Screw the Queers

Gender roles are socially constructed and differ depending on which society you are born into and what the cultural customs are.

Cultural roles vary - yet core roles are consistent across all cultures.

Technology allows us to escape gender roles to a certain extent, but physical reality still imposes roles regardless. Child birth one of the most obvious.

No genetic facts determine your gender role because that is just a socially constructed role.

Your abject ignorance and inability to reason are why you are a leftist.

Biology imposes reality. Cultural gender roles develop due to biological fact. Altering physical tests in fire departments doesn't make women just as able as men - it is the faking of reality to promote a political goal. Giving men leave for childbirth doesn't make men capable of giving birth - it is the faking of reality to promote an idiotic political goal.

You believe that if you can coerce others into aping the idiocy of your faking of reality, that somehow your fraud will be transformed into fact.

Reality exists - this is a fact that you leftist assclowns cannot come to grips with.

The sex you are as will determine biological responses your body has.

Male is not female. Female is not male. You may be able to gain the power to force others to claim that they are; but reality will still exist. The society that fakes reality will not exist for long - but reality will continue to exist.
None of your civil liberties have been touched. You on the other hand are seeking to crush civil liberty for those you don't agree with.

This is the same argument you democrats used in the early 60's - whites should not object to democrats violating the civil liberties of blacks, none of the white's civil rights have been touched.

You leftists never change - only your target changes.
I am sure that breaks their heart...

For 1% of the population to revoke the rights of the majority requires the ascent of the victim.

I withdraw my ascent. I will oppose anything and everything that furthers or supports the queer agenda.

Time for Americans to regain their freedom - enough.
What rights of the majority have been revoked?
Gender roles are socially constructed and differ depending on which society you are born into and what the cultural customs are.

Cultural roles vary - yet core roles are consistent across all cultures.

Technology allows us to escape gender roles to a certain extent, but physical reality still imposes roles regardless. Child birth one of the most obvious.

No genetic facts determine your gender role because that is just a socially constructed role.

Your abject ignorance and inability to reason are why you are a leftist.

Biology imposes reality. Cultural gender roles develop due to biological fact. Altering physical tests in fire departments doesn't make women just as able as men - it is the faking of reality to promote a political goal. Giving men leave for childbirth doesn't make men capable of giving birth - it is the faking of reality to promote an idiotic political goal.

You believe that if you can coerce others into aping the idiocy of your faking of reality, that somehow your fraud will be transformed into fact.

Reality exists - this is a fact that you leftist assclowns cannot come to grips with.

The sex you are as will determine biological responses your body has.

Male is not female. Female is not male. You may be able to gain the power to force others to claim that they are; but reality will still exist. The society that fakes reality will not exist for long - but reality will continue to exist.

That's not true.

I've provided readings, links and even videos, if you don't want to look into it then don't, but what you keep repeating is not true no matter how much you repeat it.

Biological sex is what you are born with and gender is a society creation to delegate roles based on a biological sex you are born with.

Not all societies have interpreted those roles the same as western culture.

At any rate since you are just repeating yourself, you can just know that my response is also going to be a repeat, gender roles are manufactured by a society to distinguish those born with different biological parts-sex.

No need to reply, I already know what you are going to say and your still wrong :lol:

Wasn't a very stimulating discussion, I'm sorry you feel threatened by others letting go of social conditioning in gender roles, but I hope you get over it.
That's not true.

You can claim child birth is not true. Leftist professors at the University of Vermont can flunk students who do not deny that child birth is exclusive to women. Leftist thugs in Atlanta can fire people who write books claiming that child birth is feature exclusive to women.

But reality will still exist. All your faking will not alter reality.

I've provided readings, links and even videos, if you don't want to look into it then don't, but what you keep repeating is not true no matter how much you repeat it.

Biological sex is what you are born with and gender is a society creation to delegate roles based on a biological sex you are born with.

Not all societies have interpreted those roles the same as western culture.

At any rate since you are just repeating yourself, you can just know that my response is also going to be a repeat, gender roles are manufactured by a society to distinguish those born with different biological parts-sex.

No need to reply, I already know what you are going to say and your still wrong :lol:

Wasn't a very stimulating discussion, I'm sorry you feel threatened by others letting go of social conditioning in gender roles, but I hope you get over it.

Again, your coercion to fake reality to meet a political agenda will not in fact change reality. Menstruation and child birth will continue in women. Men will remain stronger, faster, and more aggressive. All you can do is fake reality, and use force to coerce other to fake it as well. You cannot change reality.
It doesn't seem to me people are stifling your right to speak.

Then you are not paying attention.

