SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.

Mmm-hmmm. Well, I'm not postmenopausal, I work full time and am not here all day, and I have no cats, but I do think I hear your mom calling you! :lol:
Your only work is as an online poster, you might sell some shit on ebay or something. But you are a dumpy and obese middle aged woman with no life that has made 1917 posts this month. You don't get on the USMB leaderboard with a social life.

Well, you would be wrong. We've had this discussion before, you are either too old or too young to remember, I suppose. I have pictures in my gallery. How about you? :D
how come you "sex-positive" creeps are always so ugly or mentally ill?

Just as I thought . . . you have no pictures because you nasty. :D Sex positive? You're the creep.
Oh, so then you are probably just a child. I think it's past your bedtime, little boy. :wink_2:
How does it feel being a post menopausal cat lady? Don't you have anything better to do with your life than waste it away on the internet all day. actually scratch that question, I am sure you don't.

Mmm-hmmm. Well, I'm not postmenopausal, I work full time and am not here all day, and I have no cats, but I do think I hear your mom calling you! :lol:
Your only work is as an online poster, you might sell some shit on ebay or something. But you are a dumpy and obese middle aged woman with no life that has made 1916 posts this month. You don't get on the USMB leaderboard with a social life or a full time job.

Oh, it's easy to get a high post count, Einstein. :wink_2:
yea, when you have no life.

Nope, when you actually get into discussions with people, your post count goes up. You wouldn't know what a discussion is though.

I imagine you are on most people's ignore list because you're a douchebag.
Two seventy year olds, whether straight or gay, cannot beget a baby, yet both can marry. Thus endeth the lesson.
Abraham and Sarah did! That is an historical Bible fact and the existence of the nation of Israel is the physical proof!
Plenty of such stories exist without proof.
Well, I do not know how many of "such stories" exist; however, none of them involve two men or two women -------- can you think of one?
Maybe Methuselah saw something like that in his 900 years of living. Doesn't matter, nipper.
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?
I believe we are "evolved" enough to simply "harass" the Judicature to intercede with the Establishment for us, instead of St. Pete.

The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?

I think he said " Don't hate the player. Hate the game".
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?

I think he said " Don't hate the player. Hate the game".
I think he said repent your sins and go forth and sin no more........ But we both know homosexuals and any liberal libertarian wont do this.
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?

I think he said " Don't hate the player. Hate the game".
I think he said repent your sins and go forth and sin no more........ But we both know homosexuals and any liberal libertarian wont do this.

It's a sin to you perhaps. Most people don't really care one way or the other if homosexuals get married or not. I think we should leave them alone and let them do their thing. By denying them marriage, you are only harassing these people. They obviously don't follow your particular set of rules for living.
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?

I think he said " Don't hate the player. Hate the game".
I think he said repent your sins and go forth and sin no more........ But we both know homosexuals and any liberal libertarian wont do this.

I find your sig to be rather ironic too. :rolleyes-41:
And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?

I think he said " Don't hate the player. Hate the game".
I think he said repent your sins and go forth and sin no more........ But we both know homosexuals and any liberal libertarian wont do this.

It's a sin to you perhaps. Most people don't really care one way or the other if homosexuals get married or not. I think we should leave them alone and let them do their thing. By denying them marriage, you are only harassing these people. They obviously don't follow your particular set of rules for living.
They will not be satisfied until their lifestyle is accepted as equal by everyone everywhere. They will not leave Christians alone.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?

I think he said " Don't hate the player. Hate the game".
I think he said repent your sins and go forth and sin no more........ But we both know homosexuals and any liberal libertarian wont do this.

It's a sin to you perhaps. Most people don't really care one way or the other if homosexuals get married or not. I think we should leave them alone and let them do their thing. By denying them marriage, you are only harassing these people. They obviously don't follow your particular set of rules for living.
They will not be satisfied until their lifestyle is accepted as equal by everyone everywhere. They will not leave Christians alone.

They should be equal. They are human beings!
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?
I think he loved both. I think Jesus was a narcissist who thrived on sin since without it, he would have been out of business. He had to fool others into believing no matter how righteous they were, they were still a sinner, barring them from the Kingdom of G-d; and the only way in was through him. Sin was to him what ailments were to a charlatan "doctor" in a medicine show -- a marketing tool designed to draw in customers for which he had the cure.
Not according to Jesus...

