Screw the Queers

16 pages of shit. Wow! Not good for this board. Why isn't it in the flame zone? lol................................................................
For someone who clearly despises queens, Uncensored is quite the drama queen.
16 pages of shit. Wow! Not good for this board. Why isn't it in the flame zone? lol................................................................

Because it is a news item and belongs in current events. Leftist assclowns have done your best to distract from the actual topic with flames, but the issue remains what it is - the demand of a fringe element that the language of the land be perverted to celebrate their sexual choices.
Again demanding that all of America bow to their sexual choices, queers have now demanded that the English language be rewritten to meet their desires.

{The University of Vermont is now the first university in America to officially recognize a “third” gender, neither male nor female but “neutral.”}

Our new queer gender is "zie." He, She, Zie - pull down their pants and you'll see, a different genitalia for he and she.

But zie will have the genitals of either he or she. This is just another case of 1% of the population running roughshod on the other 99%

Fuck the queers and their anti-liberty agenda.

More at;
The Latest Crazy LGBT Demand - Mark Nuckols - Page 1

I understand your angst here, and can commiserate with you on this most important issue.

If I could offer any helpful advice, though, it would be that if you can just stop thinking of fucking queers all the time, that little chub in your pants will not embarrass you so thoroughly that you find it necessary to act out like this.

I hope that helps.
For someone who clearly despises queens, Uncensored is quite the drama queen.

Queers moron. And I have no interest in anyone else's sex life. BUT when you impose your sexuality by force, then you become the enemy.

This is the same issue as forced therapy to "cure" the queers. The forcing of a view on the unwilling.

I support the right of queers to make their own choices and live as they choose - and I demand that they give me the same respect - but as the opening article makes clear, they and their leftist assclown allies do not give the respect they expect to receive.
I understand your angst here, and can commiserate with you on this most important issue.

If I could offer any helpful advice, though, it would be that if you can just stop thinking of fucking queers all the time, that little chub in your pants will not embarrass you so thoroughly that you find it necessary to act out like this.

I hope that helps.

Assclown talking point #1 - should anyone criticize the political agenda of the queers - instantly call them queer - for there is nothing more vile than a queer and you will wound them deeply with your slander.

The flaw in your stupidity is that I'm not filled with the hatred of queers that you are - so your slander is merely stupid.

The mind of a leftist assclown in action:

Man: I hate spinach

Leftist assclown: Then you are in love with Popeye.
A University Recognizes a Third Gender: Neutral

In September, the university’s pronoun options were expanded yet again to include “they,” as grammarians have reminded naysayers that the English language is constantly evolving. Since 2009, 1,891 University of Vermont students have specified a preferred pronoun, with 14 opting for “ze,” 10 for “they” and another 228 for name only.

On campuses across the country gender-conscious students have adopted the earnest, P.C. practice of starting social interactions by introducing themselves by name and “P.G.P.,” or preferred gender pronoun. (The most semantically obsessed still object to the word “preferred.”)

You don't have to be gay or transgender to be gender neutral, being gender neutral is simply deciding you don't want to be defined by sex roles based on an assigned gender given to you in society. Marketer's bank on assigning gender roles early on in how they portray gender roles even through childrens toys. A gender neutral person is wanting to be seen as a person individually not based on what's between their legs. ;)

There is no such thing as a gender neutral person, no matter how they try to claim they are.

Babies are born gender neutral, society indoctrinates how they should behave based on their sex and then assigns them a gender role.
I love reality- I am just curious why you are so obsessed about having sex with gay men- and how additional bathrooms infringe on your freedom as an American.

So, since there is nothing in the universe worse than a queer - according to leftist assclown dogma - the way to defeat criticism of the political agenda of queers is to call the critic queer?

Demagoguery is the only tool in the leftist assclown tool bag.
Assclown talking point #1 - should anyone criticize the political agenda of the queers - instantly call them queer - for there is nothing more vile than a queer and you will wound them deeply with your slander.

The flaw in your stupidity is that I'm not filled with the hatred of queers that you are - so your slander is merely stupid.

The mind of a leftist assclown in action:

Man: I hate spinach

Leftist assclown: Then you are in love with Popeye.

I think I am beginning to understand. I hadn't realized this was performance art and that your caricature of mouth foaming maniac was intentional.

The guy I see ranting at imaginary people on the corner of 6th and Jefferson does it better, though.
Babies are born gender neutral, society indoctrinates how they should behave based on their sex and then assigns them a gender role.

No assclown, babies are born male and female. Many genetic facts determine the gender roles in a society - strength, menstruation, hormonal impact on emotion.

You want to fake reality - you leftist assclowns think that if you pretend that fire is not hot, and you force others to say that fire is not hot, that it will not be hot. You believe you can fake reality through coercion.
I think I am beginning to understand. I hadn't realized this was performance art and that your caricature of mouth foaming maniac was intentional.

Assclown talking point #1 - FAILED

Move on to assclown talking point #2

You know - perhaps you could try something new - THINK.

The guy I see ranting at imaginary people on the corner of 6th and Jefferson does it better, though.

When demagoguery is your only talent - you might start to think it is wit.

It isn't - not by a long shot.
Babies are born gender neutral, society indoctrinates how they should behave based on their sex and then assigns them a gender role.

No assclown, babies are born male and female. Many genetic facts determine the gender roles in a society - strength, menstruation, hormonal impact on emotion.

You want to fake reality - you leftist assclowns think that if you pretend that fire is not hot, and you force others to say that fire is not hot, that it will not be hot. You believe you can fake reality through coercion.

Gender roles are socially constructed and differ depending on which society you are born into and what the cultural customs are.

No genetic facts determine your gender role because that is just a socially constructed role.

The sex you are born as will determine biological responses your body has.

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