SCOTUS Reject Dylan Roof Appeal

solitary confinement has been challenged as cruel punishment, yet some assholes belong there.
Why do you thinkahe probability of the government making such mistakes is remote?
Because our criminal justice system for all its flaws has layer after layer of reduncy to prevent mistakes such as that.
Because our criminal justice system for all its flaws has layer after layer of reduncy to prevent mistakes such as that.
So you believe government basically does a good job of managing things then?
So you believe government basically does a good job of managing things then?
Most criminal prosecutions are at the local level so I would have to say the level of government competence varies a great deal.
Roof had asked the court to decide how to handle disputes over mental illness-related evidence between capital defendants and their attorneys. The justices did not comment Tuesday in turning away the appeal.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Anytime a member of our "well regulated militia" shoots someone, they seem to plead mental illness if they don't kill themselves first.

Which begs the do they amass their arsenal if they are mentally ill?
Same way Hunter Biden did.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Him getting out and the courts addressing a valid question are two very different things. While he is never getting out, his legal question is one the courts should have addressed.
Him getting out and the courts addressing a valid question are two very different things. While he is never getting out, his legal question is one the courts should have addressed.
It's obvious the mentally incapacitated defense failed or was persued.
It's obvious the mentally incapacitated defense failed.

Being as how it was not argued by attorney's we will never know. I doubt very seriously it would have but Hinckley's lawyers pulled it off. By not addressing it, they simply muck things up going forward.

Make a ruling on the question. Then it's answered.
Being as how it was not argued by attorney's we will never know. I doubt very seriously it would have but Hinckley's lawyers pulled it off. By not addressing it, they simply muck things up going forward.

Make a ruling on the question. Then it's answered.
Looks like it was considered:

The jury selection process, which had been put on hold Nov. 7, resumed on Monday following a two-day hearing in which US District Judge Richard Gergel met with four unnamed witnesses and psychologist James Ballenger to come to the conclusion that Mr. Roof was capable of understanding the charges against him and assisting with his own defense. On Monday, Roof also announced that he would be mounting his own defense, though lawyers can stand by to help him if he asks. Roof had initially offered to plea guilty if the death penalty was taken off the table, but prosecutors refused the deal. It is not known what defense Roof will mount for himself.

Dylann Roof trial resumes: hate crimes and the insanity defense
That is 'cruel and unusual' punishment. Death is closure for everyone.
But if a mistake is made you can't reverse a death sentence. If someone gets life in prison even in solitary you can let them out of prison and compensate them for their "trouble".

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