Scott Walker On Evolution: 'I Am Going To Punt On That One'

Dude, we can doubt everything all the time, but that gets us nowhere at all. Yes, I can say that there is a 0.0001% probability that we are not anthropoid apes. But I can also say with 99.9999% certainty that we are. Sorry, my money is on the latter. And by accepting the latter, I can get on with the business of discovering more amazing facts about our biological history, particularly with regard to genetics and how we fit within the larger animal kingdom. For instance, we have features that evolved over 350 million years ago in fish (our tetrapod ancestry originated in a fish/fish-like animal). Our backbones evolved much further back than this. So we are included in the phylum Chordata. We even have microscopic structures that first evolved in sponges. All life on this planet is interrelated via our genetic legacies. And the fact remains that of all the life forms on the planet, we are most closely related to the anthropoid apes, and so are ourselves classified as such.

I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
Dude, we can doubt everything all the time, but that gets us nowhere at all. Yes, I can say that there is a 0.0001% probability that we are not anthropoid apes. But I can also say with 99.9999% certainty that we are. Sorry, my money is on the latter. And by accepting the latter, I can get on with the business of discovering more amazing facts about our biological history, particularly with regard to genetics and how we fit within the larger animal kingdom. For instance, we have features that evolved over 350 million years ago in fish (our tetrapod ancestry originated in a fish/fish-like animal). Our backbones evolved much further back than this. So we are included in the phylum Chordata. We even have microscopic structures that first evolved in sponges. All life on this planet is interrelated via our genetic legacies. And the fact remains that of all the life forms on the planet, we are most closely related to the anthropoid apes, and so are ourselves classified as such.

I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

You share most of your DNA with a pig...(so do I)
URBANA - Another mystery of life has been unraveled, one DNA strand at a time. University of Illinois animal geneticists Lawrence Schook and Jonathan Beever have created a side-by-side comparison of the human genome and the pig genome that reveals remarkable similarities. "We took the human genome, cut it into 173 puzzle pieces and rearranged it to make a pig," said Schook. "Everything matches up perfectly. The pig is genetically very close to humans."

Schook explained that when we look at a pig or a human, we can see the difference instantly. "But, in the biological sense, animals aren't that much different from one another -- at least not as different as they appear," he said. Animals all have eyes, ears, stomachs, etc., but as Beever put it, "The same gene in the pig may work in combination with other genes to control something very different than it does in a human."

Human to Pig Genome Comparison Complete ACES News College of ACES University of Illinois

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

You share most of your DNA with a pig...(so do I)
URBANA - Another mystery of life has been unraveled, one DNA strand at a time. University of Illinois animal geneticists Lawrence Schook and Jonathan Beever have created a side-by-side comparison of the human genome and the pig genome that reveals remarkable similarities. "We took the human genome, cut it into 173 puzzle pieces and rearranged it to make a pig," said Schook. "Everything matches up perfectly. The pig is genetically very close to humans."

Schook explained that when we look at a pig or a human, we can see the difference instantly. "But, in the biological sense, animals aren't that much different from one another -- at least not as different as they appear," he said. Animals all have eyes, ears, stomachs, etc., but as Beever put it, "The same gene in the pig may work in combination with other genes to control something very different than it does in a human."

Human to Pig Genome Comparison Complete ACES News College of ACES University of Illinois

We are evolved from apes. DNA proves it: "Along with the common chimpanzee, the bonobo is the closest extant relative to humans"
"The bonobo, formerly called the pygmy chimpanzee and less often, the dwarf or gracile chimpanzee." wiki

Your study in Illinois is just that: a study at an agriculture school in Illinois: college professors (in agriculture of all things) trying to keep their tenure by publishing, publishing anything they can get attention for.

I am not going to be swayed by agriculture teachers into doing a paradigm shift regarding evolution. You may be dense, and desperate, enough to do that, I'm not. It is truly beyond comprehension why people are so expotentially afraid of being connected to apes: it's purely emotion and purely illogical. Defies reason.
And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

Check mate!
I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

You share most of your DNA with a pig...(so do I)
URBANA - Another mystery of life has been unraveled, one DNA strand at a time. University of Illinois animal geneticists Lawrence Schook and Jonathan Beever have created a side-by-side comparison of the human genome and the pig genome that reveals remarkable similarities. "We took the human genome, cut it into 173 puzzle pieces and rearranged it to make a pig," said Schook. "Everything matches up perfectly. The pig is genetically very close to humans."

Schook explained that when we look at a pig or a human, we can see the difference instantly. "But, in the biological sense, animals aren't that much different from one another -- at least not as different as they appear," he said. Animals all have eyes, ears, stomachs, etc., but as Beever put it, "The same gene in the pig may work in combination with other genes to control something very different than it does in a human."

