SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

And they never refused to serve gays anyway.

They refused to PARTICIPATE in a sacrilegious ceremony, themselves. They didn't want to go to the wedding or contribute to the wedding. They were fine with serving the gays.

This isn't that complicated but homonazis are patently stupid.

Can't be that stupid. They just got the Supreme Court to rule against you. If they are stupid, and defeated you that easily, what does that make you?
That's kind of a dodge, a cop out, don't you think? I believe it's quite easy to understand how God must have felt about slavery just as it's equally easy to understand the purpose of the Civil War. Your selective outrage only highlights the need to keep our legal system completely secular.

No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
Liberals are know for lowering value of everything in order to achieve something.

Marriage lost its meaning. If anything can be called marriage, then nothing is marriage.

How does it affect your marriage?

It devalue meaning of it.

It's like calling everyone that has vagina a lady.
Don't you get it? This is a legal issue. A marriage license is just a legal contract between two people. The only value it has is in regard to the legal privileges and responsibilities associated with the contract.

A religious marriage may certainly have requirements different from a civil marriage as is the case with Catholic marriages today.

I got the legal part. I don't get why they wanna call it something that is not.

I guess for the same reason that every woman wants to be called lady. It make's them feeeeeeel good.
Why did the SCOTUS hear the cases? Because thirteen states were out of harmony with 37 states.

Harmony is restored.
Okay, now that this is over, can we please move on to real world problems? Gays: you didn't win the Lotto. People against gay marriage: the sky didn't open up and no fire and brimstone issued forth.
Of course, I'm keeping an eye out for that Earth-killing asteroid...:tinfoil:
Somebody who gives a rat's ass sould research and see what revelations from god that Pat Robinson has had over the last 6 hours and post them, just for giggles.
With all of the butthurt in here, one would think they'd stumbled upon a gay orgy
Decision based on the Fourteenth Amendment.

Awesome day for civil rights in America.

The male choir singing "America the Beautiful" on the SCOTUS steps sounded terrific!

Regards from Rosie
My dearest 11001100, I have missed you. Now my algorithms are all a twitter!

Yours in big, thick, solid digits,



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Darling 00110011,

Perhaps one day we can show one and all that you are NOT gay.

Blushingly Yours,


My sweetest, honeypot 00110011,

anyone crazy enough to think I'm gay is totally cool, because it can only mean that he ate ALL of the punched jello at Sunnydales Sanitorium! And anyone who can eat that much vodka-jello deserves my respect!


I do love it when you blush; it gives your algorhythms even more sexy curves.

Up to the hard task,


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Did you know it was democrats that wanted segregation???? I am sure they will never treat the 1% of people like you like they did the blacks , Jews and Japanese..... LMAO gullible tool

Yes, and did you know that Dixie-crats of those days are now the Tea Party of today?

Also it was racist Democrats that have attempted to fix the errors of the past ( LBJ, Byrd and their group ) while those like you cling to the past wanting America to stay WASP controlled and denying the minorities any right to be happy in this nation.
really Just Strom Thurman did all of that? Hey idiot he is the only one who switched parties.... Bull Connor Democrat Al Gore Senior democrat LBJ Wallace Democrat Robert Byrd Democrat that was minority and majority leader in the senate for years. You are ignorant as hell it seems.

Awww, being called ignorant by someone like you is a wonderful compliment when you are the dumbest poster on here so far.

Now why is it Dixiecrats like you fear allowing others to have equal rights?

Also as I wrote the racist Democrats like Byrd and LBJ attempted to fix their wrongs from their past, and that flew right over your ignorant ass as usual...

You are living proof what is wrong with the Christian Right and why they ruined the GOP. Those like you condoned laws that prevented interracial marriages. You are the type that would refuse a person to be employed because of his skin color. You are the type that would demand a woman should be barefooted and pregnant in the kitchen and be allowed to beat her daily because she is property to you.

I bet you believe that flying a Dixie Flag is cool and if someone that find it revolting is a Liberal Queer to you, am I correct?

The great thing about today ruling is it end the argument but it will not end those like you from wanting to revert back to the WASP America where you enjoyed denying others the same rights you enjoy.
Son you seem to ignore ACTUAL history for your fairy tales.... There was no
magical party switch. They all but one STAYED IN YOUR PARTY!

Are you really that stupid?

Dixiecrat voters like you left the Democrat party after LBJ signed laws that those like you objected to.

