SCOTUS to finally hear the DACA case in November


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
By then POTUS campaigns will be in full swing...It should be entertaining as hell to watch the Mexicrat candidates use the DACA Nightmares as a prop and vehicle to sell all their bleeding heart bullshit to today’s white guilt whackos. (notice the rug munching supertards in the image below)
Supreme Court to decide whether Trump administration can end DACA program


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It ought to be a very easy case.

DACA was enacted by an illegal executive order from President Obama, outside of any authority that he ever legitimately had. As such DACA never had any genuine legal standing.

And even if it was legal, whatever authority one President may have to enact any policy by executive order, any subsequent President would have equal authority to overtune by an executive order.
DACA was and remains totally unconstitutional. It is a case of a President unilaterally suspending the effects of a valid law (multiple laws, actually). It is bullshit on steroids. Even Barry Soetoro acknowledged REPEATEDLY that he had no power to take this action. Then, of course, he took it.

The wild card is Roberts. That turn-coat shitbird has turned into a pile of quasi-originalist mush, more intent on keeping the political peace that discerning the meaning of the laws and Constitution of the United States.

With Roberts in control and Kavanaugh a little wobbly, I would not bet the farm that Trump is supported in this entirely appropriate quest.
DACA should never have been enacted

Every one of those kids should be booted back to South America. They have cost we tax payers billions.
SCOTUS is back in session and the DACA case is looming over the justices big time. Grab your popcorn and get ready for the disgusting Left to lose whatever shit they have left when all their pet humans are stuffed on buses headed for Mehico.
Good. To bad we can't get the billions we spent on these assholes back.
Can't wait for Trump to take care of the nightmares.
The only reason why DACA wasn't struck down before was that Trump gave the Dems 6 months to find a bipartisan solution
to the entire mess.

SCOTUS would not interfere with any potential legislation.

Now, SCOTUS knows these folks are just political pawns being used by the Democrats and SCOTUS will side with Trump.
He is in his power under the constitution to end any executive action by a former President. SCOTUS will probably scold
the judge that put a stay on his initial order and place the fate of DACA folks in the hands of the Dems. There will be some
pretty entertaining discussion on that.

They'll have to fix the broken immigration system and laws to save those folks from going back. (Along with the finishing touches
on the wall)
Here we’s November.
I’m looking so forward to watching our pro-illegal local news shoot interview after interview using crying wetbacks as pawns, hoping to sell pussified Americans on their bullshit and further the Lefts agenda.
The protesting should be entertaining as well.

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