SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Fight what? It's done. Gay marriage is the law of the land and it's here to stay.

Laws never change?
Evidently the biblical ones don't.

Nice seque (or diversion) - we can discuss changing of Federal Laws or Biblical Laws, but let's do them one at a time...
I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.

Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.
Laws never change?
Evidently the biblical ones don't.

Nice seque (or diversion) - we can discuss changing of Federal Laws or Biblical Laws, but let's do them one at a time...
I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.

Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
Evidently the biblical ones don't.

Nice seque (or diversion) - we can discuss changing of Federal Laws or Biblical Laws, but let's do them one at a time...
I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.

Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
You lost me... why is civil rights a religious issue again? Why do you think your right to bash gays over the head with a baseball bat is greater than their right not to be killed by you?

In the situation where a company is selling products to the public, the person who discriminates against a member of the public is the one doing harm... not the one BUYING THE PRODUCT ya fool.
Nice seque (or diversion) - we can discuss changing of Federal Laws or Biblical Laws, but let's do them one at a time...
I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.

Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
You lost me... why is civil rights a religious issue again?

I said I was done with it. You're deflecting all over and I'm not chasing after you. Go eat some bacon, it's not a sin
I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.
Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?

What bakers have run afoul of Federal law?

Last I knew they had problems with State Public Accommodation laws, not Federal.

I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.

Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
You lost me... why is civil rights a religious issue again?

I said I was done with it. You're deflecting all over and I'm not chasing after you. Go eat some bacon, it's not a sin
I'm deflecting? Did I bring up cake baking? No, I didn't.

Are you retarded or something?
I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.

Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
You lost me... why is civil rights a religious issue again?

I said I was done with it. You're deflecting all over and I'm not chasing after you. Go eat some bacon, it's not a sin
Umm, it takes two to tango. You're welcome to gracefully bow out anytime you wish.
I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.
Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?

What bakers have run afoul of Federal law?

Last I knew they had problems with State Public Accommodation laws, not Federal.

Apparently with this lass you can only have two out of three, sassy, irish, or intelligent.
The Levitical laws were broken into 3 groups. I won't bore you with the details (unless you want to hear them) but suffice it to say, homosexuality and it's sinfulness is addressed in both the Old and New Testament.

Am I going to say I never sin? No, of course not. To someone that doesn't believe in God, sin should not even be an issue - and for the record, I don't tell people they are going to hell. That is not my call to make. I can only tell them there is a better life for them... through Christ Jesus.
Sad to say Bonzi but they won't change their mind about this stuff. I find it heartbreaking that the US will be judged as a goat nation. I always thought there was no way America would turn their back on God and Israel but it did. I learned recently that it is taught in 8th grade health class that anal sex is totally fine. As I have said before I do not hear people who are supporting this saying yeah I am one of them, that is still too far to step out but gee I think those people OVER THERE can do what they want. No one who has an abortion is shouting it to the world and the people who have are emotionally rocked over it for the rest of their lives. This is a major shift of end times, let the chaff fall away from the wheat.

Isaiah 5:20-30New International Version (NIV)

20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
and clever in their own sight.
22 Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine
and champions at mixing drinks,
23 who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
but deny justice to the innocent.
24 Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw
and as dry grass sinks down in the flames,
so their roots will decay
and their flowers blow away like dust;
for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty
and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Therefore the Lord’s anger burns against his people;
his hand is raised and he strikes them down.
The mountains shake,
and the dead bodies are like refuse in the streets.
Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,
his hand is still upraised.
26 He lifts up a banner for the distant nations,
he whistles for those at the ends of the earth.
Here they come,
swiftly and speedily!
27 Not one of them grows tired or stumbles,
not one slumbers or sleeps;
not a belt is loosened at the waist,
not a sandal strap is broken.
28 Their arrows are sharp,
all their bows are strung;
their horses’ hooves seem like flint,
their chariot wheels like a whirlwind.
29 Their roar is like that of the lion,
they roar like young lions;
they growl as they seize their prey
and carry it off with no one to rescue.
30 In that day they will roar over it
like the roaring of the sea.
And if one looks at the land,
there is only darkness and distress;
even the sun will be darkened by clouds.

