SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Or fight to change it....

we will not go quietly into the night....
Fight what? It's done. Gay marriage is the law of the land and it's here to stay.

Laws never change?
If you don't mind ... let's test your consistency ...

Marrying the person you love is a fundamental right and an essential aspect of the inalienable right to pursue happiness. If I'm understanding you correctly, you seek to deny certain people that right because you believe they violate G-d's law by being gay, and the Bible prohibits such behavior....

... but worshipping G-d is also one of His laws ... do you believe people who don't worship G-d should also be denied the right to get married to each other even if they're heterosexual?
You can't even bring yourself to type God yet demand a right to marry given by the creator to His people then say it isn't about God. He set the rules for it thousands of years ago, just because some men believe themselves to be intellectually more intelligent than the God who created and continues to create universes with words you keep right on a going. I won't participate in it
First of all, why are you even responding if you won't participate?? :dunno:

Secondly, no one made you an authority to decide which of G-d's laws need to be observed by others. That's G-d's doing, not yours.

Thirdly, not everyone believes in G-d, and for many who do, they don't believe in Him and His laws the way you do. Therefore, again, you do not speak for G-d.

Fourthly, gay marriage as has been established as a fundamental right according to the laws of this nation, does have nothing to do with G-d. Churches and temples and mosques can still deny gay marriage according to their faiths. What has changed is that the states can no longer deny gays their fundamental right to marry the person they love. That's not about G-d. That's about the secular law we live under since we are not, thank G-d, a theocracy.

And lastly, why do you think I choose to spell G-d this way?
B'chol Ivrit?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Fight what? It's done. Gay marriage is the law of the land and it's here to stay.

Laws never change?
If you don't mind ... let's test your consistency ...

Marrying the person you love is a fundamental right and an essential aspect of the inalienable right to pursue happiness. If I'm understanding you correctly, you seek to deny certain people that right because you believe they violate G-d's law by being gay, and the Bible prohibits such behavior....

... but worshipping G-d is also one of His laws ... do you believe people who don't worship G-d should also be denied the right to get married to each other even if they're heterosexual?
You can't even bring yourself to type God yet demand a right to marry given by the creator to His people then say it isn't about God. He set the rules for it thousands of years ago, just because some men believe themselves to be intellectually more intelligent than the God who created and continues to create universes with words you keep right on a going. I won't participate in it
First of all, why are you even responding if you won't participate?? :dunno:

Secondly, no one made you an authority to decide which of G-d's laws need to be observed by others. That's G-d's doing, not yours.

Thirdly, not everyone believes in G-d, and for many who do, they don't believe in Him and His laws the way you do. Therefore, again, you do not speak for G-d.

Fourthly, gay marriage as has been established as a fundamental right according to the laws of this nation, does have nothing to do with G-d. Churches and temples and mosques can still deny gay marriage according to their faiths. What has changed is that the states can no longer deny gays their fundamental right to marry the person they love. That's not about G-d. That's about the secular law we live under since we are not, thank G-d, a theocracy.

And lastly, why do you think I choose to spell G-d this way?
B'chol Ivrit?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I'm hoping trinity will answer....
*NOTE - there are no "super power" countries that allow Same Sex Marriage

Well given that we are the only Super Power nation in the world right now and we just legalized it, I'd say you are wrong. The only other nation that would even come close to Super Power status is Russia so if you toss them in it's still at 50%
God will likely remove the status. He once blessed us with.. When Kennedy allowed the Supreme Court to remove Prayer and Bible reading without any Presidential argument, God's judgment came rather swiftly.
Kennedy allowed the Supreme Court to remove Prayer and Bible reading
Those colors have meaning and here's proof.

... Gat hanky colors link removed for web safety concerns ...

