Scott Walker: We might have to take military action on Day One

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
This will get Walker lots of votes from the Right.

Scott Walker We might have to take military action on Day One - The Washington Post

A dispute has erupted between Scott Walker and Jeb Bush over how to handle the task of undoing Obama’s Iran deal as president, with Bush hinting that Walker is approaching the issue with a lack of maturity, and Walker suggesting that Bush is not zealous enough about confronting the enemy.

Walker is also saying that it’s “very possible” the next president will have to take military action on Day One of his presidency — though it’s unclear whether he means against Iran in particular, or more generally.
considering what is going on in the world, we should be prepared.

sucks but leftist forced us out of isolation and now the world relies on us
Not so much concern that Walker might nuke Iran, rather that Iran is not likely to be willing to take the chance that he would not. They've had six years of knowing they have had absolutely nothing to fear. That hardly means they're stupid.
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning


And that Chamberlain fella has a written guarantee that Hitler would play nice.
not even close

cham told everyone what he wanted to be true and Hitler had a chance to win and nearly did.

Iran has no chance of winning, no one will back a country that used nukes on America.

If Iran did, it would forever be referred to in the past tense, and they know it.
So, now it looks like Iran needs nukes to protect itself from Nuts like Walker. Holy shit...
hopefully someone will take out their underground city before they can finish building it, or maybe God will find out and send a 9.0 to Iran
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
They have no desire to win in any secular sense. That is the difference. Those who are too young and/or naive don't realize that Iran's theocratic, totalitarian goal is apocalyptic.
Yeah we need more war to keep the bankers and defense contractors even more flush with cash.

War is always the health of the state.
Red meat.

I suppose we could look at the "bright side" - an America at war is usually united rather than divided. Maybe our domestic situation will improve if they attack.

Though honestly, I really don't think they'll attack the US... at least not first, and frankly if they do attack somewhere else, they're more likely to get paved than win.
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
It depends on how you define winning.
Being around to celebrate with your grandchildren.

seriously, they would be extinct, they are crazy, but they know obama won't be Pres for much longer.

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