SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.

So this means there are still state rights.
No, there are now state wrongs. From here forward.
Way to go, democrats. You just defeated the USA.
Dang, if only you had some sort of recourse so that the entire world outside of the cult wasn't laughing at you and didn't think you are insane weirdos.

Like, courts. heh heh
We are living in two different cyber media worlds... we all on the left and some sane :) on the right, all believed this case would be denied, because Texas had no standing.... All legal and constitutional scholars were saying such as well....

but the Trumpers on the right did not hear all of this, at all...because the cyber social media world is set up to feed each customer, the Stories and blogs and political ads with a slant that the data tracking showed they were viewing previously..... this ONLY confirms their own bias, instead of opening them or us up, to what the other side is saying in their media.

Holy Cow! I believe I now think Facebook, may actually need to be broken up, or we need to stop this madness of how the business operates with sending us info, only from our own predetermined mind set....
No surprise and what I assumed would happen.

Had the SCOTUS nullified the election, we would be going from a potential attempt by Dimocrats to stack the court, to a guaranteed attempt to stack the court.
So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.

So this means there are still state rights.
No, there are now state wrongs. From here forward.
Way to go, democrats. You just defeated the USA.

It was a ruling by your very own Trump Court.

America wins; tyranny is defeated.
This is being confirmed by multiple sources such as NEWSMAX

so guess we have lost the white house to democrat voter fraud
No, you lost the WH the will of the American people who saw fit to vote Trump out of office in a fair, free, honest, and legal election devoid of fraud or cheating.
No, you lost the WH the will of the American people who saw fit to vote Trump out of office in a fair, free, honest, and legal election devoid of fraud or cheating.


its a stolen election
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