SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
Umm ... looks to me like there are only 13 generations between Babylon and Christ...

  • Abraham
  • Isaac
  • Jacob
  • Judas
  • Phares
  • Esrom
  • Aram
  • Aminadab
  • Naasson
  • Salmon
  • Booz
  • Obed
  • Jesse
  • David
  • Solomon
  • Roboam
  • Abia
  • Asa
  • Josaphat
  • Joram
  • Ozias
  • Joatham
  • Achaz
  • Ezekias
  • Manasses
  • Amon
  • Josias
  • Jechonias (exiled to Babylon)
  • Salathiel
  • Zorobabel
  • Abiud
  • Eliakim
  • Azor
  • Sadoc
  • Achim
  • Eliud
  • Eleazar
  • Matthan
  • Jacob
  • Joseph
  • Jesus
Matthew 1 - KJV - Bible Study Tools


Very good. Scholars have been pointing that out for centuries. But according to Matt 1:17 it says "17 Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah" (Matt. 1:17, NIV). So it appears someone fucked up, huh? Scholars believe that a scribe made an error in copying it, missed a name, that name was missed by later scribes that copied that scribe's copy and it kept getting copied incorrectly over and over and over from the copy to the copy of the copy to the copy of the copy of the copy (multiply that by about 1,000 years) until it comes to us today. It's one of the many things that doesn't quite make sense, but clearly the author intended to make the point of the fourteen generations as he points it out specifically in 1:17. Where the other name went? Who the f__k knows

See you have learned something today. :D
You sound like a very learned person, so why use the "F" word? It is demeaning towards women. Homosexuals enjoy the "F" word, which undermines their sexual value system with proof of its roots in vulgarity and cheap thrills...

Because it's a word created by man which does not offend God and for which there exists to adequate alternative. It's a little like "asshole". If you called me an asshole and I demanded that you find another word that means precisely the same thing, you would be pretty hard pressed to find one. I mean we could say "jerk" but does "jerk" really mean the same thing as "asshole". Well kind of but it doesn't really capture the poetic spirit of it, does it? "Moron"? Nah...that has to do with intelligence and an asshole asshole. You know...there's a difference. Same thing with "fuck". Find me another word that means the precise same thing and I will use it. And as far as "demeaning toward women"....maybe you feel that way because women don't scream it out to you enough.In my experience, it's a pretty good thing. ;)
You have no awareness, considering I'm a female.
Guys is a gender neutral term you bigot.

No it isn't. Not in the way you used it, duh.
How did I use guy in a male way? So are you saying women cant be referred to as guys?

Also, who cares if you are a woman? Do you prefer I call you are girl?

Since when are women referred to as "guys?" That is not the case where I'm from. Lol.
In America all over the place, people say "you guys" all the time, to girls as well. You must never get off the internet. That also explains your moral and social retardation when it comes to polyamory. You don't get out much so you have no moral compass.

You were not referring to a group of people as "you guys" though! Are you from this country?

No, MY moral compass is fine. I just don't feel the need to have to apply it to everyone else's private matters. I'm not an old busy body.
Not giving them a marriage license isn't denying them freedom. They are a fringe freaks, they can stay on that fringe as well. Socially degenerate lifestyles like polyamory should not be promoted by the state through marriage licenses. Society should discourage such anti-social attitudes as well, promoting procreation and monogamy, since this is the superior and far healthier lifetsyle for individuals and their children.

No, sorry, this is America and America is a free country for people to pursue their happiness and all that good stuff. Your personal opinions, judgments don't really count for much to anyone but yourself.
Getting the state to sanction your degenerate sexual relationship isn't a freedom, it is a privilege that should not be granted to these damaging anti-social behaviors. Kids should not be growing up around some degenerate f-uck fest, and the state certainly shouldn't be endorsing the behavior by granting them licenses to have multiple partners in marriage. Children should be taken out of such abusive environments if anything.

There are plenty of "degenerate" heterosexual monogamous couples as well, who have children, abuse them, beat them, etc. What makes you automatically assume that because the relationship dynamic is "different" that it must be abusive on some level? Anyone can be a "degenerate."
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.
No, sorry, this is America and America is a free country for people to pursue their happiness and all that good stuff. Your personal opinions, judgments don't really count for much to anyone but yourself.
Getting the state to sanction your degenerate sexual relationship isn't a freedom, it is a privilege that should not be granted to these damaging anti-social behaviors. Kids should not be growing up around some degenerate f-uck fest, and the state certainly shouldn't be endorsing the behavior by granting them licenses to have multiple partners in marriage. Children should be taken out of such abusive environments if anything.

There are plenty of "degenerate" heterosexual monogamous couples as well, who have children, abuse them, beat them, etc. What makes you automatically assume that because the relationship dynamic is "different" that it must be abusive on some level? Anyone can be a "degenerate."
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
Guys is a gender neutral term you bigot.

No it isn't. Not in the way you used it, duh.
How did I use guy in a male way? So are you saying women cant be referred to as guys?

Also, who cares if you are a woman? Do you prefer I call you are girl?

Since when are women referred to as "guys?" That is not the case where I'm from. Lol.
In America all over the place, people say "you guys" all the time, to girls as well. You must never get off the internet. That also explains your moral and social retardation when it comes to polyamory. You don't get out much so you have no moral compass.

You were not referring to a group of people as "you guys" though! Are you from this country?

No, MY moral compass is fine. I just don't feel the need to have to apply it to everyone else's private matters. I'm not an old busy body.
You are also incredibly socially awkward. Debating a common gender neutral phrase. You guys is the plural of guy.

