SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage


"In Dred Scott v. Sandford (argued 1856 -- decided 1857), the Supreme Court ruled that Americans of African descent, whether free or slave, were not American citizens and could not sue in federal court. The Court also ruled that Congress lacked power to ban slavery in the U.S. territories. Finally, the Court declared that the rights of slaveowners were constitutionally protected by the Fifth Amendment because slaves were categorized as property." ~ The Supreme Court . The First Hundred Years . Landmark Cases . Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 PBS

Which prompted the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments in 1865, directly overturning their decision as not inline with "we the peoples" opinion.

If anti-SSM folks think ya'll have the peeps, feel free to go for a constitutional amendment to overturn this SCOUS decision.
I never cared if homosexuals got that piece of paper. I cared about how they went about it. This was the most stupid way. They fucked state rights and their own choices to get something they would have got eventually anyway.

Which was their right.
No actually it isn't a right to marry it is a privilege.

It was their right to petition the courts for relief. That is the right of every American citizen.
that doesnt make it smart.

From their perspective, it certainly does.

There has been much discussion on bakers and photographers being forced to provide services for SSM weddings. All of those cases relate to the enforcement of state laws. Are you equally passionate about supporting the state's right to impose that on its citizens? Would you consider it unwise for a baker to take their case to SCOTUS because it might infringe upon state's rights?
You did draw that comparison. I have read similar posts by you in the past. You want to back off now, fine. I am sure the floodgates argument was made 50 years ago when Loving was decided. It was ignorant then and remains an ignorant argument. What I see is you claiming that because gay people are now allowed to enter into committed relationships, the country will suffer. That is hate in its most basic form

I didn't draw the comparison in my post, however, I will say, unnatural and immoral sexual relations are what they are..... you can say my belief is hate but I can say your belief is hate as well -

Ignorance goes both ways, and just because you "say so" doesn't make it so. This is such a lame tactic used all the time.. people can see if from a mile away.....

When the country does suffer (and it is already) it won't seem so hateful...but then again the world is going down in a downward spiral, and people will cling to their erroneous beliefs as they go down the tubes.

I won't back off or stop - I'm not sure why you thought I wanted to or would....
I don't care whether you back off or not. You do not matter. Folks who think like you do not matter. It is done. Marriage equality is the law and will remain the law. Soon, gay people will be protected from bigots like you firing them, or refusing to rent to them or refusing service to them. And you cannot do a damn thing about it. Except, spread your hate here.

It's amazing to me that someone running for president could freely say they were opposed to same sex marriage just a handful of years ago, but now if you dared to say you were opposed, you would be branded a bigot, and you would be shunned. It's a good thing Obama "evolved" or you guys apparently would have ran him out of D.C. on a rail in 2012.

I suspect we will see the dozens of Repub candidates "evolve" very quickly over the next few months.
You did draw that comparison. I have read similar posts by you in the past. You want to back off now, fine. I am sure the floodgates argument was made 50 years ago when Loving was decided. It was ignorant then and remains an ignorant argument. What I see is you claiming that because gay people are now allowed to enter into committed relationships, the country will suffer. That is hate in its most basic form

I didn't draw the comparison in my post, however, I will say, unnatural and immoral sexual relations are what they are..... you can say my belief is hate but I can say your belief is hate as well -

Ignorance goes both ways, and just because you "say so" doesn't make it so. This is such a lame tactic used all the time.. people can see if from a mile away.....

When the country does suffer (and it is already) it won't seem so hateful...but then again the world is going down in a downward spiral, and people will cling to their erroneous beliefs as they go down the tubes.

I won't back off or stop - I'm not sure why you thought I wanted to or would....
I don't care whether you back off or not. You do not matter. Folks who think like you do not matter. It is done. Marriage equality is the law and will remain the law. Soon, gay people will be protected from bigots like you firing them, or refusing to rent to them or refusing service to them. And you cannot do a damn thing about it. Except, spread your hate here.

It's amazing to me that someone running for president could freely say they were opposed to same sex marriage just a handful of years ago, but now if you dared to say you were opposed, you would be branded a bigot, and you would be shunned. It's a good thing Obama "evolved" or you guys apparently would have ran him out of D.C. on a rail in 2012.
Not too late for you to evolve. Most people do as they grow older and experience more of life. Or, you could stay ignorant. Your choice in this free country.
If you can't discriminate against same sex marriages, then you can't discriminate based on species. Liberals wave Equality flags in jubilant celebration.

And the ignorant Conservative melt down begins.....
don't care whether you back off or not. You do not matter. Folks who think like you do not matter. It is done. Marriage equality is the law and will remain the law. Soon, gay people will be protected from bigots like you firing them, or refusing to rent to them or refusing service to them. And you cannot do a damn thing about it. Except, spread your hate here.

