Screw the Queers

Homosexuality is a mental illness and it's a dangerous mental illness affecting all of society. Queers spread disease at alarming rates and they don't care. "Zie?" Let's
call them "germ" instead. It's much more apt and expressive of harsh realities queers are too selfish and cowardly to confront.

I've spent years defending the rights of homosexuals to have sex with whom they please, without legal entanglement from any form of government.

But civil rights are a one way street to the queers.
Dorothy's version of "some of my best friends are...."
You seem upset. Be sure and pressure your representatives to join you in your crusade.

I'm tired of the Nazi thugs having their Jackbooted foot on the throat of America.

Fuck the queers - they will get zero respect or cooperation from me.
I'm sure they'd hope to have as little to do with you too.

Just don't use the new word, and shut your retarded little redneck pie hole.

Nazi jackboot on your're all drama.

Suck it up buttercup
Wonder how or where they urinate from? Difficult without gentitals!
You ought to know.

Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
^ The voice of experience.

Carpet muncher, you also want a new experience?
Again demanding that all of America bow to their sexual choices, queers have now demanded that the English language be rewritten to meet their desires.

{The University of Vermont is now the first university in America to officially recognize a “third” gender, neither male nor female but “neutral.”}

Our new queer gender is "zie." He, She, Zie - pull down their pants and you'll see, a different genitalia for he and she.

But zie will have the genitals of either he or she. This is just another case of 1% of the population running roughshod on the other 99%

Fuck the queers and their anti-liberty agenda.

More at;
The Latest Crazy LGBT Demand - Mark Nuckols - Page 1

"Screw the queers"
"Fuck the queers"

Since would have no effect on you or anyone you know, it sounds like wishful thinking for poor lonely Uncensored2008

Bet this part really ticked you off:

"If this was an installment of the comic strip Dykes To Watch Out For, it would actually be kind of amusing. And if some college students think it’s ultra-outre to start referring to themselves with invented pronouns, I really have no objections whatsoever. I myself prefer people address me as Wladislaw, Grand Prince of Poland and Lithuania. Hey, whatever makes you happy, right? But the crucial distinction is that I don’t demand society at large to do so.

I personally believe gay people are entitled all of the same legal rights as straight people, including the right to marry one another."

Wonder how or where they urinate from? Difficult without gentitals!
You ought to know.

Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
You are here only because of the extreme bias of the USMB moder-asses, but I think you already know that.

Oh, poor lesbian, it's a bitch I have as much FREE SPEECH as you do....tough shit!...Yes, make friends with the moderators,... and these people wonder why people hate them so!
Wonder how or where they urinate from? Difficult without gentitals!
You ought to know.

Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
^ The voice of experience.

Carpet muncher, you also want a new experience?
Carpet muncher? Eeeeegads your deviance is showing.

Don't let those hairs choke you!
You ought to know.

Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
^ The voice of experience.

Carpet muncher, you also want a new experience?
Carpet muncher? Eeeeegads your deviance is showing.

Don't let those hairs choke you!
they don't have hair these days, no need to take a trip to the dentist for a haircut....
Wonder how or where they urinate from? Difficult without gentitals!
You ought to know.

Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
^ The voice of experience.

Carpet muncher, you also want a new experience?
Carpet muncher? Eeeeegads your deviance is showing.
Or lickity split
Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
^ The voice of experience.

Carpet muncher, you also want a new experience?
Carpet muncher? Eeeeegads your deviance is showing.

Don't let those hairs choke you!
they don't have hair these days, no need to take a trip to the dentist for a haircut....

I like using that 50 year old descriptive phrase!
^ The voice of experience.

Carpet muncher, you also want a new experience?
Carpet muncher? Eeeeegads your deviance is showing.

Don't let those hairs choke you!
they don't have hair these days, no need to take a trip to the dentist for a haircut....

I like using that 50 year old descriptive phrase!
I agree...
Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
^ The voice of experience.

Carpet muncher, you also want a new experience?
Do you charge???

Only if I stick your tongue into an electric socket!
Naw, tried that nothing happened, except my watch stopped working...

Surprised. usually you get knocked across the floor!
Again demanding that all of America bow to their sexual choices, queers have now demanded that the English language be rewritten to meet their desires.

{The University of Vermont is now the first university in America to officially recognize a “third” gender, neither male nor female but “neutral.”}

Our new queer gender is "zie." He, She, Zie - pull down their pants and you'll see, a different genitalia for he and she.

But zie will have the genitals of either he or she. This is just another case of 1% of the population running roughshod on the other 99%

Fuck the queers and their anti-liberty agenda.

More at;
The Latest Crazy LGBT Demand - Mark Nuckols - Page 1
Be careful of what you wish for.
You seem upset. Be sure and pressure your representatives to join you in your crusade.

I'm tired of the Nazi thugs having their Jackbooted foot on the throat of America.

Fuck the queers - they will get zero respect or cooperation from me.

Don't **** the queers!!! Miss Manners says "that's not nice!"

People who screw the queers have a mental illness. Stop screwing the queers. Is that too much to ask?
Wonder how or where they urinate from? Difficult without gentitals!
You ought to know.

Here, let me show you how I do it to you.....
You are here only because of the extreme bias of the USMB moder-asses, but I think you already know that.

Oh, poor lesbian, it's a bitch I have as much FREE SPEECH as you do....tough shit!...Yes, make friends with the moderators,... and these people wonder why people hate them so!
So you know how to suck up, too.

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