Scott Walker On Evolution: 'I Am Going To Punt On That One'

LONDON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Wednesday dodged a question about whether he believes in evolution.

Speaking at the Chatham House foreign policy think tank London, Walker was asked: "Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?"

"For me, I am going to punt on that one as well," he said. "That's a question politicians shouldn't be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I'm here to talk about trade not to pontificate about evolution."

More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?
Oh yes, that's what we need: a president who doesn't believe in evolution. :rolleyes:
Then again, he didn't say that either.
Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

Really?? Simple? Explain to me Evolution...without referencing please. Your own words would be fine.

Go take a hike, idiot. Evolution is common knowledge. If you don't know about it, it's your problem, not mine. I'm not going to teach it to you. You CHOOSE to not believe it. YOUR problem, not mine. You are a FOOL. I'm not going to play your stupid game, as if science is meaningless when everything in your life depends on it...go into the woods and live without the benefits of science. You are a completely idiot as are all people who refuse to accept the scientific theory of evolution.
Dude, we can doubt everything all the time, but that gets us nowhere at all. Yes, I can say that there is a 0.0001% probability that we are not anthropoid apes. But I can also say with 99.9999% certainty that we are. Sorry, my money is on the latter. And by accepting the latter, I can get on with the business of discovering more amazing facts about our biological history, particularly with regard to genetics and how we fit within the larger animal kingdom. For instance, we have features that evolved over 350 million years ago in fish (our tetrapod ancestry originated in a fish/fish-like animal). Our backbones evolved much further back than this. So we are included in the phylum Chordata. We even have microscopic structures that first evolved in sponges. All life on this planet is interrelated via our genetic legacies. And the fact remains that of all the life forms on the planet, we are most closely related to the anthropoid apes, and so are ourselves classified as such.

I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".

While I think the theory of evolution is the best one we've got, I think Walker played this smart.
Ha! No he didn't. He played it really dumb.

You know this how?

Republicans don't believe in evolution, global warming, or the presidency of George W. Bush.
LONDON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Wednesday dodged a question about whether he believes in evolution.

Speaking at the Chatham House foreign policy think tank London, Walker was asked: "Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?"

"For me, I am going to punt on that one as well," he said. "That's a question politicians shouldn't be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I'm here to talk about trade not to pontificate about evolution."

More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?
Oh yes, that's what we need: a president who doesn't believe in evolution. :rolleyes:
Then again, he didn't say that either.
Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

Really?? Simple? Explain to me Evolution...without referencing please. Your own words would be fine.

Go take a hike, idiot. Evolution is common knowledge. If you don't know about it, it's your problem, not mine. I'm not going to teach it to you. You CHOOSE to not believe it. YOUR problem, not mine. You are a FOOL. I'm not going to play your stupid game, as if science is meaningless when everything in your life depends on it...go into the woods and live without the benefits of science. You are a completely idiot as are all people who refuse to accept the scientific theory of evolution.

Nice spray...I could feel the spittle hitting your keyboard from here. I love the way the ignorant flatusplatter when they can't argue a point.

Oh yes, that's what we need: a president who doesn't believe in evolution. :rolleyes:
Then again, he didn't say that either.
Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

Really?? Simple? Explain to me Evolution...without referencing please. Your own words would be fine.

Go take a hike, idiot. Evolution is common knowledge. If you don't know about it, it's your problem, not mine. I'm not going to teach it to you. You CHOOSE to not believe it. YOUR problem, not mine. You are a FOOL. I'm not going to play your stupid game, as if science is meaningless when everything in your life depends on it...go into the woods and live without the benefits of science. You are a completely idiot as are all people who refuse to accept the scientific theory of evolution.

Nice spray...I could feel the spittle hitting your keyboard from here. I love the way the ignorant flatusplatter when they can't argue a point.

Ooooh we've reached an impasse! It's time for some Dinotopia!!! Right Greg? Because it could have happened?

I dont think you should have to answer that, at all, to become Pres

I do. If you don't grasp that humans evolved and that evolution is proven don't get to be president.

Really? Can you "prove" science??

We can prove that the Earth orbits the sun, the speed at which objects will accelerate, the orbits of distant objects... We can't, however, prove that a magical fairy that us measly humans can't possibly comprehend made it that way. But sure, I suppose it's possible if you decide that evidence and logic don't matter at all.

Relative to what??

What would you like?. Relative to Earth's gravity? Relative to distance from the sun? Relative to our location in the galaxy? Relative to our location in the local cluster of galaxies? Scientists have figured that all out. So just let me know.