BLACK heavy SM top heavy SM bottom
GREY bondage top fit to be tied!
BLUE, Light wants head cocksucker
BLUE, Robin's Egg 69er anything but 69ing
BLUE, Medium cop copsucker
BLUE, Navy fucker (top) fuckee (bottom)
BLUE, Airforce pilot/flight attendant likes flyboys
BLUE, Light w/WHITE Stripe sailor lookin' for salty seamen
BLUE, Teal cock & ball torturer cock & ball torturee
RED fist fucker fist fuckee
MAROON cuts bleeds
RED, Dark 2-handed fister 2-handed fistee
PINK, Light dildo fucker dildo fuckee
PINK, Dark tit torturer tit torturee
MAUVE into navel worshippers has a navel fetish
MAGENTA suck my pits armpit freak
PURPLE piercer piercee
LAVENDER likes drag queens drag queen
YELLOW pisser/WS piss freak
YELLOW, Pale spits drool crazy
MUSTARD hung 8"+ wants 8"+
GOLD two looking for one one looking for two
ORANGE anything anytime nothing now (just cruising)
APRICOT two tons o' fun chubby chaser
CORAL suck my toes shrimper (sucks toes)
RUST a cowboy a cowboy's horse
FUSCHIA spanker spankee
GREEN, Kelly hustler (for rent) john (looking to buy)
GREEN, Hunter daddy orphan boy looking for daddy
OLIVE DRAB military top military bottom
GREEN, Lime dines off tricks (food) dinner plate (will buy dinner)
BEIGE rimmer rimmee
BROWN scat top scat bottom
BROWN LACE uncut likes uncut
BROWN SATIN cut likes cut
CHARCOAL latex fetish top latex fetish bottom
GREY FLANNEL owns a suit likes men in suits
WHITE beat my meat (J/O) I'll do us both (J/O)
HOLSTEIN milker milkee
CREAM cums in condoms sucks cum out of condoms
BLACK w/WHITE Check safe sex top safe sex bottom
RED w/WHITE Stripe shaver shavee
RED w/BLACK Stripe furry bear likes bears
WHITE LACE likes white bottoms likes white tops
BLACK w/WHITE Stripe likes black bottoms likes black tops
BROWN w/WHITE Stripe likes latino bottoms likes latino tops
YELLOW w/WHITE Stripe likes asian bottoms likes asian tops
BLUE, Light w/WHITE Dots likes white suckers likes to suck whites
BLUE, Light w/BLACK Dots likes black suckers likes to suck blacks
BLUE, Light w/BROWN Dots likes latino suckers likes to suck latinos
BLUE, Light w/YELLOW Dots likes asian suckers likes to suck asians
RED/WHITE GINGHAM park sex top park sex bottom
BROWN CORDUROY headmaster student
PAISLEY wears boxer shorts likes boxer shorts
FUR bestialist top bestialist bottom
GOLD LAME likes muscleboy bottoms likes muscleboy tops
SILVER LAME starfucker celebrity
BLACK VELVET has/takes videos will perform for the camera
WHITE VELVET voyeur (likes to watch) will put on a show
LEOPARD has tattoos likes tattoos
TAN smokes cigars likes cigars
TEDDY BEAR cuddler cuddlee
KEWPIE DOLL chicken (under-aged) chicken hawk (likes young adolescents)
DIRTY JOCKSTRAP wears a dirty jock sucks dirty jocks clean
DOILY tearoom top (pours) tearoom bottom (drinks)
MOSQUITO NETTING outdoor sex top outdoor sex bottom
ZIPLOC BAG has drugs looking for drugs
COCKTAIL NAPKIN bartender bar groupie
KLEENEX stinks sniffs
KEYS IN FRONT has a car looking for a ride
KEYS IN BACK has a home needs a place to stay
HOUNDSTOOTH likes to nibble willing to be bitten
UNION JACK skinhead top skinhead bottom
CALICO new in town tourists welcome
TERRYCLOTH bathhouse top bathhouse bottom
WHITE w/MULTICOLOR Dots hosting an orgy looking for an orgy
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The process, says the author, is irreversible
So a nation should avoid prosperity it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose.:cuckoo:

“I would agree with alternative, civil union. Because what they got now it's not marriage.”


