Scott Walker recall effort starts Tuesday

Ohio only needed 300,000 sigs to repeal and they got 1.3 million.

Apples and oranges...

But you knew that....

Not really, they both have to do with buyer's remorse for the governors. I'll bet Walker gets recalled.

But I think you understand that.. <smirk>

Two completely different issues, Sarah...

Support for one in Ohio does not necessarily translate to support for one in Wisconsin....
What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?

This is a fantastic example of progressives disrespect for democracy...

When democrats lose they will spend the next 2 or 4 years trying to circumvent the democratic process for another shot er a second chance..

Just remember 14 Wisconsin state congressmen abandoned their seats in Wisconsin and fled to my backyard because they were opposed to Walkers push to end their voting bases collectivism...

Republicans were nice enough to allow them to return and keep their jobs, when they could have certainly had them booted for the rest of their terms for insubordination and abandonment...

There is no way in hell they will achieve a recall of Walker...
What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?

Milwaukee gained 19,000+ jobs in September.
Milwaukee gained 19,100 jobs. Wausau had no change in employment, according to the state DWD.
September unemployment rates drop | Fond du Lac Reporter |
What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?

According to the latest monthly estimates released Thursday by the state Department of Workforce Development, the state lost an estimated 900 jobs among private-sector employers. The manufacturing sector alone lost 3,000 jobs.

Those losses pale in comparison to the estimated loss of 11,500 jobs at city, county and state agencies as well as public schools - which is the deepest single-month decline since at least 1990, which was the first year the government began to collect comparable statistics.
State private-sector employment slides for third straight month - JSOnline

Union jobs are insolvent....

There is no reason for unions in modern times, we already have a boatload of alphabet agencies regulating work environments, we already have a minimum wage - not to mention supply and demand dictates salaries..

In reality the unions have become everything they were opposed to when they first started forming... They're the fascists - they're the thugs..

They're the ones saying "you cant work here unless you join our union."

Individuals should have the right to tell them to fuck off if they don't want to join their cult and pay their cult dues...
First IDIOT liberal that approaches me with a recall petition to sign, and I'm going SPIT ON THEIR FEET.

Go ahead... hit me... give me a reason to KNOCK YOUR DAMN IGNORANT, CRY BABY, SORE LOSER TEETH OUT.

Now how many of you IDIOT liberals want to be asking for signatures? Because there's PLENTY more people JUST LIKE ME here in Wisconsin that are SICK OF THIS SHIT!

You dropped your hat!

What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?

Milwaukee gained 19,000+ jobs in September.
Milwaukee gained 19,100 jobs. Wausau had no change in employment, according to the state DWD.
September unemployment rates drop | Fond du Lac Reporter |

Well, Walkers idea was intended to save the state money by limiting public sector unions "rights" to extort money from the state government...

Wisconsin is headed in the right direction because they're cutting the pork.

You just cant allow a fraction of the population hold an entire state hostage...
What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?

According to the latest monthly estimates released Thursday by the state Department of Workforce Development, the state lost an estimated 900 jobs among private-sector employers. The manufacturing sector alone lost 3,000 jobs.

Those losses pale in comparison to the estimated loss of 11,500 jobs at city, county and state agencies as well as public schools - which is the deepest single-month decline since at least 1990, which was the first year the government began to collect comparable statistics.
State private-sector employment slides for third straight month - JSOnline

Union jobs are insolvent....

There is no reason for unions in modern times, we already have a boatload of alphabet agencies regulating work environments, we already have a minimum wage - not to mention supply and demand dictates salaries..

In reality the unions have become everything they were opposed to when they first started forming... They're the fascists - they're the thugs..

They're the ones saying "you cant work here unless you join our union."

Individuals should have the right to tell them to fuck off if they don't want to join their cult and pay their cult dues...
So you are fine with people losing their job? got it.
Apples and oranges...

But you knew that....

Not really, they both have to do with buyer's remorse for the governors. I'll bet Walker gets recalled.

But I think you understand that.. <smirk>

Two completely different issues, Sarah...

Support for one in Ohio does not necessarily translate to support for one in Wisconsin....

Scott Walker and John Kasich were in lockstep, House. They are connected. Kasich's approval rating has gone down dramatically, percentages into the 30s. Ohio hates him.
What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?

Milwaukee gained 19,000+ jobs in September.
Milwaukee gained 19,100 jobs. Wausau had no change in employment, according to the state DWD.
September unemployment rates drop | Fond du Lac Reporter |

Trying to figure out the context of your numbers and failing.

