! You are far left drone that hates science. many far left domes believe as you do, but they are all far left and part of the most dangerous religion on the planet.

I'd recommend that you take your meds before post, but it is clear that you are beyond the point where medication can help. So you should consider getting a room in a nursing home, because, damn, son, you are drooling all over the place.

Unfortunately that's the kind of response he's trying to provoke.
Both looney sides need to go away.

Well, I'd certainly be all for that.

That said, the GOP keeps this issue (and similar peripheral issues) alive and has to answer to it.

My guess is that Walker is pragmatic and sees it's a no-win answer for him.


Mac, the looney left and the looney right will only be satisfied with one or the other answer. It also is not the time or the place to ask the question or it to be answered. The article points out that they tried to get him to criticize Obama and he wisely answered that question, yet the looney nuts only see the one question he side stepped.

Had he criticized Obama, I would have changed my opinion of him to a negative one. You don't criticize a sitting President on foreign soil. It was an inappropriate question, just as the evolution question was. I think Walker handled them both well.

He will have to answer the question on evolution soon, and I am sure once he gets back to the states he will, however it will not satirist the looney left, even if he totally agrees with them.
I agree with all of that.

At the same time, there's no doubt that this is just the beginning for all of the GOP candidates. What is there now, 150?

The media will be asking questions like this for the next, whatever, 21 months, regardless of the event.

Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

And the far left continues to prove that they do not believe in evolution.

So, I guess you are saying I'm a righty? I hate to disappoint you but I am a moderate, slightly left of center, degreed in geology, almost degreed in anthropology, and have no doubt whatsoever that evolution is real. Next.

Wrong! You are far left drone that hates science. many far left domes believe as you do, but they are all far left and part of the most dangerous religion on the planet.

I'd recommend that you take your meds before post, but it is clear that you are beyond the point where medication can help. So you should consider getting a room in a nursing home, because, damn, son, you are drooling all over the place.

Unfortunately that's the kind of response he's trying to provoke.

And another far left drone checks in to back up the religious dogma of the other far left drone.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed
5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.

Evolution Frequently Asked Questions

See the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
If he answers in a different setting fine, but I see no benefit going off topic and I see him controlling and staying on point, not getting side tracked. I wish you slack jawed nuts would focus on the topics instead of being easily deflected.
Its because his slack jawed no information booger drooling one tooth voter believe in the talking was not a difficult you believe in science or mumbo jumbo...he could not answer ...

So you are a far left loon that I am talking about. Thank you for confirming.

BTW, how do you get your slack jaw booger drooling one tooth head, shoved so far up your own ass. Evolution must have left you far behind.

It's a question he needs to answer and will answer, however no matter what the answer is...even if you agree with him 100%, you like the Obama haters, will find something wrong in his answer to cry and disagree with. That's the way you far loons are. I tire of your drool, on both sides.
It's a big tactical mistake on Walker's part. He's never going to out-fundy the GOP candidates who are pandering to the religious right, so if he dances around the evolution question he gains nothing and hurts himself with the 'sane' voters in the Republican party (or what passes for sane over there).

If you're stuck for an answer, you give something like this one...

...I believe in evolution, but I see the God's hand in nature...

That was McCain's answer, and as you might recall, he won the nomination.
It's a big tactical mistake on Walker's part. He's never going to out-fundy the GOP candidates who are pandering to the religious right, so if he dances around the evolution question he gains nothing and hurts himself with the 'sane' voters in the Republican party (or what passes for sane over there).

If you're stuck for an answer, you give something like this one...

...I believe in evolution, but I see the God's hand in nature...

That was McCain's answer, and as you might recall, he won the nomination.

The far left is scared of Walker and posts like this prove that they are.

He has survived the far left religious dogma onslaughts..
If he answers in a different setting fine, but I see no benefit going off topic and I see him controlling and staying on point, not getting side tracked. I wish you slack jawed nuts would focus on the topics instead of being easily deflected.
Its because his slack jawed no information booger drooling one tooth voter believe in the talking was not a difficult you believe in science or mumbo jumbo...he could not answer ...

So you are a far left loon that I am talking about. Thank you for confirming.

BTW, how do you get your slack jaw booger drooling one tooth head, shoved so far up your own ass. Evolution must have left you far behind.

It's a question he needs to answer and will answer, however no matter what the answer is...even if you agree with him 100%, you like the Obama haters, will find something wrong in his answer to cry and disagree with. That's the way you far loons are. I tire of your drool, on both sides.