Separate but equal is just as repugnant to the Constitution and denying same-sex couples their right to due process and equal protection of the law.
Two men cannot beget a baby. That makes their engagements acts of futility to say the very least, and unequal and inferior to the coupling of a man with a woman. Homosexuality is not supported by science/biology/procreation. Such is not ordained or blessed by God. Sexual prowess in not a logical or moral reason for society to promote or encourage homosexual acts.

I feel the United States will be punished. The United States has set itself apart from God and as such is presently a pagan nation in rebellion with the Creator. I also see that in allowing the White House to be bathed in multicolor lights Obama is setting himself up as a type of Anti-Christ. This maybe without Obamas realization; however, he is playing into the hands of the Deceiver and leading the nation.

All the power a government possesses comes from God. When a government acts in defiance to the Creator, that government is in dreadful danger because it is outstepping its authority.
Last edited:
Two seventy year olds, whether straight or gay, cannot beget a baby, yet both can marry. Thus endeth the lesson.
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.

Well....he did. What Paul preached and what Jesus preached in regard to salvation are two different things. According to Paul, and traditional Christian thought, Jesus made that statement as a prediction because He had not yet died and fulfilled the Law. Therefore, what He said in Matthew 5 applied. But the moment he died and was resurrected, it all became fulfilled. Matthew 26:28 at the Last Supper says "because this is my blood of the new covenant that is being poured out for many people for the forgiveness of sins." (Matt26:28, ISV)

That's Paul's argument at least
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
Umm ... looks to me like there are only 13 generations between Babylon and Christ...

  • Abraham
  • Isaac
  • Jacob
  • Judas
  • Phares
  • Esrom
  • Aram
  • Aminadab
  • Naasson
  • Salmon
  • Booz
  • Obed
  • Jesse
  • David
  • Solomon
  • Roboam
  • Abia
  • Asa
  • Josaphat
  • Joram
  • Ozias
  • Joatham
  • Achaz
  • Ezekias
  • Manasses
  • Amon
  • Josias
  • Jechonias (exiled to Babylon)
  • Salathiel
  • Zorobabel
  • Abiud
  • Eliakim
  • Azor
  • Sadoc
  • Achim
  • Eliud
  • Eleazar
  • Matthan
  • Jacob
  • Joseph
  • Jesus
Matthew 1 - KJV - Bible Study Tools

Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
Umm ... looks to me like there are only 13 generations between Babylon and Christ...

  • Abraham
  • Isaac
  • Jacob
  • Judas
  • Phares
  • Esrom
  • Aram
  • Aminadab
  • Naasson
  • Salmon
  • Booz
  • Obed
  • Jesse
  • David
  • Solomon
  • Roboam
  • Abia
  • Asa
  • Josaphat
  • Joram
  • Ozias
  • Joatham
  • Achaz
  • Ezekias
  • Manasses
  • Amon
  • Josias
  • Jechonias (exiled to Babylon)
  • Salathiel
  • Zorobabel
  • Abiud
  • Eliakim
  • Azor
  • Sadoc
  • Achim
  • Eliud
  • Eleazar
  • Matthan
  • Jacob
  • Joseph
  • Jesus
Matthew 1 - KJV - Bible Study Tools


Very good. Scholars have been pointing that out for centuries. But according to Matt 1:17 it says "17 Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah" (Matt. 1:17, NIV). So it appears someone fucked up, huh? Scholars believe that a scribe made an error in copying it, missed a name, that name was missed by later scribes that copied that scribe's copy and it kept getting copied incorrectly over and over and over from the copy to the copy of the copy to the copy of the copy of the copy (multiply that by about 1,000 years) until it comes to us today. It's one of the many things that doesn't quite make sense, but clearly the author intended to make the point of the fourteen generations as he points it out specifically in 1:17. Where the other name went? Who the fuck knows

See you have learned something today. :D
Two seventy year olds, whether straight or gay, cannot beget a baby, yet both can marry. Thus endeth the lesson.
Abraham and Sarah did! That is an historical Bible fact and the existence of the nation of Israel is the physical proof!
Plenty of such stories exist without proof.
Well, I do not know how many of "such stories" exist; however, none of them involve two men or two women -------- can you think of one?
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
Umm ... looks to me like there are only 13 generations between Babylon and Christ...

