SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

It seems it was a wise investment buying stock in Kleenex several months ago. All the tears in this thread alone should pay off in spades. Poor little crybabies can't force queers to be 2nd class citizens anymore. You'll get over it.

"In Dred Scott v. Sandford (argued 1856 -- decided 1857), the Supreme Court ruled that Americans of African descent, whether free or slave, were not American citizens and could not sue in federal court. The Court also ruled that Congress lacked power to ban slavery in the U.S. territories. Finally, the Court declared that the rights of slaveowners were constitutionally protected by the Fifth Amendment because slaves were categorized as property." ~ The Supreme Court . The First Hundred Years . Landmark Cases . Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 PBS

Which prompted the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments in 1865, directly overturning their decision as not inline with "we the peoples" opinion.

If anti-SSM folks think ya'll have the peeps, feel free to go for a constitutional amendment to overturn this SCOUS decision.
I never cared if homosexuals got that piece of paper. I cared about how they went about it. This was the most stupid way. They fucked state rights and their own choices to get something they would have got eventually anyway.

Which was their right.
No actually it isn't a right to marry it is a privilege.

It was their right to petition the courts for relief. That is the right of every American citizen.
that doesnt make it smart.
Seriously? It's not smart to exercise our rights as American citizens? Wow!
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about
Guess what now a state has to recognize your union.... Congrats... Fucking shame you had to piss on MY FREEDOMS to get it.
What freedoms of yours got "pissed on"? The freedom to be a jack wagon? You've still got that.
The freedom the shape my own state government... But dont worry at least you get the illusion that people will see you are truly;y married.... Fucking gullible idiot.
To shape your own state government? To keep certain law-abiding, tax-paying citizens from the same legal access you have? How fascist of you? BTW...what have YOU actively done to get rid of the PA laws you don't like in your state?
Its not like the Supreme Court hasn't ruled on other shit. Hell slavery was abolished against states wishes too. There's been a slew of crap that the Federal Gov. has "forced" upon the states since the very beginning. No more "constitutional state's right's" have been lost here, than in any other thing that came up. That's what the SCOUS does; decides shit like this...
It also ruled that slaves were property.


"In Dred Scott v. Sandford (argued 1856 -- decided 1857), the Supreme Court ruled that Americans of African descent, whether free or slave, were not American citizens and could not sue in federal court. The Court also ruled that Congress lacked power to ban slavery in the U.S. territories. Finally, the Court declared that the rights of slaveowners were constitutionally protected by the Fifth Amendment because slaves were categorized as property." ~ The Supreme Court . The First Hundred Years . Landmark Cases . Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 PBS

Which prompted the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments in 1865, directly overturning their decision as not inline with "we the peoples" opinion.

If anti-SSM folks think ya'll have the peeps, feel free to go for a constitutional amendment to overturn this SCOUS decision.
I never cared if homosexuals got that piece of paper. I cared about how they went about it. This was the most stupid way. They fucked state rights and their own choices to get something they would have got eventually anyway.

How did they fuck states rights? I'm not seeing it. Either way though, if its that big a deal for the 13 states who don't have SSM then they should get together and put up an amendment.
So it was all 50 states the decided to give this paper to you homosexuals?

I'm bisexual in a heterosexual monogamous relationship since 2006, thanks for asking.

No, my state was one of the first to ban it in 1996. In 1998 Alaska Supreme Court ruled that the ban on SSM was against the state constitution. In 1998 the state voted (68%) to amend the state constitution in order to keep the ban. However, it's been a battle between courts and public opinion ever since; with the majority of polls the past decade plus showing a change of heart, including votes and rulings somewhere around 2007 which gave equivocal "marital rights" to homosexual couples (benefits, medical decisions, etc.)

We had started fiddling with removing the amendment and bringing the state constitution back inline with the wishes of the people (generally we are at about 60% for SSM today) somewhere around 2011-2012. In 2014 a US District Court found the amendment was unconstitutional, thus SSM became legal. Upon appeal the Supreme Court refused to look at it, and sent it to the Ninth Circuit, but we put that case on hold, pending the SCOUS's decision today.

Now the SCOUS has decided the matter and we'll amend our state constitution, (which is pretty much what I think most of us wanted to do anyway.)
A GOP Pecan tree speaks out.......
Huckabee: I Will Not Accept 'Imperial Court’ Ruling On Gay Marriage

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R) said Friday that he would not “acquiesce to an imperial court” and its decision to make gay marriage legal in all 50 states.

I really can't wait for the response from the rest of the GOP Clown Car

Who can come up with a more outlandish response than Hucks?

Cruz? Jindal? Santorum?

This will be fun
In Texas Obama already has the secret marriage courts under abandoned Walmarts to force Cowboys to marry selected Muslim Bedouin bedwetters....
The marriage issue is a Trojan Horse.

