Scott Walker recall effort starts Tuesday

Dear Podunk Wisconsin. Recall is part of the laws of Wisconsin. It is called democracy. The people of WI have realized radical governor Scott Walker is waging war against the working classes of Wisconsin and will be recalled for being a radical.

Dear Podunkites: Assault anyone and you go to jail, pay a big fine, and maybe get your ass beaten to boot.

Dear Podunkites: think, you fools.

Some corrections if I may.....SOME people of Wisconsin believe Walkers decision was radical.Some people in Wisconsin have been led to believe that he is waging war against the working class.All he did was do as he said he would do. Pare down the bennies in the only way possible so he can balance the budget.But continue with your shows you do not feel the merits of your sentiment will win the debate.

What spin? People are pissed, rightly so. Why are you lying, when you know that his proposed subsidies for big business were in line with the $$$ he wanted to talk out of public sector workers/

Remember them: teachers, fire fighters, police, and so forth?

Your sentiment, Podunkite, has lost your argument.

Boy. Everybody's busting your ass for lying today, aren't they jarhead?
Liar. No he didn't. See my above post.

who are you....truthmatters?


Is one a liar when they think something to be true that isnt?

Do you see me as a liar on here? How often have you deemed what I said a lie?

SO I erred. My mistake.

But he did what he deemed best for the meet the agenda he campaigned on.

Exactly how did you expect him to slash benefits without first ending collective bargaining?

Please explain......

Take your shit and use it on someone else you spinless loser.

Noticed you opted NOT to respond to my post. That makes you know...maybe if I ignore it, it will go away.

Actually I was letting you off the hook rather easily. If I were to respond to your post I would have said since you posted it as FACT you are, in fact, a liar.

And since you admitted you made a "mistake" (uh-huh....right :eusa_whistle:) I would respond that you made an incredibly stupid, rookie mistake and have shown you're out of your league.

And since my last post was between me and Claudette I'll thank you to keep your nose out of it unless you have something constructive to add. You've embarrassed yourself enough for one day.

Now aren't you glad you goaded me into responding???? :tongue:

I know I am!

What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?
I think it is funny that the person who first filed to recall him donated to his pre election fund in 2010.
Man who filed Governor Walker recall documents donated to Walker campaign - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and Weather
My take is that if the people of Wisconsin are stupid enough to get rid of Walker and go back to the wasteful financially ruinous union-run economy they had before, then hey, they deserve what they get. Stupidity should be painful and expensive.

We'll see soon enough if they are smart or not.
Some corrections if I may.....SOME people of Wisconsin believe Walkers decision was radical.Some people in Wisconsin have been led to believe that he is waging war against the working class.All he did was do as he said he would do. Pare down the bennies in the only way possible so he can balance the budget.But continue with your shows you do not feel the merits of your sentiment will win the debate.

What spin? People are pissed, rightly so. Why are you lying, when you know that his proposed subsidies for big business were in line with the $$$ he wanted to talk out of public sector workers/

Remember them: teachers, fire fighters, police, and so forth?

Your sentiment, Podunkite, has lost your argument.
Subsidies for big business?You mean the tax credits which businesses would be given if they hired people ... but which would not materialize if they didn't?Or do you have something else in mind?Liberals were very very good with getting their talking points out in this matter, I'll give you that. Trying to set the record straight on this has been like sprinkling water into the ocean.

So you are admitting that government can create jobs by subsidizing corporations? You happen to be right, but it is also a form of corporate fascism.

We don't want that.
What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?
I think it is funny that the person who first filed to recall him donated to his pre election fund in 2010.
Man who filed Governor Walker recall documents donated to Walker campaign - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and Weather

It's actually brilliant strategery...;)
the petition requires upwards of 500.000 sigs...thats a LOT of sigs, they will need another oh, 65-100K to make sure they have enough after challenges and the inevitable flimflamming etc etc.

That will surpass a quarter of the number of people that voted IN the election itself for Walker.

good luck with that.

Ohio only needed 300,000 sigs to repeal and they got 1.3 million.

Ohio’s working families had some paperwork to drop off with the state yesterday. Just an afternoon’s errand, a small procedural matter, you might say. Well, it may have been merely paperwork, but when the semi-trucks arrived, it was clear that the people of Ohio had something important to say to Gov. John Kasich.

In all, nearly 1.3 million signatures were delivered to the Ohio Secretary of State (1,298,301 to be precise) demanding the repeal of Senate Bill 5, which scales back public employees’ rights and safety measures. There were so many signatures collected that it took a team of retired police officers and firefighters four hours to unload the 1,502 boxes carrying the petitions.

1.3 million people: Ohio
Now, eflatminor, we know you are lying based on the totality of your postings here. You have learned how to put a sentence together but not a fiscal or philosophical argument on the board. Your silliness is apparent. But if you will put your nonsense away and read from those far better informed than you, you can learn much here. Dr. House has, but he still resents it, for instance.

Yes, yes...thank you for proving my point re deflection. Should you wish to point out with specificity anything I've posted that is a "lie", I will take the time to point out where you are wrong. Otherwise, I think manifold has made the best point of all...
the petition requires upwards of 500.000 sigs...thats a LOT of sigs, they will need another oh, 65-100K to make sure they have enough after challenges and the inevitable flimflamming etc etc.

