Scott Walker On Evolution: 'I Am Going To Punt On That One'

That you believe that there is an intermediate fossil that demonstrates a lizard evolving into a bird only demonstrates how utterly uninformed you are wrt to not only paleontology, but the theory of evolution. Creationists have often made the assertion, for instance, that there is no fossil demonstrating a cat evolving into a dog. Indeed, there isn't because if there were, that would DISPROVE evolution. Same goes for your claim. Birds aren't descendants of lizards. They are descendants of theropod dinosaurs.

So sorry I should have said reptile instead of lizard.

So does your Museum have the theropod fossils that has evolved?
There is none found yet.
This is why they are going to explanation of the different types of eggs theory because they don't have the fossils.
How the shape of eggs can help explain the evolutionary history of birds -- ScienceDaily

And you'd still be wrong. Dinosaurs are not reptiles, though they are descended from them. Please don't try to tell me by business. First of all I don't have a museum, though I used to curate at the Louisville Museum of History and Science (now the Louisville Science Center). Transitional fossils between theropods and birds have, in fact, been found. Otherwise, no one would have made the connection between birds and theropods. Duh.

The origin of birds
You're wrong. Dinosaurs are a branch of "reptiles" BECAUSE THEY DESCENDED FROM THEM. Birds are a branch of dinosaurs. This means birds are reptiles, more specifically this means birds are dinosaurs.

Only if humans are apes!!

Who said we're not apes?


Your approval of people lying to get elected is noted.
What was the lie?
Not answering honestly.

He said he would punt on the question.
That means he would answer it later and he did.
He tweeted-
Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand.
But he's wrong science says the bible does not prove a god exists. And there are many key stories in the bible that are scientifically impossible.

A scientific theory is when an idea graduates. No higher honor. Evolution is a fact.
Your posts prove my theory that you're a moron.

You cannot "prove" a theory I tell ya!! You can find supporting evidence and I do admit that sealy provides that in abundance. So best put is that you have found no thing that falsifies your theory.

That you believe that there is an intermediate fossil that demonstrates a lizard evolving into a bird only demonstrates how utterly uninformed you are wrt to not only paleontology, but the theory of evolution. Creationists have often made the assertion, for instance, that there is no fossil demonstrating a cat evolving into a dog. Indeed, there isn't because if there were, that would DISPROVE evolution. Same goes for your claim. Birds aren't descendants of lizards. They are descendants of theropod dinosaurs.

So sorry I should have said reptile instead of lizard.

So does your Museum have the theropod fossils that has evolved?
There is none found yet.
This is why they are going to explanation of the different types of eggs theory because they don't have the fossils.
How the shape of eggs can help explain the evolutionary history of birds -- ScienceDaily

And you'd still be wrong. Dinosaurs are not reptiles, though they are descended from them. Please don't try to tell me by business. First of all I don't have a museum, though I used to curate at the Louisville Museum of History and Science (now the Louisville Science Center). Transitional fossils between theropods and birds have, in fact, been found. Otherwise, no one would have made the connection between birds and theropods. Duh.

The origin of birds
You're wrong. Dinosaurs are a branch of "reptiles" BECAUSE THEY DESCENDED FROM THEM. Birds are a branch of dinosaurs. This means birds are reptiles, more specifically this means birds are dinosaurs.

We are really just Primal Slime on 'Roids???

I'm not familiar with a life form called primal slime on roids. But yes we, humans, are life forms if that's what you are asking.


My question from post 158:

If you owned a business and someone applied for a job and during the application process, they said evolution is a lie, climate change a conspiracy, science is a faith and education is for snobs and they dropped out of school, would you hire them? For what?

From these posts, it seems if you are right leaning, the answer would be either CEO or political leadership position. But if you are left leaning, the answer would be "start by emptying that".

If the job entailed scientific work or making policy decisions regarding science, you bet your sweet ass I would not hire him
But doesn't every job require some kind of decision making? Being able to reason a decision based on facts?
People who believe science is a faith have no reason. There is no reason in magical creation. It's based on a "feeling" with zero credible information or fact.
And anyone who believes education is for snobs, like Rick Santorum, is a fool.
I would have no problem with insisting all my employees have their children vaccinated. It is certainly a reasonable question when hiring. If your children aren't vaccinated, you won't want to work here.

With all the scientific evidence available for evolution and someone comes to the conclusion that we were shimmered into being from a pile of dirt by a man looking spirit in wizard robes and sandals is someone I would never trust with anything. Certainly no decisions more important than picking out the pattern for my toilet paper. And even then............

The president of the U.S. makes significant policy decisions regarding science in this country, and regarding science education, both of which are significant issues impacting our future. The country can ill afford a president who is clueless about what is essentially basic science.

Name one president who held back science education on creationist beliefs.

G.W. certainly didn't advance "edumacation" in this country, and his administration was a great hindrance to science, particularly environmental science, but others as well.

So, none then.
Couldn't agree more. Personally, from my humble lifetime's observations, I view evolution theory as the most compelling explanation I've heard, but to discount anyone who doesn't agree with something one can't fully prove for oneself as intellectually inferior is beyond arrogant.