America...Love it or leave it as the conservative war monger said to the hippies in the 60s. Your turn now

Far-Right: Flee America Before God Destroys Us For Gay Marriage! Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 6/26/2015 2:15 pm Religious Right activists have compared today’s gay marriage ruling to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and Pearl Harbor, warning of imminent divine judgment and civil war. “No matter what, the Court’s ruling does not upend millenia of truth,” former Rep. Michele Bachmann said. “Many Americans will choose to follow God’s ways rather than this Court and they should suffer no penalty for doing so. The Court has flung open the gate to lawsuits from those pushing the gay agenda against those who disagree with same sex marriage.” Rep. Louie Gohmert said God will withdraw his protection from America: Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, reacted with guns blzaing, calling the ruling a “civilization-changing decision that destroys our nation’s heritage of Biblical marriage. May God forgive our Supreme Court majority for its arrogance and its self-apotheosis.” - See more at: Far-Right Flee America Before God Destroys Us For Gay Marriage Right Wing Watch

Or fight to change it....

we will not go quietly into the night....
Fight what? It's done. Gay marriage is the law of the land and it's here to stay.

Laws never change?
If you don't mind ... let's test your consistency ...

Marrying the person you love is a fundamental right and an essential aspect of the inalienable right to pursue happiness. If I'm understanding you correctly, you seek to deny certain people that right because you believe they violate G-d's law by being gay, and the Bible prohibits such behavior....

... but worshipping G-d is also one of His laws ... do you believe people who don't worship G-d should also be denied the right to get married to each other even if they're heterosexual?
I've got an idea.. why don't we agree to keep them separate and not try to establish some particular religion's biblical laws as the federal laws of the land.

Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
You lost me... why is civil rights a religious issue again?

I said I was done with it. You're deflecting all over and I'm not chasing after you. Go eat some bacon, it's not a sin
SassyIrishLass , contact me via Conversation or add me to the list of those who can see your profile.
Then no cakes if the baker doesn't want to, right?
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
You lost me... why is civil rights a religious issue again?

I said I was done with it. You're deflecting all over and I'm not chasing after you. Go eat some bacon, it's not a sin
SassyIrishLass , contact me via Conversation or add me to the list of those who can see your profile.

He wants to meet you in the gloryhole stall at the greyhound station. He already invited me.
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
You lost me... why is civil rights a religious issue again?

I said I was done with it. You're deflecting all over and I'm not chasing after you. Go eat some bacon, it's not a sin
SassyIrishLass , contact me via Conversation or add me to the list of those who can see your profile.

He wants to meet you in the gloryhole stall at the greyhound station. He already invited me.
Could be he suspects SIL is really a dude. o_O
That's right he has a choice... sell to the public or don't sell to the public. His choice.

But you said they should be separate....right? Look pal, save your BS, I'm already weary of it.
You lost me... why is civil rights a religious issue again?

I said I was done with it. You're deflecting all over and I'm not chasing after you. Go eat some bacon, it's not a sin
SassyIrishLass , contact me via Conversation or add me to the list of those who can see your profile.

He wants to meet you in the gloryhole stall at the greyhound station. He already invited me.
I'm getting desperate, Cowboy.
Sad to say Bonzi but they won't change their mind about this stuff. I find it heartbreaking that the US will be judged as a goat nation. I always thought there was no way America would turn their back on God and Israel but it did. I learned recently that it is taught in 8th grade health class that anal sex is totally fine. As I have said before I do not hear people who are supporting this saying yeah I am one of them, that is still too far to step out but gee I think those people OVER THERE can do what they want. No one who has an abortion is shouting it to the world and the people who have are emotionally rocked over it for the rest of their lives. This is a major shift of end times, let the chaff fall away from the wheat.