That will surpass a quarter of the number of people that voted IN the election itself for Walker.

good luck with that.

Are you taking bets as to whether or not they make it?
the petition requires upwards of 500.000 sigs...thats a LOT of sigs, they will need another oh, 65-100K to make sure they have enough after challenges and the inevitable flimflamming etc etc.

That will surpass a quarter of the number of people that voted IN the election itself for Walker.

good luck with that.

Ohio only needed 300,000 sigs to repeal and they got 1.3 million.

Ohio’s working families had some paperwork to drop off with the state yesterday. Just an afternoon’s errand, a small procedural matter, you might say. Well, it may have been merely paperwork, but when the semi-trucks arrived, it was clear that the people of Ohio had something important to say to Gov. John Kasich.

In all, nearly 1.3 million signatures were delivered to the Ohio Secretary of State (1,298,301 to be precise) demanding the repeal of Senate Bill 5, which scales back public employees’ rights and safety measures. There were so many signatures collected that it took a team of retired police officers and firefighters four hours to unload the 1,502 boxes carrying the petitions.

1.3 million people: Ohio

Apples and oranges...

But you knew that....
Now, eflatminor, we know you are lying based on the totality of your postings here. You have learned how to put a sentence together but not a fiscal or philosophical argument on the board. Your silliness is apparent. But if you will put your nonsense away and read from those far better informed than you, you can learn much here. Dr. House has, but he still resents it, for instance.

Yes, yes...thank you for proving my point re deflection. Should you wish to point out with specificity anything I've posted that is a "lie", I will take the time to point out where you are wrong. Otherwise, I think manifold has made the best point of all...

manifold? why, of course. :lol:

Your totality of posts reveal a shallow and inconsistent understanding of economic matters. When you get it right, not too worry, we will congratulate you.
the petition requires upwards of 500.000 sigs...thats a LOT of sigs, they will need another oh, 65-100K to make sure they have enough after challenges and the inevitable flimflamming etc etc.

That will surpass a quarter of the number of people that voted IN the election itself for Walker.

good luck with that.

Jokey predicts Walker will be recalled...

You remember how accurate he was when he said the Dems would retain the House and Senate comfortably in 2010, don't you?....;)

the petition requires upwards of 500.000 sigs...thats a LOT of sigs, they will need another oh, 65-100K to make sure they have enough after challenges and the inevitable flimflamming etc etc.

That will surpass a quarter of the number of people that voted IN the election itself for Walker.

good luck with that.

Ohio only needed 300,000 sigs to repeal and they got 1.3 million.

Ohio’s working families had some paperwork to drop off with the state yesterday. Just an afternoon’s errand, a small procedural matter, you might say. Well, it may have been merely paperwork, but when the semi-trucks arrived, it was clear that the people of Ohio had something important to say to Gov. John Kasich.

In all, nearly 1.3 million signatures were delivered to the Ohio Secretary of State (1,298,301 to be precise) demanding the repeal of Senate Bill 5, which scales back public employees’ rights and safety measures. There were so many signatures collected that it took a team of retired police officers and firefighters four hours to unload the 1,502 boxes carrying the petitions.

1.3 million people: Ohio

Apples and oranges...

But you knew that....

Not really, they both have to do with buyer's remorse for the governors. I'll bet Walker gets recalled.

But I think you understand that.. <smirk>
What spin? People are pissed, rightly so. Why are you lying, when you know that his proposed subsidies for big business were in line with the $$$ he wanted to talk out of public sector workers/

Remember them: teachers, fire fighters, police, and so forth?

Your sentiment, Podunkite, has lost your argument.
Subsidies for big business?You mean the tax credits which businesses would be given if they hired people ... but which would not materialize if they didn't?Or do you have something else in mind?Liberals were very very good with getting their talking points out in this matter, I'll give you that. Trying to set the record straight on this has been like sprinkling water into the ocean.

So you are admitting that government can create jobs by subsidizing corporations? You happen to be right, but it is also a form of corporate fascism.

We don't want that.

No, actually, I made no comment on the efficacy of the tax breaks Walker proposed.

I just want to know if that's what you were talking about - money which will not be paid unless people are hired. IS that what you were talking about?

There was a 3.6 billion dollar hole in the Wisconsin budget. This was calculated a year ago when Doyle was still in office.

Walker and the legislature fixed that hole. And the potential tax breaks he promised businesses for hiring had zip to do with that.

But keep on with the Rachel Maddow talking points. They're so becoming on you.
What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?

According to the latest monthly estimates released Thursday by the state Department of Workforce Development, the state lost an estimated 900 jobs among private-sector employers. The manufacturing sector alone lost 3,000 jobs.

Those losses pale in comparison to the estimated loss of 11,500 jobs at city, county and state agencies as well as public schools - which is the deepest single-month decline since at least 1990, which was the first year the government began to collect comparable statistics.
State private-sector employment slides for third straight month - JSOnline
There is no right to collective bargaining.

Of course there is. What planet are you on?

Earth, where there are no collective bargaining rights.

Here in the good ole USA you certainly have collective bargaining rights.

If you and a co-worker walked into your bosses office and demanded that you each get a 10% pay raise or you'll quit, that would be collective bargaining and that is indeed your right. The fact that your boss can tell you to kiss her ass and don't let the door hit you on the way out doesn't mean you don't have the right to bargain collectively.

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