SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Add thinking goats can consent to legal contracts to Stephanie 's long list of retardation symptoms.

Steph, you know if we polled every person on the entire board right now as to.who is the dumbest poster, you win it in a landslide right?

You are being deliberately ignorant or just stupid, take your pick. Libtards have been advancing animal rights and equality for decades now, even giving human rights to animals.

Who are you to say that an animal that is taught to give signals can never give consent? Bahbah can stamp her hooves once for yes, twice for no. By libtard reasoning it can in fact be done.
Oh wow....

Another unhinged conservatard meltsdown!! Lol

Today is easier day than most to weed out the morons you should never attempt to take seriously, for the future :lol:

It is not unhinged to project the irrationality of the unhinged libtards.

Which if these facts are not true: first that animal rights advocates insist that animals should be given equal rights. and secondly that animal rights advocates are themselves libtards?

Anyone that follows current events in the least knows these things to be true, which simply illustrates how ridiculous libtardism is.
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.
Why is same sex marriage not seen by you as a 'real marriage'? Do you think that the commitment to marriage is not real? The love of the partners is not real? The benefits and advantages and protections of the marriage contract not real? What is 'not real' here?

Marriage is a sacred vow to God making a man and woman husband and wife.
Society can create any rules they want, but that doesn't change God's rules.

There are many sincere people who want to do right, but they want to decide for themselves what is good and evil. The consequences are deadly. Proverb 14:12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverb 3:5-7 tells us to trust wholeheartedly in the Lord Jesus Christ, and not to lean upon our own understanding; to fear God and depart from evil, and not to be wise in our own eyes.
Some simply believe the definition of marriage is two persons of the opposite sex.

some use to simply believe that marriage was between a white man and a white woman....NO NEGROES ALLOWED TO MARRY WHITES...its unnatural they said

Apples and oranges. They were man and woman, this is something completely different.
same argument that "its unnatural" its "against God" [like she cares who is zooming who]...same tired argument ...if a woman wants to live with another woman and express physical affection to each other why should that cost them the Rights and privileges of other citizens as conferred by a legally recognized marriage... and why should I an uninvolved hetero [in my case] individual give a hoot about what those two women are doing...where is my dog in that fight ?
Nutter heads are exploding all over the country.
Quite possibly.

Pacific Trade Pact
Gay Marriage
Confederate battle flag under heavy scrutiny.

All in one week.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Don't forget the catastrophic natural disasters coming soon to a neighborhood near you. The writing on the wall has been visible the past 6 1/2 years and will now be etched in flaming letters. God help this sick, sorry, depraved country. I pray that Sodom and Gomorrah be visited upon this nation with the harhest punishment. I'm ready to go.

I can't wait for the religious right to pin the next natural disaster on the gays

I thought they were all Bush's fault
You can think?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

obviously much better than you. You do not think, you are a parrot who repeats the liberal talking points of the day as instructed by your masters in the media. You are incapable of individual thought, you are a sheep, a slave, and an idiot.
As I said in my own thread, "Swell. Now I can marry a man in Missouri...Anbd then be evicted from my apartment of 16 years, fired from a job, and refused employment at a new job while living under a freeway in a cardboard box with my new husband." :)
The courts struck down state laws against interracial marriages but it took a long time for people to accept interracial marriages as just marriage.. It will take a while before same sex marriage, gay marriage, and heterosexual marriage are recognized as just "marriage".

And the progression continues. Offensive or not, NAMBLA is encouraged.... I'm sure when interracial marriages were accepted, homosexual marriages seemed offensive just like NAMBLA does now....

Funny you find NAMBLA offensive but not the murder of 5 week old humans. Hmm.....
It's been a good week for America.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

What it does is set a legal precedent that marriage can be whatever the people "marrying" want it to be.

If two men is a marriage, why not 3 men, or two women and 5 men?

Its coming, I guarantee it.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.
Who thought it wouldn't pass? This is the most liberal court since 1969.


