SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Liberals are know for lowering value of everything in order to achieve something.

Marriage lost its meaning. If anything can be called marriage, then nothing is marriage.
Decision based on the Fourteenth Amendment.

Awesome day for civil rights in America.

The male choir singing "America the Beautiful" on the SCOTUS steps sounded terrific!

Regards from Rosie
My dearest 11001100, I have missed you. Now my algorithms are all a twitter!

Yours in big, thick, solid digits,



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Darling 00110011,

Perhaps one day we can show one and all that you are NOT gay.

Blushingly Yours,

Sure God cares. She is embarrass that hateful folks like you blame her for your ignorance and bigotry. She wants you to STFU.

I appreciate your intellectual and well thought out response ;)
You are not capable of appreciating anything intellectual. And my response did not need to be well thought out; it was an obvious response to a bigot using God to justify their hatred of God's creations.

You voted for a bigot in '08.
Always had faith he would evolve. He did.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

You seem to be taking the court's ruling well.
Liberals are know for lowering value of everything in order to achieve something.

Marriage lost its meaning. If anything can be called marriage, then nothing is marriage.
Sure has a lot of meaning for Bristol Palin. I guess she can blame her two out of marriage kids on gay people getting married.
You did draw that comparison. I have read similar posts by you in the past. You want to back off now, fine. I am sure the floodgates argument was made 50 years ago when Loving was decided. It was ignorant then and remains an ignorant argument. What I see is you claiming that because gay people are now allowed to enter into committed relationships, the country will suffer. That is hate in its most basic form

I didn't draw the comparison in my post, however, I will say, unnatural and immoral sexual relations are what they are..... you can say my belief is hate but I can say your belief is hate as well -

Ignorance goes both ways, and just because you "say so" doesn't make it so. This is such a lame tactic used all the time.. people can see if from a mile away.....

When the country does suffer (and it is already) it won't seem so hateful...but then again the world is going down in a downward spiral, and people will cling to their erroneous beliefs as they go down the tubes.

I won't back off or stop - I'm not sure why you thought I wanted to or would....
I don't care whether you back off or not. You do not matter. Folks who think like you do not matter. It is done. Marriage equality is the law and will remain the law. Soon, gay people will be protected from bigots like you firing them, or refusing to rent to them or refusing service to them. And you cannot do a damn thing about it. Except, spread your hate here.

It's amazing to me that someone running for president could freely say they were opposed to same sex marriage just a handful of years ago, but now if you dared to say you were opposed, you would be branded a bigot, and you would be shunned. It's a good thing Obama "evolved" or you guys apparently would have ran him out of D.C. on a rail in 2012.

I suspect we will see the dozens of Repub candidates "evolve" very quickly over the next few months.

Yes, because they know how the left works, and they know they'll be compared to Hitler if they do not comply.
Sure God cares. She is embarrass that hateful folks like you blame her for your ignorance and bigotry. She wants you to STFU.

I appreciate your intellectual and well thought out response ;)
You are not capable of appreciating anything intellectual. And my response did not need to be well thought out; it was an obvious response to a bigot using God to justify their hatred of God's creations.

You voted for a bigot in '08.
Always had faith he would evolve. He did.

However, you did not know if he would. You voted for a bigot.
This will be interesting the next few years when the Social Conservatives discover their close minded way of thinking is no longer accepted in this country.

You will have red meat states like Tejas and Bama ( Texas and Alabama ) that will try to defy the court ruling, but in the end Same sex couples will be able to be treated equal as they should be.

Now it make me wonder what will be the Social Conservatives next victim they will focus on seeing they can no longer discriminate against someone because of their religion, sex, race or sexual preference?

It also make wonder how many of those Social Conservatives will finally come out of the closet and admit they had a gay thought and liked it?
give it about a decade and the Con-servatives will claim it was all their idea in the first place.
Yeah. Just like integration and abortion.
Integration...yep...Abortion, not yet...but it will.
Did you know it was democrats that wanted segregation???? I am sure they will never treat the 1% of people like you like they did the blacks , Jews and Japanese..... LMAO gullible tool
Yes, you are correct, the Democrats from about a century ago were the Rightwingers and the Republicans were the Progressives. That have flopped.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

And Republicans will be trying to take credit for it. lol, they'll add it to Reagan's legacy of accomplishments...

...he appointed Anthony Kennedy.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

You seem to be taking the court's ruling well.

He forgot to lube up this morning.
5 minutes and nothing happened

I don't think God is that pissed about this Gay Marriage stuff

Oh? You get to decide when it's appropriate or the "right time" for God to act? You must be pretty powerful. Do people worship you?

God seems to be slipping with his punishing of sinners

He used to be right up there with floods, pillars of salt, locusts and killing first born

You would think this gay marriage stuff would really piss him off.....but I think Jesus doesn't have a problem with it. He is more level headed
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.
Why is same sex marriage not seen by you as a 'real marriage'? Do you think that the commitment to marriage is not real? The love of the partners is not real? The benefits and advantages and protections of the marriage contract not real? What is 'not real' here?

Marriage is a sacred vow to God making a man and woman husband and wife.
Society can create any rules they want, but that doesn't change God's rules.

There are many sincere people who want to do right, but they want to decide for themselves what is good and evil. The consequences are deadly. Proverb 14:12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverb 3:5-7 tells us to trust wholeheartedly in the Lord Jesus Christ, and not to lean upon our own understanding; to fear God and depart from evil, and not to be wise in our own eyes.
Well, the problem isn't real or unreal. The problem is how our nation is governed. God does not have a vote. And interpreting God's will or His laws is a sticky wicket.

Here in America we do not ignore God, but we do not let Him legislate either. Marriage, in the eyes of the state, is contract law. God's idea of marriage is reserved for Him and not the way we govern ourselves.
Liberals are know for lowering value of everything in order to achieve something.

Marriage lost its meaning. If anything can be called marriage, then nothing is marriage.

How does it affect your marriage?
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

You seem to be taking the court's ruling well.

He forgot to lube up this morning.

Anger is a necessary stage of the healing process. We are now witnessing second step to the stages of grief. Some here are still on the denial stage but they'll get to anger soon enough.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

Damn....this shit pisses you off doesn't it?
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

What it does is set a legal precedent that marriage can be whatever the people "marrying" want it to be.

If two men is a marriage, why not 3 men, or two women and 5 men?

Its coming, I guarantee it.

No it doesn't. All it does is say that if a state is going to make monogamous marriage a legal civil union, the state cannot restrict to opposite sex only.

I told you what is coming, I am right. just wait.
All that remains is to see, sadly, who and what rightwingers will shoot or blow up in reaction to this decision.

They'll shoot their mouths off and blow their noses but other then that I don't expect any violence.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

Damn....this shit pisses you off doesn't it?

Yes, watching this great nation go down the crapper pisses me off. And I am not going to be silent or worry about offending anyone.

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