Isaiah 5:20-30New International Version (NIV)

20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
and clever in their own sight.
22 Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine
and champions at mixing drinks,
23 who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
but deny justice to the innocent.
24 Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw
and as dry grass sinks down in the flames,
so their roots will decay
and their flowers blow away like dust;
for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty
and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Therefore the Lord’s anger burns against his people;
his hand is raised and he strikes them down.
The mountains shake,
and the dead bodies are like refuse in the streets.
Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,
his hand is still upraised.
26 He lifts up a banner for the distant nations,
he whistles for those at the ends of the earth.
Here they come,
swiftly and speedily!
27 Not one of them grows tired or stumbles,
not one slumbers or sleeps;
not a belt is loosened at the waist,
not a sandal strap is broken.
28 Their arrows are sharp,
all their bows are strung;
their horses’ hooves seem like flint,
their chariot wheels like a whirlwind.
29 Their roar is like that of the lion,
they roar like young lions;
they growl as they seize their prey
and carry it off with no one to rescue.
30 In that day they will roar over it
like the roaring of the sea.
And if one looks at the land,
there is only darkness and distress;
even the sun will be darkened by clouds.

America...Love it or leave it as the conservative war monger said to the hippies in the 60s. Your turn now

Far-Right: Flee America Before God Destroys Us For Gay Marriage! Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 6/26/2015 2:15 pm Religious Right activists have compared today’s gay marriage ruling to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and Pearl Harbor, warning of imminent divine judgment and civil war. “No matter what, the Court’s ruling does not upend millenia of truth,” former Rep. Michele Bachmann said. “Many Americans will choose to follow God’s ways rather than this Court and they should suffer no penalty for doing so. The Court has flung open the gate to lawsuits from those pushing the gay agenda against those who disagree with same sex marriage.” Rep. Louie Gohmert said God will withdraw his protection from America: Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, reacted with guns blzaing, calling the ruling a “civilization-changing decision that destroys our nation’s heritage of Biblical marriage. May God forgive our Supreme Court majority for its arrogance and its self-apotheosis.” - See more at: Far-Right Flee America Before God Destroys Us For Gay Marriage Right Wing Watch

Or fight to change it....

we will not go quietly into the night....
Fight what? It's done. Gay marriage is the law of the land and it's here to stay.

Laws never change?
If you don't mind ... let's test your consistency ...

Marrying the person you love is a fundamental right and an essential aspect of the inalienable right to pursue happiness. If I'm understanding you correctly, you seek to deny certain people that right because you believe they violate G-d's law by being gay, and the Bible prohibits such behavior....

... but worshipping G-d is also one of His laws ... do you believe people who don't worship G-d should also be denied the right to get married to each other even if they're heterosexual?
You can't even bring yourself to type God yet demand a right to marry given by the creator to His people then say it isn't about God. He set the rules for it thousands of years ago, just because some men believe themselves to be intellectually more intelligent than the God who created and continues to create universes with words you keep right on a going. I won't participate in it
paddy ... I'm sorry this is so upsetting to you. I could reveal things about my personal life that I'm sure would change your opinion about me, but, I don't think that is necessary here.

Others may disagree with me, and that's fine. My hope is that all would find and have their eyes opened to God and following Him. What I say is what I know to be true in my heart. Others have equally strong convictions to the contrary, but, as an agent of God, I feel I must speak Truth. Regardless of the opposition I come up against. Not to be a contrarian or to cause arguments and hate, but, because I love God.

I assure you. My love is real.

Well, then you wouldn't want to discriminate against other human beings, also creations of God, according to your beliefs. :D

Everyone should experience and has God's love available to them.
I guess people have different definitions of love. Here is something (ironically) that showed up in my email this morning....
Today's Scripture "Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Thoughts for Today. In today's world, unity and tolerance have become goals within themselves. Peace at any cost. All ways lead to God. Live and let live. Such "tolerant" attitudes actually lead to intolerance of anyone who claims to have the answer.
Jesus made it clear that he is the only way to God, the only way to real peace. Indeed, in Isaiah 9:6 he is called the Prince of Peace. Although God calls us to love all people, for us to seek unity and peace by agreeing that other faiths can lead to God is to deny our own faith; and to deny Jesus.
Consider this …
As Christians, we are not expressing Christ-like love when we are willing to accept the beliefs of those who deny Christ or live sinful lifestyles as OK; all for the sake of unity and peace. We need to express Jesus' love by loving people where they are, by building relationships with them and … as the Holy Spirit leads … by sharing the truths of the Gospel with them. Jesus is the only answer.