Human to Pig Genome Comparison Complete ACES News College of ACES University of Illinois

We are evolved from apes. DNA proves it: "Along the common chimpanzee, the bonobo is the closest extant relative to humans"
"The bonobo (/bəˈnoʊboʊ/ or /ˈbɒnəboʊ/) (Pan paniscus), formerly called the pygmy chimpanzee and less often, the dwarf or gracile chimpanzee." wiki

Your study in Illinois is just that: a study at a agriculture school in Illinois: college professors (in agriculture of all things) trying to keep their tenure by publishing, publishing anything they can get attention for.

I am not going to be swayed by agriculture teachers into doing a paradigm shift regarding evolution. You may be dense, and desperate, enough to do that, I'm not. It is truly beyond comprehension why people are so exponentially afraid of being connected to apes: it's purely emotion and purely illogical. Defies reason.

Nonsense. Couldn't give a damn about it myself. I understand "divergence" you??

But to say YOU ARE AN APE is to question. As is all good science.

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

You share most of your DNA with a pig...(so do I)
URBANA - Another mystery of life has been unraveled, one DNA strand at a time. University of Illinois animal geneticists Lawrence Schook and Jonathan Beever have created a side-by-side comparison of the human genome and the pig genome that reveals remarkable similarities. "We took the human genome, cut it into 173 puzzle pieces and rearranged it to make a pig," said Schook. "Everything matches up perfectly. The pig is genetically very close to humans."

Schook explained that when we look at a pig or a human, we can see the difference instantly. "But, in the biological sense, animals aren't that much different from one another -- at least not as different as they appear," he said. Animals all have eyes, ears, stomachs, etc., but as Beever put it, "The same gene in the pig may work in combination with other genes to control something very different than it does in a human."

Human to Pig Genome Comparison Complete ACES News College of ACES University of Illinois

We are evolved from apes. DNA proves it: "Along with the common chimpanzee, the bonobo is the closest extant relative to humans"
"The bonobo, formerly called the pygmy chimpanzee and less often, the dwarf or gracile chimpanzee." wiki

Your study in Illinois is just that: a study at an agriculture school in Illinois: college professors (in agriculture of all things) trying to keep their tenure by publishing, publishing anything they can get attention for.

I am not going to be swayed by agriculture teachers into doing a paradigm shift regarding evolution. You may be dense, and desperate, enough to do that, I'm not. It is truly beyond comprehension why people are so expotentially afraid of being connected to apes: it's purely emotion and purely illogical. Defies reason.

Well if that is true explains why the far left religious cult members are such knuckle draggers..
Thank you for the debate. More in the morning I hope....7:30 pm here.

There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

You share most of your DNA with a pig...(so do I)
URBANA - Another mystery of life has been unraveled, one DNA strand at a time. University of Illinois animal geneticists Lawrence Schook and Jonathan Beever have created a side-by-side comparison of the human genome and the pig genome that reveals remarkable similarities. "We took the human genome, cut it into 173 puzzle pieces and rearranged it to make a pig," said Schook. "Everything matches up perfectly. The pig is genetically very close to humans."

Schook explained that when we look at a pig or a human, we can see the difference instantly. "But, in the biological sense, animals aren't that much different from one another -- at least not as different as they appear," he said. Animals all have eyes, ears, stomachs, etc., but as Beever put it, "The same gene in the pig may work in combination with other genes to control something very different than it does in a human."

Human to Pig Genome Comparison Complete ACES News College of ACES University of Illinois

We are evolved from apes. DNA proves it: "Along the common chimpanzee, the bonobo is the closest extant relative to humans"
"The bonobo (/bəˈnoʊboʊ/ or /ˈbɒnəboʊ/) (Pan paniscus), formerly called the pygmy chimpanzee and less often, the dwarf or gracile chimpanzee." wiki

Your study in Illinois is just that: a study at a agriculture school in Illinois: college professors (in agriculture of all things) trying to keep their tenure by publishing, publishing anything they can get attention for.

I am not going to be swayed by agriculture teachers into doing a paradigm shift regarding evolution. You may be dense, and desperate, enough to do that, I'm not. It is truly beyond comprehension why people are so exponentially afraid of being connected to apes: it's purely emotion and purely illogical. Defies reason.

Nonsense. Couldn't give a damn about it myself. I understand "divergence" you??

But to say YOU ARE AN APE is to question. As is all good science.

No one is saying they are an ape. They are saying they are evolved from apes: huge, monumental difference. You are trying to pretend your ideas on this are intellectual: they are not. They are silly and based in a denial of science, real science. Look, I'm done with you. I find trying to dialogue with folks like you extremely tireseome. You just are not worth my attention, so don't expect any more responses to your silliness.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.