The only law that ultimately matters is God's law.

It's the only true law, and, while I'm here on this Earth I will continue to live by it and support it.

You rest your faith in man, and I say, good luck with that.

Let God worry about it

I suspect he is not too upset

Only evidence you don't know God. He cares. If not, he would not be God. Yet, we are here to live for him, so, sitting on hands is not the answer...
don't care whether you back off or not. You do not matter. Folks who think like you do not matter. It is done. Marriage equality is the law and will remain the law. Soon, gay people will be protected from bigots like you firing them, or refusing to rent to them or refusing service to them. And you cannot do a damn thing about it. Except, spread your hate here.

The only law that ultimately matters is God's law.

It's the only true law, and, while I'm here on this Earth I will continue to live by it and support it.

You rest your faith in man, and I say, good luck with that.
God's law? Which God? See, that is the problem. There is no agreement on what God would want. She gave conflicting messages. And, you will actually abide by man's law. Or pay the price. You live in a state that bans discrimination against gay people you will not discriminate.
I never cared if homosexuals got that piece of paper. I cared about how they went about it. This was the most stupid way. They fucked state rights and their own choices to get something they would have got eventually anyway.

Which was their right.
No actually it isn't a right to marry it is a privilege.

It was their right to petition the courts for relief. That is the right of every American citizen.
that doesnt make it smart.

From their perspective, it certainly does.

There has been much discussion on bakers and photographers being forced to provide services for SSM weddings. All of those cases relate to the enforcement of state laws. Are you equally passionate about supporting the state's right to impose that on its citizens? Would you consider it unwise for a baker to take their case to SCOTUS because it might infringe upon state's rights?
They have proved to be idiots.
This will be interesting the next few years when the Social Conservatives discover their close minded way of thinking is no longer accepted in this country.

You will have red meat states like Tejas and Bama ( Texas and Alabama ) that will try to defy the court ruling, but in the end Same sex couples will be able to be treated equal as they should be.

Now it make me wonder what will be the Social Conservatives next victim they will focus on seeing they can no longer discriminate against someone because of their religion, sex, race or sexual preference?

It also make wonder how many of those Social Conservatives will finally come out of the closet and admit they had a gay thought and liked it?
give it about a decade and the Con-servatives will claim it was all their idea in the first place.
Yeah. Just like integration and abortion.
Integration...yep...Abortion, not yet...but it will.
Did you know it was democrats that wanted segregation???? I am sure they will never treat the 1% of people like you like they did the blacks , Jews and Japanese..... LMAO gullible tool

Yes, and did you know that Dixie-crats of those days are now the Tea Party of today?

Also it was racist Democrats that have attempted to fix the errors of the past ( LBJ, Byrd and their group ) while those like you cling to the past wanting America to stay WASP controlled and denying the minorities any right to be happy in this nation.
don't care whether you back off or not. You do not matter. Folks who think like you do not matter. It is done. Marriage equality is the law and will remain the law. Soon, gay people will be protected from bigots like you firing them, or refusing to rent to them or refusing service to them. And you cannot do a damn thing about it. Except, spread your hate here.

The only law that ultimately matters is God's law.

It's the only true law, and, while I'm here on this Earth I will continue to live by it and support it.

You rest your faith in man, and I say, good luck with that.

Let God worry about it

I suspect he is not too upset

Only evidence you don't know God. He cares. If not, he would not be God. Yet, we are here to live for him, so, sitting on hands is not the answer...
Sure God cares. She is embarrass that hateful folks like you blame her for your ignorance and bigotry. She wants you to STFU.
No surprise, I fully expected this decision, and that it would be pretty split.
Doesn't change anything in my life, I still define a marriage as the joining of two persons of the opposite sex, and I will not personally recognize anything else as a marriage.
I am sure gay people all over the nation are aghast that they will not receive your approval. Many will simply give up the fight if you will not support them.
Of course not. Now multiply that by millions of neighbors, coworkers and associates. Since one of the major goals of the perverts was acceptance, removal of stigma and unity, one more rejection isn't going to help.

I am sure there will be countless gay couples losing sleep tonight knowing they don't have your approval. Get over yourself, we don't give a fuck want you think.
Breaking news.

Links later, am traveling.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Nutter heads are exploding all over the country.
Quite possibly.

Pacific Trade Pact
Gay Marriage
Confederate battle flag under heavy scrutiny.