If I can understand it, another can too. It has nothing to do with creationists being intellectually inferior. It has to do with them being intellectually lazy and dishonest with themselves and others.

How about all of the dishonest scientist's that did hoaxes in order to support Darwin's theory?

They are still searching for the first transitional fossil out of potentially millions of fossils required to explain the entire chain of evolution and they still have not found it.
Most of what they have in inference and not facts or evidence.

Evolution is the best idea that man can come up with if he deliberately excludes even the possibility of life being designed.

Do you exclude the possibility that Allah might be the one true God?

Of course. I know God, and He isn't Allah.
Couldn't agree more. Personally, from my humble lifetime's observations, I view evolution theory as the most compelling explanation I've heard, but to discount anyone who doesn't agree with something one can't fully prove for oneself as intellectually inferior is beyond arrogant.

If I can understand it, another can too. It has nothing to do with creationists being intellectually inferior. It has to do with them being intellectually lazy and dishonest with themselves and others.

How about all of the dishonest scientist's that did hoaxes in order to support Darwin's theory?

They are still searching for the first transitional fossil out of potentially millions of fossils required to explain the entire chain of evolution and they still have not found it.
Most of what they have in inference and not facts or evidence.

Evolution is the best idea that man can come up with if he deliberately excludes even the possibility of life being designed.

Since there is no possibility that life was designed, the theory of biological evolution is the ONLY one that explains all the diversity of life, and the only one that can make predictions. Sorry, "god did it" doesn't explain anything, doesn't predict anything either.

Your insistence that life could not possibly be designed is, shall we say, quite dogmatic, almost religious in its fervor.

The scum of the earth dimocraps are about to lose one of the few governors they have in this Country.....

And all you dickheads got is to pick on some guy that has a different opinion on evolution?


Explain the Big Bang. It was a Creationist Event.

But you're too stupid to think that far ahead.

Say goodbye to another criminal dimocrap scumbag out in Oregon, asswipes.

I started a thread on it Another Day Another Criminal Politician US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum but I guess the dimocrap scumbag spambots haven't gotten their marching orders from their massas just yet.

Actually, we don't know Walker's "opinion" on evolution - because he refused to answer. BTW, what does the Bible say about the "Big Bang"? Millions of years passed by after the "Big Bang" - so, it seems like God was really, really slow before it got it all assembled.

Or He set it in motion and let it do exactly what he wanted it to do.
Couldn't agree more. Personally, from my humble lifetime's observations, I view evolution theory as the most compelling explanation I've heard, but to discount anyone who doesn't agree with something one can't fully prove for oneself as intellectually inferior is beyond arrogant.

If I can understand it, another can too. It has nothing to do with creationists being intellectually inferior. It has to do with them being intellectually lazy and dishonest with themselves and others.

How about all of the dishonest scientist's that did hoaxes in order to support Darwin's theory?

They are still searching for the first transitional fossil out of potentially millions of fossils required to explain the entire chain of evolution and they still have not found it.
Most of what they have in inference and not facts or evidence.

Evolution is the best idea that man can come up with if he deliberately excludes even the possibility of life being designed.

Since there is no possibility that life was designed, the theory of biological evolution is the ONLY one that explains all the diversity of life, and the only one that can make predictions. Sorry, "god did it" doesn't explain anything, doesn't predict anything either.

Your insistence that life could not possibly be designed is, shall we say, quite dogmatic, almost religious in its fervor.

Not at all. it is based on massive amounts of scientific evidence that leads unambiguously to the opposite conclusion.

The scum of the earth dimocraps are about to lose one of the few governors they have in this Country.....

And all you dickheads got is to pick on some guy that has a different opinion on evolution?


Explain the Big Bang. It was a Creationist Event.

But you're too stupid to think that far ahead.

Say goodbye to another criminal dimocrap scumbag out in Oregon, asswipes.

I started a thread on it Another Day Another Criminal Politician US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum but I guess the dimocrap scumbag spambots haven't gotten their marching orders from their massas just yet.

Actually, we don't know Walker's "opinion" on evolution - because he refused to answer. BTW, what does the Bible say about the "Big Bang"? Millions of years passed by after the "Big Bang" - so, it seems like God was really, really slow before it got it all assembled.

Or He set it in motion and let it do exactly what he wanted it to do.

By that logic, you are saying that god wanted us to have birth defects, die in hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and floods, kill each other mercilessly, and wanted the universe to be 99.9% uninhabitable. In which case, you are saying that your god is a pretty terrible guy.
If I can understand it, another can too. It has nothing to do with creationists being intellectually inferior. It has to do with them being intellectually lazy and dishonest with themselves and others.

How about all of the dishonest scientist's that did hoaxes in order to support Darwin's theory?

They are still searching for the first transitional fossil out of potentially millions of fossils required to explain the entire chain of evolution and they still have not found it.
Most of what they have in inference and not facts or evidence.

Evolution is the best idea that man can come up with if he deliberately excludes even the possibility of life being designed.

Since there is no possibility that life was designed, the theory of biological evolution is the ONLY one that explains all the diversity of life, and the only one that can make predictions. Sorry, "god did it" doesn't explain anything, doesn't predict anything either.