Relative to Earth's gravity would be fine.


I do. If you don't grasp that humans evolved and that evolution is proven don't get to be president.

Really? Can you "prove" science??

We can prove that the Earth orbits the sun, the speed at which objects will accelerate, the orbits of distant objects... We can't, however, prove that a magical fairy that us measly humans can't possibly comprehend made it that way. But sure, I suppose it's possible if you decide that evidence and logic don't matter at all.

Relative to what??

What would you like?. Relative to Earth's gravity? Relative to distance from the sun? Relative to our location in the galaxy? Relative to our location in the local cluster of galaxies? Scientists have figured that all out. So just let me know.

You are confused I think
I do. If you don't grasp that humans evolved and that evolution is proven don't get to be president.

Really? Can you "prove" science??

We can prove that the Earth orbits the sun, the speed at which objects will accelerate, the orbits of distant objects... We can't, however, prove that a magical fairy that us measly humans can't possibly comprehend made it that way. But sure, I suppose it's possible if you decide that evidence and logic don't matter at all.

Relative to what??

What would you like?. Relative to Earth's gravity? Relative to distance from the sun? Relative to our location in the galaxy? Relative to our location in the local cluster of galaxies? Scientists have figured that all out. So just let me know.

Relative to Earth's gravity would be fine.


About 122 mph if you jump from high enough.

Next. :cool:
LONDON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Wednesday dodged a question about whether he believes in evolution.

Speaking at the Chatham House foreign policy think tank London, Walker was asked: "Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?"

"For me, I am going to punt on that one as well," he said. "That's a question politicians shouldn't be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I'm here to talk about trade not to pontificate about evolution."

More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?
Oh yes, that's what we need: a president who doesn't believe in evolution. :rolleyes:
Then again, he didn't say that either.
Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

Really?? Simple? Explain to me Evolution...without referencing please. Your own words would be fine.

Go take a hike, idiot. Evolution is common knowledge. If you don't know about it, it's your problem, not mine. I'm not going to teach it to you. You CHOOSE to not believe it. YOUR problem, not mine. You are a FOOL. I'm not going to play your stupid game, as if science is meaningless when everything in your life depends on it...go into the woods and live without the benefits of science. You are a completely idiot as are all people who refuse to accept the scientific theory of evolution.

Who said I don't "accept" it; I said I don't believe in it.

A Republican congressman who sits on the science committee of the House of Representatives has dismissed evolution, the Big Bang theory and embryology as "lies straight from the pit of ......"
Paul Broun, who is running for re-election as Georgia representative this November unopposed by Democrats, made the comments during a speech at a baptist church last month.

In the clip, Broun, who is a doctor, says that "as a scientist" he has found data that shows the earth is no older than 9,000 years and was created in six days.
Really? Can you "prove" science??

We can prove that the Earth orbits the sun, the speed at which objects will accelerate, the orbits of distant objects... We can't, however, prove that a magical fairy that us measly humans can't possibly comprehend made it that way. But sure, I suppose it's possible if you decide that evidence and logic don't matter at all.

Relative to what??

What would you like?. Relative to Earth's gravity? Relative to distance from the sun? Relative to our location in the galaxy? Relative to our location in the local cluster of galaxies? Scientists have figured that all out. So just let me know.

You are confused I think
Really? Can you "prove" science??

We can prove that the Earth orbits the sun, the speed at which objects will accelerate, the orbits of distant objects... We can't, however, prove that a magical fairy that us measly humans can't possibly comprehend made it that way. But sure, I suppose it's possible if you decide that evidence and logic don't matter at all.

Relative to what??

What would you like?. Relative to Earth's gravity? Relative to distance from the sun? Relative to our location in the galaxy? Relative to our location in the local cluster of galaxies? Scientists have figured that all out. So just let me know.

Relative to Earth's gravity would be fine.


About 122 mph if you jump from high enough.

Next. :cool:

In what density of atmosphere...altitude would be nice. But what has that to do with the orbits of the sun and earth??

In a word: NOTHING!!!


bbl...this is interesting..especially the squealer (other poster)
We can prove that the Earth orbits the sun, the speed at which objects will accelerate, the orbits of distant objects... We can't, however, prove that a magical fairy that us measly humans can't possibly comprehend made it that way. But sure, I suppose it's possible if you decide that evidence and logic don't matter at all.

Relative to what??

What would you like?. Relative to Earth's gravity? Relative to distance from the sun? Relative to our location in the galaxy? Relative to our location in the local cluster of galaxies? Scientists have figured that all out. So just let me know.