No, your moral compass clearly isn't fine if you can't recognize how it would be harmful to the child for a mother or father or both to be engaged in multiple sexual relationships around the child. You are clearly missing some common sense. Probably from years of social isolation on the internet.
Getting the state to sanction your degenerate sexual relationship isn't a freedom, it is a privilege that should not be granted to these damaging anti-social behaviors. Kids should not be growing up around some degenerate f-uck fest, and the state certainly shouldn't be endorsing the behavior by granting them licenses to have multiple partners in marriage. Children should be taken out of such abusive environments if anything.

There are plenty of "degenerate" heterosexual monogamous couples as well, who have children, abuse them, beat them, etc. What makes you automatically assume that because the relationship dynamic is "different" that it must be abusive on some level? Anyone can be a "degenerate."
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
There is no argument to be had, you are just blabbering on as that quote shows.
Getting the state to sanction your degenerate sexual relationship isn't a freedom, it is a privilege that should not be granted to these damaging anti-social behaviors. Kids should not be growing up around some degenerate f-uck fest, and the state certainly shouldn't be endorsing the behavior by granting them licenses to have multiple partners in marriage. Children should be taken out of such abusive environments if anything.

There are plenty of "degenerate" heterosexual monogamous couples as well, who have children, abuse them, beat them, etc. What makes you automatically assume that because the relationship dynamic is "different" that it must be abusive on some level? Anyone can be a "degenerate."
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.
There are plenty of "degenerate" heterosexual monogamous couples as well, who have children, abuse them, beat them, etc. What makes you automatically assume that because the relationship dynamic is "different" that it must be abusive on some level? Anyone can be a "degenerate."
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.

That was established by your need for little blue pills
There are plenty of "degenerate" heterosexual monogamous couples as well, who have children, abuse them, beat them, etc. What makes you automatically assume that because the relationship dynamic is "different" that it must be abusive on some level? Anyone can be a "degenerate."
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
There are plenty of "degenerate" heterosexual monogamous couples as well, who have children, abuse them, beat them, etc. What makes you automatically assume that because the relationship dynamic is "different" that it must be abusive on some level? Anyone can be a "degenerate."
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
There is no argument to be had, you are just blabbering on as that quote shows.

Sorry if you can't refute facts. :p
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.

That was established by your need for little blue pills
You are the one taking the blue pill if you think a child growing up in a polyamorous home is just as ideal for a child as a monogamous home with a mother and father.
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
There is no argument to be had, you are just blabbering on as that quote shows.

Sorry if you can't refute facts. :p
You didn't state any "facts", you are a walking contradiction.
Children are far better off in a home with a mother and father than with a mother with multiple sex partners or a father with multiple sex partners. Exceptions to the rule don't break the general rule.

While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.
While I might agree that the ideal home would have a mom and a dad, there is really no such thing as an "ideal" home.
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.

Mmm-hmmm. Well, I'm not postmenopausal, I work full time and am not here all day, and I have no cats, but I do think I hear your mom calling you! :lol:
You are an idiot.

This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.

Mmm-hmmm. Well, I'm not postmenopausal, I work full time and am not here all day, and I have no cats, but I do think I hear your mom calling you! :lol:
Your only work is as an online poster, you might sell some shit on ebay or something. But you are a dumpy and obese middle aged woman with no life that has made 1916 posts this month. You don't get on the USMB leaderboard with a social life or a full time job.
This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.

Mmm-hmmm. Well, I'm not postmenopausal, I work full time and am not here all day, and I have no cats, but I do think I hear your mom calling you! :lol:
Your only work is as an online poster, you might sell some shit on ebay or something. But you are a dumpy and obese middle aged woman with no life that has made 1917 posts this month. You don't get on the USMB leaderboard with a social life.

Well, you would be wrong. We've had this discussion before, you are either too old or too young to remember, I suppose. I have pictures in my gallery. How about you? :D
This just shows that you have no argument. What do you think this is? Leave It To Beaver or something? Lol.
guarantee you are older than me.

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.

Mmm-hmmm. Well, I'm not postmenopausal, I work full time and am not here all day, and I have no cats, but I do think I hear your mom calling you! :lol:
Your only work is as an online poster, you might sell some shit on ebay or something. But you are a dumpy and obese middle aged woman with no life that has made 1916 posts this month. You don't get on the USMB leaderboard with a social life or a full time job.

Oh, it's easy to get a high post count, Einstein. :wink_2:
guarantee you are older than me.

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.

Mmm-hmmm. Well, I'm not postmenopausal, I work full time and am not here all day, and I have no cats, but I do think I hear your mom calling you! :lol:
Your only work is as an online poster, you might sell some shit on ebay or something. But you are a dumpy and obese middle aged woman with no life that has made 1917 posts this month. You don't get on the USMB leaderboard with a social life.

Well, you would be wrong. We've had this discussion before, you are either too old or too young to remember, I suppose. I have pictures in my gallery. How about you? :D
how come you "sex-positive" creeps are always so ugly or mentally ill?
guarantee you are older than me.

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.

Mmm-hmmm. Well, I'm not postmenopausal, I work full time and am not here all day, and I have no cats, but I do think I hear your mom calling you! :lol:
Your only work is as an online poster, you might sell some shit on ebay or something. But you are a dumpy and obese middle aged woman with no life that has made 1916 posts this month. You don't get on the USMB leaderboard with a social life or a full time job.

Oh, it's easy to get a high post count, Einstein. :wink_2:
yea, when you have no life.

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