Your insistence that life could not possibly be designed is, shall we say, quite dogmatic, almost religious in its fervor.

Not at all. it is based on massive amounts of scientific evidence that leads unambiguously to the opposite conclusion.

Massive amounts of evidence that lead that direction if you dogmatically reject any kind of design at the very beginning.

The scum of the earth dimocraps are about to lose one of the few governors they have in this Country.....

And all you dickheads got is to pick on some guy that has a different opinion on evolution?


Explain the Big Bang. It was a Creationist Event.

But you're too stupid to think that far ahead.

Say goodbye to another criminal dimocrap scumbag out in Oregon, asswipes.

I started a thread on it Another Day Another Criminal Politician US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum but I guess the dimocrap scumbag spambots haven't gotten their marching orders from their massas just yet.

Actually, we don't know Walker's "opinion" on evolution - because he refused to answer. BTW, what does the Bible say about the "Big Bang"? Millions of years passed by after the "Big Bang" - so, it seems like God was really, really slow before it got it all assembled.

Or He set it in motion and let it do exactly what he wanted it to do.

By that logic, you are saying that god wanted us to have birth defects, die in hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and floods, kill each other mercilessly, and wanted the universe to be 99.9% uninhabitable. In which case, you are saying that your god is a pretty terrible guy.

Ah, yes, the old "Why would a merciful God allow bad things to happen?" gambit. That's an easy one. Are you truly ignorant of the answer, and do you need me to explain it to you?

The scum of the earth dimocraps are about to lose one of the few governors they have in this Country.....

And all you dickheads got is to pick on some guy that has a different opinion on evolution?


Explain the Big Bang. It was a Creationist Event.

But you're too stupid to think that far ahead.

Say goodbye to another criminal dimocrap scumbag out in Oregon, asswipes.

I started a thread on it Another Day Another Criminal Politician US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum but I guess the dimocrap scumbag spambots haven't gotten their marching orders from their massas just yet.

Actually, we don't know Walker's "opinion" on evolution - because he refused to answer. BTW, what does the Bible say about the "Big Bang"? Millions of years passed by after the "Big Bang" - so, it seems like God was really, really slow before it got it all assembled.

Or He set it in motion and let it do exactly what he wanted it to do.

By that logic, you are saying that god wanted us to have birth defects, die in hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and floods, kill each other mercilessly, and wanted the universe to be 99.9% uninhabitable. In which case, you are saying that your god is a pretty terrible guy.

Ah, yes, the old "Why would a merciful God allow bad things to happen?" gambit. That's an easy one. Are you truly ignorant of the answer, and do you need me to explain it to you?

Please explain why the so-called God is such a prick that allows so much suffering in the world.

The scum of the earth dimocraps are about to lose one of the few governors they have in this Country.....

And all you dickheads got is to pick on some guy that has a different opinion on evolution?


Explain the Big Bang. It was a Creationist Event.

But you're too stupid to think that far ahead.

Say goodbye to another criminal dimocrap scumbag out in Oregon, asswipes.

I started a thread on it Another Day Another Criminal Politician US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum but I guess the dimocrap scumbag spambots haven't gotten their marching orders from their massas just yet.

Actually, we don't know Walker's "opinion" on evolution - because he refused to answer. BTW, what does the Bible say about the "Big Bang"? Millions of years passed by after the "Big Bang" - so, it seems like God was really, really slow before it got it all assembled.

Or He set it in motion and let it do exactly what he wanted it to do.

By that logic, you are saying that god wanted us to have birth defects, die in hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and floods, kill each other mercilessly, and wanted the universe to be 99.9% uninhabitable. In which case, you are saying that your god is a pretty terrible guy.

Ah, yes, the old "Why would a merciful God allow bad things to happen?" gambit. That's an easy one. Are you truly ignorant of the answer, and do you need me to explain it to you?

Please explain why the so-called God is such a prick that allows so much suffering in the world.

Because if He didn't allow for the consequences of decisions, He wouldn't be just. Now you know and are no longer ignorant.
Actually, we don't know Walker's "opinion" on evolution - because he refused to answer. BTW, what does the Bible say about the "Big Bang"? Millions of years passed by after the "Big Bang" - so, it seems like God was really, really slow before it got it all assembled.

Or He set it in motion and let it do exactly what he wanted it to do.

By that logic, you are saying that god wanted us to have birth defects, die in hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and floods, kill each other mercilessly, and wanted the universe to be 99.9% uninhabitable. In which case, you are saying that your god is a pretty terrible guy.

Ah, yes, the old "Why would a merciful God allow bad things to happen?" gambit. That's an easy one. Are you truly ignorant of the answer, and do you need me to explain it to you?

Please explain why the so-called God is such a prick that allows so much suffering in the world.

Because if He didn't allow for the consequences of decisions, He wouldn't be just. Now you know and are no longer ignorant.

Really? And who's decision was it to invent birth defects?
I don't blame him for not answering the question during a "trade" junket. But he is probably gonna have to answer it at some point. So better start preping on that answer.

He already did answer the question as soon as he returned from the 'Trade Mission."

"Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand."

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