

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
II wanted to offer a special anti-terrorism nod during this Coronavirus tribulation, and this fun gem was loosely-inspired by the colorful youth-targeted American horror-franchise Scream and represents our social modern interests in decorative dialogue! Thanks for reading,


A theater group traveled from Dublin (Ireland) to New York (USA) on Aer Lingus airlines in the late summer of 2021 to put on a special 9/11 themed Ancient Greece stage-play about the beginning of the evolution of terrorism, starting with the underworld god Hades and developing into the modern era threat posted by terrorist groups like ISIS and Cobra. The theater group called itself Scream and included very talented thespians intent on offering America a terrific post-Coronavirus anti-terrorism message for PBS television. The Aer Lingus flight was smooth and comy and went without a hitch or threat of terrorism!


The theater group included talented and attractive young actors and actresses training to one day reach Broadway or Hollywood. The actors hailed from various regions of Europe but especially from the UK. The theater group, Scream, included a couple of set employees from American soap-operas and the rest were from British stage clubs. Scream was an ambitious group, and its female diplomat and actress Tandy was an attractive Asian-Caucasian biracial woman who wanted this 9/11 themed play to be televised on PBS to capture all the modern intrigue and trauma of terrorism!


The Scream group began rehearsing their performance on stage in the rented warehouse offered specially by the respected and well-reorganized Weinstein group in NYC. Scream began setting the scenes and costumed rehearsals for the ultimate live televised performance on PBS which would be coupled with a charity telethon for survivors of the Coronavirus as well as a bio-ecological conservation group linked to the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF). Scream was going to be a great feather for PBS following the great Coronavirus tribulation of 2020, and people wanted to forget about 9/11 terrorism!


I mean, let's face it --- 9/11 shattered our sensibilities about assumed securities in America and our sacred safety from infrastructural terrorism. The anti-capitalist terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC on Septmber 11 (9/11) wanted to deliver the terrible message that new millennium network traffic infrastructure and institutions were not immune from the modern angst associated with complex capitalism globalization. This was an anti-McDonald's brand of terrorism!


Well, all was not well with the Scream theater group from the UK set to launch their 9/11-themed play on PBS that post-Coronavirus summer of 2021. In fact, a strange duo of psychos, dressed in strange masks and robes, appearing to be something like a cross between Casper the ghost and Dracula himself and wielding knives, decided to wreak havoc and terrorize all those involved with the 9/11-play about to be broadcast on PBS and produced by the respected and well-reorganized Weinstein company. This was a criminal and murderous brand of pedestrian terrorism!


Now, the actors and actresses who were involved in the Scream theater group that summer in NYC included very talented and attractive actors and actresses, which was clearly suggested earlier in this little vignette. Why shouldn't this sort of modern American media event go on without darkness or evil? I mean, these thespians were bright and beautiful and wanted the 9/11-themed play in NYC to go without a hitch and without the threat of terrorism!


It was later exposed that a few of the attractive actresses in the Scream theater group in NYC that post-Coronavirus summer who claimed they were personally attacked and stalked by the two masked ghoul-psychos were perhaps actually involved in a larger conspiracy in which they had some integral role as fear mongers. These deceptive actresses wanted to deliver the message that no sense of domestic sanity was secure. It seemed there was no way to deter this kind of dioramic terrorism!


Fortunately, one handsome and talented and intelligent Scream group actor named Isaac (an Algerian-Irishman) and Daisy (an Irish-Caucasian woman) wanted to go undercover to catch these two psychos who had already murdered 10 individuals involved with the 9/11-themed PBS play event that summer. The Scream 9/11 event was about to be saved spiritually. Isaac and Daisy decided to get into a Batman/Catwoman costume and posed as the ultimate antidote to this new kind of pedestrian terrorism!


Now, Isaac was already involved with various politically conscious stage productions in Ireland and Northern Ireland. He was born in Algeria and had relatives involved with the FLN revolution against French colonial rule in Algeria. Now, Isaac, along with his shrewd female sidekick-partner Daisy, had become the right kind of superheroic answer to this Scream terrorism. Isaac thought deeply about all his work and training involving artistically analyzed terrorism!


Batman (Isaac) and Daisy (Catwoman) discovered that the duo of costumed psychos were toxic-waste disfigured individuals, a married couple who were tied to the 9/11-play event through the Weinstein company. This married couple were the ones dressing up in those Casper-Dracula costumes and murdering people that post-Coronavirus summer. Batman/Catwoman discovered that this married couple called themselves Harley Quinn (female) and Joker (male) and wanted Americans to get a deep breath of dirty terrorism!


Batman/Catwoman further investigated and discovered that Joker and Harley Quinn were the heads of a secret underground American clan of Satanic 'vampires' who drank human blood and carried out secret unholy carnal rituals involving a formal denunciation of Christian values in America in the new era. This vampire-clan called itself Red Hood and wanted to destabilize all levels of pedestrian sanity. Batman/Catwoman knew now that Red Hood would create some kind of deranged dialogic terrorism!


JOKER: I intend to plant chemical weapons in a televised Bruins-Wolverines college football game that will be televised internationally this season, because such a display of unholy dioramic terrorism will reveal the real scope and power of us deformed vampires of the dystopian Red Hood, delivering the idea that American democracy is simply dark water and can be dazed.




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The most reasonable part of this whole mess is the claim that 9-11 was an act of anti-McDonald's terrorism, which is completely insane.

Here's a more whimsical addendum about a potential female vampire trying out for a sequel play of Scream.


DIRECTOR: So why're you trying out for this role?
ACTRESS: I'm a real vampire!
DIRECTOR: What, really?
ACTRESS: Well, I don't know if you should know that!
DIRECTOR: Were you taken by all that thespian-group terrorism news?
DIRECTOR: So why're you intrigued by this linked vampire play in London?
ACTRESS: I'm a real vampire!
DIRECTOR: What, really?
ACTRESS: You admit that bloodthirst is superior to capitalism fat-cattiness.
DIRECTOR: I suppose vampires are more honest than capitalists.
ACTRESS: That's why the world hates the West; we're too capitalist!
DIRECTOR: You'd rather be a vampire then.
ACTRESS: I'm intrigued by the title of your new play, Scream for Vampyre.
DIRECTOR: One of the female vampires in this play is a master-thief!
ACTRESS: I'd love love love that role, sir.
DIRECTOR: I think you have the figure for it.
ACTRESS: Do you think I have the mind for it?
DIRECTOR: I suppose; so what really draws you to vampires?
ACTRESS: Vampire screams and vampire horror is just more chic.
DIRECTOR: Yes, kids love vampires, and it's close to Halloween now, eh?
ACTRESS: Bloody murder, man; vampires make for excellent art.
DIRECTOR: Well, I suppose you have the part; I loved your audition-video.
ACTRESS: I made that video at home, man!
DIRECTOR: Very cool.
ACTRESS: So you believe I'm a real vampire?
DIRECTOR: I'm just happy we're closer to the end of production.
ACTRESS: You're starting to sound 'worldly' and deadpan, ya know.



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