What this ruling really means is that the Government has expanded the roles of people who will be eligible for entitlements.

All the Debt Serfs and Tax Donkeys must support the Democrat Identity Politics Coalition.

And I say this as someone who doesn't care who marries whom. Marriage shouldn't be the government's business. Entitlements connected with Marriage drag the government into the bedroom. Why the Left wants this intrusion is quite laughable.
You don't mind it when you received the entitlement...

I am so sick of the sophistry that receiving something one doesn't want and against one's will is somehow support of said thing.
Guess what now a state has to recognize your union.... Congrats... Fucking shame you had to piss on MY FREEDOMS to get it.
What freedoms of yours got "pissed on"? The freedom to be a jack wagon? You've still got that.
The freedom the shape my own state government... But dont worry at least you get the illusion that people will see you are truly;y married.... Fucking gullible idiot.

So you lost nothing!

You do not have the right to discriminate, and the court has ruled against those like you.

I hope the next decision by the supreme court is to BAN ABORTION. Because that is Discrimination of the UNBORN:banana:

They ruled on that one 40 years ago

News doesn't travel fast to her trailer park
The marriage issue is a Trojan Horse.

What this ruling really means is that the Government has expanded the roles of people who will be eligible for entitlements.

All the Debt Serfs and Tax Donkeys must support the Democrat Identity Politics Coalition.

And I say this as someone who doesn't care who marries whom. Marriage shouldn't be the government's business. Entitlements connected with Marriage drag the government into the bedroom. Why the Left wants this intrusion is quite laughable.
You don't mind it when you received the entitlement...

I am so sick of the sophistry that receiving something one doesn't want and against one's will is somehow support of said thing.
If you need to split hairs....
The marriage issue is a Trojan Horse.

What this ruling really means is that the Government has expanded the roles of people who will be eligible for entitlements.

All the Debt Serfs and Tax Donkeys must support the Democrat Identity Politics Coalition.

And I say this as someone who doesn't care who marries whom. Marriage shouldn't be the government's business. Entitlements connected with Marriage drag the government into the bedroom. Why the Left wants this intrusion is quite laughable.
You don't mind it when you received the entitlement...

I am so sick of the sophistry that receiving something one doesn't want and against one's will is somehow support of said thing.

AND they wail about a Democracy. How is having some JUDGES rule over us a democracy? these people have no clue what they GIVING UP for all this nonsense. It won't hurt me, I just feel bad for our children as to what a country they coming up in. Ruled by tyrants. took them a few years but they finally accomplished it WITH the help of the people living here. SAD
The marriage issue is a Trojan Horse.

What this ruling really means is that the Government has expanded the roles of people who will be eligible for entitlements.

All the Debt Serfs and Tax Donkeys must support the Democrat Identity Politics Coalition.

And I say this as someone who doesn't care who marries whom. Marriage shouldn't be the government's business. Entitlements connected with Marriage drag the government into the bedroom. Why the Left wants this intrusion is quite laughable.
You don't mind it when you received the entitlement...

I am so sick of the sophistry that receiving something one doesn't want and against one's will is somehow support of said thing.
If you need to split hairs....

You really are one of the most Banal and Boring posters on the board.

Your posting diarrhea is tiresome.
The marriage issue is a Trojan Horse.

What this ruling really means is that the Government has expanded the roles of people who will be eligible for entitlements.

All the Debt Serfs and Tax Donkeys must support the Democrat Identity Politics Coalition.

And I say this as someone who doesn't care who marries whom. Marriage shouldn't be the government's business. Entitlements connected with Marriage drag the government into the bedroom. Why the Left wants this intrusion is quite laughable.
You don't mind it when you received the entitlement...

I am so sick of the sophistry that receiving something one doesn't want and against one's will is somehow support of said thing.

AND they wail about a Democracy. How is having some JUDGES rule over us a democracy? these people have no clue what they GIVING UP for all this nonsense
As long as the black market and underground is left alone is all I care about....
The marriage issue is a Trojan Horse.

What this ruling really means is that the Government has expanded the roles of people who will be eligible for entitlements.

All the Debt Serfs and Tax Donkeys must support the Democrat Identity Politics Coalition.

And I say this as someone who doesn't care who marries whom. Marriage shouldn't be the government's business. Entitlements connected with Marriage drag the government into the bedroom. Why the Left wants this intrusion is quite laughable.
You don't mind it when you received the entitlement...

I am so sick of the sophistry that receiving something one doesn't want and against one's will is somehow support of said thing.
If you need to split hairs....

You really are one of the most Banal and Boring posters on the board.

Your posting diarrhea is tiresome.
If you can't see anything past your redundant posts, I can't do anything for you....

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