SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

A goat can't consent.


Technicality. If a man wants to marry is goat nobody can stop him not even the U.S. Constitution. Supreme Court said so

Congrats to the happy couple! Are the two of you registered at PetSmart?

hmmmmm Will Petsmart be forced to issue licenses to humans ???

The licences will be issued by vending machines. Did you even read the ruling!? lol
Like an atheist. They should be killed, right? Anything else is not "Godly".

Nope. But people that are "anti-God" love to put words in peoples mouths and make it look like the truth.
It's a very common practice - often times effective (because people are easily duped) - but very over played, and certainly not truthful.

You should be a follower of Jesus because it's the only REAL meaning in life.
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate (it varies by state), but churches are under no obligation to marry gays.

However, there are numerous pastors who are willing to do it, with or without the blessings of their churches.
but you do know that the gays are going to walk past the 3 churches in town that will marry them, just to get denied at the 4th church that wont. Just to make a stink and start on the next "right" that they want.

Get back with us when that actually happens. Until then, STFU.
how about you look at the lesbians that tried to get fertilization from a Catholic run clinic in California, there were other options that would have worked for them but they had to go where they knew they would be turned down. why?
or the gays that went to the christian owned bakery even though there were other options for them that would have taken care of their needs. why?
Its already happened, so, basically you can STFU,

No dumbass. The fertility clinic was a business that is required to serve ALL the public. So was the cake shop. Neither were churches. However, if you would have just sold the damn cake in the first place, this probably would have never ended up in the supreme court. You really shot yourself in the foot this time.
The meaning of marriage is even deeper now.

You confederate gay bashers can have this flag



Regards from Rosie
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate (it varies by state), but churches are under no obligation to marry gays.

However, there are numerous pastors who are willing to do it, with or without the blessings of their churches.
but you do know that the gays are going to walk past the 3 churches in town that will marry them, just to get denied at the 4th church that wont. Just to make a stink and start on the next "right" that they want.

Get back with us when that actually happens. Until then, STFU.
how about you look at the lesbians that tried to get fertilization from a Catholic run clinic in California, there were other options that would have worked for them but they had to go where they knew they would be turned down. why?
or the gays that went to the christian owned bakery even though there were other options for them that would have taken care of their needs. why?
Its already happened, so, basically you can STFU,

No dumbass. The fertility clinic was a business that is required to serve ALL the public. So was the cake shop. Neither were churches. However, if you would have just sold the damn cake in the first place, this probably would have never ended up in the supreme court. You really shot yourself in the foot this time.
no dumbass, the clinic was Catholic run, and had Catholic rules. The bakery was privately owned and not required to serve someone that they did not want to serve.
thats the problem with the mentally ill liberals, they just dont understand these things. Dumbass.
Like an atheist. They should be killed, right? Anything else is not "Godly".

Nope. But people that are "anti-God" love to put words in peoples mouths and make it look like the truth.
It's a very common practice - often times effective (because people are easily duped) - but very over played, and certainly not truthful.

You should be a follower of Jesus because it's the only REAL meaning in life.

Selective use of faith is also a quite common practice. If God has a problem with same sex marriage then what must he have thought about slavery and it's flag that still flies today? I'm sure that's not kosher either yet you are indifferent on that issue. That's why we don't legislate based on faith.
A goat can't consent.


Technicality. If a man wants to marry is goat nobody can stop him not even the U.S. Constitution. Supreme Court said so

Don't forget women can marry goats too !!! Don't want anyone feeling left out.

How binary of you. There are over 60 genders on Facebook, and more are being invented Every Day!

Some were, of course, the usual “gay” or “lesbian,” but in addition to these were “demisexuals,” “androsexuals,” and “therians” (which, she explained, are people who are only attracted to individuals who commune with the same spirit animal). One identified as a “panromantic polyamorous asexual non-binary space god.” Upon hearing this, I knew I had something to say, although it is unlikely to be nice. Having heard, however, several episodes of “The Prairie Home Companion,” I am convinced women from Wisconsin are famously kind, so I am sure my friend will forgive me.

Why Do Progressives Resent Reality So Much
Businesses are not allowed to discriminate (it varies by state), but churches are under no obligation to marry gays.

However, there are numerous pastors who are willing to do it, with or without the blessings of their churches.
but you do know that the gays are going to walk past the 3 churches in town that will marry them, just to get denied at the 4th church that wont. Just to make a stink and start on the next "right" that they want.

Get back with us when that actually happens. Until then, STFU.
how about you look at the lesbians that tried to get fertilization from a Catholic run clinic in California, there were other options that would have worked for them but they had to go where they knew they would be turned down. why?
or the gays that went to the christian owned bakery even though there were other options for them that would have taken care of their needs. why?
Its already happened, so, basically you can STFU,

No dumbass. The fertility clinic was a business that is required to serve ALL the public. So was the cake shop. Neither were churches. However, if you would have just sold the damn cake in the first place, this probably would have never ended up in the supreme court. You really shot yourself in the foot this time.
no dumbass, the clinic was Catholic run, and had Catholic rules. The bakery was privately owned and not required to serve someone that they did not want to serve.
thats the problem with the mentally ill liberals, they just dont understand these things. Dumbass.