What sector(s) were those 19,100 jobs in? That's minimal information needed for this thread. Also, they gained those jobs in September? I don't get that from the link.

"Compared to a year ago, Milwaukee gained 19,100 jobs."

Seriously ... that's one out-of-left-field reference. Please explain the relevance.

Here's a relevant figure, with context:

The Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville school districts account for 68% of teacher layoffs for the entire state, but only contain 12.8% of Wisconsin students
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Union jobs are insolvent....

There is no reason for unions in modern times, we already have a boatload of alphabet agencies regulating work environments, we already have a minimum wage - not to mention supply and demand dictates salaries..

In reality the unions have become everything they were opposed to when they first started forming... They're the fascists - they're the thugs..

They're the ones saying "you cant work here unless you join our union."

Individuals should have the right to tell them to fuck off if they don't want to join their cult and pay their cult dues...
So you are fine with people losing their job? got it.

If its not a solvent position then absolutely I'm fine with it...

I'm better than fine I'm happy...

If you cant afford something you don't buy it, just like Wisconsin cant afford redundant unionized labor....

Besides, maybe they would have a job at a lower salary if their union wasn't in the way...

You ever hear of a right to work state??

Too bad most states FORCE people into public sector unions rather than allowing them to have a say for themselves weather they're willing to join a union or not...
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Not really, they both have to do with buyer's remorse for the governors. I'll bet Walker gets recalled.

But I think you understand that.. <smirk>

Two completely different issues, Sarah...

Support for one in Ohio does not necessarily translate to support for one in Wisconsin....

Scott Walker and John Kasich were in lockstep, House. They are connected. Kasich's approval rating has gone down dramatically, percentages into the 30s. Ohio hates him.

You can pretend all you want, Sarah... The two issues are not the same....
So the recall people are seeking redress for a perceived wrong in a legal and appropriate fashion.

And the right wingers are going ape shit.

Too funny.

Ape shit?


No. We in Wisconsin who see the reforms working and support the efforts of the governor we elected are just gearing up to do what we need to protect the gains we have made.
So the recall people are seeking redress for a perceived wrong in a legal and appropriate fashion.

And the right wingers are going ape shit.

Too funny.

Ape shit?


No. We in Wisconsin who see the reforms working and support the efforts of the governor we elected are just gearing up to do what we need to protect the gains we have made.

Then by all means, don't sign the petition and if it's successful, vote for Walker.

To act like these people are acting illegally or improperly is silly.
So the recall people are seeking redress for a perceived wrong in a legal and appropriate fashion.

And the right wingers are going ape shit.

Too funny.

Ape shit?


No. We in Wisconsin who see the reforms working and support the efforts of the governor we elected are just gearing up to do what we need to protect the gains we have made.

Then by all means, don't sign the petition and if it's successful, vote for Walker.

To act like these people are acting illegally or improperly is silly.

It's not improper to have impatience with people who distort the record and force us through all these elections because they don't like how the majority voted. When the majority was Democrat and Doyle rushed through his budget with less than 24 hour review, that was peachy keen.

We have put up with so much nonsense like the recount Kloppenburg put the state through. It's wearing and there is nothing wrong with expressing our frustration over this.
Ape shit?


No. We in Wisconsin who see the reforms working and support the efforts of the governor we elected are just gearing up to do what we need to protect the gains we have made.

Then by all means, don't sign the petition and if it's successful, vote for Walker.

To act like these people are acting illegally or improperly is silly.

It's not improper to have impatience with people who distort the record and force us through all these elections because they don't like how the majority voted. When the majority was Democrat and Doyle rushed through his budget with less than 24 hour review, that was peachy keen.

We have put up with so much nonsense like the recount Kloppenburg put the state through. It's wearing and there is nothing wrong with expressing our frustration over this.

Your frustration is best expressed at the polls dear. :thup:
Then by all means, don't sign the petition and if it's successful, vote for Walker.

To act like these people are acting illegally or improperly is silly.

It's not improper to have impatience with people who distort the record and force us through all these elections because they don't like how the majority voted. When the majority was Democrat and Doyle rushed through his budget with less than 24 hour review, that was peachy keen.

We have put up with so much nonsense like the recount Kloppenburg put the state through. It's wearing and there is nothing wrong with expressing our frustration over this.

Your frustration is best expressed at the polls dear. :thup:

So and all those people who are email bombing us should stop and just let voters decide it at the polls?

The people passing around the petitions should just leave them on a table somewhere and not talk about their impressions of the situtation, and then just check in two months to see if there were 500,000 signatures?

Okay ... if they'll stop sending out propaganda then I'll just wait until election time to express how I feel about this.

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