{Atlanta (CNN)Faith leaders from the Atlanta area gathered at the state capitol for a rally with a message: "Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are under attack."}

Rally backs fired Atlanta fire chief whose book has anti-gay comments -

Voltaire would weep, as the American left declares "I don't like what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."
Gender roles are socially constructed and differ depending on which society you are born into and what the cultural customs are.

Cultural roles vary - yet core roles are consistent across all cultures.

Technology allows us to escape gender roles to a certain extent, but physical reality still imposes roles regardless. Child birth one of the most obvious.

No genetic facts determine your gender role because that is just a socially constructed role.

Your abject ignorance and inability to reason are why you are a leftist.

Biology imposes reality. Cultural gender roles develop due to biological fact. Altering physical tests in fire departments doesn't make women just as able as men - it is the faking of reality to promote a political goal. Giving men leave for childbirth doesn't make men capable of giving birth - it is the faking of reality to promote an idiotic political goal.

You believe that if you can coerce others into aping the idiocy of your faking of reality, that somehow your fraud will be transformed into fact.

Reality exists - this is a fact that you leftist assclowns cannot come to grips with.

The sex you are as will determine biological responses your body has.

Male is not female. Female is not male. You may be able to gain the power to force others to claim that they are; but reality will still exist. The society that fakes reality will not exist for long - but reality will continue to exist.

That's not true.

I've provided readings, links and even videos, if you don't want to look into it then don't, but what you keep repeating is not true no matter how much you repeat it.

Biological sex is what you are born with and gender is a society creation to delegate roles based on a biological sex you are born with.

Not all societies have interpreted those roles the same as western culture.

At any rate since you are just repeating yourself, you can just know that my response is also going to be a repeat, gender roles are manufactured by a society to distinguish those born with different biological parts-sex.

No need to reply, I already know what you are going to say and your still wrong :lol:

Wasn't a very stimulating discussion, I'm sorry you feel threatened by others letting go of social conditioning in gender roles, but I hope you get over it.

So in essence you are saying, social norms aside, gender is a state of mind.

No one except the person can say what their state of mind is, so at any given time your mind is telling you whether you are a man or a woman.

I get it. It is like residency.

Nothing to see here, move on.

What could possibly go wrong?
It doesn't seem to me people are stifling your right to speak.

Then you are not paying attention.

{Atlanta (CNN)Faith leaders from the Atlanta area gathered at the state capitol for a rally with a message: "Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are under attack."}

Rally backs fired Atlanta fire chief whose book has anti-gay comments -

Voltaire would weep, as the American left declares "I don't like what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."

Again it doesn't seem no one his stifling YOUR free speech. Besides, Kelvin Cochran can say whatever he wishes. No one is taking away his right to free speech but that doesn't mean he his free from the consequences of his free speech.
Again it doesn't seem no one his stifling YOUR free speech. Besides, Kelvin Cochran can say whatever he wishes. No one is taking away his right to free speech but that doesn't mean he his free from the consequences of his free speech.

Similar to what the retard Ace Rothstein was oozing earlier. Since whites did not have their civil rights trampled by the democrats in the 60's, they should not have opposed the democrats racist policies...

Actually, the action of Atlanta for punishing him for speaking words not approved by leftist over lords violates title VII - I believe he has filed suit.
It doesn't seem to me people are stifling your right to speak.

Then you are not paying attention.

{Atlanta (CNN)Faith leaders from the Atlanta area gathered at the state capitol for a rally with a message: "Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are under attack."}

Rally backs fired Atlanta fire chief whose book has anti-gay comments -

Voltaire would weep, as the American left declares "I don't like what you have to say, so I will fight to the death to silence you."

Again it doesn't seem no one his stifling YOUR free speech. Besides, Kelvin Cochran can say whatever he wishes. No one is taking away his right to free speech but that doesn't mean he his free from the consequences of his free speech.
Voltaire biographers point out Voltaire's apathy towards homosexuality, or possible homosexual tendencies. Voltaire would not cry, but laugh at how absurd the anti-gay movement is now days.
Again it doesn't seem no one his stifling YOUR free speech. Besides, Kelvin Cochran can say whatever he wishes. No one is taking away his right to free speech but that doesn't mean he his free from the consequences of his free speech.

Similar to what the retard Ace Rothstein was oozing earlier. Since whites did not have their civil rights trampled by the democrats in the 60's, they should not have opposed the democrats racist policies...

Actually, the action of Atlanta for punishing him for speaking words not approved by leftist over lords violates title VII - I believe he has filed suit.

Personal responsibility can be a real bitch sometimes. Complaining that your free speech is being limited because sometimes you have to face the consequences of your speech is silly.
Again it doesn't seem no one his stifling YOUR free speech. Besides, Kelvin Cochran can say whatever he wishes. No one is taking away his right to free speech but that doesn't mean he his free from the consequences of his free speech.

