SCOTUS Strikes Down Unconstitutional Texas Abortion Law

Equal Protection For The White, Rich and Christian Americans is what counts....the rest of the unclean should be grateful for the privilege being living in their presence.

Another racist dick, go fuck yourself, Archie Bunker. Blacks are as capable as anyone else no matter what you think

Finally, a wingnut who fully endorses Lincoln's emancipation proclamation.

You a leftwingnut who finally realizes that blacks are as capable as whites?

I'm sorry, where are you on Lincoln's emancipation proclamation again?

You're actually proud of yourself for being in favor of blacks not being slaves? Wow, here's a pat on the back for you. You've come a long way

Proud? No, it's kind of the norm now that they aren't slaves.

Anyway, it's nice that you agree with Lincoln on freeing them in the face of tyranny.
Another racist dick, go fuck yourself, Archie Bunker. Blacks are as capable as anyone else no matter what you think

Finally, a wingnut who fully endorses Lincoln's emancipation proclamation.

You a leftwingnut who finally realizes that blacks are as capable as whites?

I'm sorry, where are you on Lincoln's emancipation proclamation again?

You're actually proud of yourself for being in favor of blacks not being slaves? Wow, here's a pat on the back for you. You've come a long way

Proud? No, it's kind of the norm now that they aren't slaves.

Anyway, it's nice that you agree with Lincoln on freeing them in the face of tyranny.

Ditto, nice job, way to go agreeing with Lincoln. Good one
Finally, a wingnut who fully endorses Lincoln's emancipation proclamation.

You a leftwingnut who finally realizes that blacks are as capable as whites?

I'm sorry, where are you on Lincoln's emancipation proclamation again?

You're actually proud of yourself for being in favor of blacks not being slaves? Wow, here's a pat on the back for you. You've come a long way

Proud? No, it's kind of the norm now that they aren't slaves.

Anyway, it's nice that you agree with Lincoln on freeing them in the face of tyranny.

Ditto, nice job, way to go agreeing with Lincoln. Good one

We both agree with Lincoln, slavery bad, right?
You a leftwingnut who finally realizes that blacks are as capable as whites?

I'm sorry, where are you on Lincoln's emancipation proclamation again?

You're actually proud of yourself for being in favor of blacks not being slaves? Wow, here's a pat on the back for you. You've come a long way

Proud? No, it's kind of the norm now that they aren't slaves.

Anyway, it's nice that you agree with Lincoln on freeing them in the face of tyranny.

Ditto, nice job, way to go agreeing with Lincoln. Good one

We both agree with Lincoln, slavery bad, right?

I am, apparently you're not sure. You consider ending slavery controversial? Seriously? I guess you can always burn some crosses on some negro yards to remind them you're still in charge, Grand Wizard
SCOTUS also refused to hear cases from Mississippi and Wisconsin, leaving in place lower court decisions on similar cases.

What the Cons fail to understand is the not wanting "The Government" dictating medical decisions, while on the other hand doing exactly that is raving hypocrisy.

There no "Clear and Present" need for these laws. The laws were not designed to protect the health of Woman, but deny access to a medical procedure that is, under our system of Government, a protected right.

The RePuBliKlans that fall on their knees in the sheer joy and adulation of the non-existent "Right To Life", support Capital Punishment, clap their hands in joy at the very thought of Torture and became a cheering crowd for the military failures in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Then there is, of course their less than underwhelming response to all those dead babies in Afghanistan and Iraq. These Cons are only concerned about their non-existent "Right To Life", in this country. They turn a collective blind eye to the murder of babies, born and unborn, by the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq.

These Cons are NOT Pro-Life, they are Pro-Fetus, as long as that fetus is White, Conservative and Christian. The ConJob "Right To Life" is very highly selective in who does and does not have that right......turns out the non-existent "Right To Life" is for Whites Only.

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