Screw the Queers

Homosexuality is a mental illness and it's a dangerous mental illness affecting all of society. Queers spread disease at alarming rates and they don't care. "Zie?" Let's
call them "germ" instead. It's much more apt and expressive of harsh realities queers are too selfish and cowardly to confront.
Homosexuality is a mental illness and it's a dangerous mental illness affecting all of society. Queers spread disease at alarming rates and they don't care. "Zie?" Let's
call them "germ" instead. It's much more apt and expressive of harsh realities queers are too selfish and cowardly to confront.

Gender neutral is not limited to sexual preference.
You seem upset. Be sure and pressure your representatives to join you in your crusade.

I'm tired of the Nazi thugs having their Jackbooted foot on the throat of America.

Fuck the queers - they will get zero respect or cooperation from me.
Well, at least you're honest about your unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, and freely exhibit your ignorance and stupidity.

You also demonstrate that we still very much need the Constitution and its case law to protect citizens from your kind of ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

Good job.
Homosexuality is a mental illness and it's a dangerous mental illness affecting all of society. Queers spread disease at alarming rates and they don't care. "Zie?" Let's
call them "germ" instead. It's much more apt and expressive of harsh realities queers are too selfish and cowardly to confront.
More ignorance, hate, and stupidity proving gay Americans are in need of Constitutional protections.
Homosexuality is a mental illness and it's a dangerous mental illness affecting all of society. Queers spread disease at alarming rates and they don't care. "Zie?" Let's
call them "germ" instead. It's much more apt and expressive of harsh realities queers are too selfish and cowardly to confront.

Bigotry is a mental illness.
You are confusing sex and gender ;)

Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs.

Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine.

What is the difference between sex and gender

A gender neutral person is choosing not to be boxed into one role or the other based on what genitalia they were born with.


The shit you assclowns invent to pervert reality to your political goals.

  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female
    "traditional concepts of gender"
    synonyms: sex
    "variables included age, income, and gender"

Moron - even for an assclown you're jaw droppingly stupid.
Homosexuality is a mental illness and it's a dangerous mental illness affecting all of society. Queers spread disease at alarming rates and they don't care. "Zie?" Let's
call them "germ" instead. It's much more apt and expressive of harsh realities queers are too selfish and cowardly to confront.

I've spent years defending the rights of homosexuals to have sex with whom they please, without legal entanglement from any form of government.

But civil rights are a one way street to the queers.
You seem upset. Be sure and pressure your representatives to join you in your crusade.

I'm tired of the Nazi thugs having their Jackbooted foot on the throat of America.

Fuck the queers - they will get zero respect or cooperation from me.
Well, at least you're honest about your unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, and freely exhibit your ignorance and stupidity.

You also demonstrate that we still very much need the Constitution and its case law to protect citizens from your kind of ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

Good job.
Ouch. Well there's a lot of them out there but the O/P would never have the balls to state it's stupidity in public. Dipshits like uncensored like to whine anonymously
Wonder how or where they urinate from? Difficult without gentitals!
You ought to know.

Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
A University Recognizes a Third Gender: Neutral

In September, the university’s pronoun options were expanded yet again to include “they,” as grammarians have reminded naysayers that the English language is constantly evolving. Since 2009, 1,891 University of Vermont students have specified a preferred pronoun, with 14 opting for “ze,” 10 for “they” and another 228 for name only.

On campuses across the country gender-conscious students have adopted the earnest, P.C. practice of starting social interactions by introducing themselves by name and “P.G.P.,” or preferred gender pronoun. (The most semantically obsessed still object to the word “preferred.”)

You don't have to be gay or transgender to be gender neutral, being gender neutral is simply deciding you don't want to be defined by sex roles based on an assigned gender given to you in society. Marketer's bank on assigning gender roles early on in how they portray gender roles even through childrens toys. A gender neutral person is wanting to be seen as a person individually not based on what's between their legs. ;)

So, if we pull down the pants of this neutral gender, what will we see, assclown? Have you altered reality? Will we get a Barbie type blank pelvis?

Or are you just demanding that reality be perverted to your political agenda?

Ah, Dorothy's fantasy time.
Want to see what becomes of fags/dykes/trannies gone crazy? watch Caligula.
A University Recognizes a Third Gender: Neutral

In September, the university’s pronoun options were expanded yet again to include “they,” as grammarians have reminded naysayers that the English language is constantly evolving. Since 2009, 1,891 University of Vermont students have specified a preferred pronoun, with 14 opting for “ze,” 10 for “they” and another 228 for name only.

On campuses across the country gender-conscious students have adopted the earnest, P.C. practice of starting social interactions by introducing themselves by name and “P.G.P.,” or preferred gender pronoun. (The most semantically obsessed still object to the word “preferred.”)

You don't have to be gay or transgender to be gender neutral, being gender neutral is simply deciding you don't want to be defined by sex roles based on an assigned gender given to you in society. Marketer's bank on assigning gender roles early on in how they portray gender roles even through childrens toys. A gender neutral person is wanting to be seen as a person individually not based on what's between their legs. ;)

So, if we pull down the pants of this neutral gender, what will we see, assclown? Have you altered reality? Will we get a Barbie type blank pelvis?

Or are you just demanding that reality be perverted to your political agenda?

Ah, Dorothy's fantasy time.

Uncensored is mad about pronouns! :mad-61:
You are confusing sex and gender ;)

Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs.

Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine.

What is the difference between sex and gender

A gender neutral person is choosing not to be boxed into one role or the other based on what genitalia they were born with.


The shit you assclowns invent to pervert reality to your political goals.

  1. 1.
    the state of being male or female
    "traditional concepts of gender"
    synonyms: sex
    "variables included age, income, and gender"

Moron - even for an assclown you're jaw droppingly stupid.

World Health Organization.

WHO What do we mean by sex and gender

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