  • Abraham
  • Isaac
  • Jacob
  • Judas
  • Phares
  • Esrom
  • Aram
  • Aminadab
  • Naasson
  • Salmon
  • Booz
  • Obed
  • Jesse
  • David
  • Solomon
  • Roboam
  • Abia
  • Asa
  • Josaphat
  • Joram
  • Ozias
  • Joatham
  • Achaz
  • Ezekias
  • Manasses
  • Amon
  • Josias
  • Jechonias (exiled to Babylon)
  • Salathiel
  • Zorobabel
  • Abiud
  • Eliakim
  • Azor
  • Sadoc
  • Achim
  • Eliud
  • Eleazar
  • Matthan
  • Jacob
  • Joseph
  • Jesus
Matthew 1 - KJV - Bible Study Tools


Very good. Scholars have been pointing that out for centuries. But according to Matt 1:17 it says "17 Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah" (Matt. 1:17, NIV). So it appears someone fucked up, huh? Scholars believe that a scribe made an error in copying it, missed a name, that name was missed by later scribes that copied that scribe's copy and it kept getting copied incorrectly over and over and over from the copy to the copy of the copy to the copy of the copy of the copy (multiply that by about 1,000 years) until it comes to us today. It's one of the many things that doesn't quite make sense, but clearly the author intended to make the point of the fourteen generations as he points it out specifically in 1:17. Where the other name went? Who the f__k knows

See you have learned something today. :D
You sound like a very learned person, so why use the "F" word? It is demeaning towards women. Homosexuals enjoy the "F" word, which undermines their sexual value system with proof of its roots in vulgarity and cheap thrills...
Two seventy year olds, whether straight or gay, cannot beget a baby, yet both can marry. Thus endeth the lesson.
Abraham and Sarah did! That is an historical Bible fact and the existence of the nation of Israel is the physical proof!
Umm, that was some 4,000 years ago when people lived to be 175 years old (according to the Bible).

That's no longer the case.
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
Umm ... looks to me like there are only 13 generations between Babylon and Christ...

  • Abraham
  • Isaac
  • Jacob
  • Judas
  • Phares
  • Esrom
  • Aram
  • Aminadab
  • Naasson
  • Salmon
  • Booz
  • Obed
  • Jesse
  • David
  • Solomon
  • Roboam
  • Abia
  • Asa
  • Josaphat
  • Joram
  • Ozias
  • Joatham
  • Achaz
  • Ezekias
  • Manasses
  • Amon
  • Josias
  • Jechonias (exiled to Babylon)
  • Salathiel
  • Zorobabel
  • Abiud
  • Eliakim
  • Azor
  • Sadoc
  • Achim
  • Eliud
  • Eleazar
  • Matthan
  • Jacob
  • Joseph
  • Jesus
Matthew 1 - KJV - Bible Study Tools


Very good. Scholars have been pointing that out for centuries. But according to Matt 1:17 it says "17 Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah" (Matt. 1:17, NIV). So it appears someone fucked up, huh? Scholars believe that a scribe made an error in copying it, missed a name, that name was missed by later scribes that copied that scribe's copy and it kept getting copied incorrectly over and over and over from the copy to the copy of the copy to the copy of the copy of the copy (multiply that by about 1,000 years) until it comes to us today. It's one of the many things that doesn't quite make sense, but clearly the author intended to make the point of the fourteen generations as he points it out specifically in 1:17. Where the other name went? Who the f__k knows

See you have learned something today. :D
You sound like a very learned person, so why use the "F" word? It is demeaning towards women. Homosexuals enjoy the "F" word, which undermines their sexual value system with proof of its roots in vulgarity and cheap thrills...

Fornication Under Consent of the King. :lol:

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