Your ignorance is only good enough in the deep south ....where Mississippi sits as the shining jewel of what happens where the GOP rules ...waaaahahahahahahahahaha

If he answers in a different setting fine, but I see no benefit going off topic and I see him controlling and staying on point, not getting side tracked. I wish you slack jawed nuts would focus on the topics instead of being easily deflected.
Its because his slack jawed no information booger drooling one tooth voter believe in the talking was not a difficult you believe in science or mumbo jumbo...he could not answer ...

So you are a far left loon that I am talking about. Thank you for confirming.

BTW, how do you get your slack jaw booger drooling one tooth head, shoved so far up your own ass. Evolution must have left you far behind.

It's a question he needs to answer and will answer, however no matter what the answer is...even if you agree with him 100%, you like the Obama haters, will find something wrong in his answer to cry and disagree with. That's the way you far loons are. I tire of your drool, on both sides.

Your ignorance is only good enough in the deep south ....where Mississippi sits as the shining jewel of what happens where the GOP rules ...waaaahahahahahahahahaha


Oh my the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
Mississippi is an example of what can happen when GOP runs things..

Well, to be careful here, there is always the possibility that Walker doesn't believe in Evolution,

which makes him unelectable at the national level, and he hasn't quite figured out how to cope with that problem.
If he answers in a different setting fine, but I see no benefit going off topic and I see him controlling and staying on point, not getting side tracked. I wish you slack jawed nuts would focus on the topics instead of being easily deflected.
Its because his slack jawed no information booger drooling one tooth voter believe in the talking was not a difficult you believe in science or mumbo jumbo...he could not answer ...

So you are a far left loon that I am talking about. Thank you for confirming.

BTW, how do you get your slack jaw booger drooling one tooth head, shoved so far up your own ass. Evolution must have left you far behind.

It's a question he needs to answer and will answer, however no matter what the answer is...even if you agree with him 100%, you like the Obama haters, will find something wrong in his answer to cry and disagree with. That's the way you far loons are. I tire of your drool, on both sides.

Your ignorance is only good enough in the deep south ....where Mississippi sits as the shining jewel of what happens where the GOP rules ...waaaahahahahahahahahaha


Oh my the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
Mississippi is an example of what can happen when GOP runs things..

Even more far left religious propaganda from the far left cult.
Well, to be careful here, there is always the possibility that Walker doesn't believe in Evolution,

which makes him unelectable at the national level, and he hasn't quite figured out how to cope with that problem.

See how the relentless far left drones will act as they continue to post their propaganda not connected to reality.
LONDON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Wednesday dodged a question about whether he believes in evolution.

Speaking at the Chatham House foreign policy think tank London, Walker was asked: "Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?"

"For me, I am going to punt on that one as well," he said. "That's a question politicians shouldn't be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I'm here to talk about trade not to pontificate about evolution."

More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?

What a great answer!!!
He doesn't accept the religions of the left: evolution, global warming and government infallibility.

He's so fucking awesome!!
Both looney sides need to go away.

Well, I'd certainly be all for that.

That said, the GOP keeps this issue (and similar peripheral issues) alive and has to answer to it.

My guess is that Walker is pragmatic and sees it's a no-win answer for him.


Mac, the looney left and the looney right will only be satisfied with one or the other answer. It also is not the time or the place to ask the question or it to be answered. The article points out that they tried to get him to criticize Obama and he wisely answered that question, yet the looney nuts only see the one question he side stepped.

Had he criticized Obama, I would have changed my opinion of him to a negative one. You don't criticize a sitting President on foreign soil. It was an inappropriate question, just as the evolution question was. I think Walker handled them both well.

He will have to answer the question on evolution soon, and I am sure once he gets back to the states he will, however it will not satirist the looney left, even if he totally agrees with them.

Just point out. This question was most likely to be asked by a British Journalist who was asking it to see was Scott Walker a reasonable sane guy or going to pander to the extreme in his own party.
It was a solid question which every first world leader or prospective one would have answered that evolution is the right path.
Scott Walker punted, we know why? He was in London and he would have been considered an idiot. The UK doesn't have a large portion of population that believe in Religion over Fact. And remember this is Religion not Faith, someone can be a very good Christian and also understand evolution to be right.
Both looney sides need to go away.

Well, I'd certainly be all for that.

That said, the GOP keeps this issue (and similar peripheral issues) alive and has to answer to it.

