Screw the Queers

Is that supposed to even make sense?

You started this thread with a statement of your desire to have sex with 'queers'.

And how your freedom is being taken away because some college has installed a third bathroom.

I find it hilarious.

Somewhere, some leftist (IQ of 45) got this brilliant idea that opposition to the homosexual agenda could be stopped if leftists simply accused the critique of being queer.

Let's examine your motive for thinking that accusing me of being queer

Who is accusing you of being 'queer'?

I am just amused by thread about how you want to have sex with queers.

And I am really amused by how you think your 'freedom' is threatened by a bathroom.
Your dude is lying as to why he was fired.

Really Rati, it wasn't because he wrote in a book that he opposed homosexuality?

The former Atlanta fire chief, who was dismissed by the city’s mayor this month after writing a book in which he said homosexuality is “vile,” has filed a federal discrimination complaint against the city in a case that is testing the issue of religious expression in the workplace and mobilizing Christian conservatives to his defense.}

Atlanta fire chief fired after calling gays apos vile apos claims religious bias - LA Times

Oh wait, I guess it's actually you who are lying.

Hey, you're a democrat - lying is just what you do...

You may look it up yourself instead of depending on World Nut Daily to feed you your thoughts.

You haven't yet come up with a rational answer to my question. How are anyone's rights being limited by the college allowing people to self identify???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Rodent - I often say you have the intellect of a stalk of broccoli - I now realize just how unfair this is to vegetation...
Who is accusing you of being 'queer'?

Would you technically be considered "sentient?"

I am just amused by thread about how you want to have sex with queers.

But you're not accusing me of being queer... :rofl:

And I am really amused by how you think your 'freedom' is threatened by a bathroom.

No doubt you are amused by the witty repartee you have with lamp posts.
Your dude is lying as to why he was fired.

Really Rati, it wasn't because he wrote in a book that he opposed homosexuality?

The former Atlanta fire chief, who was dismissed by the city’s mayor this month after writing a book in which he said homosexuality is “vile,” has filed a federal discrimination complaint against the city in a case that is testing the issue of religious expression in the workplace and mobilizing Christian conservatives to his defense.}

Atlanta fire chief fired after calling gays apos vile apos claims religious bias - LA Times

Oh wait, I guess it's actually you who are lying.

Hey, you're a democrat - lying is just what you do...

You may look it up yourself instead of depending on World Nut Daily to feed you your thoughts.

You haven't yet come up with a rational answer to my question. How are anyone's rights being limited by the college allowing people to self identify???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Rodent - I often say you have the intellect of a stalk of broccoli - I now realize just how unfair this is to vegetation...
Awesome, so you can't. You've just peed your pants and lied because your "masculinity" is threatened by some random transgendered people.

Thanks for the admission.
Again demanding that all of America bow to their sexual choices, queers have now demanded that the English language be rewritten to meet their desires.

{The University of Vermont is now the first university in America to officially recognize a “third” gender, neither male nor female but “neutral.”}

Our new queer gender is "zie." He, She, Zie - pull down their pants and you'll see, a different genitalia for he and she.

But zie will have the genitals of either he or she. This is just another case of 1% of the population running roughshod on the other 99%

Fuck the queers and their anti-liberty agenda.

More at;
The Latest Crazy LGBT Demand - Mark Nuckols - Page 1

"Our new queer gender is "zie." He, She, Zie..."

Oh man.

'Zie ommezijde' means 'please turn over' in Dutch.

Hey, I did not invent the language....
Again demanding that all of America bow to their sexual choices, queers have now demanded that the English language be rewritten to meet their desires.

{The University of Vermont is now the first university in America to officially recognize a “third” gender, neither male nor female but “neutral.”}

Our new queer gender is "zie." He, She, Zie - pull down their pants and you'll see, a different genitalia for he and she.

But zie will have the genitals of either he or she. This is just another case of 1% of the population running roughshod on the other 99%

Fuck the queers and their anti-liberty agenda.

More at;
The Latest Crazy LGBT Demand - Mark Nuckols - Page 1

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