You share most of your DNA with a pig...(so do I)
URBANA - Another mystery of life has been unraveled, one DNA strand at a time. University of Illinois animal geneticists Lawrence Schook and Jonathan Beever have created a side-by-side comparison of the human genome and the pig genome that reveals remarkable similarities. "We took the human genome, cut it into 173 puzzle pieces and rearranged it to make a pig," said Schook. "Everything matches up perfectly. The pig is genetically very close to humans."

Schook explained that when we look at a pig or a human, we can see the difference instantly. "But, in the biological sense, animals aren't that much different from one another -- at least not as different as they appear," he said. Animals all have eyes, ears, stomachs, etc., but as Beever put it, "The same gene in the pig may work in combination with other genes to control something very different than it does in a human."

Human to Pig Genome Comparison Complete ACES News College of ACES University of Illinois

We are evolved from apes. DNA proves it: "Along the common chimpanzee, the bonobo is the closest extant relative to humans"
"The bonobo (/bəˈnoʊboʊ/ or /ˈbɒnəboʊ/) (Pan paniscus), formerly called the pygmy chimpanzee and less often, the dwarf or gracile chimpanzee." wiki

Your study in Illinois is just that: a study at a agriculture school in Illinois: college professors (in agriculture of all things) trying to keep their tenure by publishing, publishing anything they can get attention for.

I am not going to be swayed by agriculture teachers into doing a paradigm shift regarding evolution. You may be dense, and desperate, enough to do that, I'm not. It is truly beyond comprehension why people are so exponentially afraid of being connected to apes: it's purely emotion and purely illogical. Defies reason.

Nonsense. Couldn't give a damn about it myself. I understand "divergence" you??

But to say YOU ARE AN APE is to question. As is all good science.

No one is saying they are an ape. They are saying they are evolved from apes: huge, monumental difference. You are trying to pretend your ideas on this are intellectual: they are not. They are silly and based in a denial of science, real science. Look, I'm done with you. I find trying to dialogue with folks like you extremely tireseome. You just are not worth my attention, so don't expect any more responses to your silliness.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed
5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.

Evolution Frequently Asked Questions

Like I said the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
Thank you for the debate. More in the morning I hope....7:30 pm here.

No way, no how. It is not debate with you: it is talking to a very silly person. Totally tiresome.

Yes the far left religious cult can be very tiresome as they peddle their religious dogma.

However the irony impaired far left drones continue to prove why the far left is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
Thank you for the debate. More in the morning I hope....7:30 pm here.

No way, no how. It is not debate with you: it is talking to a very silly person. Totally tiresome.

Well that got me back here in a hurry. lmao

Tiresome?? You're the one trying to convince people that Evolution is a religion...believe in...what humbug!! Anyone who "believes in " science is a humbug.

Karl Popper Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

If you wish to remain ..well..."tiresome"....then don't read the link. I have been quite impressed by Popper since a young age....well worth a reach into "rightardism" you might put "enlightenment".

Evolution is a wonderful theory...but you miss the point if you say you "believe" in it.

What Walker has accomplished is this:

He has ensured that this question will be asked at the first clown car debate. Hopefully, it won't be just a "raise your hand" deal. I'd like to hear every one of those candidates speak for a moment or two about this subject.
Evolution has nothing to do with trade. Liberals think hard hitting questions are the ones that ask the attorney general to quack like a duck.

The liberal wanted to derail the subject. Good for Walker not giving her the chance.

Yup. Another dumbass question that should be ignored by anyone being asked it.

Good for Walker. He should have punted the idiot asking the question right out the door.
Oh yes, that's what we need: a president who doesn't believe in evolution. :rolleyes:
Then again, he didn't say that either.
Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

And the far left continues to prove that they do not believe in evolution.

So, I guess you are saying I'm a righty? I hate to disappoint you but I am a moderate, slightly left of center, degreed in geology, almost degreed in anthropology, and have no doubt whatsoever that evolution is real. Next.

Wrong! You are far left drone that hates science. many far left domes believe as you do, but they are all far left and part of the most dangerous religion on the planet.

I'd recommend that you take your meds before post, but it is clear that you are beyond the point where medication can help. So you should consider getting a room in a nursing home, because, damn, son, you are drooling all over the place.
Hey Walker you goof do you believe in the law of gravity ? test it jump off a tall building see what happens....................

I agree with Walker that this isn't a question that politicians should be involved with, but there's no way he'll be able to continue to evade it.

This is a core issue with a large part of his party, and that's their own doing.

Until they decide to lighten up on social issues, this kind of thing ain't going away.


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