You are confused I think
We can prove that the Earth orbits the sun, the speed at which objects will accelerate, the orbits of distant objects... We can't, however, prove that a magical fairy that us measly humans can't possibly comprehend made it that way. But sure, I suppose it's possible if you decide that evidence and logic don't matter at all.

Relative to what??

What would you like?. Relative to Earth's gravity? Relative to distance from the sun? Relative to our location in the galaxy? Relative to our location in the local cluster of galaxies? Scientists have figured that all out. So just let me know.

Relative to Earth's gravity would be fine.


About 122 mph if you jump from high enough.

Next. :cool:

In what density of atmosphere...altitude would be nice. But what has that to do with the orbits of the sun and earth??

In a word: NOTHING!!!


bbl...this is interesting..especially the squealer (other poster)
Are you saying we can't calculate orbits? And we can't calculate how fast something will fall?
99.999% is not 1 but it certainly is close enough to close the books on the issue. Humans are anthropoid apes. End of story.

Except we don't know what we don't know. And how do we know that we weren't created this instant with all our memories implanted? Yeah, it seems ridiculous, and it very probably is. But it is possible, is it not?

Doubt is what keeps us as a species always striving for knowledge. Well, that and curiosity.

Dude, we can doubt everything all the time, but that gets us nowhere at all. Yes, I can say that there is a 0.0001% probability that we are not anthropoid apes. But I can also say with 99.9999% certainty that we are. Sorry, my money is on the latter. And by accepting the latter, I can get on with the business of discovering more amazing facts about our biological history, particularly with regard to genetics and how we fit within the larger animal kingdom. For instance, we have features that evolved over 350 million years ago in fish (our tetrapod ancestry originated in a fish/fish-like animal). Our backbones evolved much further back than this. So we are included in the phylum Chordata. We even have microscopic structures that first evolved in sponges. All life on this planet is interrelated via our genetic legacies. And the fact remains that of all the life forms on the planet, we are most closely related to the anthropoid apes, and so are ourselves classified as such.

I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
LONDON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Wednesday dodged a question about whether he believes in evolution.

Speaking at the Chatham House foreign policy think tank London, Walker was asked: "Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?"

"For me, I am going to punt on that one as well," he said. "That's a question politicians shouldn't be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I'm here to talk about trade not to pontificate about evolution."

More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?
Oh yes, that's what we need: a president who doesn't believe in evolution. :rolleyes:
Then again, he didn't say that either.
Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

And the far left continues to prove that they do not believe in evolution.

So, I guess you are saying I'm a righty? I hate to disappoint you but I am a moderate, slightly left of center, degreed in geology, almost degreed in anthropology, and have no doubt whatsoever that evolution is real. Next.
LONDON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Wednesday dodged a question about whether he believes in evolution.

Speaking at the Chatham House foreign policy think tank London, Walker was asked: "Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?"

"For me, I am going to punt on that one as well," he said. "That's a question politicians shouldn't be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I'm here to talk about trade not to pontificate about evolution."

More: Scott Walker Dodges Question On Whether He Believes In Evolution

Punt? Well, Scotty, if you have any serious hope of becoming president - you'll have to answer that question. It sounds like you've already signaled that you don't believe in evolution. What about global warming?
Oh yes, that's what we need: a president who doesn't believe in evolution. :rolleyes:
Then again, he didn't say that either.
Oh, please. He avoids answering the question because he doesn't believe in it. It's too obvious. It's a simple question, either yes or no.

And the far left continues to prove that they do not believe in evolution.

So, I guess you are saying I'm a righty? I hate to disappoint you but I am a moderate, slightly left of center, degreed in geology, almost degreed in anthropology, and have no doubt whatsoever that evolution is real. Next.

Wrong! You are far left drone that hates science. many far left domes believe as you do, but they are all far left and part of the most dangerous religion on the planet.
A Republican congressman who sits on the science committee of the House of Representatives has dismissed evolution, the Big Bang theory and embryology as "lies straight from the pit of ......"
Paul Broun, who is running for re-election as Georgia representative this November unopposed by Democrats, made the comments during a speech at a baptist church last month.

In the clip, Broun, who is a doctor, says that "as a scientist" he has found data that shows the earth is no older than 9,000 years and was created in six days.

Yes; there IS scientific evidence of that though it does not mean that it is true.

Except we don't know what we don't know. And how do we know that we weren't created this instant with all our memories implanted? Yeah, it seems ridiculous, and it very probably is. But it is possible, is it not?

Doubt is what keeps us as a species always striving for knowledge. Well, that and curiosity.

