SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

"No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were," Kennedy wrote. "As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death."

The ruling was the correct one, unfortunately Judge Roberts feels it's his job to define marriage. That isn't the job of the SCOTUS. That part is sad and a very scary outlook for future SC actions.
The GOP brought this on themselves. You cannot claim be for rights and liberties but ONLY those rights and liberties that you approve of.

It shouldn't never have gone that far, now the consequences will be far more than even you realize.
not sure what you mean here.
I agree that Marriage is not a right, but at the same time I dont see where it hurts anyone for gays to marry.
plus, the wedding parties are going to be awesome, not to mention how good their yards are going to look.
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.
Some simply believe the definition of marriage is two persons of the opposite sex.

some use to simply believe that marriage was between a white man and a white woman....NO NEGROES ALLOWED TO MARRY WHITES...its unnatural they said

Apples and oranges. They were man and woman, this is something completely different.
same argument that "its unnatural" its "against God" [like she cares who is zooming who]...same tired argument ...if a woman wants to live with another woman and express physical affection to each other why should that cost them the Rights and privileges of other citizens as conferred by a legally recognized marriage... and why should I an uninvolved hetero [in my case] individual give a hoot about what those two women are doing...where is my dog in that fight ?

First off, you can drop the "god" part where I'm concerned, I'm agnostic, and my views have nothing to do with a religious belief.
Next, I could care less if two women or two men live together and have sex all night long. I could care less if they have their neighbor, or their neighbor's dog join in.
I just don't believe they should get to have the title of marriage. I think the very definition has to do with the joining of opposites.
You think? IOW, in your opinion marriage should be a union between two people of the opposite sex. Well, you know what they say about opinions.
Now legal in all states.
Congratulations to those that can finally get married.

and yes, I mean that seriously.

This only means trouble.

The lesbians can bare children with some tom cat guy, but the gay men are now left childless.

There will be a civil war over this fact of biology.

The GOP brought this on themselves. You cannot claim be for rights and liberties but ONLY those rights and liberties that you approve of.

It shouldn't never have gone that far, now the consequences will be far more than even you realize.
not sure what you mean here.
I agree that Marriage is not a right, but at the same time I dont see where it hurts anyone for gays to marry.
plus, the wedding parties are going to be awesome, not to mention how good their yards are going to look.

Wow! Did you really say that?
lets get behind this folks or forever have the supreme court be the rule over YOUR STATES

Scott Walker responds to SCOTUS gay marriage decision, calls for NEW CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT
Posted by The Right Scoop on Jun 26, 2015 at 12:48 PM in Politics | Leave a

Scott Walker has penned his response to the Supreme Court decision, calling it a grave mistake and calling for a constitutional amendment to reaffirm that the states have the ability to define marriage:

Read more:
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.
This is true, and hopefully the churches wont be forced to participate. And we dont have to particpate in the sacrilege, nobody is going to force me to bed down with another man. Unless I go to prison and bubba is really big and demanding, but still, there is going to be a fight before he gets to finalize our marriage. LOL
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Christians churches are already marrying gays in this country.
The GOP brought this on themselves. You cannot claim be for rights and liberties but ONLY those rights and liberties that you approve of.

It shouldn't never have gone that far, now the consequences will be far more than even you realize.
not sure what you mean here.
I agree that Marriage is not a right, but at the same time I dont see where it hurts anyone for gays to marry.
plus, the wedding parties are going to be awesome, not to mention how good their yards are going to look.

Wow! Did you really say that?
did I say what?
5 minutes and nothing happened

I don't think God is that pissed about this Gay Marriage stuff

Oh? You get to decide when it's appropriate or the "right time" for God to act? You must be pretty powerful. Do people worship you?

God seems to be slipping with his punishing of sinners

He used to be right up there with floods, pillars of salt, locusts and killing first born

You would think this gay marriage stuff would really piss him off.....but I think Jesus doesn't have a problem with it. He is more level headed

If god doesn't do something soon about San Francisco, he's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Who thought it wouldn't pass? This is the most liberal court since 1969.


'If you are among the many Americans--of whatever sexual orientation--who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today's decision. Celebrate the achievement of a desired goal. Celebrate the opportunity for a new expression of commitment to a partner. Celebrate the availability of new benefits. But do not Celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it'
SCOTUS's defined purpose is to decide, CONSTITUTIONALLY, what is legal.
If the COTUS had nothing to do with the decision, their opinions carry ZERO authority
Another clueless legal scholar heard from. The
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.
Why is same sex marriage not seen by you as a 'real marriage'? Do you think that the commitment to marriage is not real? The love of the partners is not real? The benefits and advantages and protections of the marriage contract not real? What is 'not real' here?

Marriage is a sacred vow to God making a man and woman husband and wife.
Society can create any rules they want, but that doesn't change God's rules.

There are many sincere people who want to do right, but they want to decide for themselves what is good and evil. The consequences are deadly. Proverb 14:12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverb 3:5-7 tells us to trust wholeheartedly in the Lord Jesus Christ, and not to lean upon our own understanding; to fear God and depart from evil, and not to be wise in our own eyes.
"Marriage is a sacred vow to God making a man and woman husband and wife.
Society can create any rules they want, but that doesn't change God's rules." Not in this country, it is not. We are not bound by your or anyone's claim to speak for God. You live your life according to your beliefs but leave the rest of us alone. How other people choose to live their lives is none of your business.
You are saying that, essentially, any and all marriages that don't conform to your interpretation of God's will is illegitimate. There are folks who marry under the aegis of other religions, or no religion at all, yet those marriages are regarded as legitimate under the laws of this nation.
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What will be funny will be reading the comments on here praising Robert's wise dissent from the same folks calling him a liberal stooge for Obama on the Obamacare decision threads.
Although I don't agree with Robert's vote on gay marriage, I do appreciate the fact that he's lot more middle of the road than either liberals or conservatives believed he would be when he joined the court. This week he voted for maintaining the Obamacare subsidies and against gay marriage.
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate (it varies by state), but churches are under no obligation to marry gays.

However, there are numerous pastors who are willing to do it, with or without the blessings of their churches.
5 minutes and nothing happened

I don't think God is that pissed about this Gay Marriage stuff

Oh? You get to decide when it's appropriate or the "right time" for God to act? You must be pretty powerful. Do people worship you?

God seems to be slipping with his punishing of sinners

He used to be right up there with floods, pillars of salt, locusts and killing first born

You would think this gay marriage stuff would really piss him off.....but I think Jesus doesn't have a problem with it. He is more level headed

If god doesn't do something soon about San Francisco, he's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Netherlands is still standing

Looks like God doesn't have as big a problem with homosexuality as has been suggested
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate (it varies by state), but churches are under no obligation to marry gays.

However, there are numerous pastors who are willing to do it, with or without the blessings of their churches.
but you do know that the gays are going to walk past the 3 churches in town that will marry them, just to get denied at the 4th church that wont. Just to make a stink and start on the next "right" that they want.

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