Screenplay: Dream-Teller


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Isn't it funny how consumerism shapes art (e.g., Apple Computers)?

Here's a pitch-theme for a progressive movie script (presented below), involving the 'culture-niche' actors Bill Pullman (star of offbeat but socially representative American films such as Spaceballs) and Ricardo Montalban (offbeat but self-composed star of the hit TV series Fantasy Island and Star Trek shows/films) who are, in many ways, foils (in terms of 'celebrity branching').

What do you think about consumerism-art in relation to the capitalism values of 'TrumpUSA'? Perhaps President Trump will be portrayed in a film about the impact of the new global market on artists and film-makers (e.g., Primary Colors).

This script/screenplay was inspired by the lifestyle-couture modern American TV serial Will and Grace and reflects my interest in 'anthropological American toys' (e.g., Stand by Me).


Pullman and Montalban were called into the Hollywood movie studio to discuss a script for a movie about a values-driven coffee-chain in the USA (i.e., Starbucks). It was three years before Montalban would pass away, and God was watching to see if Montalban would accept a script for an idea about consumerism 'optimism' near the end of his life (to see if destiny truly was on the actor's side in terms of Americana culture!). Pullman liked the idea, and he was going to be cast as the coffee-chain CEO, while Montalban would play the upstart venture-capitalist of an emerging rival coffee-business.

Montalban was at first excited about the film, but he started experiencing chest-pains, so he told his wife (Georgiana) that he would wait to see if he was physically 'fit' to handle the role. His wife was very intrigued by the film and thought her husband (though aged) would simply be perfect for the role of the rival upstart businessman. Montalban liked the idea after seeing Alec Baldwin portray the head of Pan Am airlines as a rival to Leo DiCaprio's Howard Hughes (head of TWA airlines) in the new Scorsese biopic The Aviator. Montalban met with Pullman and discussed options for making the film a poignant nod to the geo-cultural impact of both capitalism and consumerism. Georgiana remarked to herself, "Americans are becoming interested in 'economical storytelling'."

The film-director attached to the project was Wes Anderson, who had already made a film about a well-to-do erudite American family called the Tenenbaums and was interested in a movie about 'macro-culture.' Anderson told his agent, "If Montalban agrees to do the film, I'll direct it, but if we only get Pullman, then I won't be satisfied with anyone portraying the role Montalban would play than Montalban himself!" Meanwhile, Donald Trump (savvy entrepreneur and American businessman) was planning to host a show about 'allusory franchising' called Celebrity Apprentice. Consumerism was definitively changing the pedestrian landscape. God remarked to himself, "At least Montalban made the Eugenics-toyshop film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan!"






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