Also dumb ass I am not either DEMOCRAT nor REPUBLICAN and voted for McCain and Romney in the last two elections because I do not support Obama nor his agenda but I am not a close minded buffoon like you longing for the gone days of a WASP America!
Actually, the Dixicrat movement was started by Strom Thurmond in 1948. He and his fellow bigots walked out of the Democratic Convention in response to Harry Truman's efforts to integrate the Armed Forces. Southern Conservative Democrats started to leave the Democrat Party then and even more so after the Civil Rights and Voter's Rights bills were signed in the early 1960s..

Their loyalty ran toward their segregationist ideology more than party identity and Conservatives from the old solid Democratic South have followed suit ever since.

Conservatives have a distinctly difficult time with history and even a harder time understanding the difference between party identity and political ideology.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

You seem to be taking the court's ruling well.

the court has allowed 3% of the population to dictate to 97%.

I remember you gassing on endlessly about how you would accept this ruling if it didn't go you way. As I suspected, you're not taking this ruling so well. Oh, by the way, gay people may only 3% of the population but they have the majority of population supporting their right to marry. You'll get over it.

We are now transporting back to 4,500 years before the common era, where the potter's wheel was invented.

Inventor: I have invented the wheel! This will revolutionize travel!

Butthurt Conservative: The square wheel has always worked, it is G-d's will, goddammnit!

Inventor: No, the square wheel is cumbersome, it requires too much energy, it is hard to manuever, it breaks alot.

Butthurt Conservative: Fuck you. It's G-d's will that we have square wheels. Your round wheeled abominations will bring damnation upon us. Go to hell, you heathen....
Breaking news.

Links later, am traveling.

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Nutter heads are exploding all over the country.
Quite possibly.

Pacific Trade Pact
Gay Marriage
Confederate battle flag under heavy scrutiny.

All in one week.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Don't forget the catastrophic natural disasters coming soon to a neighborhood near you. The writing on the wall has been visible the past 6 1/2 years and will now be etched in flaming letters. God help this sick, sorry, depraved country. I pray that Sodom and Gomorrah be visited upon this nation with the harhest punishment. I'm ready to go.


The definition of irony?

The resident flamer telling anyone else to shove anything up their ass.
That's kind of a dodge, a cop out, don't you think? I believe it's quite easy to understand how God must have felt about slavery just as it's equally easy to understand the purpose of the Civil War. Your selective outrage only highlights the need to keep our legal system completely secular.

No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.

what I am saying is set the ball rolling on moral decay.. .it will continue to roll.....
Truman knew that the democrats were doomed in 1952, because of the split in the democratic party. In fact, he actually told Ike that he would step down in 1952 if Ike would run as a democrat. Ike ran as a republican and Truman stepped down anyway. The South went red as the deserting bigots joined the republicans. Ike did his very best to avoid Truman's fate, but the Supreme Court forced his hand in the 1954 Brown Vs. Ark. Board of Education, so he was forced into sending in the National Guard to integrate the schools. He need not have worried. The bigots had no where else to turn until 1968 when George Wallace ran.
The GOP brought this on themselves. You cannot claim be for rights and liberties but ONLY those rights and liberties that you approve of.

It shouldn't never have gone that far, now the consequences will be far more than even you realize.
Do you know how idiotic what you just said is ? If we didn't be for ONLY those rights and liberties that we approve of there would no such thing as a legislature, no laws, no cops, no jails, no mental institutions, no quaratines of ebola victims, etc Everyone would have EQUAL access to jobs, including illiterates becoming doctor and lawyers.

The reason why all that doesn't exist, is because we know that all people are NOT EQUAL, and are not to be treated as if they are. Since gays and heterosexuals are different (not equal) , they shouldn't be treated as if they were. Got it ?
That's kind of a dodge, a cop out, don't you think? I believe it's quite easy to understand how God must have felt about slavery just as it's equally easy to understand the purpose of the Civil War. Your selective outrage only highlights the need to keep our legal system completely secular.

No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.

what I am saying is set the ball rolling on moral decay.. .it will continue to roll.....

I'm more concerned about tooth decay, myself....
They can proclaim anything they want. Nothing is changed for me. I do not, and will not, accept any 2 gay people as being married. Not ever. I don't care what papers they have, what ceremony they went through, or anything else. Millions of Americans no doubt, think exactly the same.
I would say that is a personal question for the people involved to answer and it is no body else's business. Outside of that, the only important issue is whether the government considers it real. I think that question has been answered.

Which makes it LEGAL, but not necessarily RIGHT or in the best interest of the Country.
That will remain open for debate.

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