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

And according to Paul, the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Law and the prophecies ushering in a new era of Judaism that abolished the old covenant and brought in a new one. If you had read Chapter One of the book you quote, you would recognize that the author makes clear through the genealogy that every 14th generation something massive happens and Judaism changes. After the first 14 generations, David came and established the royal line which dramatically changed everything. 14 generations later was the Babylonian exile which again dramatically changed everything. Now 14 generations later, here comes Jesus ushering in yet another era wherein the prophecies are fulfilled, the old covenant is no more, and a new covenant is established.
You're saying Paul knew something Jesus did not? Jesus said he did not come to change the law. Paul did not get to reverse that.
Do you think Jesus loved the sinner or the sin?
I think he loved both. I think Jesus was a narcissist who thrived on sin since without it, he would have been out of business. He had to fool others into believing no matter how righteous they were, they were still a sinner, barring them from the Kingdom of G-d; and the only way in was through him. Sin was to him what ailments were to a charlatan "doctor" in a medicine show -- a marketing tool designed to draw in customers for which he had the cure.
Let me guess.. you're an ex-catholic.
I think for many, the issue with homosexuality isn't about denying them rights or hating on them etc.

I think the real Christian's out there don't like that fact that gay marriage is legalized because they believe that by gay marriage becoming "legal", people will start to perceive it as acceptable, and maybe even, "okay" for a Christian to do.... their concern is FOR GOD and his ways, not AGAINST GAYS and their ways (most Christian's believe God considers Homosexuality as a sin and an abomination - you can argue against that, but, that won't change their belief. They don't believe it because they hate gays, they believe it because they were taught that and feel scriptures back it up).

Now, sex outside of marriage is also a sin. But the issue with allowing gay marriage is that on top of homosexuality being a sin, Christian's view marriage as a HOLY union (vs. a legal union).

They see it as a breaking down of the moral fabric of our Country and worry that it is part of a trend that will bring this country into further decadence and moral decay.... and ultimately, Godly punishment.

If you can look at it as a LOVE for God and Country (even if you thinks it's mis-construed) and not has a hateful and controlling thing, you still won't agree, but, maybe you can partially understand or at least see where they might be coming from, from their point of view.

You can say, well, guess what, I think gay marriage is a right and this is fair and tough for you cause that's where we are at now in this Country .... but adding on that people are hateful, backward and narrow-minded is just not fair (but, that is not to say that some aren't...).

But many really are good hearted, well intentioned people - people that would clothe and feed a homosexual person, and help them in a time of need.

I'm pretty sure I didn't word or say all this correctly, but I tried my best!
I think for many, the issue with homosexuality isn't about denying them rights or hating on them etc.

I think the real Christian's out there don't like that fact that gay marriage is legalized because they believe that by gay marriage becoming "legal", people will start to perceive it as acceptable, and maybe even, "okay" for a Christian to do.... their concern is FOR GOD and his ways, not AGAINST GAYS and their ways (most Christian's believe God considers Homosexuality as a sin and an abomination - you can argue against that, but, that won't change their belief. They don't believe it because they hate gays, they believe it because they were taught that and feel scriptures back it up).

Now, sex outside of marriage is also a sin. But the issue with allowing gay marriage is that on top of homosexuality being a sin, Christian's view marriage as a HOLY union (vs. a legal union).

They see it as a breaking down of the moral fabric of our Country and worry that it is part of a trend that will bring this country into further decadence and moral decay.... and ultimately, Godly punishment.

If you can look at it as a LOVE for God and Country (even if you thinks it's mis-construed) and not has a hateful and controlling thing, you still won't agree, but, maybe you can partially understand or at least see where they might be coming from, from their point of view.

You can say, well, guess what, I think gay marriage is a right and this is fair and tough for you cause that's where we are at now in this Country .... but adding on that people are hateful, backward and narrow-minded is just not fair (but, that is not to say that some aren't...).

But many really are good hearted, well intentioned people - people that would clothe and feed a homosexual person, and help them in a time of need.

I'm pretty sure I didn't word or say all this correctly, but I tried my best!
Wrong. Real Christians are not bigots. But yes many Christians have been brought up to be bigoted against gays similar to the way they were brought up to be bigoted against blacks. Stupid is as stupid does.
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