All in one week.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Don't forget the catastrophic natural disasters coming soon to a neighborhood near you. The writing on the wall has been visible the past 6 1/2 years and will now be etched in flaming letters. God help this sick, sorry, depraved country. I pray that Sodom and Gomorrah be visited upon this nation with the harhest punishment. I'm ready to go.
Why, are you going to try to have sex with an angel?
All 72 of the whores.
don't care whether you back off or not. You do not matter. Folks who think like you do not matter. It is done. Marriage equality is the law and will remain the law. Soon, gay people will be protected from bigots like you firing them, or refusing to rent to them or refusing service to them. And you cannot do a damn thing about it. Except, spread your hate here.

The only law that ultimately matters is God's law.

It's the only true law, and, while I'm here on this Earth I will continue to live by it and support it.

You rest your faith in man, and I say, good luck with that.
God's law? Which God? See, that is the problem. There is no agreement on what God would want. She gave conflicting messages. And, you will actually abide by man's law. Or pay the price. You live in a state that bans discrimination against gay people you will not discriminate.

You don't receive the free gift of Salvation and you pay the eternal price.
I feel good about my choice.
Breaking news.

Links later, am traveling.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Nutter heads are exploding all over the country.
Quite possibly.

Pacific Trade Pact
Gay Marriage
Confederate battle flag under heavy scrutiny.

All in one week.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Don't forget the catastrophic natural disasters coming soon to a neighborhood near you. The writing on the wall has been visible the past 6 1/2 years and will now be etched in flaming letters. God help this sick, sorry, depraved country. I pray that Sodom and Gomorrah be visited upon this nation with the harhest punishment. I'm ready to go.
Why, are you going to try to have sex with an angel?
All 72 of the whores.
Oy, Gewalt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
This will be interesting the next few years when the Social Conservatives discover their close minded way of thinking is no longer accepted in this country.

You will have red meat states like Tejas and Bama ( Texas and Alabama ) that will try to defy the court ruling, but in the end Same sex couples will be able to be treated equal as they should be.

Now it make me wonder what will be the Social Conservatives next victim they will focus on seeing they can no longer discriminate against someone because of their religion, sex, race or sexual preference?

It also make wonder how many of those Social Conservatives will finally come out of the closet and admit they had a gay thought and liked it?
give it about a decade and the Con-servatives will claim it was all their idea in the first place.
Yeah. Just like integration and abortion.
Integration...yep...Abortion, not yet...but it will.
Did you know it was democrats that wanted segregation???? I am sure they will never treat the 1% of people like you like they did the blacks , Jews and Japanese..... LMAO gullible tool

They certainly did. They were the Dixiecrats. That's historical fact. And the Republican party was run by patriots and conservatism was a work of intellectual giants. Strange how things change with time. Goldwater warned us what would happen if we began to cater to the fringes and religious right. He was right. Now we are lumbered with the Dixiecrats.
Breaking news.

Links later, am traveling.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Nutter heads are exploding all over the country.
Quite possibly.

Pacific Trade Pact
Gay Marriage
Confederate battle flag under heavy scrutiny.

All in one week.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Don't forget the catastrophic natural disasters coming soon to a neighborhood near you. The writing on the wall has been visible the past 6 1/2 years and will now be etched in flaming letters. God help this sick, sorry, depraved country. I pray that Sodom and Gomorrah be visited upon this nation with the harhest punishment. I'm ready to go.
I'm assuming that was a joke.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Nope. Serious as a heart attack.
Which was their right.
No actually it isn't a right to marry it is a privilege.

It was their right to petition the courts for relief. That is the right of every American citizen.
that doesnt make it smart.

From their perspective, it certainly does.

There has been much discussion on bakers and photographers being forced to provide services for SSM weddings. All of those cases relate to the enforcement of state laws. Are you equally passionate about supporting the state's right to impose that on its citizens? Would you consider it unwise for a baker to take their case to SCOTUS because it might infringe upon state's rights?
They have proved to be idiots.

Don't want to answer the question?
This will be interesting the next few years when the Social Conservatives discover their close minded way of thinking is no longer accepted in this country.

You will have red meat states like Tejas and Bama ( Texas and Alabama ) that will try to defy the court ruling, but in the end Same sex couples will be able to be treated equal as they should be.

Now it make me wonder what will be the Social Conservatives next victim they will focus on seeing they can no longer discriminate against someone because of their religion, sex, race or sexual preference?

It also make wonder how many of those Social Conservatives will finally come out of the closet and admit they had a gay thought and liked it?
give it about a decade and the Con-servatives will claim it was all their idea in the first place.
Yeah. Just like integration and abortion.
Integration...yep...Abortion, not yet...but it will.
Did you know it was democrats that wanted segregation???? I am sure they will never treat the 1% of people like you like they did the blacks , Jews and Japanese..... LMAO gullible tool

There were dozens of Democratic States in the north that didn't want segregation

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