SCOTUS rules in favor of gerrymandering. Gorsuch is the worst thing to happen

Democrats invented Gerrymandering. N.C. congressional district #12 created by democrats is acknowledged to be the most notorious gerrymandered district in the U.S. It's almost a political joke. The only time lefties complain about gerrymandering is when they are out of power.

So by your logic, the Republicans should ban it and SCOTUS should have ruled in favor of the lower court that threw the districting out. But they didn't, did they?
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Probably ? It was the start of their descent into impotent madness. :)
Democrats invented Gerrymandering. N.C. congressional district #12 created by democrats is acknowledged to be the most notorious gerrymandered district in the U.S. It's almost a political joke. The only time lefties complain about gerrymandering is when they are out of power.

So by your logic, the Republicans should ban it and SCOTUS should have ruled in favor of the redistricting. But they didn't, did they?

From your own link, did you read it ? I did..

The court did rule, however, that one of the state legislature districts was unlawful.
As long as there remains no bright-line rule on gerrymandering, it will continue, which suggests that there is no political will to stop it.
SCOTUS has ruled in favor of Texas's congressional districting map. How the fuck can any rational person, whether they are a judge or not, think this is the legitimate and doesn't discriminate?


Supreme court largely backs Texas Republicans over electoral maps

If you bothered to read your link, the districts were drawn by the courts, not the TX legislature.


First line: "The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to Texas Republicans by reviving electoral districts drawn by the state legislature that had been thrown out by a lower court for diluting the influence of black and Hispanic voters."""

This is where you took it out of context:
"The maps, adopted in 2013 and challenged by individual voters and civil rights groups representing blacks and Hispanics, were based on court-drawn districts imposed for the 2012 election after prior Republican-draw maps drawn the previous year also were tossed as racially discriminatory. """"
SCOTUS has ruled in favor of Texas's congressional districting map. How the fuck can any rational person, whether they are a judge or not, think this is the legitimate and doesn't discriminate?


Supreme court largely backs Texas Republicans over electoral maps

McConnell made sure with his use of misfeasance*, which provided the immediate and incontrovertible proof that he puts ideology over the law.

His very act violates the ethics expected of an elected official, which is inferred in the Preamble to the Constitution to which he swore to protect and defend.

Such a partisan act does nothing to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, or provide for the common defense of each and everyone of us.

*Misfeasance, conduct that is lawful but inappropriate.
Democrats invented Gerrymandering. N.C. congressional district #12 created by democrats is acknowledged to be the most notorious gerrymandered district in the U.S. It's almost a political joke. The only time lefties complain about gerrymandering is when they are out of power.

So by your logic, the Republicans should ban it and SCOTUS should have ruled in favor of the lower court that threw the districting out. But they didn't, did they?

Do you know the purpose of gerrymandering? It has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with both parties rigging elections and controlling candidates once they reach Washington.
Dems, get a 2/3rds majority in House and Senate and impeach and try and remove Gorsuch.

But you won't, so quit your crying.

In the meantime, I agree that it is the legislature's duty to do it right, and the courts' duty to correct them when they don't.
Let's see if the ruling generates increased Dem voting this fall.

I highly doubt it. Gerrymandering isn't going to be in even the top 10 set of issues any normal person is going to care about when voting. There are plenty of other things motivating them.
SCOTUS has ruled in favor of Texas's congressional districting map. How the fuck can any rational person, whether they are a judge or not, think this is the legitimate and doesn't discriminate?


Supreme court largely backs Texas Republicans over electoral maps

If you bothered to read your link, the districts were drawn by the courts, not the TX legislature.


First line: "The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to Texas Republicans by reviving electoral districts drawn by the state legislature that had been thrown out by a lower court for diluting the influence of black and Hispanic voters."""

This is where you took it out of context:
"The maps, adopted in 2013 and challenged by individual voters and civil rights groups representing blacks and Hispanics, were based on court-drawn districts imposed for the 2012 election after prior Republican-draw maps drawn the previous year also were tossed as racially discriminatory. """"

And this is where I didn't, from your link:

The maps, adopted in 2013 and challenged by individual voters and civil rights groups representing blacks and Hispanics, were based on court-drawn districts imposed for the 2012 election after prior Republican-draw maps drawn the previous year also were tossed as racially discriminatory. The maps at issue in the case have been in effect throughout the litigation.

The maps were directed by the courts and have been enforce since. So they are basically saying the courts in 2011 were correct except for one district.

"So they are basically saying the courts in 2011 were correct except for one district" is a fake news alt fact.

It's a lie.
no, i'm saying they stole a scotus seat.
If there is anything that the GOP has done right, it's forcing the democrats to live by the same bullshit the democrats themselves start.

The Dems should stop thinking so short-term when they pull this crap. It will be less likely to bite them in the ass.

Same goes for the GOP.

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