No one has to believe this. But I hope they would and/or would consider it instead of dismissing it out of hand.

I have been on both sides (I used to be an atheist/agnostic)
So if you eat bacon you're living a sinful life... but pissing all over gays telling them they are gonna go to hell that's being a good person. Maybe put down the stones? Just sayin.

Eating bacon isn't a sin...and never was for gentiles
talking about moving the goal posts... yes eating bacon is a sin according to the bible... it's right next to gay sex acts being a sin.

That's Leviticus. Problem #1) Leviticus (The Law in general actually) is a contract between the Jews and God. The Jews get to live in the Holy Land under God's protection. In exchange, the Jews had to follow The Law. If you are not a Jew that lives in Israel, the Law does not apply to you. This is why a former acquaintance of mine, who is also a Rabbi, does not keep Kosher Law. As he explained to me once, while he is a Jew, he lives in the United States. Since, he is not accepting the gift of living in the Holy Land (God's part of the deal) he is not bound to the Law (the Jews' part of the deal). So unless you are a Jew who lives in Israel, you can toss Leviticus over your shoulder. It doesn't apply to you.

Problem #2) Read Galatians and acquaint yourself with Paul's Doctrine of Justification Through Faith. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, The Law is null and void. According to Paul, and Christian doctrine originating from Paul, living in Grace is what makes one right with God. In fact, for Paul, if one follows the Law to demonstrate their commitment to God they render the sacrifice of Jesus irrelevant. That's why Paul flipped a fucking bitch about people continuing to circumcise themselves. The act of circumcision is adherence to The Law. If you accept Grace, the Law becomes irrelevant and so circumcision is not only unnecessary, it violates the entire concept of Paul's Doctrine of Justification Through Faith.
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.

Really, the strength of our nation??? Where the hell did you get that from, Limbaugh? Chaos is the Christian conservative mind, they think they can control and dictate how others can live, AND their mind goes completely ape-shit when someone tells them they can no longer discriminate.
America...Love it or leave it as the conservative war monger said to the hippies in the 60s. Your turn now

Or fight to change it....

we will not go quietly into the night....
Fight what? It's done. Gay marriage is the law of the land and it's here to stay.

Laws never change?
If you don't mind ... let's test your consistency ...

Marrying the person you love is a fundamental right and an essential aspect of the inalienable right to pursue happiness. If I'm understanding you correctly, you seek to deny certain people that right because you believe they violate G-d's law by being gay, and the Bible prohibits such behavior....

... but worshipping G-d is also one of His laws ... do you believe people who don't worship G-d should also be denied the right to get married to each other even if they're heterosexual?
You can't even bring yourself to type God yet demand a right to marry given by the creator to His people then say it isn't about God. He set the rules for it thousands of years ago, just because some men believe themselves to be intellectually more intelligent than the God who created and continues to create universes with words you keep right on a going. I won't participate in it
First of all, why are you even responding if you won't participate?? :dunno:

Secondly, no one made you an authority to decide which of G-d's laws need to be observed by others. That's G-d's doing, not yours.

Thirdly, not everyone believes in G-d, and for many who do, they don't believe in Him and His laws the way you do. Therefore, again, you do not speak for G-d.

Fourthly, gay marriage as has been established as a fundamental right according to the laws of this nation, does have nothing to do with G-d. Churches and temples and mosques can still deny gay marriage according to their faiths. What has changed is that the states can no longer deny gays their fundamental right to marry the person they love. That's not about G-d. That's about the secular law we live under since we are not, thank G-d, a theocracy.

And lastly, why do you think I choose to spell G-d this way?
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
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