SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Actually, the court has held hearings concerning legal rights for chimpanzees....

Chimpanzees granted petition to hear legal persons status in court World news The Guardian

For the first time in US history, a judge has granted two chimpanzees a petition – through human attorneys – to defend their rights against unlawful imprisonment, allowing a hearing on the status of “legal persons” for the primates.

Maybe letting Libs marry them is next!!!!!
What I've learned this week.

State doesn't mean state.

Marriage doesn't mean marriage.

Conservative court doesn't mean conservative court.

This is like waking up in Wayward Pines.
The idea that same sex marriage covers bestiality is too silly to ascribe to stupidity or ignorance. For the TEA Party base of the Republican Party the world is falling apart at accelerating speed. The pain and betrayal felt over gay marriage, civil rights and Obamacare is disorienting to them. Really.

Their forefathers suffered a similar catastrophe with the news of Appomattox. There are two more big bumps coming down the road: federal action on gun registration and the election of Hillary Clinton. We should expect a significant increase in racist terrorism similar to the Charleston Massacre as the reality of twenty-first century America begins to be revealed. It is sad but true: there is no birth without blood.

goataphobics-----coming out of the woodwork
If you can't discriminate against same sex marriages, then you can't discriminate based on species. Liberals wave Equality flags in jubilant celebration.

So the question to me is are you wondering if you can marry your pet goat?
The marriage issue is a Trojan Horse.

What this ruling really means is that the Government has expanded the roles of people who will be eligible for entitlements.

All the Debt Serfs and Tax Donkeys must support the Democrat Identity Politics Coalition.

And I say this as someone who doesn't care who marries whom. Marriage shouldn't be the government's business. Entitlements connected with Marriage drag the government into the bedroom. Why the Left wants this intrusion is quite laughable.
You don't mind it when you received the entitlement...

I am so sick of the sophistry that receiving something one doesn't want and against one's will is somehow support of said thing.

AND they wail about a Democracy. How is having some JUDGES rule over us a democracy? these people have no clue what they GIVING UP for all this nonsense. It won't hurt me, I just feel bad for our children as to what a country they coming up in. Ruled by tyrants. took them a few years but they finally accomplished it WITH the help of the people living here. SAD

Ah- I was waiting for the first Conservative to call the Justice 'tyrants' today- no surprise Stephanie won that prize.

My child is ecstatic over the ruling- the vast majority of young people support gay marriage- to them the bans are as nonsensical as bans on mixed race marriages.
should be a hell of show

Your wedding picture?
People are not going to marry their pets for marital bliss. People are going to marry their pets so they can add them to their medical insurance, Social Security benefits and other free shit. And now people who marry their pets can take them any place that forbid animals. Hotels, restaurants and any other places that discriminate against animals are going to be hit with a gigantic shitload of lawsuits for discrimination. Bring it on!!
Pets can sign legal contracts?

Another one bites the dust of insanity!

The rightwing meltdown continues, and its awesome!!
No, Dopey, humans will have Power of Attorney. Why are Liberal Progressive pukes so effing braindead?
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate (it varies by state), but churches are under no obligation to marry gays.

However, there are numerous pastors who are willing to do it, with or without the blessings of their churches.
but you do know that the gays are going to walk past the 3 churches in town that will marry them, just to get denied at the 4th church that wont. Just to make a stink and start on the next "right" that they want.

Gay marriage has been legal in Massachusetts for 10 years now- hasn't happened in 10 years.

What I truly expect are examples of the Religious right looking for reasons to be outraged- like you are.
How am I exhibiting outrage on their ability to marry.
should be a hell of show

Your wedding picture?
People are not going to marry their pets for marital bliss. People are going to marry their pets so they can add them to their medical insurance, Social Security benefits and other free shit. And now people who marry their pets can take them any place that forbid animals. Hotels, restaurants and any other places that discriminate against animals are going to be hit with a gigantic shitload of lawsuits for discrimination. Bring it on!!
Pets can sign legal contracts?

Another one bites the dust of insanity!

The rightwing meltdown continues, and its awesome!!
No, Dopey, humans will have Power of Attorney. Why are Liberal Progressive pukes so effing braindead?
:lol: kay bud.....gontest your theory and be the first to "legally" marry an animal.

Ill gladly cut you a check for the wedding expenses.
What I've learned this week.

State doesn't mean state.

Marriage doesn't mean marriage.

Conservative court doesn't mean conservative court.

This is like waking up in Wayward Pines.
It's waking up in reality. The decision is traditionally conservative: since no constitutional issue exists, let Congress deal with its own legislation.
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.

How does it effect straight marriage at all? And please be specific.

It doesn't. It's just is something that is allowed or legalized in the mainstream that will, over time, deteriorate the strength of our Country. Why? Because it's not Godly. In this world God is our only protection. Men think entirely too much of themselves....
Like an atheist. They should be killed, right? Anything else is not "Godly".
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate (it varies by state), but churches are under no obligation to marry gays.

However, there are numerous pastors who are willing to do it, with or without the blessings of their churches.
but you do know that the gays are going to walk past the 3 churches in town that will marry them, just to get denied at the 4th church that wont. Just to make a stink and start on the next "right" that they want.

Get back with us when that actually happens. Until then, STFU.
how about you look at the lesbians that tried to get fertilization from a Catholic run clinic in California, there were other options that would have worked for them but they had to go where they knew they would be turned down. why?
or the gays that went to the christian owned bakery even though there were other options for them that would have taken care of their needs. why?
Its already happened, so, basically you can STFU,
Umm....retard argument debunked: a goat cant consent to a legal contract.

Derp derp derp

You fail
Can't give consent? It's only a matter of a liberal court to judge it's okay. They said a State cannot prevent anyone from getting married to whatever they want.

they can take it the supreme court now. I bet Obama would be all for that too. He's strutting around like a peacock.
Obuffon is strutting around like a faggot who has laid a turd and is waiting for it to hatch into a "son who will look like him."
Liberals are know for lowering value of everything in order to achieve something.

Marriage lost its meaning. If anything can be called marriage, then nothing is marriage.

How does it affect your marriage?

It devalue meaning of it.

It's like calling everyone that has vagina a lady.
Don't you get it? This is a legal issue. A marriage license is just a legal contract between two people. The only value it has is in regard to the legal privileges and responsibilities associated with the contract.

A religious marriage may certainly have requirements different from a civil marriage as is the case with Catholic marriages today.

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