'If you are among the many Americans--of whatever sexual orientation--who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today's decision. Celebrate the achievement of a desired goal. Celebrate the opportunity for a new expression of commitment to a partner. Celebrate the availability of new benefits. But do not Celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it'
SCOTUS's defined purpose is to decide, CONSTITUTIONALLY, what is legal.
If the COTUS had nothing to do with the decision, their opinions carry ZERO authority
Another clueless legal scholar heard from. The
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.
Why is same sex marriage not seen by you as a 'real marriage'? Do you think that the commitment to marriage is not real? The love of the partners is not real? The benefits and advantages and protections of the marriage contract not real? What is 'not real' here?

Marriage is a sacred vow to God making a man and woman husband and wife.
Society can create any rules they want, but that doesn't change God's rules.

There are many sincere people who want to do right, but they want to decide for themselves what is good and evil. The consequences are deadly. Proverb 14:12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverb 3:5-7 tells us to trust wholeheartedly in the Lord Jesus Christ, and not to lean upon our own understanding; to fear God and depart from evil, and not to be wise in our own eyes.
"Marriage is a sacred vow to God making a man and woman husband and wife.
Society can create any rules they want, but that doesn't change God's rules." Not in this country, it is not. We are not bound by your or anyone's claim to speak for God. You live your life according to your beliefs but leave the rest of us alone. How other people choose to live their lives is none of your business.
Some simply believe the definition of marriage is two persons of the opposite sex.

some use to simply believe that marriage was between a white man and a white woman....NO NEGROES ALLOWED TO MARRY WHITES...its unnatural they said

Apples and oranges. They were man and woman, this is something completely different.
same argument that "its unnatural" its "against God" [like she cares who is zooming who]...same tired argument ...if a woman wants to live with another woman and express physical affection to each other why should that cost them the Rights and privileges of other citizens as conferred by a legally recognized marriage... and why should I an uninvolved hetero [in my case] individual give a hoot about what those two women are doing...where is my dog in that fight ?

First off, you can drop the "god" part where I'm concerned, I'm agnostic, and my views have nothing to do with a religious belief.
Next, I could care less if two women or two men live together and have sex all night long. I could care less if they have their neighbor, or their neighbor's dog join in.
I just don't believe they should get to have the title of marriage. I think the very definition has to do with the joining of opposites.
As I said in my own thread, "Swell. Now I can marry a man in Missouri...Anbd then be evicted from my apartment of 16 years, fired from a job, and refused employment at a new job while living under a freeway in a cardboard box with my new husband." :)
The courts struck down state laws against interracial marriages but it took a long time for people to accept interracial marriages as just marriage.. It will take a while before same sex marriage, gay marriage, and heterosexual marriage are recognized as just "marriage".

And the progression continues. Offensive or not, NAMBLA is encouraged.... I'm sure when interracial marriages were accepted, homosexual marriages seemed offensive just like NAMBLA does now....

Funny you find NAMBLA offensive but not the murder of 5 week old humans. Hmm.....
Once again, comparing adults in a consensual, loving relationship to pedophiles. Sick, Sick, Sick.
How do you feel about Heller v. District of Columbia - also a 5-4 decision - and the two 5-4 decisions repealing campaign finance reform?

or the 5-4 decision that elected Bush?

Not good. Too much power for a small group of unaccountable, unelected officials who's decisions are based on politics and who are just as partisan as you or I on any given issue.
You can't cry about the system when it doesn't go your way. That's ant-American. Just take it up the ass and enjoy it

Isn't that why this was a SCOTUS case to begin with. Because someone cried about the system? Hmmm weird they didn't just have to take it up the ass.
Umm...and SCOTUS has the final say as defined in the Constitution. I don't like it, but it doesn't really affect me. Let them marry....the union may be sanctioned by government, but not God. It has no effect on my faith

Did God tell you that? I wonder, next time you speak with God, ask him/her whey s/he made people gay.

Thanks in advance.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

What it does is set a legal precedent that marriage can be whatever the people "marrying" want it to be.

If two men is a marriage, why not 3 men, or two women and 5 men?

Its coming, I guarantee it.

No it doesn't. All it does is say that if a state is going to make monogamous marriage a legal civil union, the state cannot restrict to opposite sex only.

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