Sorry, but the laws concerning who a business serving the public has to do business with disagree with you.
If you can't discriminate against same sex marriages, then you can't discriminate based on species. Liberals wave Equality flags in jubilant celebration.

Animals can't enter into contracts.

This will be interesting the next few years when the Social Conservatives discover their close minded way of thinking is no longer accepted in this country.

You will have red meat states like Tejas and Bama ( Texas and Alabama ) that will try to defy the court ruling, but in the end Same sex couples will be able to be treated equal as they should be.

Now it make me wonder what will be the Social Conservatives next victim they will focus on seeing they can no longer discriminate against someone because of their religion, sex, race or sexual preference?

It also make wonder how many of those Social Conservatives will finally come out of the closet and admit they had a gay thought and liked it?
give it about a decade and the Con-servatives will claim it was all their idea in the first place.
Yeah. Just like integration and abortion.
Integration...yep...Abortion, not yet...but it will.
Did you know it was democrats that wanted segregation???? I am sure they will never treat the 1% of people like you like they did the blacks , Jews and Japanese..... LMAO gullible tool

Yes, and did you know that Dixie-crats of those days are now the Tea Party of today?

Also it was racist Democrats that have attempted to fix the errors of the past ( LBJ, Byrd and their group ) while those like you cling to the past wanting America to stay WASP controlled and denying the minorities any right to be happy in this nation.
really Just Strom Thurman did all of that? Hey idiot he is the only one who switched parties.... Bull Connor Democrat Al Gore Senior democrat LBJ Wallace Democrat Robert Byrd Democrat that was minority and majority leader in the senate for years. You are ignorant as hell it seems.
Like an atheist. They should be killed, right? Anything else is not "Godly".

Nope. But people that are "anti-God" love to put words in peoples mouths and make it look like the truth.
It's a very common practice - often times effective (because people are easily duped) - but very over played, and certainly not truthful.

You should be a follower of Jesus because it's the only REAL meaning in life.

Selective use of faith is also a quite common practice. If God has a problem with same sex marriage then what must he have thought about slavery and it's flag that still flies today? I'm sure that's not kosher either yet you are indifferent on that issue. That's why we don't legislate based on faith.

I am not well read on the history of the Confederate/Rebel flag. There are people I know that love it because they love the South (not slavery) - they are proud to be from the South and view it as a symbol of their pride. I am not a mind reader, nor, am I a big fan of political correctness. I don't claim to be perfect or even completely in God's will - but I do know that's the only thing that matters ultimately.

If I don't comment on an issue, it will be most likely because I don't know enough about it to really get deep into a productive discussion about it.

What I do know is that God wants an intimate relationship with all people, and, that, once he has that, he can reveal His will to those that accept his sacrifice and salvation plan... and enter in to relationship with Him.
give it about a decade and the Con-servatives will claim it was all their idea in the first place.
Yeah. Just like integration and abortion.
Integration...yep...Abortion, not yet...but it will.
Did you know it was democrats that wanted segregation???? I am sure they will never treat the 1% of people like you like they did the blacks , Jews and Japanese..... LMAO gullible tool

Yes, and did you know that Dixie-crats of those days are now the Tea Party of today?

Also it was racist Democrats that have attempted to fix the errors of the past ( LBJ, Byrd and their group ) while those like you cling to the past wanting America to stay WASP controlled and denying the minorities any right to be happy in this nation.
really Just Strom Thurman did all of that? Hey idiot he is the only one who switched parties.... Bull Connor Democrat Al Gore Senior democrat LBJ Wallace Democrat Robert Byrd Democrat that was minority and majority leader in the senate for years. You are ignorant as hell it seems.

Awww, being called ignorant by someone like you is a wonderful compliment when you are the dumbest poster on here so far.

Now why is it Dixiecrats like you fear allowing others to have equal rights?

Also as I wrote the racist Democrats like Byrd and LBJ attempted to fix their wrongs from their past, and that flew right over your ignorant ass as usual...

You are living proof what is wrong with the Christian Right and why they ruined the GOP. Those like you condoned laws that prevented interracial marriages. You are the type that would refuse a person to be employed because of his skin color. You are the type that would demand a woman should be barefooted and pregnant in the kitchen and be allowed to beat her daily because she is property to you.

I bet you believe that flying a Dixie Flag is cool and if someone that find it revolting is a Liberal Queer to you, am I correct?

The great thing about today ruling is it end the argument but it will not end those like you from wanting to revert back to the WASP America where you enjoyed denying others the same rights you enjoy.

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