My guess is that Walker is pragmatic and sees it's a no-win answer for him.


Mac, the looney left and the looney right will only be satisfied with one or the other answer. It also is not the time or the place to ask the question or it to be answered. The article points out that they tried to get him to criticize Obama and he wisely answered that question, yet the looney nuts only see the one question he side stepped.

Had he criticized Obama, I would have changed my opinion of him to a negative one. You don't criticize a sitting President on foreign soil. It was an inappropriate question, just as the evolution question was. I think Walker handled them both well.

He will have to answer the question on evolution soon, and I am sure once he gets back to the states he will, however it will not satirist the looney left, even if he totally agrees with them.

Just point out. This question was most likely to be asked by a British Journalist who was asking it to see was Scott Walker a reasonable sane guy or going to pander to the extreme in his own party.
It was a solid question which every first world leader or prospective one would have answered that evolution is the right path.
Scott Walker punted, we know why? He was in London and he would have been considered an idiot. The UK doesn't have a large portion of population that believe in Religion over Fact. And remember this is Religion not Faith, someone can be a very good Christian and also understand evolution to be right.

So it was a far left religious dogma programmed question at an event that did not warrant such questions, once again proving why the far left religion is the most dangerous on the planet.
So it was a far left religious dogma programmed question at an event that did not warrant such questions, once again proving why the far left religion is the most dangerous on the planet.

And once again the far right drone feels the need to "protect" their candidate from the big ole meany press asking those hard questions.

I don't blame you kosh. If I supported the idiots you support, I wouldn't want them to be asked any "hard" questions either. Why not let people think they are stupid instead of proving it. Right?
So it was a far left religious dogma programmed question at an event that did not warrant such questions, once again proving why the far left religion is the most dangerous on the planet.

And once again the far right drone feels the need to "protect" their candidate from the big ole meany press asking those hard questions.

I don't blame you kosh. If I supported the idiots you support, I wouldn't want them to be asked any "hard" questions either. Why not let people think they are stupid instead of proving it. Right?

Yes we know that the far left drones can be bought with illegal slave labor to support Obama's illegal wars..
If he answers in a different setting fine, but I see no benefit going off topic and I see him controlling and staying on point, not getting side tracked. I wish you slack jawed nuts would focus on the topics instead of being easily deflected.
Its because his slack jawed no information booger drooling one tooth voter believe in the talking was not a difficult you believe in science or mumbo jumbo...he could not answer ...

So you are a far left loon that I am talking about. Thank you for confirming.

BTW, how do you get your slack jaw booger drooling one tooth head, shoved so far up your own ass. Evolution must have left you far behind.

It's a question he needs to answer and will answer, however no matter what the answer is...even if you agree with him 100%, you like the Obama haters, will find something wrong in his answer to cry and disagree with. That's the way you far loons are. I tire of your drool, on both sides.

Your ignorance is only good enough in the deep south ....where Mississippi sits as the shining jewel of what happens where the GOP rules ...waaaahahahahahahahahaha


Not seeing what your response has to do with anything I posted, funny how it is okay for you to deflect answers however you criticize others for doing the same. I guess you slack jawed, booger eating on tooth Neanderthals can't stay on topic, of course with your head up your ass, I am not expecting much from you and you don't disappoint.
LONDON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Wednesday dodged a question about whether he believes in evolution.

Speaking at the Chatham House foreign policy think tank London, Walker was asked: "Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?"

"For me, I am going to punt on that one as well," he said. "That's a question politicians shouldn't be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I'm here to talk about trade not to pontificate about evolution."

More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?
Wow Walker shut down a libturd trying to pull a sneak attack like they did to Romeny. Good For Him, I like SW.
That's the right answer. Losers like you think it matters when it doesn't.

Well, that means a lot coming from a retard like you. Thanks for playing...

Go ahead and tell me what evolution has any bearing upon? You just want an excuse to hate him on a trivial subject.
Politicians on the Right must play dumb to attract their base. In Walker's case, he might be that dumb.

Is this supposed to cut me? I could give a fuck about Walker. I just think lefties are lame for making issues out of nothing. Whether a politician believes in evolution doesn't even crack the top 1,000 for me because I'm not a tool like you or lakunta.

Anyone who lacks even a very basic understanding of science has no business deciding national science policy. Period.

Oh, can it. It's called the theory of evolution. Don't try to justify your bigotry. Period.

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