Dude, we can doubt everything all the time, but that gets us nowhere at all. Yes, I can say that there is a 0.0001% probability that we are not anthropoid apes. But I can also say with 99.9999% certainty that we are. Sorry, my money is on the latter. And by accepting the latter, I can get on with the business of discovering more amazing facts about our biological history, particularly with regard to genetics and how we fit within the larger animal kingdom. For instance, we have features that evolved over 350 million years ago in fish (our tetrapod ancestry originated in a fish/fish-like animal). Our backbones evolved much further back than this. So we are included in the phylum Chordata. We even have microscopic structures that first evolved in sponges. All life on this planet is interrelated via our genetic legacies. And the fact remains that of all the life forms on the planet, we are most closely related to the anthropoid apes, and so are ourselves classified as such.

I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.

Humans aren t monkeys. We aren t apes either. 8211 john hawks weblog

Are you really an ape??

Except we don't know what we don't know. And how do we know that we weren't created this instant with all our memories implanted? Yeah, it seems ridiculous, and it very probably is. But it is possible, is it not?

Doubt is what keeps us as a species always striving for knowledge. Well, that and curiosity.

Dude, we can doubt everything all the time, but that gets us nowhere at all. Yes, I can say that there is a 0.0001% probability that we are not anthropoid apes. But I can also say with 99.9999% certainty that we are. Sorry, my money is on the latter. And by accepting the latter, I can get on with the business of discovering more amazing facts about our biological history, particularly with regard to genetics and how we fit within the larger animal kingdom. For instance, we have features that evolved over 350 million years ago in fish (our tetrapod ancestry originated in a fish/fish-like animal). Our backbones evolved much further back than this. So we are included in the phylum Chordata. We even have microscopic structures that first evolved in sponges. All life on this planet is interrelated via our genetic legacies. And the fact remains that of all the life forms on the planet, we are most closely related to the anthropoid apes, and so are ourselves classified as such.

I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.
Exactly. DNA proves it.
Except we don't know what we don't know. And how do we know that we weren't created this instant with all our memories implanted? Yeah, it seems ridiculous, and it very probably is. But it is possible, is it not?

Doubt is what keeps us as a species always striving for knowledge. Well, that and curiosity.

Dude, we can doubt everything all the time, but that gets us nowhere at all. Yes, I can say that there is a 0.0001% probability that we are not anthropoid apes. But I can also say with 99.9999% certainty that we are. Sorry, my money is on the latter. And by accepting the latter, I can get on with the business of discovering more amazing facts about our biological history, particularly with regard to genetics and how we fit within the larger animal kingdom. For instance, we have features that evolved over 350 million years ago in fish (our tetrapod ancestry originated in a fish/fish-like animal). Our backbones evolved much further back than this. So we are included in the phylum Chordata. We even have microscopic structures that first evolved in sponges. All life on this planet is interrelated via our genetic legacies. And the fact remains that of all the life forms on the planet, we are most closely related to the anthropoid apes, and so are ourselves classified as such.

I agree with everything you just posted except that doubt somehow would prevent one from making amazing discoveries. In fact, doubt leads to amazing discoveries. What if no one doubted Newtonian physics or the Bible? In fact, look at those who do not doubt the Bible?

I'd bet on science any day of the week. But at some point, a new discovery is made, there is a paradigm shift, and what we thought we knew was't exactly accurate.

And after 150 years of discovery, what do you think are the chances that we are going to discover that humans are something other than anthropoid apes?

I'd say pretty small. Except of course we are not "apes".


There is no doubt whatsoever that we are, in fact, apes. You can disagree all you care to, but it isn't going to change this fact.

If the ancestors of humans, chimps, and gorillas parted company earlier than expected, it would give more validity to claims that the fossils purporting to be the earliest members of the human family, such as the 6 million to 7 million-year-old Sahelanthropus tchadensis from Chad, really are hominins, the group that includes humans and their ancestors but not the African apes. The longer generation times will also influence evolutionary models on skeletal and dental development that assume that human ancestors had more rapid growth patterns, similar to apes, than to living humans.

The study has yielded "the most accurate estimates of generation length yet possible for wild chimpanzees and gorillas," says paleoanthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, who was not involved in the work. While these precise dates for both generation times and the split between lineages may be modified as more data is collected from more apes, adds evolutionary biologist Wen-Hsiung Li of the University of Chicago, the new work is significant because it "provides a novel approach to the long-standing issue of the divergence time between human and chimp."

Posted in Plants & Animals, Biology, Evolution

This is why I don't accept anything is "settled" Science.


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