Similar to what the retard Ace Rothstein was oozing earlier. Since whites did not have their civil rights trampled by the democrats in the 60's, they should not have opposed the democrats racist policies...

Actually, the action of Atlanta for punishing him for speaking words not approved by leftist over lords violates title VII - I believe he has filed suit.

Personal responsibility can be a real bitch sometimes. Complaining that your free speech is being limited because sometimes you have to face the consequences of your speech is silly.
That guy is actually being fired because he violated city policy in earning money outside of his job without permission (a requirement many governments impose so there is no conflict of interest) AND he is giving his book to his employees, therefore tacitly forcing his religion upon them.

But he is a red herring. The OP can not come up with a way to support his claim that what the University has done violates his or anyone's rights.
I love reality- I am just curious why you are so obsessed about having sex with gay men- and how additional bathrooms infringe on your freedom as an American.

So, since there is nothing in the universe worse than a queer - according to leftist assclown dogma - the way to defeat criticism of the political agenda of queers is to call the critic queer?

Demagoguery is the only tool in the leftist assclown tool bag.

Is that supposed to even make sense?

You started this thread with a statement of your desire to have sex with 'queers'.

And how your freedom is being taken away because some college has installed a third bathroom.

I find it hilarious.
That guy is actually being fired because he violated city policy in earning money outside of his job without permission (a requirement many governments impose so there is no conflict of interest) AND he is giving his book to his employees, therefore tacitly forcing his religion upon them.

That's a pretty dumb lie, rodent. Is that the one the hate sites are programming you drones to tell?

Well, now it's a Title VII suit - how do you think that will go Rati? You think firing a person for expressing religious views OUTSIDE of work will fit with the law

Title VII of the Act, codified as Subchapter VI of Chapter 21 of title 42 of the United States Code, prohibits discrimination by covered employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin

But he is a red herring. The OP can not come up with a way to support his claim that what the University has done violates his or anyone's rights.

Your rulers have outlawed the expression of ideas contrary to the goals of the party - and engage in direct persecution of those who dare express such ideas.

We either stop you now, or civil rights are gone from this nation forever.

Look Rati, you're dumb as a brick wall - none of this has any meaning to you, so for the lurkers - the imposition of speech restrictions depends on the acquiescence of the victim. Cochran has withdrawn his consent, and you leftists will crumble in court.
That guy is actually being fired because he violated city policy in earning money outside of his job without permission (a requirement many governments impose so there is no conflict of interest) AND he is giving his book to his employees, therefore tacitly forcing his religion upon them.

That's a pretty dumb lie, rodent. Is that the one the hate sites are programming you drones to tell?

Well, now it's a Title VII suit - how do you think that will go Rati? You think firing a person for expressing religious views OUTSIDE of work will fit with the law

Title VII of the Act, codified as Subchapter VI of Chapter 21 of title 42 of the United States Code, prohibits discrimination by covered employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin

But he is a red herring. The OP can not come up with a way to support his claim that what the University has done violates his or anyone's rights.

Your rulers have outlawed the expression of ideas contrary to the goals of the party - and engage in direct persecution of those who dare express such ideas.

We either stop you now, or civil rights are gone from this nation forever.

Look Rati, you're dumb as a brick wall - none of this has any meaning to you, so for the lurkers - the imposition of speech restrictions depends on the acquiescence of the victim. Cochran has withdrawn his consent, and you leftists will crumble in court.
Your dude is lying as to why he was fired. You may look it up yourself instead of depending on World Nut Daily to feed you your thoughts.

You haven't yet come up with a rational answer to my question. How are anyone's rights being limited by the college allowing people to self identify???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Is that supposed to even make sense?

You started this thread with a statement of your desire to have sex with 'queers'.

And how your freedom is being taken away because some college has installed a third bathroom.

I find it hilarious.

Somewhere, some leftist (IQ of 45) got this brilliant idea that opposition to the homosexual agenda could be stopped if leftists simply accused the critique of being queer.

Let's examine your motive for thinking that accusing me of being queer would upset me to the point that I would fear to express opposition to the homosexual agenda of cultural dominance?

Now, if I said I don't like pickles, and you retards come back with "that just means you're a pickle eater," I'll just look at you like you're a stupid fuck.

So WHY would leftist assclowns think that accusing those who oppose the homosexual agenda would intimidate them to silence? The answer is obvious, because leftists view homosexuality as so repugnant that anyone would react in horror to being falsely accused.

Yet I still just look at you like you're a stupid fuck...

Can you grasp the flaw in the plan your masters have provided you with?

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